Star trek

Which Star Trek movie or TV series is the best?

>and why is it Star Trek Into Darkness?

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Fuck off, Zack.

>cheap shiny combadges
every fucking time.

Ass opposed to what exactly?

Wraith of Khan, Deep Space Nine

Into Darkness was okay I guess

Screen accurate ones fagnut

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They look exactly the same as guy in op...
Only an autist could think differently..
Are you telling me you're an autistic?

It's called "Star Trek: Into Darkness", dipshit

No, the OP's pictures are the cheap shiny ones you bought off of Thinkgeek for 18 bucks instead and you didn't even align the Captain's pips with any care.

Its literally means the same thing with our without the double full stops

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It's actually not

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Title: Subtitle

I watched all the star trek series over the last few years(except the new one, discovery). I watched the new movies as they came out. And most recently I watched MOST of the older movies because they were on amazon prime.

My opinion:

Star Trek Enterprise > OG Star Trek TV Series > Star Trek Cartoon Series > EVERYTHING ELSE.

Next Generation, Deep Space Nine and Voyager all feel like The Love Boat - In Space! aka garbage. But Voyager > Next Generation > Deep Space Nine because at least Voyager tried to cover new ground where Next Generation was literally a shitty reboot/modernization attempt of the Original Series. Deep Space Nine promised a new darker Star Trek but just gave us Love Boat In Space + BORG OMG!?!? ZZZzzzzzZZzzzz

The new reboot films, while sometimes visually interesting eye candy, are full of horrible actors and the reboot plot is shitty retarded as fuck, even for Star Trek. BUT at least the newer movies are better than the old movies which are absolutely garbage tier. I can't believe how shitty the old Star Trek movies are, I have seen B movies with better special effects and stories. They rely way to much on the OLD MAN Kirk and Spock crypto-homosexual relationship which completely dominates any actual story or plot, not that they had any good storylines or plot. The original films are all absolute all shit.

Enterprise is my favorite because it went back BEFORE the Original Series and gave us the foundation story for The Federation and the captain was an actual captain on par with Kirk and not an "intellectual faggot" like in literally every other series like Picard, Janeway, and Sisko. The crew of the first Enterprise ship acted and behaved more like the original series crew, as an exploratory/diplomatic ship instead of a meandering Love Boat crew as depicted in the other series. Voyager is the only other crew that ever felt believable but that was mostly due to the nature of the story of being "lost in space".

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Janeway gets some props at least for her seemingly satirical performance that at times seems to be mocking Picard's performance, her attempts to be 'manly' and 'authoritative' had me LOLing at least once every few episodes. Tuvok's "always mildly annoyed black vulcan" performance was also semi entertaining, his eyebrow raises were on par with The Rock Johnson, I like to feel his interpretation of "stoic vulcans" as "always mildly annoyed vulcan" led the way for the tsundere vulcan, T'Pol in Enterprise who is my absolute favorite vulcan of all time.

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>he doesn't buy large scraps of copper, then go to the local blacksmith to grind it to millimeter precision and then coat it with sapphire glass for the proper realistic sheen.

Fucking casuals man

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Sauce on the stick pic

>Sauce on the stick pic

star trek enterprise season 5

>all that trash opinion
My reaction too, Riker, desu.

>>all that trash opinion
>My reaction too, Riker, desu.

t. loveboat fan

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