This is the best TV Show ever, change my mind if you can

This is the best TV Show ever, change my mind if you can.

Attached: The Wire (Bajo escucha)1.jpg (625x889, 70K)

The first season is the second best season of a tv show ever. But they fucking ruined it. Uninteresting port bullshit, super villian marlowe, and everything to do with the newspaper.

what's the first?

Well, I think the second is one of the greatest of the show the change from black ghetto gangsters and drug dealers to Polish workers than little y little get into the criminal life was brilliant. (sorry for shitty english)

True Detective of course.
Sure it was different. And parts of it were good. It was the most i empathized with jimmy. But if you have a basic understanding of the world, none of it makes sense. Its like the writers knew nothing about ports, unions, actual corruption, russian mafia, ect. The ending alone is so fucking laughable. Yea the russian mob isnt going to kill your retarded son because you let them kill you. Lol.

never understood why people think of this show so exceptionally highly. i watched s1-s4 and enjoyed it, but i fail to distinguish anything that differentiates this show from your standard cop drama. it has le ebin punchlines, le ebin characters (think omar), no exceptionally well though-out plot or character development at all, bubbles deus ex machina, etc.

i also really dislike the way the world "feels", there is no character outside of those established in the beginning of the season to have any influence on anything going on. when i was watching, it felt very obvious to me that they started writing with defining the characters they wanted to involve and only after that started on writing a story (which would, of course, involve all previously written characters), instead of writing a naturally flowing story and afterwards hiring actors to portray the parts. i despise this, it makes a lot of television unwatchable for me.

not to say that there is anything wrong with the wire; like i said, i actually enjoyed it. however, i do not understand why some people put this show on such a pedestal.

Last season was shit

Sopranos is better
Mad Men is better
The Wire aged like shit
Season 5 was trash

Sopranos was pure gold, but mad men? really?

I'm watching the 1st season of The Wire and I just got done watching the episode where DeAngelo teaches the younger kids chess. I was blown away! I had to watch it a couple times to really pick up on it, but did you guys realize that when he was teaching them about the chess pieces, he was really referring to THEM being the pawns! What an amazing metaphor!

It was so deep and meaningful, I am amazed by the deep symbolism of this.

Do the later seasons continue on with masterful symbolism like this? This was truly the pinnacle of storytelling that I have ever seen on a television show, and I think I can confidently say The Wire is the best show ever made without even having seen the entire series.

Also the acting is amazing. Idris Elba and Dominic West do a great job with their Baltimore accents.

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This pasta always amuses me

The show writer came out after the Snowden leaks and basically said his show was a defense of the necessity for ubiquitous surveillance of the population, and argued that it was a good thing that people should get used to (bigots).

Because corny whites who never left their gated community thought this show captured the consciousness and complexity of the decayed urban environment and portrayed the blacks as more something more than charecturesque plot devices. But they only think this because they’ve never been around urban blacks. The show is still completely portrayed through a white saviors perspective. Goofballs like to act like they are doing blacks a service by promoting this show as if it speaks of some blight they experience and promotes awareness. It’s baby’s first “bwack peeple haff to sell de drugs cuz Dey got no opportunity” show.

t extremely tiny brains
Here is a small hint: the character Michael is forced into an impossible choice: let his father molest and ruin the happiness inside his little brother, or sell his soul to the devil. When he goes to Chris and snoop about his father, he is signing the documents. He sells his own soul to satan to save the soul of his loved on.
That is a Faustian bargain on another level, and alone is a better subplot than anything in any show since

For what its worth, a black baltimore taxi cab driver told me the wire is the most accurate portrayal of life in his city that he's ever seen. That was in 2009.

Mad men is, quite literally, a chick show. The show is women’s fantasy about what old time powerful corporate men were like.

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Yes. Pete Campbell is the best written character in TV ever.

I never once got that vibe from it. And i was raised in an almost exclusively white town, then spent 5 years living in one of the blackest neighborhoods in America.


>It’s baby’s first “bwack peeple haff to sell de drugs cuz Dey got no opportunity” show.
I'm pretty racist and I like The Wire.

t. Gay

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You should watch it sometime.

I’m not a foot fag but why do I want to lick those and suck the toes?

Yea, I did. With a gf. Who loved it, because it’s a chick show, friend.
Friends is also a chick show

But that's not The Leftovers

Im sure every single character of The Wire is deeper and better written than Campbell

They are pretty perfect as far as female soles go

go back to Yea Forums and let the adults talk.

Imagine being this insecure over your gay show being called out for it

Mad Men is a soap opera for incels, The Wire is objectively superior. Also have sex incel

All these years laters and plebs still get exposed by season 2

Everybody I know fr Baltimore says the show is like watching real life, stop projecting you seething retard

Only twitter posers ever describe The Wire as one of the best ever.
We get it, you want everyone to know you like blacks. No one here cares.