Dark, eerie, atmospheric, suspense build up, character developement, a bone-chilling slow burn

>dark, eerie, atmospheric, suspense build up, character developement, a bone-chilling slow burn

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sounds based

imagine caring so much about what reddit thinks that you can’t think for yourself or enjoy things anymore

based and dubspilled.


imagine caring so much about what reddit thinks that you can’t think for yourself or enjoy things anymore

no one:
absolutely no one:
not even a single soul:
op: I'm a fucking faggot!

>Lovely, mysterious, and cosmic

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no one:

Twin Peaks

Check this 7

This is phrased like a Jeopardy question but I can't figure it out because I don't know the category hint.

What is Silence of the Lambs?

>Eraserhead is my favorite horror film

>it's supposed to be bad

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who hurt you?

>Boo! haha that was fun

Congratulations on being amused like a toddler would being startled by their parents.

I don't get this, don't horror fans generally like horror for the creepy atmosphere?

>tfw silence of the lambs was really a love story between Hannibal Lecter and Starling.

It's gotten to the point where it's become a meaningless buzzword that doesn't tell you anything. Also 'atmospheric' is used as a crutch when a movie is lacking in every other regard. It's like 'minimalism'.

Look OP, we get it. You think that sort of wording to describe horror is just soi tier fluffing up of a boring movie.
But for fucks sake man you've been at this how long? Just move on.

duh? Have you read Hannibal? If not then go read a synopsis of the ending.

I swear to God if you post basedjak one more time I'm going to reddit

>Look OP, we get it. You think that sort of wording to describe horror is just soi tier fluffing up of a boring movie.
>But for fucks sake man you've been at this how long? Just move on.

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Mate I dont even disagree with.
But what purpose could there be in this beyond pure shitposting?

It's a great movie.


It’s well-made and personal and different. Especially for the time.

>it's supposed to be horribly paced and dull

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s e e t h i n g



It has a unique visual style, great effects for something that was made on a budget of about 20.000 dollars, is perfectly paced, taps very successfully into various sexual and parental anxieties, has excellent sound design, builds its own strange world on, again, an extremely low budget, features a fantastic performance by Jack Nance... I could go on. It's a really good movie.