Sand and Boron, it's what I would do too

>I bet it is

who was in the wrong here?

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she, since sand and baron was right choice. everyone was aware of its consequences

She was such a bitch bringing the show from 8/10 to 6.75/10

>who was in the wrong here?
The writers.

She's a cute milf though. Therefore I'd give raise it to 7.2/10 (3.6/5).

>sherlock scans top secret military documents that sits rest at one of her drawers
>"as I suspected, white males killing the world once more"

Not good, not bad

Someone post her nudes already

in fairness they're not worth the ban.
alright bush though


>Amalgamate dozens of real male scientists into a single fictitious female scientist.
Aaaaalrighty then.

Looked her up, overall decent MILF material. Not great not terrible, I'd fuck her

god what fucking embarrassing writing. I hate how mazin gets all the credit for this series when the directing, cinematography and music were the best parts. the writing alone drags it down and that's what mazin is responsible for

Her for not being my mommy gf.

>>I bet it is

she delivered the line a such a smug way like the dumb men use boron , a female physicist would just talk to the reactor and convince it to calm down.

I really hated that. Irl all the scientists worked together to discover the potential danger of using it, but ulana just INSTANTLY knew while literally everyone else were wrong

>not great not terrible

Have sex

I like how she was trying to convince Legasov to throw away his life and career to 'tell the truth to the world'.
Then testifies BEFORE him and doesn't say shit.

You had your chance too you fucking bitch.


>literally made up character mary sue for muh feminism, that is ALWAYS the most moral, and ALWAYS the most intelligent, and ALWAYS the only one to come with the plan, and ALWAYS has the witty one liner comebacks
also her entire plot-line is fake as well. There was never any "secret investigation," and there was never any "muh KGB" spying and whatnot. This was the late 80s under Gorbachev, not 1938 Stalin.
>p.s. out of the hundreds of scientists and engineers who worked on discovering the reason, with FULL state support, and ZERO limitations (unlike the show) zero were women.

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tfw no cute mature experienced auntie mommy gf

Lol, women will never be the best at anything.

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Imagine making a statement like that and showing you don't know how to interpret data.

The amount of men with 145+ iq (genius, the people who would actually be breaking ground on fixing chernobyl) outnumber women 1000-1. Imagine being you and not knowing how to interpret data.

If you watch (depressing lars von trier film) breaking the waves you can see her tits in her prime.

If she was so smart why didn't she devise a way to extinguish the graphite fire that didn't lead to a meltdown

*doesn’t exist behind you*
Pssssssh, nothing personnel silly white boy incel, have sex

This still wasn't half as bad as:
>"Nuclear plant's on fire, senior member of medical profession working down the road from four active reactors. We got any iodine?"
>"Why would we want disinfectant? We'll just put milk on them - by the way, what's radiation and how do you treat it?"
The forced incompetence of the male doctor to make le smart woman stand out as smart and female was so unbelievable it was jarring.

This was really annoying. The senior doc doesn't recognize radiation burns or know how to treat radiation, but of course the lowly female nurse knows what to do!
Thanks for saving the day at Chernobyl ladies.

I'm surprised they didn't have Russian women as the ones who rerouted the pumps and drained the tanks.

IQ is actually irrelevant in this argument as men will always approach problem solving in a more measured and logical way as women have quite literally evolved to run on emotion rather than logic.

She was unironically a mary sue character and was really the only negative of the whole show. I get why they condensed the team of scientists into one single character - it made sense to simplify the plot. But making her female was obviously unrealistic, and furthermore making her a know it all stronk womyn was just unnecessary. The events of Chernobyl had absolutely nothing to do with some bold and brave feminist victory, but the writers just couldn't help themselves. Oh well, she really is the only downside of an otherwise fantastic show.

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This genuinely took me out of the story for a moment. Even the best shows can't help but shoehorn it in there to appease the Twitter mob.

>Yes i know whats in Vienna

she absolutely isn't. the trial, KGB and the entire character of dyatlov was complete garbage as well

Boris: A party man who at first appears to have all the power in the world, but has always been a joke among his peers and was never respected. Redeems himself by orchestrating the government efforts to minimize the catastrophic effects of Chernobyl.

Legasov: The brilliant mind behind the whole operation. Started as a timid character who completely lacked confidence and was terrified of authority. By the end he sacrificed his career and ultimately his life to get the truth out, once and for all standing up against the USSR.

Khomyuk: Starts out perfect and always correct, ends perfect and always correct. Doesn't grow or change at all as a character. In every conversation, she is in the right. Her words and actions are only questioned cartoonishly evil men, and she always triumphs. The absolute definition of a Mary Sue, and a low point for the series.

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The only cringe part about the trial was when Legasov kept ranting about how science is always right and should never be questioned. Felt quite Reddit to me. Had no problem with the KGB scenes, and Dyatlov was completely based.

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well where are the webbies/screenies mate

the "cost of lies" was super gay and his entire rant would've been stopped irl