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Only girls and fags watched Angel. Which one are you? He will always be Boothe to me.

They all look great, season 6 when?

The finale was perfect though.

Funny, I distinctly remember back in high school Buffy being the girly show and Angel being the guy show. I hung out with a bunch of nerds though but at least I had friends, loser.

I'd still fugg Cordelia

Wesley and Cordelia's arcs were kino television. Angel was a wild ride, but Joss can write some good characters.

look at her arm nigga, unlike her face she cant pump botox into that to make it passable

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I have no idea what Amy's stylist was thinking. Her dress doesn't look bad exactly but what an odd style choice.
I'm still upset her career never really took off. Easily one of the best actresses on TV, and now her best years are long gone. Would still fukk

>Watched bones
>Calls other people fags

Literally the only show that ends on a cliffhanger done well.

Still has those tits we saw in Bound, though.

Why did they not include Connor and Harmony?

This is the core cast. Those were add-ons that came and went.


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Where the fuck is best boy Spike?

Charisma was always gorgeous but not my type at all. But she really has a unique look, do any other actresses look like her? I think she's one of a kind.

where's doyle?

He was only on there for one season? People mostly associate him with Buffy.

None of them do, that's some powerful blood magic right there.

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They were still regulars though. I think Connor, at least, should have been there no matter how unlikeable he was.
He's in the videos just not on the cover for some reason.

Spike was on season 1. Also

Charisma Carpenter starting to look quite plastic

He honestly never bothered me
As a one-off. Harmony made an early appearance as a bad guy, too.

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Still technically two seasons

Fun fact, Harmony is longest-running character in the Buffyverse, being in both the unaired pilot and the Angel finale.

Wasn't Spike main cast for season 5?

angel was kino. it probably still holds up sort of - I don't have time to rewatch vampires punch guys in suits though.

Yes, in season 5 along with Harmony and also Connor in season 4 which is why I question their absence.

where's that wolfram & hart lawyer that wesley used to hatefuck

Some arcs were truly great. Faith showing up, Wesley running off with Connor, most of season 5, it had a lot going for it. But watching through some of the shit in between is a chore for sure.

Same issue Dushku wasn’t in the Buffy reunion because she wasn’t a regular but Denisof was there because he was wed to Willow. How can the other slayer not be in either reunions. Casting couch effect?

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Lilah Morgan

I always liked to imagine that Faith violently fucked her when Lilah picked her up from a bar.

the one in season 5 was smoking, eve i think her name was. never saw her in anything else either.

>but Denisof was there because he was wed to Willow

I think you answered your own question.


She deserves it. She was a fun character.

I doubt it, rumor always was that she was offered her own spin-off, but chose Tru Calling instead. Doubt they'd have done it if she had told a producer to fuck off, and doubt she would have passed it over if she'd hopped into the bed with one.

Dumb bitch should have done the Faith spinoff

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While she's great as Faith I don't think she could pull off her own spin-off. Tru Calling sucked and she was severely outshined by her betters in Dollhouse. To be fair, David Boreanaz isn't stellar either but he still did well in Angel so I might be wrong. His Angelus scenes were pretty good.

Spike was going to be there so she already has good support

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True, at least you get the feeling that Marsters really loved playing Spike. I do love me some Faith though, that scene in Angel where she completely breaks down is a yearly rewatch for me.

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Season 1 > 3 >5 > 4 >2


Wesley became even more of a Chad with age

Too bad that Angel's writing was always garbage save for a few arcs and episodes

Me on the left


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she also had a decent sized part in the comics iirc.

are they doing a new season or is this some useless posing shit?

Boreanaz seems like a special case, started out practically model tier and he got really decent at comedy despite never playing hard comic roles.

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>stripper name is legal name
>not black
I'll never understand why she kept it.

its not a stripper name its a showgirl name, she's from vegas.

Didn't Boreanaz got fat when he did Bones?
I'm guessing that new military show he's doing got him back in shape.

>he didn't watch it and fall in love with Fred

He's 50 years old, i think he looks pretty good for his age.

>rip off 50 Shades
>name it after that lesbian noir flick the Wachoskis did before Matrix

Her tits and ass were great in this


She's been that way for ages. So long people think that's what she actually looked like.

cordelia still hot as fuck, goddamn
wesley and angel look great

It does

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