The King of Queens

I miss this show bros...

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The episode where he staples his balls to his shorts is absolute kino.

best sitcom ever

>'cause Baby, all my life
>I will be driving home to you

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not blart enough

>Where's Spence? What happened to the photo shoot?
>We're done.
>What do you mean, you're done? You just started five minutes ago.
>It was so weird. He put the film in the camera, and as soon as I started posing, he shot his entire roll in like ten seconds. And then he runs off, saying, "Nothing like this has ever happened before."
>They always say that.

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>that episode when Spence tries to stop the wedding.

We got to watch her hit the wall week by week, and then crumble into the dust of "butt-ugly-fat-ness"

Best moment in the show

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I will never understand the square-jaw.

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Anytime Doug falls and eats shit.

It's the tv show Chris Farley would have made


>fight da powa starts playing

Who took the Le Funny Fat Man role in Sandler's clique after Farley's death? Exactly.

Kevin James. Most of this show is physical humor

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>Most of this show is physical humor
Not even close


Comfy as fuck

Prove me wrong

there are 4 episodes on every morning on tbs. it hasn't aged well. Every episode is the same.

For me it’s the episode where Spence sneaks his wife a lethal dose of drugs.

>"He already signed a blank paper, Sir."

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For me, it's Rita from Dexter.

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