Name a better ending than gladiator

name a better ending than gladiator

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-20 YourMovieSucksDOTorg.jpg (1115x717, 254K)

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Gladiador without the slut making a speech

yeah i agree, killed the tone a little

megacringe @ that wheat

Halloween V

That shit is fake.

>muh wheat
t. Lindybeige

mad max 3

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Literally any ending.

Wheat is peak white glory, not that you’d no since Africans can’t do agriculture on their own

You don't like wheat or something ?

Cinema Paradiso

Infinity War

Almost every movie is better than that rusty turd.

No true Roman bread for you

Funny I didn't know ancient Rome had trucks

you didnt see any tire tracks because their not there

you really thought you were clever didn't you?

Attached: roman-carriage.jpg (543x434, 48K)

A wagon wheel isn't 18 inches wide fags

i really don't know to adequatley suss up how stupid you are

Lmao look at this chaff

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Blade Runner
Godfather II
No Country for Old Men
The Favourite
A Clockwork Orange
The Battle of Algiers
For a Few Dollars More
Gran Torino
The Searchers
Wild Bunch
Thank You For Smoking
The Killing of a Sacred Deer
Raging Bull
The Deer Hunter
Rio Bravo
Taxi Driver
Citizen Kane
A Hard Days Night
Spring Breakers
Apocalypse Now
Hell or High Water
Trash Humpers
The Square
Once Upon A Time In The West
Mister Lonely
Letters from Iwo Jima
Reservoir Dogs
Kill Bill 2
Space Cowboys
Killer Joe

t. Retard

Mine are.

Too many to choose from, but here's a really good one.


imagine being this mad at a movie .

>Roman afterlife
>has roads that have clear ruts worn into them by cars

Attached: Horrified Surprise B.jpg (320x341, 49K)

The horses would trample the middle patch of grass. That's a modern track pattern in the movie.

The epilogue of TAoJJBtCRF is the greatest accomplishment of modern American cinema.

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that video is pure autism

t. cityslicker who has never seen how horses fuck up dirt roads

It's a pretty shit overrated movie

He's throwing a fit over the wheat, isn't he?

Doesn't seem mad at all

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Nothing about that shit 40 hours long waste of time is great

t. woman that doesnt understand the movie

i may be a brainlet but this film seemed like a total bore

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No, especially if it's a low traffic road, wheels are much more destructive than horses.

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Horses will fuck up plants but not stone pathways. The road shouldn't have grass in the middle.

On a stone road they'll leave more marks because more weight is pushing down on a smaller surface and grinding the stone up, sure. But there's not going to be any goddamn grass in the middle if horses keep trotting over it. In fact people would also be walking in the middle, to keep out of the collecting in the ruts from the wagon wheels. The presence of grass in the middle means one thing only: cars.

Most chariots had a pair of horses or oxen though.
And again horses aren't that destructive, they're specifically used for skidding when the soil must be protected.

Attached: Shire_horse.jpg (1280x960, 495K)

>And again horses aren't that destructive, they're specifically used for skidding when the soil must be protected.
uh, yeah, compared to cars that tear up the ground and sprays it all over the place the second they don't have a good grip

You think using MORE horses would somehow protect the grass better?

A pair of horses are side by side dumbo, they walk in the tracks of the wheels.

Master and Commander

roight m8 but wot t i wanna know that the movie never explains is WHY 'e 'et 'er?

>name a better movie than gladiator

They certainly don't go directly in front of the wheels on each side, they'd be walking all over that middle spot as they're ambling along.

Attached: Horses.jpg (5120x3620, 2.27M)

A Knight's Tale
You have been weighed
You have been measured
You have been found wanting


While your point isn't entirely invalid, the road in the OP is clearly because of cars (can't really refute that) and would never look like that because of horses/oxen

>posts pic with GRASS IN MIDDLE

and then they spent 100 thousand years in the fields doing nothing

One of the horses is walking on the grass, showing how it'd walk on the middle patch... It's just not worn down because it's the first horse and carriage that's gone down that way in probably years.

after that? another billion years in the fields doing nothing

after that? another trillion years in the fields doing nothing!!

the digits speak, gentlemen

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they had sex but I understand why you could not think of that

The effectiveness of this scene is 90% Zimmer's score.

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Based Daniel Reference.

Mene Tekel Uparshin brothers.

Bong blocks your path.

Attached: Lindybeige..jpg (1280x720, 151K)

t. dumb city faggot

Two-Lane Blacktop

by the same actor ?
Master and Commander