44 years old. Dates 18 yo girls. What is Leo's problem and how can we save him?

44 years old. Dates 18 yo girls. What is Leo's problem and how can we save him?

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Other urls found in this thread:


And this is bad because...?

wanting to date young, fertile females is the DNA of every men.

He's doing it for us, bros.

Don't be mad.

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I love how there are actual women seething, unable to understand how he can do this. It's just like that one southpark episode where celebrities has to pretend that they're severe sex-addicts just because they take all the young puss they can as men.

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>What is Leo's problem
it's that he can

Holy shit he's a mets fan just like me!

He is one of the most prolific carbon polluters on the planet so he needs to be killed asap.

He doesn't offer them money or work so they can't #metoo his arse.

What a pro.

Better fucking the 18 years old than masturbating to teen porn.

>girls are ok with it
>hes ok with it
>4channer loser is concerned


that dude on the left looks familiar. did she do pr0n?

Maybe he is a cool guy? But what is probably happening is he is rich and famous.


>and how can we be like him?

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You have the perception of a fucking rock

he doesn't date them
girls use him to advertise themselves. leo uses them to keep up the appearances of a lothario

First, she is 22. Leonardo always dated models. Leonardo is also pretty good for 44 years old. He is also rich and famous.

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and you cant explain whats wrong with leo´s life

this is not really funny when youre not a movie star, my gf was 18 when we got together and i was 30 going back to uni, and literally every roastie friend of hers was an asshole about it. at least dicaprio can distance himself from the seething hags on social media

It seems like the opposite to me. The problem would be if he actually was married to a 44 year old prune for the last 20 years.

He has a problem?

Why were they acting that way? What did they do?

Diana Prince

>Why were they acting that way?
Because he was 30 and in college.

how can one man be this based?

Because women are spiteful cunts who compete with each other, and aren't really friends.

>be me
>marry hs sweetheart…
>…who turns out to be borderline personality nutcase
>only woman I ever fucked
>have kids with her
>divorce her ten years later at age 33
>start nutting in every cute piece I could, 18 and up
>finally sowing wild oats like I should have in the beginning; playing the field
>realize I just like having an independent life and just dicking down whomever I want.
>might settle down again eventually, but not yet

I guess my difference is that (aside from not being a multi-millionaire superstar) I don't date seriously. Just keep a stable of fuck buddies who are [ignorant of one another and] usually comfortable that things won't progress beyond that.

Give it a try, OP. It's fun.

>talks about climate change prevention then gets on his private jet to flight to his super yacht to lie in the sun somewhere in the middle of pacific ocean

what did Leo (and other hollywood celebrities) meant by this?

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It must be so fun being attractive

It's weird because Kate Beckinsale has been doing the exact same thing for years and they don't seem to care. Her bf is the same age as her daughter.

Carbon taxes are cool! and a (((good))) thing!

Green ideology is a fetish for the upper classes.

where do you go to find out about the attitudes of normie females across the world?

But I'm not looking like a superchad or anything. I don't think I'm hard to look at but I probably blend into a crowd easy.

Probably a combo of looks and ability to converse with decent wit. I've noticed the latter two go a long way.

>Believes that fag isn’t larping

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makes sense

the problem is that Leo preaches the gospel of climate chaos while jet setting and yachting around the world with his gaggle of sluts and entourage

>you can get any girl you want
>so you get the most generic-looking white girl that you can find 10 of at your nearest Starbucks
What did he mean by this?


omega male logic

>Puts on headphones.

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How long until roastis make 18 not legal? Ameritards are already calling 20y/o kids, it's a matter of time.

Reminder that the pussy ain't free.

Any sexuality that actually leads to w**** procreating is bad goy.

i said oh girl

Baltimore. I've got a clipboard with a list of questions, just ask people I see on the street.

how many bastards do you think he has? I'd say at least 5

>stop polluting, goy
yeah super based

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He's getting very fat and ugly. Shame, he used to be so good looking.

we would have heard about it by now.


i think they'll raise it to 21 in america in out lifetime. its so strange that a country is a mix of absolute degeneracy and some archaic remains of puritanism

this guy owns that, not leo.

why do you assume that?


Leave him alone unlesd you think you can do better

lol what's your point? he's still using it, he's the one responsible while he's renting it

nothing drastic but they joked about it time to time. they just couldnt let it go.
and whats wrong with that exactly? i already had my own house, car and job (code monkey). i just wanted to get a diploma

my point is that he's being environmentally friendly by not getting a whole new ship manufactured. think of the carbon foot print

true, he's so generous that he only sacrifices 3 babies a day, instead of 5 like the other elites

I'm 25 and I've been casually fucking 20-22 year olds since last month. At first I thought tinder wouldn't work but then I started getting matches and man o man there are some SLUTS on tinder. Young women just like older guys, it is what it is.

Shut up hippy.

>you're a hippy if you point out hypocrisy

>3–5 years your junior.
That's cute, user. Just teasing you though.

Seriously, stay fit and keep working on yourself…in 10–20 years time, that realization—that young poon wants Daddies—won't change for you. You'll still be able to sling dick into 20–23yos. Happy humping.

I'm 31 and i do this with 21 - 23 year old frequently. 25 is nothing.

i have more of a problem with her face than her (legal) age

>female model

Reeks of pampered spoiled whore with daddy issues. He goes for low hanging fruit, girls with no self respect or esteem. He’s just a sugar daddy to them, and they’re just a wet hole for him. He’s a sad person who’s afraid to let go of his past youth, he desperately clings onto that by dating literal children.

why is no one pointing out how awkward it is to walk with a girl like that? keeping same pace with her and immobile arm and all the swinging. fuck its a nightmare, but you can do it for short periods of time tho.

Why not all three?

what episode was that?

did you have to put that you have a job in the description?

>18 year old
>literal children
not only that, but women are always children and never grow past that

have sex

No, I didn't.

it's honestly pretty sad and pathetic t b h

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Because women hate other women being happy.

Don't forget that owning a yacht can eat up tens of millions every year


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>you can get any girl you want
Sadly, that isn't how it actually works.
If you ever become rich and famous you will know.

wtf where are all the black chix

Schopenhaur wrote an essay on this that is a very interesting read, essentially the women are upset they their best years are behind them and they have failed to use their cunning to lock down mr.dicaprio.

https ://ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/s/schopenhauer/arthur/essays/chapter5.html

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imagine dating a woman over 25, absolute desperation

It might have been the one with Tiger woods.

All women should be confiscated by the state as property and distributed to men in accordance to their merit with those who have served in the military or the academic corps receiving special preference. Men who commit adultery will be sentenced to hard labor in my penal factories (part of my economic program) and the women will be executed.

>Cargo shorts with polo and vans
I like Leo's style.

Based as always

looks like he lost it around 36. literal who's after lively

Baste and red pilled xD

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he just didn't want to play the game of monogamy user.


Implying Nina is 18

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no man would ever fuck a woman older than 30 if they could get teenagers and girls in their early 20s

>you can't find people younger than you attractive!!!
Fuck that shit! Maybe I wouldn't if women didn't age like milk

women hit the wall at like 22 lmfao

>not one person mentions she's fucking 27 years old

>this is the body you need to fuck prime 20 year old supermodels

But Yea Forums told me every woman only wants chad??

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Money and fame trump everything else with women

When I was early 20s I remember girls were clearly more attracted to men in their 30s and 40s than they were to men in their 20s. Now I'm in my mid 30s and I see girls in their early 20s I think "there's no point, she's too young, she'd never go for it". Anyone else an idiot like this?

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Dating young constantly just screams "I desperately need someone easily impressed"

Unless you're a complete shut in getting older is easy mode for confidence and knowledge, you have who you are figured out and you're a fountain of interesting shit because you've simply built up a lot of stuff in your brain.

Take a guess how much fun it is in the long run dealing with a person who doesn't have their shit figured out and has little life experience for the 95% of the day when you're not fucking them

at all times wishing I was other than I am?
I wish I knew how to embrace the advantages of the now

Does that flat mayo cunskin hag look like she can bear healthy babies? Get out of here you fucking idiot. Leo is a pedophile who probably adores Jewish career pedo woody allen

How is Di Caprio not the ultimate Chad?

Based Leo. Cargo shorts 4 life.

Implying he needs to be saved
He is probably being degeneracy now, though

confirmed braindead and zoomerpilled.


then is used when time is involved.
than is used in comparisons and also is a conjunction.

Corporations are responsible for 99% of pollution.
How does it feel to be an useful idiot protecting the big money polluting the planet?

>b-b-but leo wants to take away my big truck

Wealth is the only thing more attractive to women than looks

They are beards. The only straight men are Woods, Sheen and Gibson and they actually date hot young girls not models shilled by faggots designers.

>can date anybody

>dates no titty no ass pencils

closet pedo detected

it's basically legal prostitution. dont hate the player. hate the game Yea Forums

jesus christ did you really get baited by this 2008 troll

>What is Leo's problem and how can we save him?
He's gay, if that's what you mean. But nobody really considers that a "problem" to be "saved" from anymore. It's 2019 for chrissakes!

how is this dude a grandpa he doesn't even have grey hairs


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baiters don't dont point out grammar errors. self entitled zoomers correct grammar.

get the fuck off this board

What a manchild, you just know he's deeply depressed and unhappy being that old without a family and galavanting around with airhead young WHORES

you mad ho?

what is a woman "with her shit figured out"? her ovaries are finally about to dry out so she is no longer a mindless whore?

Tips for finding sloots on tinder? I'm blowing my 20s for my doctorate and will be one of those 30 year olds doing this.

this guy gets it. the desperate zoomers in here have only one use for a woman: conquering her as a trophy. they have no idea what fun could be had with a woman other than fucking.
younger woman are cuter but older women are more interesting.


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Wahhh don't say things I dont like, I'm gonna report you to my daddy mods

Leo da real MVP :D seething roasties all around the world

>he doesnt know about the an/a and then/than meme
hi newfriend

He's a Chad nobody cares. He also covered himself by screaming about muh planet to remain good with the hippies. He also meets these hippies at his muh planet talks and then goes and fucks the youngest hottest ones. On top of it all, he doesn't even care about sex. He wears headphones and sunglasses and often falls asleep during it. It's not even a flex, he just doesn't give a shit. What are these thots gonna do, cry about it. He could walk out saying my dick don't work and spray fart in a thot's dinner and she'd still suck and eat both.

He's pretty much perfect.

What a brainlet take. Procreating is exactly what he's not doing, you idiot. He's 45 with no kids. He's living the exact lifestyle that (((they))) want healthy white men with blue eyes to live

She looks kind of trashy to be only 18,senpai

Only dates young models who have careers that need launching. Almost makes you think it’s a cover for something......

A literal brand deal

Leo is based

seething nigger

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You might have autism

>hmm should i suck this old jewish dick to launch my career or this Chad's?
>gee such hard choices

these thots know they have got the willy wonka golden ticket so they don't bitch about it

Is this peak burger fashion?

You're a fucking moron who is so dumb he can't comprehend anything more than >X BAD as a political ideology. In this case, corporations. Who do you think they pollute for, dipshit? Oh, their consumers? Who would have thought

nah this is

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The white Knight doing mental gymnastics to try to score some sjw pussy

>why does he keep going for women half his age?!

Probably because they are pretty and enjoyable to be around, hes not breaking any laws.

Too bad he forgot women will always side with the chad

>[He] is selfish, lazy and downright rude. She told me that during the act, Leo put on headphones and even started vaping! Then he signaled her to keep going while he just laid back and zoned out.
>The woman was so confused by the situation that she just carried on, embarrassed and hoping for things to change.
>But Leo continues to lie there, listening to MGMT, while his “date” was left wondering what was in this for her.
Based Leo using roasties for the only thing they're worth.

based user

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is me

Wit, humor, SANITY, and easy-going personality go a long way. You need to think about where these girls are coming from. They are saturated in a buyers market of sausage being solicited towards them all day every day. you need to come out on top by actually being a good conversationalist and not transparently trying to funnel the convo constantly into getting your dick moistened.

I've gotten the best reactions when I play it patient and cool and just enjoy the banter. They start leading me to the bedroom talk then, and I just start revealing more of that side of me then. They open up like a flower.

If you low-key mention you have a preference for those with submissive sides, that brings out the girls who want to call you Daddy and want spanked and held down. IF that's your thing; it IS my thing, haha.

Leo pulls the Bilzerian lifestyle gracefully and shamelessly
Props to him for being a disgusting slob fucking prime top model pussy thanks to his social status
Literal feminist kryptonite
I salute you, Leo

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>how can we save him
Get Tom Cruise to take him under his metaphorical wing and introduce him to the gracious church of scientology

Roastie radar going off hard

If you're in that age range yourself you just won't understand until you're older, but in your twenties you're just playing a big game of trial and error. About everything. You're not even a real person until like, 25.

Both are true though regardless of whether the man does anything.

Oh, and I will also add that it certainly doesn't hurt to look good, classy, and not like some fantasy-football bar bum douche in your pic(s) either.

I actually use a no-face shot of my upper body in a suit (torso to chin) on Tinder. I didn't think it would work, but once I explain how I'm not married, but just don't like throwing my face out into the hookup ether where professional peers will see me out there trying to bone, they chill out and enjoy the conversation… then the conversation leads into hot talk… that leads to planning the logistics of a hookup…and you are on your way.

sexual healing

nigga he is a Chad u dumb fuck

>If you're in that age range yourself you just won't understand until you're older, but in your twenties you're just playing a big game of trial and error. About everything. You're not even a real person until like, 25.
Whole lotta projection coming from you roastie. Men start being worthwhile at 25, yes, but you've already walled out and fail to realize it.

This. Young women don't like guys in their 30s (or older) because they have daddy issues, it's because guys in their 20s are FUCKING RETARDED and
basically drooling apes compared to older guys who know how to slow their roll and make a girl want it

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This one just hurts to read every single fucking time without fail.

What city and state?

What kind of teenage girl would bang a 33 year old 4channer

This is old, look at OP. Leo got fatter.

Thanks my man, I appreciate it. What's your bio like?

Well, I'm oldfag 40 now, and we aren't all low-test basement dwellers or trollhard edgelords IRL. I doubt you are, either. We just have these perceptions of each other, but they aren't usually accurate.

I think Yea Forums is more full of normal folks like me than you think.

More like LeoTARDo

The neckbeard is more offensive than him being out of shape

and that period where he had a man bun, jfc

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I still don't understand bars. Are they like pubs? Do women really go to bars in groups or alone? Surely if they do it's just to find someone to fuck. Why not just go to a club? Is it because they are older now and can't dance because their knees will hurt? I'm honestly curious, I might have to go to America just to find out how all this works.

Pubs are different here and are more for families or violent football hooligans. They're not places to pick up floozies really. The last time I was in a pub watching some football game some guy came up to our table and was like talking about how some team was going to win the league next year. Then he opened his trenchcoat to show us the butcher knife he was carrying. Then he just told us we were alright lads and went to sit with the rest of his no necked friends.

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>You're not even a real person until like, 25
And then, when you actually become 25, you realize you're still not a real person. And you'll never be a real person. You missed all the experiences a "real person" has (most of which were "real" much younger than 25 by the way) And then you realize you're just fucked up and different. And then you kill yourself because you realize you will never connect with the normies.

>You're not even a real person until like, 25.

When my dad was 25 he had a house a kid and a wife. Here I sit at 23 knowing none of that shit is going down for another 10-15 years minimum

What was being married in your 20s like?

>show us the butcher knife he was carrying. Then he just told us we were alright lads and went to sit with the rest of his no necked friends.
>butcher knife
>no necked friends.

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I have nothing to say to your questions but I need to remind everyone that your pic is the best content to come out of the chad meme. perception is everything.

No more, Butchie. No more uh dis.

they never will unless they want the military age to be 21 too. And the military industrial complex would never ever support that. only basedaboys and female redditors want to raise it

He is jewish.

I was an immature idiot. I love my kids, but I didn't even know who I was until my 30s really, so I regret throwing my 20s away in breeding instead of focusing on my career and building myself up as much as I could have—making up for lost time in that respect and others now. That's actually one nice thing about fuckbuddies. They don't expect you to hand them your wallet. Just focus on your life and go nut in one when you need to… then back to productivity.

I was just playing the role I thought I was supposed to play. I married because I thought I couldn't do better and had low self esteem.

In the end, we weren't compatible, and she has her BPD issues and gaslighting and polarized mood shifts.

I bet the boomer is telling the truth.

There is literally nothing wrong with that. It is never too late to go back to school

It's corny but it seems to be working. I shut my profile down because I'm currently working on bedding two matches and can only juggle so many new prospects at a time.

I have some decent BDSM Dom experience, so I felt comfortable pushing that bit a little, albeit more subtly than I could have.

The women say that I gave them a laugh and made them interested to know more. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don't see other men on there so I don't know what the usual dude's profile looks like.

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Hollywhores are incapable of real love.

>absurdly of life

The fact he exclusively dates
models and manages to never land an attractive one does not bode well for his supposed heterosexuality.

Had an older woman approach me recently. Let her talk for 15 minutes revealed she was batshit fucking insane. Age has nothing to do with "having your shit together" or "being interesting." This woman was a nutter and a fucking retard to boot. Rather bang young chicks who at least have an excuse to be so while having a tighter body.

Times have changed, I still remember my grandparents when they were alive acting like it was some crisis that I wasn't in a long term relationship at like age 21

I mean, that's probably because they lived through two world wars. Kind of built a sense of urgency into them. Didn't mean shit to me though.

It's wild though how previous generations turned onto Old People so rapidly though because they were following some life script that said they had to act a certain way at certain ages

Total creepoid you are. Further proof that women are retarded children if you aren’t larping.

I've always wondered what kind of a absolute degenerate cuck of a father would be okay with this. What if some douchebag fag millionaire who wants to pump some young pussy wanted to start dating your daughter? Nigger would wake up dead if he thought she was this summer's dick sleeve

Like I said… corny lol

You sound like an over the hill loser who probably has a goatee and old shitty tats

It should be 'absurdity of life'

>this shit works

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Here's a tip. Try going to a bar in a hotel close to business centers or an airport around 8-9pm on a weeknight. It's what normies who are on business trips do to pass the time. Including single women.

If you're looking to get your dick wet, just lie and say you're in town for business.

>proof that women are retarded children
You still needed any?

It doesn't matter. Remember that most w*men have an IQ of below or around 100. Aka they're barely literate.

pretty based. have you actually tried this or are you just a zoomer with an active imagination like me?

Well, I'm not looking for wife material right now. Just pussy that isn't insane or needing to leech cash from a sugardaddy.

Yes, that is me. I also always have dorito stains on my fingertips and never bathe regularly and have a bank account that always edges upon a negative balance. I drink too much beer and try to feel alive again by listening to the best hits from my high school summers. I'm balding and try to wear witty ball caps to hide it. I haven't seen my dick beneath my gut since my 20s.

Does it make you feel better about yourself to picture that? I hope it does.

Yep. Didn't put much thought into it. Just toyed with the same principals that I used in an old Craigslist personals ad that would get submissive women (many married) crawling out of the woodwork.

Do women makes these threads? What kind of guy cares whether or not a rich celebrity has children?

Cubicle Spinsters.

These women were told starting a family and raising their children was slavery, but spending their most fertile years making some rich jew richer is somehow liberating. They're past the wall yet still tell each other they don't have to settle so they're waiting on some Brad Pitt lookalike that makes $300,000.- a year to sweep them off their feet. The reality is that guy is out there, and he's plowing a 20 year old. Usually a 20 year old boy. That reality hits them way too hard.

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Yep. I'm back in college now, surrounded by hot girls. When I was in high school, nearly all the hottest girls were dating 30yos. And now that I am one, all I see are cute girls that are immature kids, and while it's fun to talk and joke with them, any thought of actual hookups, well that'd just be fucking weird, and frankly not even appealing to try.

You just know he huffs that footpusy incessantly

I've done it, and it's easy as shit.

Just LARP as the person you wish you could be. Obviously within reasonable limits. Don't pretend to be a fucking billionaire. The goal is to fuck women, not marry them. And chances are they'll never find out you were full of shit, because they're leaving town the next day.

A liberal hypocrit? Shocking.

Thanks user. Fixed

If you give a shit about your daughters sex life once she's past being a teenager you're not only a weird creep you've probably already fucked up her attitudes towards it

I've been trying to watch less teen porn lately since I'm now in my 30s, but it's hard because it's been my go to for over 15 years.

>Call Me By Your name features a 24 old male having a consensual relationship with a 17 year old boy
>it's hailed as pedoshit
>Leo is aging gen x'r dating an 18 year old
>totally okay and not pedoshit
Explain yourselves

I eventually started finding it completely uninteresting shit anyway

Bars are inbetween pub and club and usually aslo a restaurant. They have nights with djs and open up a dance floor then other nights there might be karaoke, live music or trivia. These days they cram everything they can for everyone but they're still some traditional pubs and clubs as you know them

Yet she looks like a 30+ trailer single mom.What is Leo's problem??

White girls are the most beautiful women. Get over it.

>how can we save him?
How do we save ourselves, dumbass. Women past 25 are worthless. You seriously want us to save leo from his prime teenage pussy? KYS. You're probably a roastie yourself, many years into the wall, fuck off cunt. Go back to TUMBLR where you belong bitch.

I guess it will work if you're attractive. But so will lots of things.

I'm knee-deep in my mid-30s and the only women I meet are either teachers or the worst Office Lady types you'd ever find in an h-doujin. I just target co-eds. I get more play now than I did when I was young and /fit/ and all I gotta do is send them a message saying "hey i got paid today wanna spend some petty cash" and I'm getting my dick sucked in a parking lot somewhere while I drink an arnold palmer.

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Leave and don't come back

>I guess it will work if you're attractive.

It's not irrelevant but it's honestly does not matter as much as you think

I'm objectively 6/10 on my best days and in the right light.
You probably won't be pulling supermodels, but there are a lot of women 5/10-7/10 women in their early 30s looking to get seduced in those bars.

Just think of the most alpha movie character you've seen and adapt his personality for one night. Play it off with confidence, and unless you're 3/10 or below it will fucking work. Not every night, since sometimes there are mostly groups and very few single women, but after a few tries I guarantee you it will work.

whoa, a 25 year old fucking 22 year olds??? SOMEBODY STOP THIS MANIAC

What are you talking about? Call Me By My Name was largely critically claimed and praised.

He got raped as a child by a man. When you get raped as a child by another man especially it will fuck you up.

The only people who think this is wrong are woman and whiteknights that want to score pussy points

A lot of the porn labelled "teen" is of girls in their 20s anway. Riley Reid is almost 30 and she's still doing videos in the "teen" category on pornhub.

Let me know when you're daughter htis 18 so I can creampie her when I'm bored

But he never has any kids with them

That actually sounds alright, I despise clubs because autism but I enjoy getting pissed at the pub, seems like a nice even ground for people who dont want to go clubbing.

I’ve literally fucked more women whilst being a fat alcoholic than when I was in my prime working back to, half a year sober and almost 40lbs down

To be fair I’ve got appealling things about me to women. They tend to like that I’m Western military in east Asia
Main thing I’m getting to here is that for about a year and a half I ghosted women I was supposed to be meeting up with or I’d not go out on weekends because I felt self conscious about my looks and ashamed of myself.
I understand looks are a large part of things, and I get that, but you can work with things if you’re say a 6 or something.
Often times people hold themselves back. Women tend to be attracted to weird shit. I’m no longer afraid of approaching women, and I no longer am trying to get in shape for them. I’m getting in shape for myself.

Life is better when you stop wasting brain cells on roasties. Make your own life.

Why would he?

Lol fake news

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Unironically both based and redpilled.

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So you are a fellow chinky chaser user? Where in EA are you?

I'm in the states so I just shoot for the FOB ones

ugly fat gooks don't count loser

You're the only guy here. The rest of us are women who larp as mysogynists for kicks.

He doesn’t want kids; deal with it. He also exclusively fucks women that don’t want kids either because it would ruin their bodies which is how they make their money.

Mets fans are always chads

How do you guys cope with the fact that you’re in your 20s, the prime of your lives, and you’re missing out on one night stands, tinder fuck buddies, blow jobs from new chicks every weekend, finding a chick with a 10/10 ass and eating it up and comparing the difference taste between asses and pussy. How do you incels cope? Myself, I lift weights and do jiu jitsu and boxing and tell myself that while chads are out using their energy to fuck pussy, I’m training and eating healthy so I can be a lethal ass kicker instead of a ass eater


the only part that mattered was 6'2. also you're probably cutting down the pool a lot with those explicitly sexual passages. although that needn't be a bad thing. the ones who do contact you will be dtf. there's just a risk of alienating the "need to not be responsible for sex" type, which might be a regional / national thing. you know the type though, the "it just happened" type. you're not getting those, if they can read.

>44 years old
>Only marries 60-70 year old women
What is her end game?

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he doesn't date 'em he only fucks 'em. ask rihanna.

Do you own a unicorn and fight the forces of evil too?

Most anons here are sensitive betas that want a pure, innocent waifu to magically fall into their laps, motivate them to get their shit together, magically fix all their problems and then live happily ever after making babies. They don’t desire the Chad life.

coping with maternal child abuse like most lesbians

I hear that. I appreciate the constructive criticism.

And you are right, I don't want to waste my time filtering, so I let the more direct ad speak for me. I'm not the type to just tell girls what they want to hear and con them into taking d. I just want no nonsense shit. I'm so busy and tired of playing the game of soothing them into bed. When I'm ready for something of better quality, I'll start that game playing up again.

>humans are attracted to beauty because it's a sign of good genetic material to increase chances of your offspring reproducing
>beautiful humans don't want kids in order to remain beautiful
This is seriously fucking with my autism

18+ is a full grown adult

I wonder if it's some long burn case of FOMO? Like, you never want to pump out kids/responsibility because better tail might be right around the corner?

Or maybe a keeping-up-with-the-fit-Joneses thing?

nice blog post faggot nobody cares about your cringe role play

your personality and how you present yourself are like 75% of your attractiveness

at 35 I just got healthier, tossed out and replaced my clothes and stopped second guessing everything I said or did, and I've had more women in years 35-40 than I did in years 16-34 by a ridiculous goddamned amount

and that's not by turning into a gym chad, I'm the most generic middle aged guy ever and women don't give a shit, they're not going out at night expecting to fuck Brad Pitt any more than a guy is expecting to fuck a supermodel

Movie stars and models are generally narcissistic people. Sure they could make pretty babies but celebrity kids often end up kind of fucked up and weird.

Looks kinda fat

Seething roastie/roastie apologist

Who said they're not getting pregnant with his w**** seed?
He's just not marrying them, moishe

Because its the DNA of every male

How do you deal with the fact that you're never safe from being cheated on ?

>being +30 on 4channel

You really think a serial model fucker and party boy like Leo would be a good, stable dad?

>sjw has gone full circle and realize women shouldn’t be allowed to make choices because they might make the wrong ones

He’ll most likely pull a Clooney and have a couple of kids in his 50s.

Yea Forums is 16 years old, do the math.
You too are here forever.

I love how he's slowly evolving into Jack Nicholson.

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Someone already does

Nope. He got molested as a child by a certain producer and that’s why he acts so weird.

You fell for the gay propaganda on Yea Forums that Chad = ripped abs male model

>Who said they're not getting pregnant with his w**** seed?
There aren't even rumors of this, let alone actual sources. It's certainly not happening

Leo always looked weird looking to me and I never understood why women found him attractive.

Im 41 and my gf is 20.

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>18 year olds
Disgusting old hags.

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minus the charm or charisma

How does he act weird? As much as it sucks that our society is like this, Rich celebrities live in a completely different sphere of existence than you or I. We aspire to a normal life of a stable job, wife and kids but who’s to say we wouldn’t act differently if we had fame and millions of dollars at our disposal?

I love her sweet face bag.

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My nigger

Clubs suck dick, I've always hated clubs. It's dark, loud and I can't dance and the idea that I have to somehow dance up on a stranger is fucking weird.

Opposed to this, in a bar you talk to people. You know, a pretty normal human interaction, not some prehistoric mating ritual. And yes, (at least in NYC) it's very common for single women to go out to bars in couples, groups or even alone and fully expect to just talk to a bunch of strangers. As a guy I like it, it doesn't feel wrong coming up to them then, like it often does in other situations.


I decided not to get married in my mid-20s for a bunch of reasons. I wouldn't say I regret it but I definitely don't like "dicking down" random women either. It's just not for me, I don't even like talking to people I don't know well, so why would I enjoy dating them?

I'm a 34 yo boomer going to pursue a 25 yo soon. Fuck it.

this is what success looks like

That's cool, man. What would your preferred "relationship" status be now if you could have it, compared to what it really is? Or rather… what contact would you prefer to have with women or A woman, romantically?

And I'm a functioning introvert as well, really. Nothing wrong with that.

>He is one of the most prolific carbon polluters on the planet
oil drilling doesn't count user

not him, but I can't do a full time job and a full time relationship, even with a sexy intelligent girl. It's just too much work. I'd rather do other things with my free time than emotionally support someone, even if she gives great bjs etc. Or maybe I'm just relatively lazy.

Women unironically hate it because it reminds them of their own depricating worth in sexual market value.

It reminds them that the reason leo goes for younger women is because they young women are prime genetic stock and that they arent.

Nice larp cocksucker

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This is what every man wants. I would date 16yo if I could

Leo is so based.

im 35 and most of my tinder matches are 22-25, some are even 18-20.
I often see profiles of 18yo girls which mean those 18 olds are setting their match rage to at least 35, otherwise i wouldn't even see their picture and be able to swipe.

the funny thing is that women just love older guys, and evolutionary it makes perfect sense. Even though modern feiminist cunts keep nagging about older creepy guys....they love older guys

Yup gotcha. You sound like me, by and large.

I work a lot now to build finances and pay my kids' support. My free time is mostly mine. I don't want a girlfriend at the moment, nor do I want someone who keeps butting up against that "but what ARE we REALLY" wall. Hence the fuddies.

Maybe you might want to look into non-pro hookers, user? They are more transactional and will give you what you need (albeit a bit more clinically) for a couple Jacksons, depending on where you live, of course.

>aburdly of life

tell me English is not your first language

with onions levels constantly rising, so does daddy syndrome

lol I deserved that.

He’s clearly in a position of power and taking advantage of them

>implying they don't want power themselves
These women are actively choosing to go out with Leo. They don't have to go out with them. He is not raping them. They are doing it out of their own CHOICE.

His previous girlfriends haven’t been scrub nobodies. Pretty much all of them were established models making hundreds of thousands if not millions per year.

>kate beckinsale dates young guys
>no one cares
>leo or any celebrity dude dates young girls

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I realize sex is not the greatest thing in the world and not having to listen to some crazy roasty is better than going balls deep three times a day.

I almost believe it now.


fuck im tired

>wasting your youth on 4channel

Because we are all going to die and then it's not going to mean shit.

Honestly man when i was a kid I watched this scene from don't be a menace.


>don't ever use condoms nigga, they take all the feelin' out!

So I never used condoms and like 20 chicks in my life 15 or so was asian and I never used condoms, I'm just so glad I never got an STD or some shit from a girl. I'm paranoid about that shit and most thotties are fucking gross and nasty nowadays. HPV is really easy to get.


What is the appeal of dating an old fart that isn't even that attractive anymore? Don't give me the "money and power" bullshit because these women aren't marrying him so it's not like they will ever get a dime from his wealth.
Is it just bragging rights? But then again what's there to brag about sucking a 40 year old mans dick that's been sucked by dozens of other sluts too...

I like having a committed gf and I want to get married sometime. I never used to feel like that, but now I'm thinking that I've experienced all that the single life has to offer and I'm not enjoying it very much anymore. So having a wife and kids is only the logical next step in my life.

As I said, I don't regret not getting married back when I was younger, because back then I didn't feel it. Now I do. Life is tricky sometimes.

Women aren't interested in youth and flawless physicality like men are. Older men have more experience than young men.

Awesome. Well, it's out there, user.

I don't believe in one soulmate out there. There are lots of chill, pretty, intelligent women out there. Just need to date every now and then and see what happens. Be real. Be open to seeing where things go without pressure to lead it somewhere it isn't naturally headed. Stating the obvious, I know.

The nice thing about this day and age is so much compatibility of personality and attraction can often be sussed out just in chat and talking things out before you even show up for coffee that first time.

Sincerely wishing you the best, user.

The concept of fame doesn't make much sense either and yet, here we are. Just accept it, there's no point trying to understand social dynamics like these.

I’m 42. My fuckbuddy is 26.
Had another one who was 20. Last girlfriend was 26-28 when we dated.
Interest from younger women is not an everyday thing, but it’s by no means uncommon.
You just figure shit out as you get older, and you gain a lot of confidence by getting beat up by life - but never letting life beat you. Women absolutely love a man who’s got his shit together.

Although in Leo’s case, I suspect being the biggest movie star alive has more to do with it.

you just know

Nice, user. How do you usually go about getting yours?

How are you even able to operate an internet machine?


Thanks for the kind words user.

I also don't believe in soulmates, but it has been my experience that it just clicks much better with some girls. But it's rare, at least for me. I'm pretty optimistic about life anyway, something good is often around the corner just when you don't expect it.

leo dating 18 years old girls is fine. 18 is not teen. why are americans dumb? i dated actual teen when i was 18 and everyone was okay with it

You guys know he's Leonardo DiCaprio, right?

>When I was in high school, nearly all the hottest girls were dating 30yos.

Yup, that's how it goes. keep that positive attitude and push against your comfort zones now and then and you'll do fine, man

He meant exactly what he said

>dating old men
she has shit taste

When I was 15, we were friends with this 14 year old girl who we all thought was really hot. She was dating a 17/18 year old biker.
About 6 months ago she married some dip. She hit the wall hard a couple of years ago. There's a lesson there for you

Because he's not having any children with them, he is a whore enabler. Furthermore, even if they had children it would be a bad scenario because then you'd be giving hollywood pedos more cannon fodder. Celebrities should be eunuchs.

I agree, that’s why I’m not counting them

I'd belieev it

>18 year old model
>dating a washed up movie star
holy shit she's about to hit the wall the force of a thousand suns. good for leonardo though, he is truly based

Real talk, how easy are Jap girls to bed there, user? All I hear is how they mostly don't feel comfortable going outside their ethnicity for dick, especially while they are still immersed in their home culture/family influence.

>washed up

Also not a chink chaser. I actually heavily prefer to hook up with the white tourists out here. Love the Australian accent. Women from there always give phenomenal head.
But honestly I had self confidence issues where I’d ghost what was a one night stand looking for a second night and block them on my phone. Was fucked in the head. People on this site act as though solving the personal problem they have would fix everything in everyone’s life. My dads the same way, saying no one who owns money can be depressed. As if a lonely autistic billionaire like notch can’t be unhappy with his life. Getting laid regularly doesn’t do much for you unless not getting laid regularly was your only problem in life. If you hate yourself, you still hate yourself.
Realizing this is just one of the things you learn in life. Just trying to say this as a cautionary tale to those who think they can fix all of their issues with something that clearly won’t.
Changing your situation takes patience and comes from within.

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>not a chink chaser
Ah gotcha, user. Apologies for the assumption.
Great advice there as well.

At least you're being responsible (child support). What most tiring about the full time relationship was eventually her depression and anxiety reared up, and I could only help her deal with that for so long.

I've had a few prosts/massages in my day, but I'm eventually going to try the ONS approach, although there's a hot/smart girl I'm also going for shortly. I have no problem with the idea of exchanging money for sex, but I'd want it to be with a girl who had only been with a "normal" amount of guys, not a hooker with 500 notches on her belt.

Very easy.
You just need to be a mentally well adjusted individual. I know the whole “be confident” thing is a meme but there’s truth to it. If you are an interesting or compassionate person and you just act genuinely at a club, I’d say it’s easy to have a ONS ~once a week.
They tend to like the forward ness of western men and the height and facial features and voice.
It’s not like you can walk up and ask a jap woman to fuck you. But if you go out and have fun, Asian women tend to just gravitate towards you. What moves you make past drinking and dancing are on you.
If you’ve never fucked someone without sharing a common tongue I’d highly recommend it. It’s fun and adorable to laugh with a partner as you’re fucking and trying to figure out directions to go slower/faster/harder/whatever.

>I just target co-eds. I get more play now than I did when I was young and /fit/ and all I gotta do is send them a message saying "hey i got paid today wanna spend some petty cash" and I'm getting my dick sucked in a parking lot somewhere while I drink an arnold palmer.

Can you elaborate a little more on this strategy? Do you mean college girls? How do you meet them? I'm also in mid-30s and have disposable income.

also of note, condoms aren’t big in Japan. I haven’t wrapped it in 2 years. I’m damn lucky I don’t have the clap yet or something. My big policy is I don’t fuck women on base or women who have been with dudes on base. It’s something I’m very ducking strict on and it’s prevented stds this far.

No worries man.
Hope all is good in your corner

in most respects, guys are in the prime in their mid-30s. Also, these chads aren't getting sex as much as you think they are, and dealing with chicks for sex is sometimes not worth it.

Long story short you get success a small percentage of the time but it’s still effective. Use tinder. Just know this doesn’t lead to a fulfilled existence.

This. Look women straight in the eye, know how to say interesting/funny/smart things, and you'll get laid as long as you're not a 3/10 or so.

Ah yup I hear that. Good luck out there!

And that sounds great user. Thanks for that explanation. Makes sense, and glad to see the same qualities that accrue success here does so there as well, with the added advantage of being tall, white, and chill.

Ok, that's fascinating. Pull-out method, or are most of the gals here just going ham on BC? Creampie-ing often?

>most of the gals here
Meant *there not here

Based retard
He was making a joke

lol what was he in recently?

eh, my tinder experience was shit. I'm not photogenic. I know that suggests I'm ugly, but I've been with really attractive women.

I know it's a numbers game too. Seen studies that even good looking charming guys only hook up 10% of their tries.

Yup, for sure; all those hookup/match apps/sites are numbers games. The dating/hookup world at large is a numbers game. You wouldn't want to hump all the pussy that contacts you unless you are crazy and desperate anyway. There's always a finer sifting of the options that present themselves… vetting the good fits from the bad eggs… blah blah blah… all that.