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I'm not clicking that fucking guardian link you faggot
Give me a pastbin and tldr or fuck off back to whatever shithole you came from

You're just spare parts aren'tcha bud?

Some Christians are petitioning to have Good Omens cancelled because satanism. They got 20000 signatures so far— problem is, they petitioned Netflix. The show is on amazon.

I think they should cancel it because it’s shit. The first two episodes at least. Robbie Ross is good, but the demon sucks and the whole thing just seems halfassed

That's it?
I can't believe I wasted time posting in this thread. I hope op dies.

meh it's a pretty gay show anyway. I'm sure I'd like it if I were 12, unironically. but if you've read, like, one douglas adams or pratchett novel you've already been exposed to everything this has to offer

first two episodes, I found myself literally finishing characters' sentences with them the writing is so one-note and predictable.

can't the british come up with anything new? this shit was fun 30 years ago. it's not 30 years ago anymore. fucking hell.

>when you dont watch the entire series much less read the wiki page

The series was miles better than the majority of garbage put out in the last couple of decades.

>adapted from Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman’s 1990 fantasy novel
i was wondering why it was shit. now i know.

I liked the show. It was ridiculous and irreverent but I liked Michael Sheen and David Tennant together. And a bit of Jon Hamm.

Maybe. And maybe it's because I have these guys' books on my shelf from when I read them as a kid, but the show just does nothing for me. It's like a zombie shambling along at least 20 years past its intended lifespan. Or a comedian who's been telling the same joke over and over again his entire life. It's fun the first time you hear it. Then not so much.

Not like they couldn't take the same formula and put a twist on it either, like for example making it self-aware that it has overstayed its due. Which I guess is the final life cycle of a scene, when it realizes it has grown old and stale, it turns to self-awareness to shake things up. Do that for long enough and you may even be able to make the next twist sincerity, going full-circle. Kind of like how super heroes have gone from sincere to cynical to sincere to cynical, etc.

But this is just stuck on its form of sincere and it isn't doing it any favours.

If you want an extremely gay show, watch Years and Years, Steven Moffat's newest... production.
The soundtrack is designed to induce some sort of a horrific, hectic panic in the viewer. People literally turn to the camera and scream for things to stop.

This at least it was something new. Well for those of us who didnt read whatever book this is from.

>the tick died for this

Sounds like a staged fake controversy to drum up attention.

Nah, christfags have been making an arse of themselves for decades. Doesn't take a conspiracy, just a bunch of lunatics.

Yeah, and then Gaiman got to write the TV series itself which made it worse. The show already covered the book and went beyond. There's nothing left to do

who cares? they tried banning Harry Potter and the wizard of oz before

>pollution has killed more people than war and famine combined
and that's why you're cancelled.

Why do read genre fiction instead of something good? I bet you play video games too

Why this but not Lucifer or Sabrina?

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lots of 'em. especially fond of this title.

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basically my question, yeah

Its not Good Omen's fault that TV shows only recently have had takes where they are big budget enough to try to display the girth of Game of Thrones.
It also doesn't really have that many minutes of padding in its runtime either, making it a great watch.

You can't even cancel it, it's already over.

looks cool, I will check it out

sasuga baphomet senpai. never fails to rustle

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no it was not. 2 angels was all it had going for it.

Hahaha I saw this on the front page of Reddit, religion is sooo dumb