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Wtf why is jubilee asian

She's Asian in the comics.

she was on my dick lmao

What can Jubilee even do?


Her name is Jubilation Lee you rapcist

getting bleached on Netflix


I guess the producers ask these same questions

Was Robert E. Lee fucking Asian?

The actress must have been busy filming those Netflix movies.

she must have been a halfer at most

mostly nothing, I think her powers only got used once successfully in the cartoon, she blinded juggernaut or some shit and then wolverine jumped on his back and got his helmet off.

Jubilee is 100% chinese.

>Jubilee is 100% chinese
Jollibee is 100% Filipino

Anonymous is 100% based.

I guess I can sort of see it

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Jubliee was an asian girl adopted by white parents. I remember this from the 90's cartoon

you tell me haha

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One time in the comics she panicked and blew a building in half because her power *splits atoms*

Because she's a nice person who never wants to hurt anyone she always restricts herself to harmless stuff when she could nuke people, melt their eyes or explode their internal organs if she really wanted

haha like she's asian
but has big tiddies... weird haha

He's in the new Netflix series.

They had fucking nothing for her to do so I'm glad her actress is off doing romcoms or whatever

The cartoon did a really bad job at making her look Asian, even worse than they did in the 80s comics she came originated in. She just looked like a punky whiteish Latina.

Better question: with tits like hers, where are Lana Condor's leaks?

i was wondering that too. they fuckin cheaped out on mutants with dark phoenix. dreadlock guy and that one psychic chick and that's it.

Jubilee did not come from the cartoon. Whatever they make her look like is irrelevant.
She is chinese.

thought that was alina li

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this is why i like her. same thing goes for the girl on the magicians

They maxed out their allotted "token quota" points. The chink wasn't needed

I remember arguing with an older guy at my comic shop about this. I know Jim Lee makes everyone look Asian, but I always thought Jubilee was Chinese.

Fuck you. Jubes is not chink.

Daymmm. Look at those tits.

getting dicked by Cubans like in real life


She is - she was born in American with Chinese parents, who died

In the comics the X-Men took her in when she was orphaned, in the old cartoon she had foster parents first.

Jubilee gave me yellow fever

>I’m a white skinned conservative Cuban that feels equal to whites (if not superior to them because of how many faggy liberal white men i meet in the north east) and superior to every other type of spic
Feels gud
>too bad most of my people are filthy communists

Her actress is a zipper head you fucking simp

Whomp whomp

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Always thought her name came from


Since she was a delinquent and on the streets frequently.

Her name is Jubilation Lee shortened to Jubilee. Her parents were Chinese. A better question would be where is Jubilee in any of the movies with Wolverine? She was practically the Robin to his Batman back in the day.

The movies somewhat slotted Rogue into that position

wasnt rogue more of a sidekick to wolverine than jubilee also in the comics?

That was Kitty Pryde and then it became Jubilee

Yeah. He was a Chinese secret agent sent from the future to destabilize America.

>refuse to invade your own home state
>actively defend it against invasion
very destabilizing
thank the lord we freed the slaves

>is only in apocalypse to appease the fans
Honestly wish they never bothered showing her at all

Nah, Kitty Pryde and then Jubilee were the two big ones.

Rogue and a couple of others (Laura, Armor, etc) had relatively shorter sidekick runs in comparison.