RoboCop appreciation thread
RoboCop appreciation thread
Other urls found in this thread:
I enjoy RoboCop and RoboCop 2
Should I watch RoboCop 3
Is Our Robocop Remake worth watching?
The humming sound and the thumping of his footsteps as he enters the police station is pure eargasm kino.
Based thread
help me
>Should I watch RoboCop 3
no, avoid it at all costs, it you're in need of more robocoping watch the remake
RoboCop 2 is one of the most criminally underrated movies ever.
3 is terrible but watch it still it can't hurt
That one scene is worth watching
Who remembers the TV show?
The only good Robocop film is the original.
The 2nd is a pale comparison, and the 3rd is insulting to fans.
The remake is so bad it will make you angry, and is almost unrecognisable as being part of the franchise.
I have high hopes that Neill Blomkamp will do it justice tho. They should have given him and Peter Jackson the Star Wars sequals too between them. Now it's ruined forever.
No one ever mentions the absolute kino stop-motion stuff in both films.
The tv series and TV movies are better than 3
I'm cashing you out bob
If the remake wasn’t called Robocop it would have been an okay sci-fi film
Blomkamp is one hit wonder and Jackson hasn't made anything worth seeing since the Fellowship.
>Who remembers the TV show?
They had fun in-show commercials.
I can't tell if this is better or not
No. Read American Flagg instead. It was a big influence on the look and themes of Robocop
>Blomkamp is one hit wonder
He's yet to direct a bad film.
>Jackson hasn't made anything worth seeing since the Fellowship
Just because he hasn't made anything better doesn't mean he's making crap. He would be a much better choice than the current incumbent, who is going out of his way to destroy the franchise.
>white people bad
>illegal immigration good
>poor minorities deserve free healthcare
>that tracker tho
My dad gave me this movie when I was 9 years old because he innocently thought it was some dumb superhero movie for kids.
The ED-209 scene had me in tears, I turned it off, actually fucking shaking. When I did eventually get the strength to turn it back on the very next scene was Murphy getting tortured to death and having head blown off. Fucking traumatised and scarred for life.
I watched it for the first time around the same age, but I wasn't a ltittle pussy about it so I just thought it was cool.
>Murphy getting tortured to death and having head blown off
Which film was this again?
Your move, creep.
but why?
This thread for Robocop fans only.
>Bye bye, baby
Forget it, kid. This guy's a serious asshole.
Seriously though, how was an ED-209 even going to arrest criminals and bring them to jail? Was it going to walk them all the way to the police station with the threat of blowing them away if they resisted?
Who cares if they didn't work? OCP had contracts to supply and repair them for years to come.
Good crowd control surely.
based dick jones
"What are you Prime Directives?"
>"Serve the public Sneed"
>"Protect the seed"
>"Uphold the feed"
Just imagine every street block had 1 mass produced ed209 if that won't scare the shit out of criminals I don't know what will
>"Looks like the gays are having another Pride march. Despatch twenty ED-209s."
You forgot...
>autistic screeching
favorite robocop ad?
>criminals literally go underground where the EDs can't follow
What are they going to do in sewers?
Buildings have basements.
I first saw it around 4 years old, it was amazing, Robocop was my childhood superhero.
>Seriously though, how was an ED-209 even going to arrest criminals and bring them to jail?
Its like Blue Thunder - how can you seriously "police the streets" with gunship armed with 20mm Vulcan cannon? Only by shredding rioting civilians to pieces with volley of 20mm HE cannon rounds of course...
Or any other similar themed films where military harware were supposed to enforce the law. The 80s were full of this.
Tfw you're the worst robocop and you turn to food for comfort.
>The remake is so bad it will make you angry, and is almost unrecognisable as being part of the franchise.
The remake is so forgettable I cannot remember any details form it. Other than everything looking like Toronto.
The only remake that mattered
people just wanted them to kill basketball americans
>Hookers, please go home
Formerly Humancop
Can you fly Bobby?
Pay attention to the setting. The cops have shoot first orders. That's how bad crime was. ED209 only looks good in that kind of setting.
Likely ED209 would be alongside regular police, and would notify them that they have someone surrenedered to lock up.
The damn thing was meant for war-fare, and was only doing a trial run in Old Detroit anyways.
Why doesn't verhoven do action movies anymore? Is it because of showgirls?
the remake was awful
He gave the middle finger to Hollywood and went back to Germany or wherever since he has more creative freedom there.
It fit the zeitgeist though, just about every American city in the 80s except maybe Seattle was very violent, very impoverished, and full of drugs. Rich people and suburbanites would legit have not cared had robots blown away upwards of 50 percent of urban populations.
Similar to Stanley Kubrick. Fucked Hollywood off and went to live in England where he made much of his kino.
it's fucking terrible
What the fuck was this from I'm dying here
No you're thinking of the third film, Robocop 2 is good.
so the nigger raped lewis?
2 was good for the body horror. I was 16 or 17 when I saw it, and Cain's brain/spine and CGI avatar were still hella creepy to me
What about when that fat cop got cut open.
I love the scene where Murphy gets a kiss from one of the drunken scientists while they celebrate new year
All is POV
That shit is legit kino
>2 was good for the body horror.
>Cain's brain/spine and CGI avatar were still hella creepy to me
>I love the scene where Murphy gets a kiss from one of the drunken scientists while they celebrate new year
>All is POV
>That shit is legit kino
Also yes
>What about when that fat cop got cut open.
He's a bad cop.
That whole sequence is sad.
It's just
I don't know
It probably is that it reminds me of the first time I watched it
I remember I thought it was sad because he is there restrained, but watching it now I find it kind of cute
It was filmed in Toronto. I actually showed up for a scene where people stand outside city hall protesting, but never saw myself in any of the shots. Feels bad.
>robocop 2 prototypes with intact human head and skull
>original robocop has metal skull and artificial eyes
So were they, technical speaking. "improvement" over original one, or inferior?
He's put in a infantile state he eats baby food too the movie is deep maaaan
it was good. nice commentary on drone use
10/10 would purchase OCP communications
wait you guys are talking about some fagotry. the real remake was good
I legit got scared as a child because of those screams. I pussied out and turned off the tv, grew a pair and kept on watching a few moments later.
Robocop 1 is still to this day my favorite movie of all time. Robo 2 is more campy but still very enjoyable.
I've seen robocop countless times, can't find the scene on youtube can someone remind me or link me?
Well, it is, aside from a satire of culture back then, a sad-ish tale about heroism and duty. Robo is a true hero, even when he no longer belongs to the community he sacrifices himself to protect. One estranged character, holding on to his beliefs, something lost in todays world (and movies)
No way re-remake will hold. Neil did a few ok sci fi movies, but the themes that make robo a fucking superb film are not part of his schtick. And you know it will be a sad rehash, a poor emulation trying to milk a good idea for a few pesos out of nostalgia and prestige.
Why is his movement in Robocop 2 much more exaggerated? Looks so goofy.
If nonsensical rubbish is your thing
Because that was the direction they went for. The whole movie is schlokier and goofier than the first one.
I mean, at some point you have a fucking 10 year old kingpin kid buying the mayor of detroit with a truck filled with nuke-money, while eating french fries with ketchup, only to have the party spoiled by their former cartel boss, now a ed209 on steroids, who almost gets vagina whipped by her ex latina mistress.
Still has some of the best toys.
>Its like Blue Thunder - how can you seriously "police the streets" with gunship armed with 20mm Vulcan cannon?
That's the point you nigger, it was a conspiracy to militarize the police and gain control of the city
My friend says Robocop looks stupid. Evensays the reboot is more stylish. How do I change his mind he refuses to watch any clips???
force feed him onions