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>stop yucking other peoples yum
Literally what the fuck did he mean by this


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>stop chucking other people's cum

It's a retarded NYC/LA thing where people can only partially admit to not liking things.

If someone else enjoys eating something, don't say you think it tastes like shit and sadness. I have short bowel syndrome, so I despise eating since it causes me to shit liquid fury and my asshole to chafe since liquid dook dries out and cracks your skin. But everyone always asks me what I thought about the food, so I just say "not bad". One time my dad got really pissed at me for saying that, telling me he didn't ask if it "wasn't bad" but "if it was good". I told him I didn't like it enough to justify the amount of time I'd be on the toilet praying to God or whoever was listening to make it stop for just one day.

He still asks me what I think about food when I go visit my parents, but he doesn't really press the issue.

That's yuking someone else's yum. They're eating a big ol' steak and they think it's amazing and they ask you what you think about it and you say "it's gonna give me liquid fire diarrhea for two hours in about 20 minutes, so I don't really like it as much as you do".


how insignificant has one to feel to make it a mission?

>Be American
>All language revolves around food

>america will fall in your lifetime

>Arguing with people on twitter

The absolute state of Hollywood.

If it does it's taking everyone else with it so enjoy that.

I didn't read this post.

>be anyone else other than an American
>nothing really matters

that's the most positive, polite hate I've ever seen

He makes a fine point. Shattered could have just complimented the art and moved on, but no, she had to voice her opinion about the movie without anyone asking. Based Zach trying to keep the mood light.

Yasmin's Yuck and Yum, formerly Chuck's.

he probably doesn't want to swear as a christian

Now I regret paying to watch this retard's film.

>It's a retarded NYC/LA thing where people can only partially admit to not liking things.
Except white men. They can fully admit to not liking them.

Ffs one of the few actors I like & he posts this cringe

He's good at being a dick without overdoing it.
But then, Chuck sucked half the time while being over-all kino, so... probably used to it.

well he shouldn't have yucked on his yum

Only on social media. In person it's still under the table handjobs and cheek kisses in case someone is someone important.

Zach is right though. Why not just let people like what they like in peace. Why throw in your 2c for no reason?

What if you like throwing in your 2c? Should you not do what you like because those people dislike it? That goes against the original statement of "let people do what they like". Why tell him he's hateful and shouldn't give his opinion? Let him to what he wants in peace.

Twitter has both a block and a mute function. Trying to correct someone's shitty opinion about a movie on the internet is retarded. It literally doesn't matter.

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it's an alternative to don't harsh my mellow

are actors contractually obligated to get on social media and run damage control for movies theyre in

>NOOO! Don’t yuck my yum! No wucky-sucky muh wuggy bub-nubs! Ah bloo blooo!!

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Yes, it literally falls under promotion.

I guess it's going to be a yucky yum yum summer.

He wasn't even being a dick. He even complimented the art, and said he loves the character. He just hated the movie, and even then, he threw an "unfortunately" in there, which would imply he wanted it to be good.

He's right because there's no reason to just throw that in there for no reason, but the response was a bit silly and over the top as well considering it's fucking Twitter. Guy should know well enough to not be phased by it and move on.

stop sneeding other peoples feed