78 years ago to this day the biggest invasion in human history that would see some of the worst atrocities and carnage...

78 years ago to this day the biggest invasion in human history that would see some of the worst atrocities and carnage ever committed by humans against each other began. And yet to this day Hollywood still hasn't made a decent movie about this.

Why is this, Yea Forums?

Attached: operation-barbarossa-areas-of-germany-areas-of-ussr-main-cities-1130244.png (500x394, 207K)

Other urls found in this thread:


No Americans involved and too early to show Land-Lease too

Eastern Front to Americans isn't very well known and Russian contribution had been dramatically understated during Cold War so there just isn't as much interest. I imagine the foreign nature of the conflict also keeps Americans away as it is Germans killing Russians and vice versa all seems very distant and unrelatable

bad guys fighting bad guys is no fun for the audience


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>Frederick Barbarossa goes on a zealous and poorly planned attack on forces he believes are in the desert
>he loses half his forces to thirst as he aimlessly wanders the desert
>when they finally come to a river, he leaps in without taking off his armor and drowns

>Operation Barbarossa: basically the same thing except its soviet winter

yeah i'm thinking it's kino

Russians are America's geopolitical big bad right now.

This is such a dumb idea that seemingly most authors, whether screenwriters or book writers hold on to. That if the protaganist is a "bad" guy then the audience won't want to watch/read their work. I personally would love to see more films and read more books from the perspective of the villain.

>Soviet forces during operation: 2 million
>Soviet losses during operation: 5 million

wait what

>splitting your army into 3 groups
Big mistake. The German should have just went for Moscow and cut off the head of the communist snake.

Consider watching The Brest Fortress (Fortress of War), it's not as shitty as later Russian war movies that are mostly just WoT advertisements.

>The German should have just went for Moscow
It didn't work for Napoleon's Grand Army why would it work for the Wehrmacht?

you might be retarded
This is not Age of Empires, you dunce.

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Communist organization is more centralized

It was at the very start of operation, Soviets mobilized like 10 million people

But the Army could easily retreat into the urals it's what they did with the munition and armaments factories upon the German invasion. The truth is Germany had no hope fighting a two front war against Russia and Britain not to mention declaring war on America a short while later.

no Americans involved and muh evil soviets

Come and See is better than anything the Americans could do though

>There were good guys and bad guys in WWII
Normal-sized brain
>There were many shades of grey in WWII, nobody was all-good or all-bad
>There were good guys and bad guys in WWII

This. And this is why they begged Japan to open a second front in Siberia. The generals knew Hitler was a retard but Hitler wanted his colonial Empire (oil, deserts or something for the Jews, Ukraine for food etc).

That so untrue. A villain made protagonist makes some of the best stories.

>America's geopolitical big bad

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Have you seen "Enemy at the Gates"

what kind of boomer shit is this pic?

because it's more imprtant you learn about the 60 million jews that died, you fucking shitlord

that was an awful movie. the only decent eastern front movie ever made by hollywood was "cross of iron"

You obviously didn't read the Hope Hicks story. DOJ confirmed that the GRU hacked the DNC and handed data to wikileaks. Keep up, brainlet.

that was a cross-production with the British so it wasn't properly Hollywood

probably why it was good

That movie sucked ass. Seriously who has time for romance and love triangle bullshit when you're starving and could be seconds from death at any moment?

He's not wrong. Democrats laughed at the very idea Russia was a threat to America during the Obama administration. All their Russia whining is 100% partisan.

>with the British
Director is french

Stalingrad is kino

I wouldnt want a hollywood movie anyway. A German-Russian A24 collab would be based.

American wasn't it? Sam Peckinpah?

and looking into it, it was a German/British movie, Hollywood was never involved

I dream of a timeline where those cities had fallen, it would have been game over. Seeing the world today you have to wonder how things would be. Would they be better? Who knows. I seriously doubt they could be worse. At this point any alternative is preferable.

The allies would still have won bc the US developed the bomb. But the cold war probably would not have happened.

No choice anyway, the German war machine relied on oil and he needed more of it. It was a hail mary.

Right no one was worried about Crimea at all.

Because they won ...so they get to make the movies.

they should have gone for Gibraltar via Spain before they even contemplated attempting this and cut the Brits off from the Mediterranean, probable even could have forced Franco to join them as an active ally if Hitler had played his hand right

>Seeing the world today
Which is the result of American socialism, not Soviet socialism. Soviet socialism never broke down the family or turned women into whores. It did the opposite. America was all about "free love" and "wife swapping".

Attached: woman-image-in-soviet-propaganda-13.jpg (1000x1480, 316K)

>Soviet socialism never broke down the family or turned women into whores

Yeah it just broke the will to live at all.

>t. pedo elite DNC shill

What are you talking about ? If it's Ennemy at the Gates, director is Jean-Jacques Annaud, extremely french

it's capitalism that led to that mate

In a totally different timeline any alternative would be possible. Say the Germans had conquered Russia in 1942/43 they could have invested more money and man power into their own nuclear development. Second you have to wonder if the bomb could even realistically be used at that point. Japan is one thing but if Germany had defeated Russia it would have obliterated Britain quickly thereafter and it's not such an easy decision dropping an atomic bomb on a giant new economic power stretching from the British Isles all the way to the Sea of Japan. Diplomacy is a better, more profitable option for the Americans in this situation.

If Trump did what Obama did below, it would have every Democrat in the country screaming for impeachment until their vocal cords gave out yet they can somehow go around and say "muh scandal-free presidency" when talking about Obama's administration. Nobody on the left gave a shit about Russia until they realized it could be used to attack le cheeto Hitler.

Crosses of Iron, the movie referenced in the post I quoted


keep up retard

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>post a pre Crimea video to make a point
>failing to see the irony of the GOP suddenly changing its stance thanks to Manafort

Are you from a post Soviet nation? Because I am, and neither I, nor anyone I know and spoke to, from the young generation or the old speak poorly of the Soviet years. There was hardship, no doubt, but it wasn't what you retards in the West make it out to be. Times were simpler and things were cleaner.

its true, nips are based fuck chinks

The US would have kept dropping bombs because they would have no reason not to. They could have effectively conquered the world.

Even in the real life there were a decent amount of people who wanted us to attack the Soviets after we defeated Japan, and they were our allies at the time.

This is the best movie about the Eastern front, anyone who didnt see it, should.

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Oh, I wish, Yuri. I wish!
>no source
>muh Seth Rich conspiracy theory
Are you believing in QAnon too? Pathetic.

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>Hillary Clinton was the first to establish a narrative pitting the United States against Russia
What the fuck am I reading right now

>t. knows literally nothing about geopolitical or international macroeconomic theory

>who wanted us to attack the Soviets after we defeated Japan
Do you know how many Russian were stationed in Europe? Do you know how many Americans (+Western allies) were? Attacking Russia was never an option.

>muh Crimea
Obama let Putin drag his ballsack all over the "thin red line" in Syria...zero criticism from Democrats over that. Again, any Democrat who is worried about Russia only has that stance because of Drumpf. They most certainly did not feel Russia was a threat or that the American president was not handling Russia appropriately during the previous administration.

>that shirt
based boomers

absolute fucking mong

nothing correct in this post

Pedowood kikes are too busy making movies about the holohoax instead of entire Soviet army groups getting enveloped in 1941

>you'll never see leone's leningrad movie
why even bother anymore

kys David Geffen you child raping kike

one of the greatest movies ever made was set on the eastern front

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Historical documents:

Einsatzgruppen records:

Complicity of High Command:

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I am not even a Democrat or American. Stop acting like the whole world evolves around your retarded dichotomous worldview.

Also Obama wanted authorization for a strike in Syria from congress but the GOP didn't want to support it: huffpost.com/entry/republicans-strike-syria-trump_n_58e6f71de4b051b9a9da355d?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAA_Ku5jV0WLv7i-PsEPjqF010kdegWYh43gqv7Ab23FzFMgjJBYzGyePQSrdsFNkIWhExLh_83QSqlYCZVycAWk-TIIRLryOOyAc5pPlwuIGzK-b6t8JY8g-Tt7o7wwEGevdumzBrZNDIy0NMj0cvZvrOvskOzUI9WsRN4gpUl-a

nazi's are forbidden from being protaganists, and russia is the US's public enemy number 1 or 2 these days, so they're off the table too. only way it would fly is if it was about some downtrodden peasant conscripted into the wehrmacht or red army who proceeds to get fucked by his superiors, but even then...
Americans don't even know about the eastern front beyond its existence, so why the fuck would they care about a movie, it would confuse them

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Americans unironically think they won the war, they have no fucking clue about the eastern front and would have no interest in it anyway

t. never heard of General Macarthur's plan to nuke every single one of America's enemies after WWII
It almost happened but he was fired by President Truman. Nobody in the would could have stopped America if they decided to nuke whoever was in their way at that point in time. Nobody else had nukes until the Russians in the early 50s so there was no threat of proportional retaliation. All of Western Europe was rebuilding, they were in no position to stand up to America. China and Korea were very poor, backwards societies at the time. Japan was an American vassal. Russia was in shambles after WWII, they would have been using potatoes and empty vodka bottles to fend off American attacks.

sure faggot, my name is Yuri, and I'm not a US vet sick of fighting for faggots like you and your hordes of illegals here to replace me

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Drop a nuke on moscow and then what happens?

You are phoneposting faggot and a liar. You can stop fighting for me and end your life right now. It's not my fault you fought imperial wars war Exxon and the Bush family. End yourself.

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do you have any proof of homicidal gas chambers at majdanek?

Because Hollywood are a bunch of capitalist hacks that hated the Soviets as much as the Nazis and the US is a spineless powermonger that utilizes the exploitation of its citizens to keep itself in power, and so benefits from such propaganda efforts.

Einsatzgruppen records indicate that many of the Jews in soviet cities like Kiev and Lwow had evacuated before German occupation. So comparing Jewish populations prewar to postwar to show Jews were murdered is incredibly dishonest. Unless, of course, you're suggesting that the Einsatzgruppen didn't keep good records? I know the dastardly nazis spent their entire retreat in 1943 burning millions of exhumed corpses because they were hellbent on denying their role in using bug spray and diesel exhaust to mass murder jews, but I've always been told Nazis kept immaculate records. Surely you could procure me the extermination order, no?

I mean, it's not like you're posting links without having read every single word in them, right? that would be incredibly embarrassing for ANOTHER of you holohoaxers to admit to me that you don't read the links you spam like I do

he wanted to nuke China not the Soviets and that was during the Korean War in the 50s, years after WW2 ended

all the (((communists))) embedded in your country engage in sabotage against your people

>In a totally different timeline any alternative would be possible. Say the Germans had conquered Russia in 1942/43
How alternate is this timeline? It requires so much to change, like avoiding war with The British Empire, Hitler not being a retard, Soviets now being retards, somehow logistics not being a thing anymore. Its not one or two changes and Germany wins

fuck off kyke

>If you're against kike wars you're a russian shill!
>F-fine, don't fight kike wars I don't care, t-they were useless wars like you said! Haha Russians btfo
Seriously, I want you to think about running across every street you see without regard for the cars crossing

Please, these jews don't read the sources they spam. I once inquired on "information" about Sobibor they posted and they eventually had to admit they didn't read Rachel Auerbach's fantastical tales of rotting limbs at Treblinka, even though Rachel never once thought of photographing these findings

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The fact that you can be arrested in some countries for questioning the (((narrative))) is enough to make me suspicious. Add in the many """survivors""" who eventually admitted to lying about their Holocaust experience and it's enough for me to question what really happened.

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Yes they would've been worse.

I have no idea what you are talking about.
a) I am whiter than both of you combined
b) In no shape or form did I advocate a war against anyone.

Sorry /pol/ but outside your containment board not everyone shares your delusions.

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The CCCP doesn't pay for movies and pirate them.

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Fuck Cross of Iron was so fucking kino

And if Obama did what Trump does then the repubs would've been crying for impeachment.

>The fact that you can be arrested in some countries for questioning the (((narrative))) is enough to make me suspicious
Made up. Holocaust denial laws don't work like that.

Which country? If you're from the Baltics, I'm unto you, Aleksei.

Is that one of the (former) gas chambers at Majdanek, or one of the Dachau gas chambers never used as a gas chamber?

Attached: Dachau_gas-chamber-never-used-mai-usata.jpg (469x504, 48K)

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>douglas macarthur wanted to nuke everyone
>he was fired by the guy who dropped two nukes on japan
so you're proving my point that the american government would have pursued other, more profitable options had the germans captured russia and britain

>a) I am whiter than both of you combined
Ashkenazi Jews aren't white. I ignored the remainder of your comment

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oh ok

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>Holocaust denial laws have nothing to do with questioning the holocaust narrative!
Tell that to Sylvia Stoltz

The fact that you are so obsessed with les jews proves that you are 56%, bruh.

I don't remember Republicans trying to impeach Obama because of asshurt over losing an election.

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That's nazi propaganda, there are no migrants in Germany so they clearly can't rape. What kind of white supremacist cares about Muslims raping white women, anyway? I think I need to know your place of employment to see what they think about hiring a holocaust denier!

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Again, Ashkenazi Jews aren't whites, but those who claim they're 100% white have a nasty habit of being anything but. So post proof or kill yourself, I'd much prefer the latter because I'm in one of those moods

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this book explains it perfectly
you should really give it a read
>burgers let nazi generals write the burger vision of the second WW

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But Eisenhower went to the death camps like Bergen Belsen and Dachau to show how evil the Germans were. Are you calling Eisenhower a liar? Or are you just calling his biographers and mainstream holocaust researchers liars? That's pretty antisemitic of you, but like a typical antisemite you don't seem capable of reading your own infographs

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>it requires so much to change
Not really. The only thing that would need to change would be them winning Stalingrad, Leningrad, and Moscow -- which they were dangerously close to accomplishing. The Germans came within a hair's breadth of conquering Russia and in fact Russia only managed to hold out because of a large stimulus package delivered by the Americans which they almost didn't even send because they wondered about Soviet intentions post-war. If the Germans had done so they would have more oil, more grain, more raw materials, they would have absorbed countless munitions and artillery pieces, and an overland passage for Japanese troops and supplies and they would be able to focus 90% of their efforts on the Western front and absolutely bulldoze the British. Them successfully holding those three Russian cities would have been the catalyst for so many dramatic changes, everything else would fall into place like dominoes. I don't think you appreciate how close this war actually was.

>denying the holocaust = questioning the narrative
Haverback kept appearing at Neonazi rallies telling Nazis the Holocaust didn't happen. This is incitement according to German law. Incitement limits freedom of speech in almost every country that has free speech. It's not the same as challenging the narrative.

3/5 rapists from the left side were sentenced to prison later on: spiegel.de/panorama/justiz/hamburg-gruppenvergewaltigung-gericht-verurteilt-taeter-zu-haftstrafen-a-1211487.html

So yeah, /pol/ macros are not helping you.

I'd love to hear the JIDF's explanation for the math behind the death camps.

Attached: holocaust_math.png (1319x439, 65K)

What kind of holocaust denier are you? That's an authentic gas chimney, the Auschwitz museum wouldn't lie for 45 years and dupe Western historians, that would be holocaust denial

And also how 1940s cremation ovens were many times more efficient than current year cremation ovens.

Attached: cremation_math.png (1705x1080, 938K)

Remember not to read Stalingrad by Anthony Beevor

>Questioning a historical narrative is incitement
I like imaging that you typed that with a straight face honestly thinking that's a legitimate point to make against the person saying questioning a historical narrative is grounds for jail

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>Soviets now being retards
Soviets were always retards. Their entire strategy was just to chuck as many bodies as they could at the enemy. It wouldn't have even worked if not for British and American investment.

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I agree that the number is inflated but there is one problem with this math. The second world war lasted from 1939 to 1945 but concentration camps go as far back as 1933, when the Nazis took power. It's 12 years, not 6.

>my source is Yea Forums
Half the Jews were shot, not gassed. Your math falls apart. Source is pic related with dozens of examples.

/pol/niggers say they "question the narrative" but they obviously don't even know the narrative. It's intellectually pathetic.
Are you retarded? She didn't question the narrative. She denied the holocaust in front of roaring nazis.

Here is an example for you:
>You can scream fire fight now in your room, not illegal.
>You can scream fire in a crowded theater or the subway, illegal (in the US).
If you can't see why the freedom of speech has limits like this you are retarded by the way.

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Modern crematoriums are cooled, cleaned, and reheated between each use. They don't stuff six cadavers in at once with no down time. This is easily the weakest denier "truth bomb", give it up.

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>She denied the holocaust in front of roaring nazis.
Denying the holocaust is questioning the narrative.

Also "fire in a theater" has nothing to do with the tenuous point you're failing to make. Read the precedent before you make yourself look more stupid than you are

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truth. soviets sent cannon fodder until the germans ran out of bullets, forcing them to surrender. I know because ive seen enemy at the gates 10000 times

>You can scream fire in a crowded theater or the subway, illegal (in the US).
>Has anything to do with free speech
Why do French Jews have such a terrible understanding of rights? Telling "neonazis" that the holocaust didn't happen isn't putting them in physical risk

>Denying the holocaust is questioning the narrative.
It's not. Historians question the narrative every day. It's their job.
>Also "fire in a theater" has nothing to do with the tenuous point you're failing to make
It does. Context matters. You suck.

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>bug spray
It is super toxic. Breathing in a small amount of the gas or swallowing a very small amount may be fatal. Average fatal dose is 50-60 mg. A few minutes of exposure to 300 ppm may result in death. Exposure to 150 ppm for 1/2 to 1 hour may endanger life. (EPA, 1998)


>missing the point
please mate, take a subway. Scream Allahu akbar and see what happens. I dare you.

I gave you a link and you're still ignoring it, like the links you exterminationists spam without reading. Denying the holocaust doesn't cause a stampede, unless you're an especially fragile group of jews incapable of understanding basic liberties

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Ironically enough, not all of this is complete bullshit.
It was the existence of the sovjet union that kept the west from slowly becoming more and more degenerate. The Eastern Block served as a bold example of what Socialism really is, so people kept away from it's ideals.

you realize you can't cremate 6 people as fast as 1 person, just by stuffing the oven, right? Have you ever operated an oven?

Like David Irving or David Cole who were basically threatened to be banished or even destroyed?

Taking those cities accomplishes nothing other than stretching their supply lines (horse and carts not trucks) slightly further. The Soviets already had plans to move high command and industry further east in case it happened. It's not a video game where they surrender once you capture the flag.
There is no realistic way Germany could have won the war in the East. They never had the logistical capacity. It was madness from day one

>Scream Allahu akbar and see what happens. I dare you.
>Saying "God is great" in Arabic is illegal
Nothing illegal about that, muslim-hater. You know the definition of "laws", right? Or do I need to give you a Hebrew translation

Literally nothing since it literally just means "God is great" and is a common mantra spoken by Muslims literally all the time. Arresting someone for this would violate not only their freedom of speech under the First Amendment, but also their freedom of religion under the same amendment

Okay lemme end this shit real quick

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W-what? But the sovjets always capitulated after I dropped a few paratroopers on Moscow what do you mean video games aren't like real life?

funny how this off topic content is allowed, but mine is not (i will also be banned for this as the janny has requested my ip banned). really makes you think

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Have you seen Cross of Iron?

reminder that pic related singehandedly betrayed the white race and handed europe (and the world) to the jewish elite on a silver platter

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Funny how you can't debunk the claims either.

>diesel exhaust
The engine used at Sobibor:
SS men Franz Hödl and Erich Fuchs were in charge of installing, maintaining, and operating the gas chamber engine at the Sobibor death camp.

Fuchs specifically stated that the engine used at Sobibor was a gasoline engine: “We unloaded the motor. It was a heavy Russian petrol [gasoline] engine (presumably from a tank or tractor engine) of at least 200 HP (V-engine, 8 cylinder, water cooled).”[2] Likewise, Hödl also confirmed that there was a gasoline engine at Sobibor: “In the engine room there were indeed two engines. There was a petrol engine, probably from a Russian tank, and a diesel engine. The latter [the diesel engine] was never used, however.”[3]

The engine used at Belzec:
Rudolf Reder was one of just two Jewish survivors from the 450,000 or more Jews murdered at Belzec. In 1944, Reder made a statement to the Central Commission for Investigation of German Crimes in Poland regarding the engines used at Belzec. He described the engine as a “motor pedzony benzyna [gasoline-powered motor].” Reder also said that he carried 4 to 5 cans of petrol (gas) (kanistry benzyny) every day to the motor room of the gas chambers. Reder used the Polish word for gasoline (benzyny/benzyna) not diesel, which is ‘olej napedowy.’[4] Reder’s testimony indicates that the engine at Belzec was also probably a gasoline engine.

The engine used at Treblinka:
There is one direct eyewitness who actually used the engine at the Treblinka death camp: Nikolay Shalayev. He was one of the so-called Treblinka “motorists.” He testified: “It was an ordinary, four-cylinder engine which used gasoline and, according to the story of the German machine operator, was of Russian make.”[5] As one of the operators of the engine, his evidence indicates that the engine used at Treblinka might have been a gasoline engine as well.

>no arguments just hurr
You are comparing American incitement laws to German holocaust denial laws. Your comparison is flawed. The simple point, and I told you before, is that there are limits to the freedom of speech in every country. Germans in post-war times decided to craft the laws this way and for good reasons.
Yes, remember when they were jailed in Germany for questioning the narrative?
Also Irving wanted the Trial he got BTFOd in.
>Nothing illegal about that,
Empirically wrong. Just go ahead and try it.

the french simply do not comprehend the concept of free speech. see the faurisson affair and the french intellectual community's reaction to chomsky's humble defence of faurisson's rights. the french parliament also not long ago outlawed criticism of the armenian genocide, if i recall correctly. crazy country


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funny how no one has any proof of homicidal gas chambers at majdanek

>“We unloaded the motor. It was a heavy Russian petrol [gasoline] engine (presumably from a tank or tractor engine)
If the Germans wanted to mass murder Jews, why would they use faulty Russian tractor engines that would break down for hours (if the Gerstein report is to be believed)?

Cannot be made in the US since it would have to portray Russians as human beings which is the complete opposite of the official narrative since 45.

Literally not an argument. Debunk the images, stormkike

You could take these people through a time machine and put them in the death camps and they'd deny it up to the point they were gassed.

>Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.

>the nazi-soviet war in american popular culture

Attached: http-error-404-not-found.png (620x400, 42K)

>Empirically wrong. Just go ahead and try it.
Maybe this will help you. There's a clause in there about freedom of religion you seem to be islamophobically ignoring.

B-but they exist goy! 2/7 of the original claimed gas chambers are actually gas chambers, believe us!


>never used as a gas chamber
That's not definitive.

There was indeed, as far as we can tell, a homicidal gas chamber built in Dachau (not to be confused with the delousing ones). In a 09.08.1942 letter to Himmler, Siegmund Rascher wrote (see B. Distel, "Die Gaskammer in der 'Baracke X' des Konzentrationslagers Dachau und die 'Dachau-Lüge'" in G. Morsch, B. Perz (Hrsg.), Neue Studien zu nationalsozialistischen Massentötungen durch Giftgas. Historische Bedeutung, technische Entwicklung, revisionistische Leugnung, 2012 (2. Aufl.), S. 339):

"As you know, the same facility is being built in KL Dachau as in Linz. Since the "disableds' transports" end up in certain chambers anyway, I ask if it is not possible to test the effects of our various war gases in these chambers on the persons who are in any case destined for them. Up to now only animal experiments and reports about accidents during the production of these gases are available. Because of this paragraph I send the letter as a "secret matter."

Psychoanalysis is literally not an argument. Keep trying though, sweetie

>why would they use faulty Russian tractor
Hey Hans there's a war going on and we need every motor vehicle that we can get to supply our troops BUT we also have a genocide to commit and we have captured a bunch of Russian tractors that we could use what do we do?

>sartre quote

I said screaming it in a crowded subway. Not praying. You are retarded and don't understand what incitement is.

I wonder what we would see if we put these brave survivors in a time machine.

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Himmler also referred to Treblinka as a "transit camp." So is Himmler a reliable primary source or not?

Why can't /pol/tards stop lying?

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rent free

because the truth hurts

>You are retarded and don't understand what incitement is.
"The holocaust never happened" is incitement as much as "nigger" is. Which is to say neither are. I'll post this link again
To bring you up to speed on our laws. You seem to have trouble grasping the basic concepts.

If I told you I'd been to the moon I'd be lying. Following your logic would mean no one else has, either.

irving spent a year in prison in austria for holocaust denial, and was banned from ever returning to the country after his release. retard

Do you expect them to call their camps "Vernichtungslager"? They initially planned to resettle the Jews. After the Soviet invasion failed the camps built for that purpose changed their function. The term stayed the same. This is very, very well researched since tons of document are there. Again, read Tymothy Snyer or ANY academic book on the subject.
Pathetic. Since you think wiki-articles are impressive argument I will hand you the following: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_free_speech_exceptions


What are you basing this off on? Also there were men in charge of maintenance I just named two of them.

>Gerstein report
Is corroborated more ways than one


"The holocaust didn't happen" doesn't cause bodily harm, sweetie. I'll post it one more time since you seem slow
Denying a jewish fairy tale is not incitement, unless you're an oversensitive jew who turns black when someone questions your creation myth and gets violent over speech. But the white men who wrote the bill of rights didn't anticipate lesser minds failing miserably to interpret it, I guess

And the letter Himmler sent concerning Treblinka's (built in 1942 after Barbarossa failed, btw) transit camp status was from 1943.

He was giving speeches in front of nazis calling the holocaust the "fairy tale". Again, that's different from questioning the narrative.

Irving after the trial btw:
>Yes, there were gas chambers. Millions of Jews died. There is no question.

You idiot
Jailed for three years

David Stein had to change his name and hide from being hunted everywhere. His career as a journalist was over. They were out screaming for his meat. Of course your reputation as a deceiver is entirely apt.

>Himmler also referred to Treblinka as a "transit camp
No shit. The letter wasn't written by Himmler, learn to read

>What are you basing this off on? Also there were men in charge of maintenance I just named two of them.
The Gerstein report. Please read the comments you reply to
>But the diesel doesn't work! Hauptmann Wirth comes. One can see that he feels embarrassed that that happens just today, when I am here. That's right, I see everything! And I wait. My stop watch has honestly registered everything. 50 minutes, 70 minutes [?] - the diesel doesn't start! The people are waiting in their gas chambers. In vain! One can hear them crying, sobbing... Hauptmann Wirth hits the Ukrainian who is helping Unterscharführer Hackenholt 12, 13 times in the face. After two hours and 49 minutes - the stop watch has registered everything well - the diesel starts.
>After two hours and 49 minutes
>two hours and 49 minutes
Remind me, how long must an engine fail for it to be considered faulty?

Are you calling him coward or something like that? That sneaky 'btw'
Jailed, career almost destroyed.
You don't have guts to try to do half of what he did. Your nepotistic clan will always ensure your comfortable existence by their lies, treachery and bloodsucking off of the goys.

denying the holocaust, or denying anything for that matter, is not incitement under u.s. law, whether you do it at a rally or otherwise. speech laws like those in europe are unthinkable in the u.s.

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>He was giving speeches in front of nazis calling the holocaust the "fairy tale"
and? in america that is protected under the 1st amendment. how are you not getting this?
>Again, that's different from questioning the narrative.
no it isn't. eurotard commie

That's incitement because fire in a movie theater, stupid goy!

Still primary source documents from the 3rd Reich. Do you deny the authenticity of said documents?

>Please read
I advice you to do the same, diesel engines were not used

For the last time, stop comparing American to German laws, you scrotum-licker.
>Denying a jewish fairy tale is not incitement
It is in Germany where 100.000s of Nazis lived when the law was passed. How stupid are you people?
>Germany is Austria
Also we already went over this, read the thread, newfag.
He was jailed 17 years after the speech. No historian took him seriously by then. His "career" was writing books for nazis by then.
I already posted a link to the limits of free speech in the US. And frankly I don't care about the US laws. Point is that there are limits and the demos can set them. In Germany there were set differently from the US. Ok, so what?
You might actually be retarded.

Also thanks for all the attention, I wish you had some substance or knowledge, so we continue this discussion. Except for you all seem retarded, sadly. I am out. Enjoy living in your fantasy land.

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euros are fucking gay lmao

There would be no opportunity for pro-American propaganda.

Guys, stop arguing with the kike who keeps lying and playing word games to defend jailing people who question the Holocaust while simultaneously claiming nobody is jailed for questioning the Holocaust. It's a Jewish strategy called pilpul.

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I'm not reading the whole thread, is it about Trump already?

>claims the 1st amendment doesn't protect holocaust denial
>Gets categorically btfo
>I-I don't care about US laws
Back to the drawing board!

>For the last time, stop comparing American to German laws
no. the german laws are tyrannical and violate human rights. fuck germany and fuck you, euronigger
>And frankly I don't care about the US laws
which is why your backwards country sends people to prison for saying words
>You might actually be retarded.
says the euronigger who doesn't understand free speech

Russia is impossible to occupy, I don't understand how retards can't comprehend this. Even if you managed to occupy major centers the sheer amount of attrition would completely invalidate anything you've done and you'd have to retreat regardless or be completely destroyed.

I've been expecting Americans to do the same but despite being a nation of retards they seem to have some sense in this regard.

Watch Generation War. The scene with the officers hearing about the US invasion to find out.

It takes what the American propaganda mission wants us to believe is the single greatest historical event, the most important fight of good against evil: D Day and makes it look like a sucker punch from the back when the fight was already over.

>americans daring to write their opinions on WWII

only pure blooded Europeans should talk about that war

ITT: proof that they really have massively upped the budget for JDIF

except for the french

you don't need to occupy russia as a whole. take moscow and the country is yours, which the germans almost did

>take moscow and the country is yours,
Woah, I guess that's why napoleon won!

>take moscow and the country is yours
>no supply lines
>completely cut off from everything
>surrounded by angry russians
That's what Napoleon did you fucking retard


Americans are pure blooded Europeans. The only difference is that unlike Yuropoors who clean toilets and sell toilet paper to tourists, we successfully landed on the Moon.

>Americans are pure blooded Europeans.

I am now convinced that the average IQ of Yea Forums is in the double digits

t. mutt

>we successfully landed on the Moon
you didn't though

also soviets were first in space and them being partly european makes the score Europe 1 - Shitstains 0

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>muh moon
>first man in space: yuri gagarin
>first woman in space: valentina tereshkova
>first animal in space: laika
>current space station: russian and IN russian
>what is the mandatory language that cosmonauts have to learn to even go up there: russian
Das rite, you gotta learn cyrillic moon runes to be a COSMONAUT

>dude napoleon xD
1940 is not 1812 you fucking retards

>he's actually trying to defend his retarded rhetoric
should have closed the thread and pretended you never posted something so retarded you braindead troglodyte

I will get ripped for this but why can't Hollywood make a morally grey story during war like Attack on Titan (Marley vs Eldians)? It's not hard to humanize both sides as long as the characters are relatable.

>Yurofags try to land a rover on Mars
>crashes and explodes
>Americans try to land a rover on Mars
>it's a resounding success and a treasure trove of scientific data

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OK, only 95% are pure white

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>1940 is not 1812 you fucking retards
Yes, this means that it's even harder to supply a gigantic fucking army that runs on oil and needs constant maintenance and intact supply lines that stretch over thousands of kilometers. At least Napoleonic armies could forage to some extent and didn't have to rely exclusively on supplies from home.
Seriously, consider taking an IQ test because you're fucking retarded.

You are actually a brainlet, american scientists leaked project manhattan secrets to the soviets because they thought it was too dangerous for one side to have. Soviets had nuclear capabilities not long after the americans and certainly before the 50's. After ww2 russia had the largest land army earth had ever seen at that point and there was fear they wouldnt stop at berlin and would streamroll through europe.

Napoleon's troops were mostly conscripted. By the time he arrived to Russia, he only had 10% of his troops left.

You need to decide who the protagonist is in this story. It's hard, there, because the Soviets were commies who literally executed anyone suspected of conspiring with nazis and soldiers who fled. And the Nazis did the same thing with soviet sympathizers.

So one way or another you're going to have to pick a side to declare less bad.

But since the US and Hollywood is increasingly full of mexican-descended unironic socialists we'll probably get one in the next 20 years from the soviet perspective.

>11000 tanks

>And yet to this day Hollywood still hasn't made a decent movie about this.
But they did

But who’s flag is on the moon?

yes, let's ignore the k/d of the eastern front

>American socialism
You mean something else there, buddy.

Attached: Yes. Communism is pro family, pro culture and nationalistic to a certain extent while capitalism wil (850x400, 72K)

>But who’s flag is on the moon?
China, lol.
Moon race would be a greatest achievement of USA if it wasn't the greatest tragedy. You send a god damn man on a god damn Moon. Using most powerful rocket in existence. Only to abandon all this because military went crazy over fundings.

>there were bad goys and good goys in WW2

Besides, in the forties they could only produce atom bombs at a very slow pace. A huge gamble to put this very expensive one time thing into hostile airspace.
They wouldn't have been able to nuke Moscow or Leningrad - they could only nuke Japan because the Japanese airforce had been completely destroyed first

Generation War is shit


>I seriously doubt they could be worse
poor disaffected first world teenager, it must be hard browsing Yea Forums all day

Cocky idiots made overconfident by finishing off the already agonizing Germany.

>But since the US and Hollywood is increasingly full of mexican-descended unironic socialists we'll probably get one in the next 20 years from the soviet perspective.

So based vatniks expelling Muslim traitors to Kazakhstan?

>bad guys fighting bad guys
It was Allies vs Axis.

Attached: We saved the world.jpg (626x636, 108K)

>muh NASA

Even Polish Communists didn't like jews
>were expressed in a memo written to Stalin in 1948, in which he argued that "some of the Jewish comrades don’t feel any link to the Polish nation or to the Polish working class…or they maintain a stance which might be described as ‘national nihilism’". As a result, he considered it "absolutely necessary not only to stop any further growth in the percentage of Jews in the state as well as the party apparatus, but also to slowly lower that percentage, especially at the highest levels of the apparatus"

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You dont even seem to understand what you are realky discussing. Embarassing posts m8

>Americans are pure blooded Europeans.

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Like pottery

>Germans start a war because they are scared of getting raped by vatniks
>End up getting raped by vatniks
Was it a self fulfilling prophecy?

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This, yurocucks are subhumans

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>>he loses half his forces to thirst as he aimlessly wanders the desert
that's not what happened, you ignorant mutt

I know where you're going with this
FUCK off nazi scum

>some of the worst atrocities ever
Yes, and Katyn is a great movie

>pay more taxes goy

>worst atrocities
what even counts as worst? volume is a shitty metric and medieval torture was mostly worse than this, hell what cartels and ISIS have done to people is worse

At the outset of the Bolshevik revolution Marxist theory was that the nuclear family was a bourgeois institution that kept women oppressed and that relationships between men and women should be taken on and broken off whenever either of them wish. Unsurprisingly this was kind of a disaster for the country and soon state was left with more orphans than they could care for. It wasn't until Stalin that their policy did a complete 180 and amended marxist theory to practical necessity.

What a shitty map, Switzerland was neutral and finland was an axis co-belligerent

Here's what I don't get about the muh dumb Americans buy war movies plot.

There are no fucking decent movies about the American revolution at all. It's a slam dunk to print money, hundreds of movies about ww2, dozens on the civil war and the only attempt to bank on the Revolutionary War was the Patriot

if they made an acurate revolution movie americans would hate it

muh oil tho
you need to add more detail to your post, don't you mean by the time he left Russia? Napoleon did hold Moscow for a week

Because the movie would be French military fighting British military with Washington waving his pom poms somewhere at the back

For the average normie, yeah
Which is why they won't do it

Hitler was financed by jewish bankers
the whole movement or worshiping nazis is hilarious. hitler was one of the worst thing to happen to the so called "white race"

seething g*rmoid


Soviet kino is so overlooked. It’s old Hollywood tier in terms of acting and cinematography, it was surprisingly low on propaganda and there were lots of movies about WW2.

Eastern front kino is back on the menu boys
this Estonian Youtuber has been making pretty good videos about that side of the conflict.

>nor anyone I know and spoke to, from the young generation or the old speak poorly of the Soviet years.
What a load of bullshit.


>mutts betray their king and aid the historical enemy France
It's the truth

Because fuck the Soviets and fuck the Nazis. That's why.

How much "aid" was there, actually? 18th century logistics didn't really allow French to support Americans directly, and the Louisiana purchase was done mainly so Napoleon wouldn't have to worry about diverting resources there that he needed to fight in Europe.

>the Soviets were commies who literally executed anyone suspected of conspiring with nazis and soldiers who fled. And the Nazis did the same thing
I fail to see how is that a bad thing when you fight a total war and the enemy declares the desire to exterminate/enslave your whole species or to take revenge for you trying that.

>264 posts
>85 posters
WWII threads never fail to disappoint.

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