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Netflix really felt like it was going to be a second HBO at first, when House of Cards S1 first aired. What a fucking twist.
Netflix produces hundreds of hours of original content, and maybe five of them are worth watching. The rest is fanfic-tier gender swaps, and other bullshit. I hope Amazon and HBO and even Disney manage to bleed them out at this point.
lol, how come non-whites ain't go no culture and dey always gotta steal?
baka, das just furthers strengths stereotypes in the mind of wippo
>there are "people" ITT who still pay to consume propaganda
>DUDE fukkkin liberals amirite lmaooo what are black people doing in a fantasy show CRINGE CRINGE CRINGE racism is fukkkin BASED rite fellow gamers? : DDD
Kill youself
Well if that coffee cup doesn't end up on screen it's still more legitimate piece of art than GoT even with the darkies
have sex
Couldn't they have just casted these two as OC Zerrikanians? Why Trish and Vilgefortz?
imagine being this content with having your race be eradicated from history and fiction
Anyone has the video of the supposed nilfgard soldiers running in the woods?
>implying I'm a pathetic slav (slave)
If the greatest culture contribution your people have is a second rate grotty fantasy universe perhaps the history books won't be missing anything important
Nobody is shocked we all figured itd be bad.
Please, go back.
I have no problem with black people, or them showing up in fantasy shows. That's a ridiculous argument.
But if you're doing an adaptation, do an adaptation. I expect Harry Potter to have glasses, I expect Gandalf to be old, etc. Adapted characters should look like what they're adapting.
And if you don't want to do that, and want to do your own thing, that's cool, do your own thing. Hollywood needs more original work anyways.
But then don't slap the name on it for extra eyeballs. What Netflix and yourself do is sell a can of coke, but there's water inside, and anyone who's upset about it is a racist.
haha holy shit. People actually pay for netflix. Amazing etc.
>the villain who hates women is a shitskin
you've become so content with your demise you've convinced yourself this is an isolated incident?
or are you astroturfing?
They could, but that isn't the point for them. It isn't enough to meet an imaginary quota of various races on screen at one time, because of the ridiculous idea that minorities can't enjoy a story if they don't see their skin on a screen at all times. The character in question has to already be established as the hated "other", before the conversion.
triss is a negress hobo? is this like that dicaprio romeo & juliet in the modern age with handguns and shit?
So much this!
Let's be honest! Black people have no culture. It is the duty of the white man to share and provide for the negro. After-all, we took Wakanda from them, which would be real if it wasn't for slavery and colonization! The least we can do is include them in our fiction in order to make them think they have history and culture of their own!
wrong context to post it
I love that one, but its meant for a mostly unironic use of the word cringe, please post it sparingly
What idiots.
>DUDE black people in shitty video game adaptions is LITERALLY white genocide!!!!
> pays for Yea Forums
The Witcher is a book series you colossal false flaggot, the video game is the adaptation NOT the source material
> believing that one can't remark about something, unless they believe it is LITERALLY white genocide
Why can't just black people adapt their own stor---
oh right, they don't have any.
Shyeeet. I bet the white people stole it from them.
>because of the ridiculous idea that minorities can't enjoy a story if they don't see their skin on a screen at all times.
That might have been true ten years ago, but now we're in an age where they're switching things for switching's sake. It's like Pavlov's Dog, their mouths are watering at the ring of a bell even when the food doesn't come.
is trump sure to be impeached any day now?
Name ONE superhero who can even touch full Afro-powered Static Shock
That wouldn't really piss anyone off though unless they got way more screentime over something much more important. Hollywood is still ran by crusty & dusty old Jews who still believe any publicity is good publicity and raceswapping classical culture icons is easy publicity that basically shills itself, as we see in everyone of these threads.
hey now they have stories...probably. they just never invented a written language so no one knows
reminder that if you watch this, you are a cuck
>classical culture icons
>a couple of side characters from a 30 year old book series more famous for having one good game in a sequel video game trilogy
anybody posting on Yea Forums is a cuck
Jokes on you,I'm a proud cuck
>classical culture icons
> thinks the US is literally the world
>ironic shilling/damage control
He's right you know, Yea Forums is one of the most populated mainstream television/film discussion boards and the only time the Witcher show is ever discussed is when 15 year olds want to meme about there being niggers in it. I'd almost argue that they're onto something
same fag
Also, the post is obviously speaking more broadly than just The Witcher. Race and gender swapping, for no other reason than imaginary quotas, paternalistic savior complexes, and just generating controversy, has been an ongoing and growing issue for years now.
If you were too dumb to pick up on that immediately, you should drink bleach.
>Yea Forums is one of the most populated mainstream television/film discussion boards
Nobody IRL cares about Yea Forums
dilate, have sex, etc., you know the script by now
Oof, try again
>Nobody IRL cares about Yea Forums
4chan is full of paid shill.
Not nearly as full as people think. Everytime Yea Forums brainlets encounter an opinion they don't like, their mind always defaults to "russian bot", "paid shill", etc.
Sometimes the guy on the other side of the screen is just an authentic dumbass, especially on Yea Forums, where basically ALL of you are fucking retards.
The only shines in GoT had no dicks. That show is going to be remembered fondly as the last fantasy show that was still mostly about white people.
look at this indian subhuman trying to fit in. I bet he gets 5cents a post
You're forgetting Davos' black pirate friend who spent most of his scenes in a brothel with white women hanging over him
>30 year old Polish fiction that doesn’t mention the race of a character must mean you pick a race at random
>dark means nigger and not just swarthy
That fucking inspiration wall, why do women even exist?
>maybe five of them are worth watching
Is there even five?
If you're willing to restrict shows to only the good seasons, yeah, maybe.
If the entire run has to be good, they've yet to accomplish the feat.
So some american jewess princess is in charge of adapting Slavic culture? Of course it’ll be shit.
It's Netflix, did you really think it wouldn't be ran by the nephew or niece of some old time Hollywood jew?
That was one seen with white women but even then that’s nothing compared to the shit Netflix is going to pull or the GoT prequel will surely do
Imagine if we took one of the most famous novels to come out of deep Africa, and just randomly made characters white. And when they said “pale” skin we cast an Irish person instead of a light skinned black.
That. That is what she did
Did the Last Kingdom S3 end up sucking? Might be why I dont see any hype for S4. I liked the first two seasons though even though they werent produced by the big N
not him but i found S3 of TLK to be pretty solid with some kino moments
Her inspiration wall for The Witcher universe is literally all dyke women. This show was dead before she typed the first keystroke.
I’ve always said if I won the mega millions I will fund a remake of Roots with Kunta Kinte played by a white man.
>The Witcher
>one of the most famous novels
Imagine caring about the skin color of fictional characters in a fictional fantasy universe
Cultural appropriation isn't a joke..