How do i stop eating

how do i stop eating

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only eat when you're actually hungy

nicotine or don't pack your stomach; portion control

A bullet is one hell of an appetite suppressant.

be shamed really or dont be fat from a young age

have sex

Chew gum, even after its lost its flavor.

just poo faster than you can chew.

Only drink

Literally just don’t buy the junk food or processed food and be afraid of leaving your apartment and interacting with others (like talking to a delivery man or a person at a drive through) and you’ll end up going to bed hungry most nights

When I started drinking 18 to 20 beers a day, I just couldn’t eat any more. I wasn’t fat to begin with but I’ve lost 60 pounds in eight months, and I look like a fucking skeleton. I think I’m a wraith now, I could probably pass through a wall if I tried.

Literally eat a big mac medium meal and only have that for the day rest of the day drink water

Drink water constantly


the only thing that worked for me was to sleep more
can't afford to eat? just go to sleep.

Do intermittent fasting, stop eating at 8pm and start again at noon, skipping breakfast.

Just become a vampire

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If you eat when you're stressed, stop being stressed first

lmao fucking fatass doesn't know how to not eat HAHAHA


How vampire get fat like dis?

get a job so you aren't 20 ft from your mom or the kitchen for almost 24 hours a day


for real
or pretty much anything that gives you body high i have making pot brownies lately and eat it in the morning now im barely hungry during the day

the key to not eating while high is to not break the fast. the moment you eat anything you'll want more. let yourself get absorbed into music, games, or TV or whatever so that you forget that food is an option as an experience

force feed on vegetables until you literally will be sick if you eat more. repeat and eventually you'll be skinny. inb4 hurr that no taste good.

crystal meth

any veggies would make me puke which i suppose would lead to weight loss

for me at least getting a body high doesnt make me want to eat

Eat filling foods, split up your meals. Hunger has a lag effect. Instead of gobbling down one mega meal just eat a normal ~700 cal meal and even if you're still hungry wait 15 minutes, if you eat more it'll almost definitely be significantly less than if you ate it in one sitting

>tfw fuel my 23 hour fasts by looking at fatties and thinking "heh, how pathetic..."

I find it much easier to eat a lot of food at once then just fast until the next time. Eating throughout the day keeps my hunger going in a sort of constant graze mode.

You probably have cancer

yea still focus on 2-3 main meals a day but try eating a much smaller portion at first then go back for seconds 15 minutes later

18-20 beers is more than a day's worth of calories though

Based retard