Why cant they make fun star wars movie without some loaded social message

why cant they make fun star wars movie without some loaded social message

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Literally jews


because society is leaving ignorant bigots in the dust and that's a GOOD thing.

I want to go there just to tell this angel how beautiful she is and how she should star in the movies instead

Movies always need some kind of social movie or else it’s soulless

>no young and handsome Jedi main character

Because we live in a culturally bankrupt time. No one can think of any interesting stories to tell. It's like Rome in the 4th century.

what was the "social movie" of Episode IV? these movies are about a place far far away

no purple haired stern hag bitches or oscar isaac

>what was the "social movie" of Episode IV?

star wars didn't really get a political message until rotj, with the empire = US and the ewoks = vietcong.

the first star wars is an intentionally empty movie, made to be a turn off your brain thing.

star wars is for kids?

woke corporate signalling is the most soulless thing there is

500 bucks says that she's a better actor than Daisy Ridley.

iirc Darth Vader was supposedly a Nixon analogy in ep.IV

Why is anything that isn't white or male automatically a 'social move' to you people? Why is THAT your definition? Exactly WHY aren't other people allowed to be in movies without some agenda, according to you? Will there ever be a time when a black or woman will appear in a film and it WON'T be 'SJW' to you?

Current times, it is current year, Trump, it was her turn and force/future is female

return to your nursling home you stupid boomer

The entire careers of Wesly Snipes, Will Smith, Denzel Washington, and Morgan Freeman called, they'd like their decades of film back

What is Rogue One?

in the first movie vader is just a body guard for tarkin.

Rogue One is also anti-american. The death star is presented as a stand in for the a-bomb and the empire occupies a desert planet while hunting an osama bin laden type.

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No young and handsome Jedi is the reason I lost interest in the franchise.

>I hate men and white people, look at how special i am

Give an example of /Pol/ ruining TLJ and not the fact that they wrote themselves into a corner and needed to ass pull a way out.
>Right so ALL our main cast are stuck on the last resistance ship in the universe and the order can tack them and the order has ultra mega super ships and the resistance have no fuel for some reason so now...err...ffffuuuuccckkk.

And that repulsive scrag end Kathleen Kennedy.


Is there a Jyn too?

There won’t be a society you want to live in if things keep going. Do you holiday in Somalia?

That’s exactly why I dropped SW. I watched for Luke and Han, I don’t give a single fuck about women or diversity tokens who have no natural place in the story.

This, but unironically.

it's a movie about space magic you fucking retards. read some classic lit, goddamn

The OT had social messages too, you were just too young to catch them

based. redpilled.

>the first star wars is an intentionally empty movie, made to be a turn off your brain thing
Just because there's no cringey autistic political screeching doesnt make it an empty movie. It's an archetypal story about good vs evil and overcoming the darkness within

The story actually comes second to there social posturing these days.

Because they are ideologues. It doesn't matter if the ideologue is a commie or a nazi, that type thinks that the purpose of art is to serve the party and the ideology. They wouldn't even bother making art if they couldn't do it to shill their beliefs.

Me personally, I dont like reading fairy tales to my kids because theres always some “”””moral”””” to the story.

FPBP. Stereotypes are usually right except one, Jews will throw away billions to stick it to the goy.

>go to the jews that own all the studios and distribution
>"hello jews, I have this idea for a star wars film,I think it will be good"
>"ov vey where's da subversive propaganda, goy? you outta know betta den to come in hea wit dis wholesome morality play dat supports social cohesion you dumb schlemiel"
>"b-but.... what if maybe the lead character was a girl, who made all the male characters look silly?"
>"dat's real good, shabbos goy.... dat's a real good start"

>why cant they make a Star Wars movie loaded with conservative values I like?
Life on the wrong side of history must be tough

How was the original series loaded with conservative values?

the original trilogies didn't have any political agendas, they were just basic stories with a fucking space monk warrior back drop

>classic lit
So we can read about regular magic? Fuck off.

How could the empire possibly have killed billions when they told alderan they were coming? How did everyone know the planet had exploded if no one survived to tell them?

I'm not saying the planetcaust was a hoax, only that the facts don't add up.

>the Empire
>not obvious Nazi allegories

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Liberals feel the exact same way about nu-Wars, retards. Things sure dont feel political when they comfortably align wih your own beliefs. People only begin to whine about muh politics, when the portrayed agenda shifts away and no longer caters to them.

They did, it was called Solo: A Star Wars Story

Because the whole purpoae of medias was always to transmit a message about society. It's just that Star Wars' way of doing it is bad. You fucks aren't gonna say that Dune is bad for being a message about how the oil companies are unethically exploiting the soil?