Is this the greatest comedy of the past 50 years?

Is this the greatest comedy of the past 50 years?

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No, that would be Charlie's Angels 2000

This one is.

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anyone I've discussed it with seems to hate it. I always thought it was funny and well received but I may have misread its reception.

dumb and dumber is a lot more rewatchable

superbad is an honorable mention too

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It's a modern classic to be honest. I couldn't believe a RomCom could be that funny.

Is this a "movies women will never understand" thread?

> superbad
Too many Jews.

>cant even see from his angle
>that g string
blatant fan service a thing of the past

I thought girls like comedies like that?

>anything by Sacha Baron Cohen
>Cornetto trilogy

The greatest comedy of the past 50 years is Planes, Trains and Automobiles

Women will laugh at anything if an attractive person says it. That's why uggos become writers.

I thought they hated comedies like there's something about Mary and dumb and dumber but love comedies where everyone yells at each other sarcastically instead. If only there were any vaginas here who could confirm or deny it.

Not even in the top 100

I don't think I saw my dad laugh so hard at anything in his life as he did after the zipper scene.

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We got this one kid, Mongo

What are the top 3 comedies?

Are you really going to over-analyze a dream scene in dumb and dumber?