Why didnt CIA taked off the hoods before getting them im bored?

Why didnt CIA taked off the hoods before getting them im bored?

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>I'm bored
Isn't this like the first minute of the movie?
I swear to god these fucking zoomers have no appreciation for art

short attention span

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what's going on here

an in depth look at cia’s package

The dialogue in this scene and inside the plane is nonsensical. Wtf were they thinking?


it made a lot of sense, you're just a brainlet

The plane ride was actually a surprise birthday party and CIA didn't want to open his presents too early

Holy shit. So I'm only now noticing for the first time that when CIA turns from the open door towards Bane (after Bane talks for the first time), CIA turns the wrong direction and then teleports between shots.
Watch it again. He teleports to the other side of Bane so that the airplane door (that CIA was just leaning out of) is behind Bane from him.
How can ONE SCENE have so many mistakes?

>it's real

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holy SHIT

Ok, this has been bugging me;

>The flight plan only lists one of you
>Only one of you gets to stay on my aircraft
>Pretends to shoot the men and doesn't throw them out of a plane
>They expect one of us in the wreckage brother

Does the Masketta Man honestly believe that the flight plan CIA filed with the agency only included one of the friends?
CIA clearly had no intention of throwing anyone out of the plane, so doesn't that mean that the flight plan includes everyone?
Why sacrifice your brother to the wreckage? I don't get it.

>there are people who will defend this

Non-meme answer: I think it's just really bad dialogue that's otherwise unrelated. Like the idea being "oh CIA was in a plane crash, where's the guy/s he was transporting?", needing at least one body to sell the story

>im bored
We know.

Honestly, it gives me the biggest smile to know that we still haven't found every gem that this scene has to offer

>honestly believe that the flight plan CIA filed with the agency only included one of the friends?
they were not his friends.

They would have expected the body of Dr. Pavelheer too, no?

>go to Six Flags a few weeks ago
>go to Gotham City area
>the music from the plane scene starts playing
>end up laughing out loud and people wondering what the hell is up

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They actually brought a body for Pavel and transferred some of Pavel's blood in to it.

That's why they did the blood transfusion. In Nolan's head, bodies are identified by their blood.

wasn't the body filled with blood of Dr Pavel to trick them into thinking it was him?

the truth is that Bane actually hated Brother, he was a pain in the ass (according to the novelization)


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was the body maimen or was it someone else

Maybe it was Smee or Juan aviu

What? Nobody will ever defend this scene unironically. We know it’s shit, that’s why it’s a meme

A lot of people (tourists) think it's a meme because we like Nolan so much

It was a whole other dead body that came from the other plane. They brought it along to replace Pavel, but for some reason didn’t bring a second body to serve as “one of us in the wreckage”

Nah, it was Noah Cirvivers

thats because it was wreckage brother's role to be the 'only one of you' that started the fire rising

who is Pavel?
you mean Dr Pavelheer?


Rewatch the scene guys, they literally lower a bodybag from the other plane and hook Pavelheer up to the corpse. is right, they could’ve just brought two corpses instead of leaving Brother in the wreckage

maybe dropping one body out of a moving plane was already pushing it and they didnt want to take the risk

>they could’ve just brought two corpses instead of leaving Brother in the wreckage
Yeah but fuck Brother

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CIA only announced the flight plan when they were already on bored, the people on Bane's big plane couldn't have known.

this is the right answer. If he called it in before they got em on board it may have been different.

it doesn't make any sense to leave two bodies in the first place

there are three scenarios here:

1. CIA has phoned ahead and told the agency he has three guys: doctor pavel and two goons. the agency expects three bodies in the wreckage, not counting CIA and his agents.

2. as above, except CIA plans to shoot one of the goons and throw them out the plane, so he only told the agency to expect doctor pavel and one goon. agency expects two bodies.

3. CIA didn't phone the agency and tell them about the updated flight plan. agency expects one body.

we know scenario 2 is false because CIA was only bluffing when he pretended to kill one of the goons. but that's the only scenario the agency would expect to find two bodies. in the 1st scenario they should expect three bodies, including pavel. in the 3rd scenario they should expect only one body, that of pavel. leaving behind brother should either leave the agency questioning why one of the goons went missing, or they should question why there was a goon there in the first place. either way it defeats the point of leaving a guy behind in the first place, which was to avoid suspicion.

>Started watching Nolans Batman movies with my little brother
>Finished the first two, only snickered a bit when they mentioned "Dunheir"
>I have no idea how I will survive the plane scene without my brother thinking I am beyond retarded


Patrick Warburton?

Just point the obvious, not meme flaws in the scene and say you're laughing at them.


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True, the Plane-Heist Switcheroo is already a very delicate operation, even for highly trained hired guns. Executing a Double Deadman-Drop on top of that would be too ambitious. Bane is nothing if not practical, he wouldn’t risk those odds.

I'm amazed there's still shit to find, stellar work user


Why did they even take Pavelheer anyway? They only needed to find out what he told them (nothing, supposedly) so why not just leave him in the wreckage after making sure of that? He doesn’t show up again does he?

stadium scene remember

Oh shit right

Why don't Bane and his brother look anything like each other?

they're step brothers

But where is the penis?

We had to find out what he told you about us

its his halfbrother(you can tell by the size)

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he's only a wreckage brother, not a blood brother

Better question: why go to the effort of setting up the entire ruse if the purpose was to kidnap Pavel? Bane already had motherfucking Pavel.

Also dosen't the plane exterior not match with it's interior. He's opening the back door but the plane only has doors in the front.

Now that’s a big guy

maybe it was because Pavelheer didn't consider them his friends and so by sharing a dangerous situation it would strengthen their relationship?

He doesn't, he stands up and walks to be in front of bane so that he can face bane. The door is consistently behind bane. There's nothing wrong with that particular shot.

Fuck. Deepest lore.

he had to find out what he told them


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is this autism?

But CIA had 3 goons and Pavel

>If you prove me wrong then you're an autist
Be serious or don't participate.

It's proof that there are several alternate realities at work during the scene.

wrong, CIA had maimen and only one of you, thats 3 people total

nobody gives a fuck about the positioning of an NPC between scene transitions in a movie
have sex

sorry I forgot Dr Pavelheer and smee - thats 5 total.

If I take off my pants will you die?

it would be extremely painful, for your ass

It would be a extreme penetration.

wait, why didnt the flight plan list CIA himself? was he supposed to stay behind?

CIA is one of the main characters in the scene, what are you on about?

CIA wasn't real, it's the alter ego of Smee

the flight plan listed smee, maimen, Dr Pavelheer, and one of you.

Pavelheer is replaced by the corpse with Pavel's blood
smee is replaced by CIA
maimen is replaced by wreckage brother

So it was the right number of bodies in the crash.

this is canon

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It would be extremely lengthy.

more irrelevant than that business conglomerate in the grand scheme of things


Why did Bane put Batman in a cage for him to watch Gotham burn but didn't do the same to CIA to torment him with images of his plane crashing?

>Claims to crash the plane with no survivors
>Bane, Pavel and one of the hired guns survive

Daily reminder that CIA (Bill Wilson) was supposed to become Deathstroke

fuck this made me audibly laugh

>You said no survivors
>Well here (takes off the mask) I am
Would be KINO

WRONG. This is canonically what happened after the crash:

would unironically go to the kinoplex for this

i think he actually meant
>with Noshur Bibors
Bibors is one of the hired gun who helped Bane crash the plane
he crashed the plane with Noshur Bibors

fuck, i remember a friend showed me this video and asked me why i was laughing

>How's Pavel?
>How's Pavel?
>How's Pavel?
>How's Pavel?

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>Bane, Pavel and one of the hired guns survive
All of them die at some point during the movie, so he was right.

If I took that orb, would you die?

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WRONG. This is canonically what happened after the crash:

That's BEFORE the crash, you boob

>Holy shit. So I'm only now noticing for the first time that when CIA turns from the open door towards Bane (after Bane talks for the first time), CIA turns the wrong direction and then teleports between shots.
>Watch it again. He teleports to the other side of Bane so that the airplane door (that CIA was just leaning out of) is behind Bane from him.
Holy fuck your right I always wondered why the scene looked so bad and I bet that isn't the only spacial mistake
>How can ONE SCENE have so many mistakes?
Bad film making rushed production
Stuck in movie hell because of ledger dying (ruined lots of movies)
Pretty sure the change to bane was last minute and the entire movie was shat out as quick as possible to cash in on the hype at the time
Even the sound mastering is fucking aweful the eq adr sfx is another big flub nobody really looks at or listens too

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somebody get this HOTHEAD outta here!

Small guy detected

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I didn't think of that. Truly a great movie

Best one

He's clearly delusional user
It would be extremely abstract and interdimentionally temporally unstable for us

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he was a false cia body double and the real one had been captured.

You see him walking around bane though. His arrival that position is quick but it's not as bad as you think it is. Watch it again. He starts walking from that first position to the next

Look at the time caps, there's 2 seconds between picture (2) and (4).
And if you watch it in general, he doesn't walk around Bane. He just turns his body.
You can't even claim that the walk is just cut for time because of the dialogue. You're either purposefully being dishonest or you need to watch it again

He stands up and starts to walk behind Bane into that final position. It then cuts ahead to that position very quickly but it's still not as bad as you're saying.

>starts to walk behind Bane
This doesn't happen. He turns his body towards Bane and then stops moving. In the next shot he's static and on the other side of Bane.
Start watching at 57s

cuz he big guy
for you

why does he do it?

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Not knowing what to do with your hands is pretty common.

He's one of those autist that stand around awkwardly and not knowing what to do with their hands, so he puts them on his hips/belt.
I know because I've been doing that since grade school

he's in charge


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It symbolises power

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No, kino. Lynchian. Bravo Nolan. There would literally be no Dunkirk without CIA Plane.

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I don't get it.

What's you're IQ?

Leaving behind one guy to avert suspicion doesnt even make sense because foul play would be suspected anyway due to Pahvel not being in the wreckage.

Not too mention the fucking bullet holes all over the the plane.

Ah, forgot the blood transfusion part. It's still dumb but at least they came up with some kind of