The spork is supposed to represent trannies right?

The spork is supposed to represent trannies right?

Attached: toy-story-4-forky-woody-1169663-1280x0.jpg (1280x749, 98K)

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No. Im pretty sure its supposed to represent the "Hey even if ur shitty ur still a person" kind of thing.

what the hell is that. this is gonna bomb.

so trannies?



98% in rotten tomatoes niga

So yeah, basically most people's view of trannies. Fucked up ugly retards that we humor to not hurt their feelings because "they're people too."

>The spork is supposed to represent trannies right?

I don't think so, Tim.

Attached: idtst.jpg (540x720, 110K)

Down syndrome
Ppl born with disabilities

Its simple and common. The only reason ppl are assuming shit is because Pixar/Toy Story is such a big thing that they would be trying to do a subliminal message. But they are not. Its just corporate milking. Doing whats popular and what works. Evil toy, strong female , woody has to go through another emotional character arch because everybody there hates Tim Allen for being right wing so they focus on Tommy

>I don't think so, Tim.

Attached: idonthinksotim.jpg (750x600, 100K)

What is this, 2005?
old meme is old desu

I don't think it represents anything. I once tied one of those wire things around a popsicle stick and used it as a toy for a while.

imagine seeing trannies everywhere you go

>woody has to go through another emotional character arch because everybody there hates Tim Allen for being right win

Him voicing Buzz is prob the only reason he hasn't been completely blacklisted by Hollywood. James Woods came out as a conservative and the only steady gig he's gotten is voicing Hades.

Who benefits from these repeat spam threads?

I don't think so, Tim.

There was this dual sex bird in Up that was rainbow colored. It was called LGBT propaganda on some film website. A babby pill for me back then.

>wants to kill itself
It's Yea Forums.

You're clearly a tranny

>everything i see is trannies now
>even a fucking pixar movie with a spork
>trannies EVERYWHERE
rent free

Attached: 1277339339798.jpg (593x581, 43K)

are you one of them though?


Literally nobody:

Literally not a single soul:

Average Yea Forums user:
ThE forK WaS TRanNIes, RiGht?

No, it's just a plot device with an annoying voice

its so fucking annoying

Yea Forums:
Some faggot who doesn't belong here: TWITTER MEMES XD!

>Down syndrome
>Ppl born with disabilities
I'm glad you recognize they're all in the same group.

based pixar dabbing on 40 percenters

Only review you need

i hate teenagers