What are the most Nietzschean movies and tv shows?

What are the most Nietzschean movies and tv shows?

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the entire animated sonic franchise

True Detective

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The Turin Horse

>dark side

More like

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End of Evangelion

Rick and Morty

>>True detective
No sorry man, they just reference one of his ideas
>>Turin Horse

Also unironically, Conan the Barbarian and the entire Dark Knight trilogy.

I Am Not A Serial Killer

In what way is Conan Nietzschean?

>t. brainlet who has never read Nietzsche

In no way is fucking Rick and Morty Nietzschean. If anything, the world of Rick and Morty is the type of degeneracy that Nietzsche was warning against.

Why is it so common for people in movies/tv to say Nietzsche is dark? I was watching some shitty Netflix movie and the main character said “Nietzsche is like a sexy German vampire. He whines a lot and thinks everything’s pointless.”
I don't think anyone has actually read Nietzsche

>warning against degeneracy
>but fuck god lmao

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This plane scene, in fact, is a reference to Nietzschean philosophy. Hotheads would never understand.

First, when Agent Wilson calls Bane a "big guy" he's clearly referencing him as the Übermensch, while himself indulges in slave morality represented by the authoritarian institution that is Central Intelligence Agency. Note how Wilson never references himself as his real name. There is no individuality in him, only CIA. The essence of slave morality (represented as the "flight plan", opposed to master morality - the "master plan") is utility: the good is what is most useful for the whole community, not the strong. But he does not see beyond initial good and evil.

Also prior to the scene, Wilson shoots out of the plane without actually killing anyone. He does so out of misguided anger, furious that neither faith in god nor scientific knowledge has not given him the rest or respite he desires. At the same time, CIA shooting the sky symbolizes the death of God as a source of morality for people, leading to the unhooding of Bane, the Übermensch.

When Bane crashes the plane with no survivors, he's crashing the entire worldview based on slave morality. He's crashing old thoughts and institutions (such as Judeo-Chrsitian religion). He's crashing secular humanism. He's crashing herd mentality. He's crashing even himself, as he overcomes his former self to become the over-man. In this crash, a fire rises in the wreckage - the triumph of "life" over "logic"

Then, in the end Bane reminds Dr. Pavel that "Now is not the time for fear, that comes later!" The world is necessarily moved in a cycle, endlessly repeating all past events due to finite amount of matter and infinite amount of time. In this eternal recurrence, the plane crash will repeat - again and again.

But if life triumphs over logic, the only meaning is life then is the will to power, that means the big guy will always be in charge here.

Bravo Nolan.

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It has literal Nietzscheans

Exactly. Since the resentment that's so closely tied to the evolution of Christianity is ultimately what lead to the rise in degeneracy that we find in today's society. Glad you understood that part

Unironically Shrek

>fuck god
You missed the point entirely

thats a spicey take big guy.


Yugioh. Kaiba embodies the ubermensch that Nietzsche talked about, and is even seen reading Thus Spake Zarathustra at one point.

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You mean because it's stupid and for immature people?

BvS (director's cut)

>Also unironically, Conan the Barbarian
Arnold is a great actor, but he is a social undermensch living as a part of a society he can't escape.

The entire point of the Overman is to escape the shackles of humanity, and to free yourself of all guilt you didn't know you have. Which deep down in something Mankind can not do.
Man, as a social animal has to share guilt with his group to create ethos and pathos. To participate inn interaction of norms and unspoken laws, deeply embedded and unable to escape those shackles.
Conan is far more of a Overman than most of fiction characters, but he isn't a Overman, he is merely a part of a ladder humanity can't climb to the top of.

They generally ape a rather long series of misquotes.
Stretching as far back as the books have been out.
And its comedy gold, for all the wrong reasons. Its essentially a quote train to deny the logical coherent arguments presented.

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>>but fuck god lmao
thanks for showing that you know nothing except what tv and movies have spoonfed you


Hey dumbass, the point was to show that the morality of God is no longer in society, we no longer play by those rules and even more so today, God is dead and yes we killed him as a concept for good.

Kill yourself kid. Or read thus spoke zarathustra and figure shit out.


Rick is OBSESSED with society, and its interactions, rules and norms.
Morty is a weak spineless man following society. A lot like his father Jerry, but Jerry is far weaker.
Summers doesn't have the extreme tendencies of her family, but she is still obsessed with her position in society.
Beth is ironically enough just as fucked up as Rick, but she has furthered her search into social prestige instead of isolation and research to gather envy of other people.

Evangelion is Hegelian, you utter ape.

I started watching Smallville recently and this scene blew my mind. Loved it.

today I will remind them

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get it? Nietzsche. Because Superman? Get it?

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baby face quotes him

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fight club

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not falling for it

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Seeing as this is what its based on?
I fucking doubt that.

Erekose is essentially such as Undermensch that he finds the Eldren to be the better people, because they remember and keep all their vows. Which leads to him convincing the Eldren to finally dig up their stockpile of ancient doomsday tech, and use laser weapons to exterminate humanity.
Seriously, go read the "source material" for part 2 of Attack on Titan. Its great. And what is even more exciting is that Attack on Titan will play it straight, or it will diverge into another source material for Part 3.

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Honestly out of all examples given, The Sacrifice IS probably the most Nietzschean. Book nerds back me up


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you're the only one that actually got it.

it's interesting that the movie failed so hard while being so blatant about it's undertones

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>main character is LITERALLY called superman
I turned it off right there

you come from Yea Forums?

Yea Forums dosen't deserve Yea Forums poster

nice (you) seed you have planted here

This but unironically.

Bait post. When Nietzsche declared god was dead, it wasn't in celebration but in mourning. It was an acknowledgement that the west had lost connection with any sort of fundament of meaning and that going forward would either have to suffer under nihilism or find/create a new wellspring of meaning, a new 'why.' I'd say we collectively chose the former, sadly.
He did criticize Christianity and the liberal humanism it spawned but this is mostly unrelated to the west's decline into nihilism.

As for the use of the word degeneracy I wouldn't choose such a loaded word. Decay is more appropriate

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This, but unironicaly. Also Death of God and Eternal Recurrence are themes of his character as well.

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>I Am Not A Serial Killer

Naked (1993) is very Schopenhaueresque
Edge of Tomorrow for Eternal Reoccurance

Countless more have butchered his philosophy like Rope or Avengers.

Kind Hearts and Coronets was more like Stirner

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>As for the use of the word degeneracy I wouldn't choose such a loaded word.
I would. It's the classic use of the word. It's what every conservative scholar meant by the term. People only don't like it because it reminds them of what they are, fucking degenerates living in a degenerate age.