Based Luke taking out the Israelicuck trash

Based Luke taking out the Israelicuck trash

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Isn’t Carrie Fisher a jew?

have friends

people are still acting like this?



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lol these people are still melting down over a piece of concrete?

You mean like the border wall?

You mean like the berlin wall?

>proposal calling for the removal of Donald Trump's star

Why? Literally why? Why bother?
Is there a SINGLE reason other than these toddlers being butthurt and triggered?

Why? Was that cokehead ho in anything besides Star Wars?

You mean like the great wall of China?

you mean like 9/11?

She was that crazy ex in Blue Brothers.

you mean like the holocaust?

Look at this picture. Clearly this proves how Trump is an racist fascist nazi.

you mean reddit

You mean like my 20 inch hard dick?

That was my question. Is there a singe legitimate reason to remove his star other than rock stupid plastic surgery addicts on screens don't like him because of reasons? Christ, I can't wait for that whole state to crack off into the sea.

She had sex with Paul Simon that one time. That was apparently enough to justify her getting a one woman show for a few years.

>The West Hollywood City Council voted to approve a proposal to remove Donald Trump's star from the Hollywood Walk of Fame
This means literally nothing, the West Hollywood City Council has no jurisdiction over Hollywood, which is in the city of Los Angeles. You might as well say the Omaha, Nebraska City Council voted to remove the star


1) No-one has ever been removed from the Walk of Fame. Even Cosby and Kevin Spacey still have stars there. They certainly aren't going to remove Donald Trump's star for being president.
2) The West Hollywood City Council has no jurisdiction over the Walk of Fame, which is controlled by the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce (a private entity) in Hollywood (technically a different town).
3) If Mark Hamill wants Carrie Fisher on the walk he should sponsor a star for her, instead of fishing for easy virtue signal points on social media with a proposition that will never happen.

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you mean like sneed?

who cares its the USAs worst attractions since a bunch of homeless shit on these stars daily.

Celebs should stay out of politics.

They a still seeeeeething over Zion Don, it's amazing.

Carrie Fischer had no career

you mean like hadrians wall?

The hell is with those stickers? What happened to Love Trumps Hate or whatever

"Celebs" only exist in the first place because Jews create them to push their political agenda. Celebrity isn't organic, it is artificially created.

What exactly is it about Droomp that makes these people seethe to the point of insanity and madness? It's such a crazy phenomenon. I bet even the southern slave holders didn't hate Abe Lincoln as badly as west coasters hate Dumpfy. I'm glad I'm around to see it.