MDE Thread

MDE thread. Seems like sam is doing pretty good btw, tranny mods got triggered and deleted his last thread explaining this. Oy vey.

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Other urls found in this thread:

where can I watch his latest shit?


Anything else like Billy and the Clown, How I Survived Highschool, and Jaihoo?

one mde thread gets deleted and another immediately pops up. really makes you think.

I know he plays into it but his lips disgust me why are they so fucking weird

It wasnt an mde thread. Thats why tranny mods deleted it, since it wasnt explicitly tv related. I made a new one since the other one was deleted. Not exactly einstein are you?

How Nick so naturally funny?

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Best skit:

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How much is Sam paying you to make these threads every day

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>Sam's show gets cancelled and he gets deplatformed off of youtube
>He cries about being blacklisted and begs his fans for support
>A fan kindly puts up some his content/World Peace stuff, without monetization, to promote him
>He says some shit in an open conversation that doesn't paint Sam in saintly light
>Sam immedietly tries to get said fan deplatformed
Why does Sam shit on his fans and act in such a hypocritical manner? What's wrong with him?

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Nothing you do is worth paying for Sam

In the latest HydeWars he says that he pays somebody fulltime for "social media." Considering his penchant for exaggeration, that still means he's paying someone something for some kind of internet shilling.

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how is this not an mde thread

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Nick is not even funny. He's a good actor and can be funny on script, but he's not funny in the videos where the boys are just hanging out. Sam is the funny improv guy, Nick and Charls are the smart BTS writers who can act.

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>hires multiple editors, composers, crew guys, game devs and even an animator
>can't make a funny skit to save his life
Lazzo literally killed his sense of humor, yikes!

My boy Sammy's alright

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I mean, I like Sam, but I wouldn't say he's doing pretty good
he's been begging on twitter to go on JRE and it's kind of embarrassing

Gay lips. Tom Hardy has them too.

>tfw Sam gave me a lifetime free gumroad subscription for being on his gay ass email list

Thanks sam

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Nah Nick is very funny they all improv btw

On it since when? I signed up for the email list YEARS ago when he first set it up and got nothing to show.

link anything funny he made in the last several years...
He is simply not funny anymore.