Martin Scorsese Is A Bit Worried About ‘Irishman’ De-Aging VFX: ‘We’re All Concerned’


>During a recent appearance on A24’s “A Bigger Canvas” podcast, Scorsese admitted to “The Souvenir” director Joanna Hogg that the VFX required to de-age the actors continues to worry him. De Niro’s present day appearance and his de-aged look will be mixed up throughout the movie

>Robert De Niro is playing Sheeran across decades, with Scorsese using VFX to de-age the actor to appear up to 30 years younger. The VFX are also being applied to Al Pacino, who stars as Hoffa.

>“Why I’m concerned, we’re all concerned is that we’re so used to watching them as the older faces,” Scorsese said. “When we put them all together, it cuts back and forth….Now, it’s real. Now, I’m seeing it. Now, certain shots need more work on the eyes, need more work on why these exactly the same eyes from the plate shot, but the wrinkles and things have changed. Does it change the eyes at all? If that’s the case, what was in the eyes that I liked? Was it intensity? Was it gravitas? Was it threat?”

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mahtin... mah fuckin wife is taking it all mahtin... mahtin please dont put me out on the street mahtin ill do anything for ye. ill stah in another fuckin gangsta movie i dont cah anything mahtin just help me please

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This film was announced years ago and had so much buzz and hype and then like 9 months nothing but silence. I think they all know they've fucked up bigly and are trying to bury it. But it's $200 million budget, was WAY overbudget and they have basically burned the money

They won't bury it. It will be the main Oscar push for Netflix if it comes out this year.

It wont be as bad as "New York, New York". Marty will survive it.

they're not burying it, they just don't want to release the trailer with shit cgi

there was not a single example of deaging looking good in cinema to this day. They bet they will be the first. Will they?

They're trying to be. But it looks like they'll have to spend another $50 million on it.

>main Oscar push for Netflix
Not when everybody is talking about how weird it looks.

>you seen the new scorsese?
>the one played by robots?

I thought sam jackson looked good in captain marvel

Michael Douglas on AntMan is pretty fucking impressive. At least for the non-vfxfag eye

Scorsese said that he is concerned about the look of the eyes. That's hardly that big of a deal, they still have time to fix that.

Jeff Bridges in Tron 2


May as well have just made a fucking cartoon, stupid fucking guinea.


De Niro and Pacino aren't serious actors anymore and Pesci is retired. Why did Scorsese bring them back? Let the old farts rest.

"deaging" is a meme. all they do is take the current actors and smooth the wrinkles out. all the proportions of their heads and faces (which change with age) remain the same, and they look nothing like they did in the past. instead they look like old people covered with thick makeup to hide their wrinkles. you need to create entirely digital characters if you want truly "deaged" actors, and we're just not yet at the point where that looks convincing; an example being cg cushing in rogue one, which was well done quality wise but still noticeably not real. in a few years that might change. that deepfake stuff also has potential

If this is a colossal disaster, Scorsese can still find work because A-list actors like DiCaprio love him, but he will be on a tight leash. No more Silence, Irishman or any other passion projects, only guaranteed wins like Wolf of Wall Street etc.

Get the old gang back. Work with Marty again and get PAID? no brainer

wow what a big brain you are, yes user they actually are not aware of that at all they just smooth out the wrinkles you're exactly right

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>and pesci is retired
nah, he's BACK

RDJ on Civil War was the best i've seen thus far

It literally can't be worse than Hugo and Silence.

This is exactly the kind of shit Tarantino wants to avoid by retiring after the film that follows Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Out of touch old man with a limp dick ruining his legacy.


I think ultimately he's trying to capture something you can't with cg and he's changing and tweeking things pointlessly


your pic is not deaging. it's a fully digital character

this is deaging

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Silence it's a pleb filter you retard

He sounds like a pompous fag.

Mega plebian

cringe and lgbtsatanbluepilled

New York, New York is kino though

what a massive money laundering op. props to marty and netkix

He looked fine but only because the tron itself happens in VR and every character isn't quite real.

This scene takes place in the real world though and it looks fucking horrible

Nah, I thought they did a pretty good job with Kurt in GOTG 2

Literally the best thing about the whole movie

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Why not just cast younger actors for the flashbacks?

Wew that is trash. Why do they even bother?

>only guaranteed wins like Wolf of Wall Street
How is an R-Rated comedy about degenerate wall street bankers a sure win?
It's a great movie but if it didn't have Leo it probably wouldn't have made half what it did at the box office.
Also Marty is one of the most respected directors in Hollywood. He won't have any problem finding financing for whatever he wants to do next, however he'll be 77 later this year so it's probably getting to a point where his next movie might be his last.

To me, no matter how perfect it's the deaging, it doesn't stops being creepy in some way because it's just a fake human after all (even if it's only the face). It's like watching a deceasing actor being present and acting as if nothing happened. In my opinion, it's better to keep doing as always and hire young actors that resemble the original, and maybe use the deaging in some exceptional situations or sci-fi movies.

I meant "deceased actor".

I do think that de-aging is fundamentally immoral in the sense that the old guys are essentially stealing acting opportunities from younger actors. The government needs to act on this.

This. I’m guessing they will begin using the deepfake technology to blend actual with younger lookalike.


>it's better to keep doing as always and hire young actors
I always hate that because people's jawlines and nose structures don't change when the age. The actor they chose for Young Ned in GoT was a white guy with brown hair , sure. He didn't have Sean Bean's nose, though.

If you can't tell it's deaged (like Kurt, Sam Jackson, or Douglas in the MCU) I fail to see how it's a problem past your own personal autism

It's still astonishing to this day how the guy who plays young James Cagney in "Angels with Dirty Faces" resembles him so much, not only physically, but in the acting and movements too.

A good casting makes deaging useless and can lead to the discovery of a real new good actor.

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Holy shit why didn't i hear about this?

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He looked really good in the movie though.

The eyes is the hardest thing to do.

Sure, that's why i think the rest might be fine since he only mentioned eyes.

If anything this proves how rare this is and why it's a safer bet to use deaging

He should have used deepfakes (using pictures of when the actors were young). Deepsfakes looks better than ordinary VFX and are cheaper.

>Martin, why are we shooting my scenes first?

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Silence is probably one of the best American films of the last 10 years.

I agree.

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On the other hand more VFX creators are being hired. I know which industry I'd rather support

>How is an R-Rated Scorsese comedy about degenerate wall street bankers not a sure win?
>How did it get funded/ make money when- oh yeah because it is an R-Rated Scorsese film about excess with Leo attached as the lead.
it's a dumb fun movie. silence is the risk/ passion project. WoWS is hijinx and true crime

Why didn't he just let go of the idea he had of the film 20 years ago? It was too late, should have just re-cast.

>there was not a single example of deaging looking good in cinema to this day
It was alright in Benjamin Button.

Marty is about to die. Let the old man have his fun, he deserves it.

Not trying to be racist but Jackson being black made it much more easy.

why the fuck did they do it? should have just cast some actors in the flashbacks and save like 100 million. this movie is going to look hilariously dated in 10 years and we'll laugh at it

Only one scene, in a very controlled lightning enviroment.
Not the whole movie.

He still walked like an old man

>this movie is going to look hilariously dated in 10 years and we'll laugh at it
I honestly think it might look dated and comedic right from the get-go.

They should have just cast Wyatt Russell

Attached: wyatt-russell.jpg (2361x3000, 3.8M)

still looks uncanny. especially in motion

meant to reply to

he doesn't look that much like his dad

if Liza’s character was hot it would be an American classic

>jewish problems

Black don't crack

>rent free

Well at least he’s admitting there’s problems with the movie they’re still working on. So often I feel like press leading up to a movie always tries to be squeaky clean like everything is going exactly according to plan.

Fuck zoomers, it's a boomer world

have you seen Overlord, he's basically doing a Snake impression in it

Nahhhhhhh, it works and looks great nowadays. Keep seething my very unfortunate friend.

Fuck, i haven't. Thanks for reminding me.

That is not how Samuel L Jackson looked like when he was younger.

>and then like 9 months nothing but silence
I'd be glad if it's anything like Silence lmao

He's not playing Samuel L. Jackson.

it has been in the post for 15 months now. how do you youthify someones chin fat and hunched back?

Young Buscemi in Boardwalk was excellent
And since this is about De Niro, Once upon a time in America already did it, young Bobby actor was also a great match. Old Bobby in make-up kinda looked off but it worked because that part was meant to have something off and theatrical about it.
CGI de aging will always look soulless compared to prosthetics.

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They should've used Deepfakes. Cheaper and easier to edit the flaws out with their million-dollar CGI.

Gindaloon retards need to call it a day

this right here, is the best one

*dabs on zoomers*