Is the redesign why You Story 4 is flopping?

Attached: D2C3uOsU0AAkn35.jpg (876x479, 65K)

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soul soulless

Right Looks like a pre mtf tranny. Fucking kike agenda.

sneed sneedless

it's flopping because the only people that want to watch pixar movies are manchildren addicted to chasing the high of the happines they felt as kids and they already did that with goy story 3

Why'd they do it again they already had a decent model in ts3 that still looked like Andy

why did they make such a poor decision here?
that's like finding a unicorn

Fucking phone posting fucker eat shit and die

The right looks like one of those shota /ss/ milf mommy older_woman_and_younger_boy

Was there ever a Toy Story movie where the gang was taken in by a autistic collector?

Gonna need a source in that one chief. Normies eat that shit up.

Toy Story 2

>50mil on Friday

sweet jesus toy story 1 looks like ass

they already redesigned him in 3 but somehow this one looks even gayer

Is this movie actually flopping or is it “flopping” in the Yea Forums shitposting sense?

>#1 film at the box office is flopping

>below estimates
>the same as flopping
You niggers need to learn what words mean before using them.

You saved the day again, Woody!

Mouseshills always get triggered huh

Looks like they did an amazing job. Andy looks like a monster in the first movie.

You story? I fucking knew we are just toys to the relentless kikes.

>not knowing Toy Story 2 exists
Hi there Lil Zoom


Attached: 1558994866840.webm (960x540, 2.32M)

There is Toy Story 4?

Attached: 1518007735687.png (785x757, 400K)

Too bad it needed $50,000,001 on Friday TO BREAK EVEN

>‘Toy Story 4’ Eyeing 3rd Best Animated Pic Opening Of All-Time With $123M+
wow flopping hard

oh yeah i forgot about the marketing costs

I like how they played friend in me despite the message of the song being undone by the films end.

I like how the opening scene was more emotional than the entirety of 3

Ts1 Andy is pretty fucking hideous they fixed him in 3 not sure why they changed it again

Attached: D2Rww8lX0AIiLGn.jpg (955x1200, 151K)

That's Andy's son

first thing that popped into my mind

Andy's wifes son

Toy story 1 aged badly

The story was perfectly told in 3 parts. Even the kids who watched the 1st were a great age to appreciate Andy leaving for college. It was ideal. The 4th is unnecessary, probably done out of greed.

That is literally a reasonable animated rendition of what a young boy looks like you cancerous nigger.

It had a surreal charm than none of the sequels could recapture.

nigger what

It’s great—more like a coda.

The original kid looks like a serial killer desu

It's flopping because it has no reason to exist. 3 wrapped everything up in the best way possible any sequels after that come off as a blatant cash grab.

Weird how you never say this with DC movies..

Söy Story


Pixar is homogenizing their look.

Is it already out? Haha!

Toy Sory

Blame Rashida Jones, she got hired to write this movie and basically destroyed Pixar by shittalking them and saying the company was "sexist" before ditching the project.

It was perfectly told in one part and the others should have never been made.

Wanna watch this but don't want to spend money, how long does it take new blockbusters to be uploaded online? I actually found a really shitty version of it that looks like someone filmed the theater screen, but I'm not willing to stoop that low.When will the actual movie file be up online?

Cash Grab 4

Emasculated Cowboy Doll 4

Women Deserve Your Shit More Than You Do 4

Bonnie Never Plays With Woody Even Though She Loved Her New Toys At The End Of The Last Movie But They Need Every Single Female Toy To Be In A Place Of Power And Woody Doesn't Fucking Matter Anymore Especially After Losing His Voicebox Oh Also Bo Wears The Pants In The Relationship Now And Woody Abandons His Friends To Go On Adventures With His Butch Girlfriend 4

buy a ticket to another movie and sneak in?

Toy Story 2 is the best one though.

Somehow he looks more like moot.

Attached: moot cake 1293446294677.jpg (720x584, 49K)

You're right, but at the time most kids were just hyped for more Toy Story with the sequel. Then 3 came at a point where we, the original audience where sceptical but nostalgic enough to give it a go, and it redeemed many faults of 2 and had a meta ending that symbolized the audiences own feelings about the films.

It had a perfect arch, and the handing it over to a new generation like the toys didn't actually have to happen, it could have been symbolical but obviously integrity means nothing.

That sucks but can't say I'm not surprised

noooo not wonderful Anne

Attached: Anne_Perkme.jpg (2808x3684, 877K)

but I don't want to spend money tho

Even my normie co workers said this looked bad and they loved toy story 3. Personally i think all of them kinda sucked minus the first one and that underrated buzz lightyear cartoon.

>and it redeemed many faults of 2
Curious what you mean by this.
I enjoyed 3 but it felt mostly unneeded apart from the very end to give boomer closure.

Captain marvel really opened my eyes to how many shills legit advertise on this board. Wait till nu wars the 3rd comes out. This whole board will be nothing but "hey guys just RoS it totally redeems everything go see it at your local theatre!!"threads.

>old bad
>nu good

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Honestly at best toy story only needed 1 sequel. The fact we got 3 was overkill.

he went from chincel to sexy tomboy. how is this not selling?

She also did that horrible porn documentary where youre supposed to feel bad for women who openly agree to do porn for money/enjoy it.

I just saw it today. It was probably my least favorite of the series (I would need to rewatch the third to know for sure though), but that still means it's a pretty damn good movie. I was pleasantly surprised how well done the new characters were, especially Key and Peele's, who I thought would be too over-the-top. My only issues with it were that Woody gave himself up to the villain too easily; Bo Peep felt one-noted; and the pacing was super fucking fast. At least it held up in terms of quality though - I would've hated for it to tarnish the series's pretty much perfect legacy.

Maybe because homos like you make up less than 1% of the movie-watching population.

you're one of them faggot

Kill yourself faggot scum

Kill yourself reddit nigger

I second this

Fuck you shithead

I was reading all the replies on Twitter to the woman that called guy on right undateable, It's quite funny because loads of women were calling her mean and cruel but not a single one said he was dateable or denied what she said about him being undateable

Anti porn documentary is pretty based. Women are children and they need guidance and Rashida knows that

>worse than Minions
>not a flop


its almost like people are tired of seeing the same movie over and over and over and over.

Its inevitable friends, what comes up must come down.

the soi triforce. the power to control testosterone is finally mine

have sex

The only reason I refuse to watch it is because I predicted that Woody would ditch all his friends and Bonnie for his porcelain pussy

>You Story
Dumb phoneposter or ESL poster. Fucking faggot.

Is that why DC didn't suddenly kick off Snyder and bring in the Avengers director, turning Afleck off, ignoring Cavil and having Ezra's contract expire? Oh wait
There's a show called Undateables

wtf are u watching