How the fuck are they getting everything? they even managed to get the dead don't die from cannes

how the fuck are they getting everything? they even managed to get the dead don't die from cannes

Attached: download.png (486x104, 5K)

the mob
I wonder how many people have been killed just for you dumb neets to watch your kinos

Aren't they associated with a terrorist organization?

>put your shitty ads in the middle of a camrip
>no one goes to your shitty site because it'll give their computer aids and upload cp to their icloud

they dont have Midsommar and I want it


there gotta be enough dumb people to have done it


You ever notice 1xbet doesn't do disney or mcu movies ever or really late?


the first rip I saw of Cap Marvel was 1xbet

They were the first ones to put out aladdin
I mean they're pretty much putting out everything first now for some reason

Not enough.

They were the first to get a watchable Infinity War and Endgame cam

i was hoping you guys would know where to get some that weren't xbet
I just went back to watching anime
not that imma weeb or anything, recently just started watching some. It's pretty good and i have no worries


korean hard coded subs intensifies


And just like that no one important was lost in order to watch a Hollywood bomb in the house for free.

I like when the guy tells me he's seen 4 people today as if it's a lot

They pay. And it's not even that much either (like $400-500 a movie).

What normally happens with cam rips is, someone will film it, then sell it to a group who'll touch it up and distribute it, but this group is usually paid to stick ads in the video.