>Gotham City, 1981
>Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix) is an introverted, mentally unstable aspiring standup comedian who moves back in with his ailing domineering mother Penny Fleck (Frances Conroy) to care for her.
>Arthur has a condition that causes him to laugh uncontrollably in moments of stress.
>Arthur has weekly sessions with a social worker who encourages him to keep a journal. However, Arthur fills it only with tasteless jokes, psychotic ramblings and pornographic magazine cutouts.
>Arthur befriends his neighbor Sophie Dumont (Zazie Beetz), a single mother who works as a bank teller and supports Resist, a movement against Gotham’s oppressive elite. Arthur misconstructs her kindness for affection and believes them to be dating.
>Penny was once a housekeeper for Thomas Wayne (Brett Cullen), who is now running for Mayor. She asks Arthur to deliver him a letter, but Arthur continuously fails to contact Thomas.
>Arthur later learns that Thomas has cut the funding for the city’s mental health programs, through which Arthur meets the social worker and gets his medication. Without it, Arthur further spirals into insanity.
>Arthur works as a clown, where he is constantly harassed and humiliated by both passersby and his own co-workers.
>After a local gang assaults Arthur, one of his co-workers gives him a gun for protection.
>While performing at a kids party, the gun falls out of his bag and scares the children. The parents call Arthur’s boss to complain and he is fired.
>Arthur learns another co-worker, Randall (Glenn Fleshler) put the gun in his bag to get him fired.
>On the subway ride back home, Arthur stumbles upon three drunken stockbrokers harassing a woman and has a laughing fit, inadvertently allowing the woman to escape.
>The stockbrokers think Arthur is laughing at them, beat him up, Arthur snaps and shoots them dead, then flees home.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Arthur invites Sophie to watch him perform, but he bombs and has a laughing fit on stage.
>While having coffee afterwards, Sophie comforts him, and Arthur confesses that he once tried to carve a smile into his face as a child. Sophie starts to realize Arthur is unbalanced.
>Meanwhile, the Resist movement grows more radical, and adopts the clown as a symbol after reports indicate a man dressed as a clown murdered the three stockbrokers.
>Arthur reads the letter Penny wanted to deliver to Thomas, which claims Arthur is Thomas’ and Penny’s son born of a love affair many years prior.
>Arthur goes to Wayne Manor and tries to bond with Thomas’ young son, Bruce Wayne (Dante Pereira-Olsen), before the family’s butler, Alfred Pennyworth (Douglas Hodge) pulls Bruce away.
>While Arthur is away, Penny has a maniac episode and is institutionalized at Arkham Asylum and required to stay there for week.
>A tape of Arthur’s standup is sent to a popular talk show hosted by Murray Franklin (Robert De Niro), who viciously mocks Arthur and nicknames him “Joker”.
>Arthur is identified as a suspect in the stockbrokers’ murders and questioned by two detective, Garrity (Bill Camp) and Burke (Shea Whigham), but dodges their questions.
>Arthur manages to sneak into Wayne Manor during a fundraiser and approaches Thomas in the bathroom claiming to be his son.
>Thomas balks at the mention of Penny’s name and tells Arthur that he is still horrified by what she did. He also reveals that Arthur is adopted and thus not his son.
>Arthur has a laughing fit. Thomas thinks Arthur is mocking him and has him thrown away.
>Arthur goes to Arkham and manages to steal Penny’s medical files from an orderly to discover the truth.
>Arthur learns that Penny and her boyfriend adopted Arthur when he was three years old and subjected him to extensive physical, mental, psychological and sexual abuse that left him permanently brain-damaged, hence his laughing fits.

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>Penny was reported to the authorities and briefly locked up in Arkham, losing her job at Wayne Manor, but was cleared due to her own mental issues and by blaming everything on her boyfriend.
>Arthur visits Sophie to advice and catches her having sex with his boyfriend. He accuses her of cheating and flees.
>Horrified and enraged, Arthur returns to Arkham and smothers his mother with a pillow. >Arthur then confronts Sophie and her daughter Gigi at the playground and calls Sophie a slut.
>Garrity and Burke question Arthur about his mother’s death, but he once again evades him.
>Murray Franklin invites Arthur to come on to the show to roast him some more. Arthur sees this as an opportunity and dresses up as a clown to rile up the Resist movement as he dances to “Bennie & The Jets” by Elton John.
>Randall visits Arthur to offer his condolences. Arthur stabs him through the eye and slams his head on the wall, killing him. He then leaves Sophie a message to watch Murray’s show.
>Garrity and Burke catch Arthur as he is leaving the apartment in costume and chase after him all the way to a subway filled with Resist protesters in clown masks.
>Burke accidentally shoots one of the protesters and the crowd viciously beats the two detectives while Arthur escapes.
>At the show, Murray’s producers advise against letting Arthur on air dressed as a clown, but Murray thinks it’ll boost ratings and lets Arthur stay in costume.
>Arthur insists on being called “Joker” despite Murray not even remembering giving him that name.
>Arthur frequently calls Murray out on his abusive behavior and ultimately confesses to killing the stockbrokers before shooting Murray on the head in national television.

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>Arthur makes a speech, rallying Resist to stand against the rich.
>Sophie is horrified and holds Gigi as she cries at Arthur's brutality.
>Arthur is arrested just as riots break out across the city to the sound of “Send in the Clowns” by Judy Collins.
>One of the rioters ambushes the Wayne and rips out Martha Wayne’s pearl necklace before gunning Thomas and her down in front of young Bruce.
>Another rioter crashes into the police cruiser transporting Arthur, killing everyone inside and severely wounding Arthur.
>Unable to run, Arthur grabs a piece of broken glass and carves a smile on his face.
>Cut to Arthur, clean-shave and with a stitched-up smile, locked up in Arkham. He refuses to answers questions and laughs at a joke only “Arthur and him” would get.
>On his way out, Arthur, completely deranged, hears Murray’s show's theme song (“This is the Life” by Frank Sinatra) and happily dances to it as he walks back to his cell.

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Simply, purely, undeniably: kino.

This is /ourmovie/. Can't wait to see you guys at the premier

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The death of Martha and Thomas finally makes sense and I am entirely behind it/

So he's basically a socialist incel?

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this is gonna be movie of the decade boys. early scorsese rage and 80s satire is back on the menu.

although i wish they just left out the bit with the nigger resist movement, will probably just look at my phone when i see that portion

>de Niro gets shot in the fucking head


Every movie and show must contain the word 'Resist'. You cannot resist. Stop resisting the resistance.

I can resist. It's the fucking kikes that can't resist putting "resist" in all of their faux-resistance kinography.


>Taxi Driver but with capeshit and a shoehorned BOLD RESISTANCE MOVEMENT
Absolutely retarded, not giving these shitters my money

>Socialists SJWs are manipulated by a mentally ill person into killing innocent people

I can dig it.

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>not just sneaking into the theater, putting an object in the exit door to keep it from closing, and coming back later

If this is true it looks AWFUL.

What is this nonsense?

damn this is going to be acting kino with all the forced laughter

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Left would fuck Batman up, but Right hates Batman more.

OP didn't post all the full leaks. De Niro's host apparently keeps on roasting the Joker during the interview. As it goes on the Joker makes a joke about someone dying in a car crash which causes Murray to become serious. Its implied Murray's character had a son who was killed in a car accident.

funny threat gonna send it to the FBI just to be safe

You now realize the clown pepe meme was forced and is a publicity stunt

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>Arthur sees this as an opportunity and dresses up as a clown to rile up the Resist movement as he dances to “Bennie & The Jets” by Elton John.

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If this is real, im much more excted

Letto was way better.

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holy shit, this sounds like pure kino

I hope this is the real storyboard and that it's executed well. The only thing that would fuck this up is if they don't pace it out appropriately in the editing room

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Do you think the real Joker will pay visits to this guy just to stress the shit out of him and watch him laugh in terror?


He's the original incel.

Wheres the full leak then

kino is back on the menu, boys

what about this?

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Nah Elliot Rodgers is. Do you even know what incels are?

this film will never be released, its too incendiary. Its a public safety nightmare and I have the greatest fear that allowing men of a certain demographic to view this will lead to mass violence. If this was Kubrick directing he would have burned this to the ground already. Too much for this day and age

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Shitty director
Robert de niro sjw
Release as trump wins presidency

Sounds good

Fuck I got the muscles already, guess I should wear baggy clothes and slouch a lot

He's an incel but not really a socialist. He uses class anger for his own end of chaos like TDKR Bane.

the ending doesn't make sense

Or go to the cinema for the earliest screening.

Certified Kino

So, after all this shit no ones remember that the joker is a guy named Arthur? I mean isn't joker identity a mistery in the future?

This is 98% the script. the test screening viewers also said it was 98% the script too. I bank on this being legit, the script doesn't have a real explanation for the gun coming out of Arthur's pants so the gun being in a bag planted by Randall explains it way more

>Stockbrockers randomly harassing people in the streets
>beat up a random guy
This is fucking hilarious

The movie isnt a part of any estblished canon retard

die boomer

34% on rotten tomatoes with general consensus: "Not enough quips. Movie is too dark and not funny."

>He uses class anger for his own end
Literally a socialist then

In canon his name is Joe Kerr tho

Then why did one of the only few verified test screeners say it was a horror movie moreso than a crime movie?

Well we knew that Joker was meant to lead a social justice movie cuz set photos show clowns carrying anti-capitalist posters.
Pretty redpilling to show how flimsy their ideology is that a psychopath can co-opt it.

So the young Bruce from this movie will be the new young Batman Robert Pattinson will play?

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No you fucking moron

>comic book continuity

This is legit though, maybe Joaquins performance elevates it to that.

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He's not the Joker, hes the Joaquer. the canon is totally different for them.

didn't they confirm the movies will connect

>I think I did
For some reason I can picture this exchange vividly and I see Phoenix killing it. Cant wait.

>physical, mental, sexual abuse lead to mental illness as a kid just like John Wayne Gacy
>comedy club is called pogo's
>Todd Phillips first film "Hated" begins with a quote from John Wayne Gacy

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They did the exact opposite you complete retard. The fact youve been following the movie close enough to save meme pics from the threads yet you somehow still dont know this is a one off / elseworlds movie is just baffling.

it was supposed to be a one off until it got revealed Pattinson will play a younger Batman, then they started hinting at connections.

>public consciousness post Trump presidency could be likened to a drunken stupor, a hangover if you will
>Todd Phillips directed The Hangover
its literal fucking pottery

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No they fucking didn't you absolute dumbass. You are literally pulling shit from your gaping ass.

This sounds hella dumb but I guess Joaquin Pheonix will carry it with his performance.

Jooj would definitely destroy Rekker in a fight.

Am I still banned?

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Unironically reddit

its literally unironically on IMDB man, calm down.

If the film just gives the Waynes a neutral portrayal instead of grouping them with the rich that are bullying the poor this film will be 200% batkino.

So he gets abused by his white heterosexual foster parents. Then gets chucked by a black girl. He's a sexless incel. He shoots three rich white man who harass a poor women in the streets. Did I miss anything else?

Yeah it doesn't really make sense. White collar slaves on public transportation are usually too scared to even look peasants in the eyes, let alone confront them.

>"Resist" movement are literally all white crazy gamers rebelling against the jewish corporate elite


oh no no no no
look at the top of his head


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Thanks for confirming youre actually truthfully retarded.


Wait I thought he was Dunnheir.

This sounds so incredibly up its own ass
They should ahve just made a modernized Pagliacci instead of relying on pop culture to make "le humanised jokeur"

But user... he is Pagliacci.

>begins with a quote from John Wayne Gacy
Wasn't the poster also done by Gacy while he was in prison?

Just be confident bro

Fuck, I want to see Joaquin performing this RIGHT NOW. He is always delivering in psycho/depressed/unstable roles

The real joker is the one who shot Wayne couple

>show how he kills Wall Street guys, stabs someone in the eye, shoots De Niro in the face
>didn’t show how he chokes his mother with a pillow, it’s only implied
Why? Why can’t they show that? Because it will trigger people?

this sounds so much worse than I thought it would be
>the evil guy was really molested
>he was molested so bad that he is braindead and evil
>no he has a laughing condition so everyone thinks he's laughing at them
>taxi driver in gotham but in the 80s
still won't see any capeshit

what did you think it would be? its about the origin story of a fucking children's comic book character

Only one way to stop that. People will have to have sex...with incels.

but de niro gets shot in the head on live tv

>and laughs at a joke only “Arthur and him” would get.

oh i see, its his life


well I'm sold, buying tickets as soon as I can.

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They are bother over processed Hollywood trash.

fit for a comic book, what a joke....


where on reddit?

seething. literally ready to shoot up a school.

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Everyone here’s so salty over its imaginary “political message”

If this is true then Arthur kills: His mother for abusing him, Randall for being a fake friend and De Niro for mocking him on live tv. It’s 100% Joker, he kills people because he hates people.

The fact people use him as a symbol is entirely seperate from him. It’s them using an evil, psycopathic murderer as an excuse to “gamers rise up” when in reality he doesn’t give two shits about them.

Besides, you can make any movie sound bad in your head if you just look at a summary, wait until it releases to judge.

this, isnt it a common theme, even with Harley Quinn, that they obsess over him and become his followers/gang, while he doesnt really care for them that much, and tend to just use and dispose of them.

Who else her puts on the smile song and dances around pretending to be the Joker?


my father wasadrinker and a sneed

Yeah, it’s more that Joker uses his sad past and origins to justify why he hates and kills people.

Batman’s the counterargument - that it doesn’t excuse you from your actions. If you “snap” from having a bad life then maybe you’ve just been a bad person from the start, looking for an excuse.

So this is probably the anti gamers rise up movie, since Joker’s always the wrong person to side with/admire and if you do then you’re deluding yourself.

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OP forgot one part where his brother, called Melvin, shows up and tries to talk to him about his crime spree.

>his boyfriend

"A gleefully fascist screed for MAGA hat wearing incels that will likely be the cause for real life deaths."

>resist oppressive elite

>>Arthur has weekly sessions with a social worker who encourages him to keep a journal. However, Arthur fills it only with tasteless jokes, psychotic ramblings and pornographic magazine cutouts.
Is this Yea Forums?

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Not true

>>Arthur visits Sophie to advice and catches her having sex with his boyfriend. He accuses her of cheating and flees.
joker is gay?

can you reword this please

Is this the new Fight Club?

>only “Arthur and him” would get.
arthur and who

>doesn't say the N word
>isn't a gamer
>doesn't smoke gang weed
Yeah I think I'll pass

basically manson

kinoist soundtrack since watchmen

>laughs at a joke only “Arthur and him” would get
What does that mean?

Yeah, his actual name is John Kers

Arthur and the Jokah baby!

Literally manson

>riots break out across the city to the sound of “Send in the Clowns” by Judy Collins
Holy fuckin kino!

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When he turned into Joker after an his tragic origin in Killing Joke, he started laughing at the fact he looked like a clown, because he then believed his miserable life was the ultimate joke on him.

So it’s just him saying that his life, and by extension everyone’s, life is a horrible, meaningless joke.

Bottom Text

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ok. before that the summary never made him out to be a schizo

Isnt this song a little bit too slow for that?

>watching joker cuck


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Only faggots like you make good movies like this fail. Go back to sucking Marvels dick and kys

Does he have dissociative personality disorder or something?

Arthur visits Sophie to advice and catches her having sex with his boyfriend.

He has before, yes

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what's actor/comedian Bryan callen of the fighter and the kid podcast fame's role in the movie?

That they gave him Gacy make up and added blue to Joker's color scheme bugs the fuck out of me. So sick of over designed Hollywokd trash. Almost as bad as adding blue and bubblegum pink to Harley.

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Is bryan callen in this movie?

yes he's in the scene where Arthur cuts his own face with the glass

Literally bullshit and youre all retards for eating this up. OP simply watched the trailers and extrapolated what wasnt shown

>Arthur later learns that Thomas has cut the funding for the city’s mental health programs, through which Arthur meets the social worker and gets his medication. Without it, Arthur further spirals into insanity.
Do they ever give any reason to that or is Thomas Wayne just an asshole in this version?

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Wayne man bad

>Wahh! Joker has an extra colour in his design! Wahh!
It’s not that big a deal

This has been posted at least 3 times before, but formatted in different ways. Pretty sure it's legit.

I can't stand it when writers and fans continue the mistaken belief that The Joker has some sort of a mental problem.


The reason why The Joker is Batman's greatest enemy is because The Joker is using the EXACT SAME METHODS as Batman. He's pretending to be an insane criminal to mask the fact that he's a schemer and master strategist.

When Bruce Wayne first began, he failed miserably as an anonymous crimefighter because he was just a man fighting crime. The same skills, ... but the criminals were always confidant they could take him on: he was just another man. So he created the "Bat-man". Suddenly, criminals were scared of what he could do. Many in Gotham honestly believe Batman isn't HUMAN. Others believe that no matter what you do, Batman has a weapon/strategy to stop you. GODMODE VIA PREPTIME. That's how well Bruce Wayne has pulled off the "Batman" concept. Through theatrics and misdirection, Batman cannot truly be predicted.

The Joker does exactly the same. By *pretending* to be insane and commiting ridiculous acts at any random interval, The Joker is *disguising* the fact that he's just another clever criminal. Every step of his plan has been carefully planned through the ingenuity of a Chess Grand Master, but he covers it with seemingly insane moments of random madness. The clothes, the behaviour, the sheer unpredictability... "You cannot predict what The Joker will do". YES YOU CAN. That's why Batman always beats him.

This is why they are arch enemies. The Joker is aware of Batman's methods and works to outmanuever him. Batman also studies The Joker's actions and recognises which were feints and distractions, and which were clues to his REAL plan. A master strategist hero and master strategist villain, using the same methods of misdirection and theatricality to succeed.

...but no, people are all "Joker is Batman's opposite because he's truly insane, and a force of chaos lol".

No. Just... no.

There are three jokers user.
One is mastermind
One is a prankster
One is a maniac
It is in the joker lore.

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I agree with you to a large extent, tho I'd argue the true dichotomy between the true is a much more simple good vs. evil narrative
That storyline was shit. Putting Bats on the chair was a stupid idea

Him referring to Arthur as someone else doesn’t mean he’s crazy, he just believes he’s transformed into someone new. Darth Vader referred to Anakin as someone else, for example.

>a society we live in slowly but surely pushes man to rise up
>man rises up
>man convinces others to rise up
>man shoots a bunch of people in the fucking head

How many shootings will this movie be blamed for?

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Batman isn't a force for "good" exactly in the comics.

Alright so unironically what are the chances some deranged incel is going to shoot up the cinema? I want to go see this but not enough to eat a bullet.

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Looks like nothing is sacred in modern comics.

I expect major raise of designated cinema shooters popping up everywhere in USA. Movie might even get banned in certain states.

Arthur is arrested just as riots break out across the city to the sound of “Send in the Clowns” by Judy Collins.
Peak fucking clown kino

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Absolutely none. Everyone on this board jokes that shooters are going to be inspired by this movie like that one from Heath. It’d make no sense for them to do it in the one they were hypothetically inspired by

If Taxi Driver inspired John Hinckley to kill Ronald Reagan, what will Joker inspire?

Hopefully shoot Jimmy Fallon live on air

Are you guys actually serious about this? It’s not going to “inspire” anything. Taxi Driver was a fluke, look at Falling Down and tell me whatever trouble that’s caused.

Get rid of the resistance movement and that whole Arthur wayne is my dad crap and it might be pretty good.

But he does he say "we live in a society"?

Hamill nailed his performance of this

I never saw it as being a schizo, rather him accepting the alter ego, similar to how Gotham did it, or how Batman consider Bruce and him two different people.

If we cut the first half of the movie it's a decent short. And unlike most I'm definitely not angry that they changed the tone of the "why aren't you laughing?" line. The comic version prematurely uses the sad clown trope. It's perfect when Joker has only one moment of lucidity at the very end.

this movie sounds like the biggest piece of shit ever dumped onto the face of the world by coked-up, soulless hollywood producers
hey incels, you're being advertised to! they want your money

youre right user, rise up 4channers, THIS is OUR joker, baby

she cute

drink sipped.
popcorn popped.
women oppressed.
yep, it's Kino time.

they should literally just live action adapt the Under the Red Hood cartoon movie frame by frame and it would easily be the best Batman and Joker movie ever to hit the big screen

this movie doesn't come out for like 4 months, how has the full thing been spoiled already?

>It's all a joke
based and Comedian-pilled

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not enough, I’m afraid

Nah, I'm an obvious incel, I'll be fine. I'll see the movie on opening night, breh.


leaked script?


But it becomes twisted so it’s not complimentary

>Arthur misconstructs her kindness for affection and believes them to be dating
i-magine making that mistake, haha

more please?


>Falling Down and tell me whatever trouble that’s caused.
countless shitty /pol/ threads

>and supports Resist, a movement against Gotham’s oppressive elite.

>sir, there is something unusual about this recent wave of murders. not only are all victims female but their name or middle name is always veronica

Holy reddit.

>the Resist movement grows more radical, and adopts the clown as a symbol after reports indicate a man dressed as a clown murdered the three stockbrokers.
There is your false flag predictive programing. Honk honk.

>We'll have to do something about this. After all we live in a society...of laws

probably coked up

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>a single mother who works as a bank teller and supports Resist, a movement against Gotham’s oppressive elite
>Thomas has cut the funding for the city’s mental health programs
Impeach Wayne

New Yorker here, I don't understand why this is causing a controversy. The city was really that violent, corrupt, and unstable during the 70s and 80s.

Did people seriously forget that Times Square was full of porn shops and theaters before they turned it into a tourist attraction?

Sir this is Yea Forums

Your job isn’t to provide a factual argument, it’s to rant and screech about why something is shit because it doesn’t match what you want to a tee.


It sounds like they're trying to go with a Taxi Driver, Dog Day Afternoon kind of vibe, but with terrible music direction.

Damn why this nigga look like the leader of the Phantom Troupe?

Leto Joker is based off MS-13 gang bangers, and drug cartels fashion.

It doesn’t sound like the resistance movement are the good guys here tbqh

>its not niggers bullying white kids for being white that's driving them insane

Why in the absolute fuck do these hack ass writers keep making Bruce a kid while his enemies are well into adulthood. Am i supposed to believe that this mid 20s badass modern day ninja cant knock out some old broken down ex clown? For fucks sake the killing joke was written for them. Say what you about the first movie but at least they got Jokers origin partly correct. So now the story is joker creates Batman inadvertently instead of the other way around.

Black are moving out of the city and into the suburbs

this mainly annoyed me in the BvS universe, with Batman seeming to be at the end of his career, and Superman at the beginning of his

Superman is traditionally older than Batman, old enough to have been with the JSA. DC has been making him younger to appeal to the modern crowd.

I always suspended disbelief on this because of his kryptonian blood. I just assumed he aged slower. Frank miller kind of covered this aspect of their relationship.

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>Arthur misconstructs her kindness for affection and believes them to be dating.

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>Arthur misconstructs her kindness for affection and believes them to be dating.

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Superman is just a classic superhero with an old fashion mindset of how America works. Newer writers like to emphasize his Kryptonian DNA because they take influence from Bryne.

Arthur misconstructs her kindness for affection and believes them to be dating.
y i k e s

He should consider having sex.

That's literally how Taxi Driver got started. Travis mistakes some passenger's love for dating, and tries to impress her by going on a shooting spree.

Letto was just extreme edge lord.

Ok haven’t seen these in any of the older Joker threads. I guess the leak is real, if not then this has been the most elaborate troll I’ve ever witnessed.

That's why incels need to have sex.

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I mean there have been so many actual articles written about it, from “splashreport” and whatever. At this point there’s no way it can be a troll, it’s too big.

this is bullshit, thomas wayne was a really good man acording to the batman lore. they almost bankrupt trying to help the city and here they try to show him as the tipical neocon duche.

Fuck this movie.

CRINGE, please stop

No keep going, we need to see how far Todd takes this

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Btw OP messed it up. It's whore not slut. But it could be the film version since he gave a different explanation of how the gun came out of joker that got him fired.

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The scene after that. I'm very impressed with Todd in the script honestly, he adds little ticks to Arthur you can definitely see him pulling off well in live action.

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>[beep] the blacks
so they are going to say it after all

Yes, the power of Yea Forums has transcended. Joker shall be more than /ourguy/. He shall become US. We are all Joker, and he shall lead us on our journey to Rise Up!

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Fuuuck, when will he stops embarrass himself? Why is he so stupid??

The Randall gets stabbed scene

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>depending on a couple of jews to come up with a script
>one of whom is also the director and has such a fucking hardon for Scorcese it's ridiculous

War Dogs was such absolute shit...Phillips thinking he would come up with his own Goodfellas or some fucking thing

That’s actually pretty cool, kind of implies Joker hates everybody instead of just the rich (like he’s supposed to)

That turned out to be for an unrelated commercial

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So, magic pencil trick but with gore, blood and a visible corpse? Fucking awesome

So, it's a more violent version of "The King of Comedy." In this one Rupert Pupkin wears makeup and kills people.


Generic predictable garbage. I expect a 80+ RT score, and countless droves of plebs hailing it as "kino"


Based and checked

In King of Comedy nothing actually bad ever happened to Pupkin, he was just a spiteful loser.

Joker’s origin has always been “my life got progressively worse until I snapped”. That was the story of Falling Down, but noone called that a copy.


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I’m actually scared right now. Can’t wait to see how Joaquin is gonna pull it off

except pupkin was based, and that jew he kidnapped had it coming. The movie was about overcoming jewish nepotism in showbusiness

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Kubrick made a movie exposing the weird sex cults of the elites and got murdered for it

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Wtf, but he doesn’t have scars in the trailer


The scars are very faint and they close in on his mouth to see them according to the script

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if he got them as a kid itll heal over time, and theyre probably not ledger scars, probably smaller ones. Then he'll get some proper scars later on.

Besides, he did it himself so it probably wasn’t an all out glasgow gore-fest

You liberals expose your hatred and fear of men with every post like this.
Maybe you should have used Obama's administration to fix the economy instead of pushing feminism and IDpol to cover for sucking on banker cock?

He was saving her from her abusive pimp.
The movie hints he was a Vietnam Veteran with mental issues resulting from it. The movie makes a point- who saves the young men from themselves. He has a core of good, but is too unhinged to save himself.

Post more user, this is a Joker spoilers thread, so let’s get whatever spoilers we have out and in the open

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Wasting such digits on some meaningless comment for some forgettable capeshit flick, for shame.

>Forgettable capeshit
Obviously you aren’t one of us gentleman gamers, user. Bottom Text

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>let's the midget go

Doesn't he own a cat?

Can't wait to watch it

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>stockbrokers harassing random women on the train
kek. Bugmen rise up!

Don't know if it will be good or shit, but at least it's thousand times more interesting than all the dreck Marvel has been releasing the last decade.

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Jesus christ please

looks epic

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>A. Fleck
it's clearly a joke

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Is there a name for this weird mirroring type of meme? Serious question.

they know, retard
it's an alternate interpretation

He’s also known as Joseph Kerr. Joe to his friends.

will it work?

That was from “going sane” and Joker came up with it because he had amnesia and it sounded like Joker.

Jack Napier was from the 1989 movie and the shitfest au that was White Knight.

Everyone discounts the Hush stories from canon. Joker has no name, so they can do what they want with him here because it’s elseworlds

Opening scene

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Damnit Joker, you're a loose canon!

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wait, he has old scars on his mouth but then get the same scars at the end?


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yeah, it doesnt feel like the CGI oversaturated shit you tend to see, which is why it almost feels fresh


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When he was a kid he carved one on his face. When he's about to be taken to Arkham he uses the window glass on a crashed police car to carve a bigger happier smile.

I can't believe I'm actually excited for a movie these days.

Bitch they're already In the thread.

>”I just don’t want to feel so bad anymore”

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we can't see any "old scars" in the trailer though so maybe they rewrote that

or just kept it out like many trailer do, like Thor's eye


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He said they use a close-up so maybe it’s just not visible from afar


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How do we get this movie to overtake Avatar?

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I doubt they would CGI something like that

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Joker is sleeping

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It could definitely be rewritten. People who saw the test screening said it's "98%" of the original script

He's like 50 bro come on


Looks like Cape kino is finally back on the menu, boys!

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>Arthur Fleck
>A. Fleck

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Damn, Gang Weed is Based.


How do I learn to dance like that?

Leo gets me every time...fuck

Spoiler-user is that all we’ve got? If it is thanks for showing us

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I don't wanna post the whole script cause paranoia of somehow getting caught but are there any other scenes you wanna see? I gotta go soon but I can post maybe 2 more scenes

talk show where he shoots de Niro


Literally do what you want man, you’re cool enough for showing us what we got. The thing comes out in October!

Sorry for the phoneposting but it's much easier this way. drive.google.com/folderview?id=18-2ITzo_UDgFnmGRsN20urE_orQV1gid

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>I mean isn't joker identity a mistery in the future?
The rogue gallery's identities aren't really a secret. News reporters and police all know their real names and faces. Joker is usually the exception but the public knowing his name doesn't change anything.

the chad jooj vs the virgin rekker

Oh my god, I read Wah-Wah-Wahhh and my sides ascended into orbit

i imagine the riot will be shot in slow motion

kino through and through

>Am i supposed to believe that this mid 20s badass modern day ninja cant knock out some old broken down ex clown?
Batman kicks the crap out of the Joker in almost all of their encounters, the only times Mr J gets an upper hand is with sucker punches or weapons or gas

What the fuck? That was amazing. “I killed those guys because they were awful.” “You’re just making excuses” “You’re awful Murray”. “You get what you deserve”.