I caught a test screening of this. I don't watch superhero/comic films but I was really surprised. It's good. A bit of a taxi driver clone but it's still very different.
I caught a test screening of this. I don't watch superhero/comic films but I was really surprised. It's good...
is it Taxi driver meets King of comedy?
oh yes
So how was Joaquin acting? I really want to see something extraordinary from him in October
It's amazing. No complaints. Absolutely terrifying as joker.
Is the script really that bad as every twitter critics said?
I haven't read the script but the films writing seemed fine to me. Arthur is very well written and a very real portrayal of a mentally ill man.
This movie is either going to be really good or really bad, which I guess is a good thing because fuck we need another mediocre origin movie like we need tweets about striking Iran.
>taxi driver clone
>very different
Which is it, asshat?
>This movie is either going to be really good or really bad,
You missed the part where I said "little bit of a"
Well written mentaly illness from Todd Phillips? I’m surprised, I thought that he would totally ruin this and make it into some parody with all mental illness stereotypes. Is his mother character also well written?
nigger faggot
sweet dubs tho
Yes. She's very delusional. Possibly a schizo. She thinks Thomas Wayne is Arthur's dad (he's not)
Scott Silver is a cowritter who also wrote The Fighter
I can't believe you fucking retards believe OP lmao
How is something a little bit of a clone?
Do you know the definition of the word “clone”?
Fine. I meant it takes a little bit from taxi driver. I'm not the only person here that gets phrasing wrong, sorry. But also work on that aggression, from the start you were pretty angry. It's not good for you desu.
>I caught a test screening of this
It sounds like you have veneral disease
arguing semantics is pointless. everybody knew what he meant.
How the fuck do you actually get the opportunity to be a part of test screenings?