How did you react to this scene the first time you saw it?

How did you react to this scene the first time you saw it?

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I mean I was sitting still and quietly watching the movie so no reaction, but quite a few people in the theater jumped

I didn't. I did not even see this shitflick. The trailer of this plebbit-tier, brainlet-appeasing dog shit was unbearable enough.
Honestly, liking this film necessarily means sub-80 IQ in 100% of the cases.

"Hah, so that's where it comes from!"

I laughed my ass off because of the memes here

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>Wow he’s just like me

It impacted me even more on the second viewing. You know it's coming, she tells him that "someone lived this" and you fully expect it to happen, but the shot of him contemplating his entire existence goes for so uncomfortably long that the built up emotions are at peak for about 15 second straight, similar to the furnace scene but instead of a cut this time we finally get the first emotional release from K that comes out in the form of a bonechilling existential vocal outburst.
Superb execution and delivery.

I got sad.

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>when you watch a Star Wars prequel

I legitimately got touched to the core of my being right there in the cinema.

i laughed. hes a shit actor and he screamed funny so i laughed my fucking ass off. then my girlfriend at the time gave me a blowjob.

This. That kino silence always gets to me. Gosling fucking nailed the part. I know pic related is also a meme but holy shit that "you're a good Joe" fucking hurts.

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based chad

Why was he so angry, didn’t he want to have real memories and be the chosen one?

>Your whole life and the meaning of your existence has changed in just a matter of seconds and with just a few words of confirmation. You now know that the rage and confusion you feel inside you are not programmed, but real, human emotions.

Gee i dunno man i would also be kind of thrown for a loop there

This lad watches Rick and Morty

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>I post this meme on Yea Forums at least 5 times per day
>perfectly describes my life and mindset
>I still haven't seen BR2049
is it really good? the first one had nice world building, but boring plot

Watch it, it's great, some of the best scenes have been made into memes but in the context of the movie they're really effective and emotionally resonant like OP's pic.

Imagine knowing that every thought and action you made in your entire life were entirely wrong.
Imagine knowing that the person you killed yesterday was probably your biggest lead to find out who your father or mother is.
Imagine denying every single memory (that you secretly love) as fake and living like a one-note slave for a company for your whole life and now knowing that you will be hunted for the rest of your life.

He's angry at himself for basically wasting his entire life up until that point just by ignoring every memory he had and because of it this is his first emotional expression in his entire life.

The world building in 2049 is very cheap, the plot... well, it's as interesting as the first I guess.

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makes much more sense in context

>that pic
Do you think they were not able to put even more things in the frame if they wanted to? Do you think a film is better the more things you shove in frame? Should've Deakins put even more blinds on windows with smoke filled interiors and just make a complete rehash of the first one?
It would make no sense to do any of those things in that narrative, and considering that absolutely every scene was made on an actual set with beyond absurd lighting setups it's pretty retarded to even imply they were just lazy to do it

Attached: bfs_br2049ss4.jpg (1200x800, 334K)

>every scene was made on an actual set
And that's exactly what we see, a set. It's too clean and lifeless.

desu I was really bored

The monochromatic "lifeless" visuals are the entire point of BR2049, to show the bleak empty future after the blackout where nature is practically non existent that is in contrast with the dense, dirty, alive and cluttered setting of the original. The original was mostly filmed at night, this was mostly filmed in a day.
It would make no sense for this film to look extremely colorful and dense, it would make no sense to fill the streets with thousands of extras, it would make no sense to shoot it on grainy film, it would make no sense to make it seem "alive" and developed when everything in it is basically dead.

It's sad that you think that every film should be as vibrant and "pretty" as possible no matter what the narrative is about. What did you want, a literal reboot remake with the same exact setting and storyline? And if you think the point of the first one was just to make it as "le pretty" as possible just because then you're not worth of that film also.

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Frustration because that was my initial thought when she first confirmed it was a real memory. But then the way the film glossed over it made me think it was just weird writing.
So I felt annoyed that I didn't predict the twist that I had accidentally sort of predicted


>Haha Ryan Gosling you suck! Hey babe, suck my dick, I'm mad at Ryan again
>*sighs* okay...

"heh, that's the bit from the 'horny and lonely' meme..."

The meme isn't derived from this scene
It's just being horny and lonely and this emotion is the perfect representation of it

I'm not as intellectual as you when I watch a movie, and no I didn't want a reboot, but in the end this universe felt fake, not finished, I wasn't convinced by the reality of this world.

i've never seen this trash

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same, remembering the first GF that I have, she left me for a fucking negro, I fucking hate this world

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>world feels fake
> explains why it doesn't feel fake
>yeah i don't pay attention to that stuff lol

>just like in my japanese cartoons...

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Let the dude feel what he feels.

Literally this

He has the right to, does not make him any less of a retard

This. A thousand times this. On repeated viewings I sometimes have to mute the audio and look away during this scene because I just don't want to hear that level of anguish just then, I mean I'm just sitting watching some kino.

Dreadfully distinct.


Not entirely accurate. The anger he feels in this scene can be partially and sensibly interpreted as regret over the thought that he could have had a normal life with a normal girlfriend and maybe even married her instead he's a horny and lonely virgin with a holo-girl.

There's waaayy more to it than that. At its core his anger is over losing the essential dignity of his person, losing the respect of his own mind and judgment, devaluing his own feelings, and much more than anything having to do with not having a gf, so that's why it's used to mock "horny and lonely" as if that's all that matters.

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>"Why yes I do post on /pol/. How did you know?"

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>He didn't experience it before it became a meme
When I first saw it, I thought it was pretty intense.


This image tries to discredit 2049 but only makes it look better. It clearly shows how 2049 is very different to the original but still pays homage.

>This image tries to discredit 2049
If it had the "soul/soulless" meme on it I could agree with you, but this is just a comparison of styles, everyone is free to judge.

>lol there's that scene from the Yea Forums meme

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>Yea Forums puts this much thought into the memes