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The double chin spares no one

Just age 15 years and look like a normal 40 year dude?

Looks like James youniverse

He looks like me after a bag of doritos

He is way, way better looking and in better shape than an average 40 year old male.

He still better looking than most of us, even in our prime.

Go ahead and post a pic of yourself OP

He's really good looking. Having said that, his face is a touch fucked up, looks like he's been doing amateur boxing or drinking or something.

I'm pretty sure if he turned his head to the right it would look a lot more similar.


the dude's still majorly handsome and could easily hit the LA club scene and crush different puss every single night. try harder.

Attached: flasher.gif (500x213, 510K)

He still look like a Gigachad

Now show us how you look OP

look at his hairline, he looks amazing for a 40 year old

lol this dude looks like 33 max

He looks like a real man now, not some twink faggot


>grow his hair back out
>maybe lose like 5-10 pounds if even
He looks almost exactly the same

No no no no he has this Elliot Rodger happa vibe, especially with his mouth mannerisms, that I'll never be able to unsee

Left is a photoshopped promotional shoot while right is a still btw

Looks the same to me


Welling is far from justed. He could still be Superman if he wanted.

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Threadly reminder that this used to be Jason the Red Ranger from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

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Could look the exact same if he grew his hair out, shaved and dropped bf%
Aging is easy mode for men

Chloe changed the most of all of them.

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He's losing weight, user.

Work in progress.

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>just a fan picture not official Smallville reunion
>they've already replaced Chloe


Chubby at the sides but not as unfortunate as JDF.

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He's gotten much thinner since then.

Attached: 58443218_2155348924545914_8474914401445478400_n.jpg (768x960, 90K)

>42 years old
>still looks way younger his age
>still sexy and chad as fuck
>still will have more pussy at one stand than OP during his lonely pathetic loser life
>has a beautiful blonde wife who is younger him for 10 years

Attached: LOOK AT THE TOP OF OP'S HEAD.jpg (500x384, 30K)

She looks older than him

Go back to .

have sex

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still looks good, just need to lose a bit of fat

Wait, Mac is gay?


>Tom Welling age = 42 years old
>Austin St. John age = 44 years old

Shieeet, no wonder they both have dad bods.

Stop bullying based ASJ.

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