Good films that went under the radar

>good films that went under the radar

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Is this about literal trannies?

>The film stars John C. Reilly (who also produced) and Joaquin Phoenix as the notorious assassin brothers Eli and Charlie Sisters, and follows the duo as they chase after two men (Jake Gyllenhaal and Riz Ahmed) who have banded together to search for gold.

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I watched this thinking it was some dumb comedy film but it ended up being my fav film of last year.
I checked the director and apparently he made some european art films before this. Thats cool, more "arthouse" directors should try more genres other than realistic life dramas because things like Sisters Brothers are fucking great.

sexy beast is the ultimate under the radar film

hardly anyone has seen it
but it's amazing

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>Riz Ahmed as Hermann Kermit Warm

He directed 'A prophet' which is a really great film.

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he actually plays the part really well and it's true to source as he's descibed as 'dark skinned' in the novel.

what's a dark skinned guy called Hermann Kermit Warm doing in the wild west?

not just western europeans were in the west

during the gold rush escpecially there were people from all over.

The likelihood that a Pajeet called Herman Kermit Warm showed up in America during the Gold Rush is about as small as my penis

not at all.
i think you need to read up on the history of the gold rush.

lots of indians for example came to san francisco during the gold rush, and took new names.

And they worked at every corner General Store and said "Thank you pardner, come again!" as well, right? Fuck off dude.

I thought this was a comedy. Wasn't expecting a serious drama at all.

They didn't. Why are you being like this? A cursory look at history will show you otherwise.

ok dude.
it's reality. sorry if you don't like it.
i'm not some lefty trying to rewrite history and shoehorn blacks into medieval dramas.
it's truely unfortounate that history eduction in america is so woeful that you don't even know the canon of your own nation.

OK show me a picture of an Indian prospector during the Gold Rush
Bonus points if there's evidence of him changing his name to something Germanic

riz ahmed is english

>show me a picture

NA education strikes again

hands down ben kingsleys best performance
better than ghandi

>photography didn't exist in the 1850s
I thought Pajeets only learned by rote memorization?

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A prophet is great.

I remember the book. When buddy gets anxious his mom taught him to jerk off to relieve stress. We got to meet the author in a uni class. I should have asked him what compelled him to write that part.


stop being a retard please

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great documentary but i wouldn't say it's under the radar.
as far as documentaries go it's pretty well known i'd say.

The last act is peak comforable kino

it was
but i was anxious expecting some kind of final shoot-out or something

I thought this was a biopic about the Wachovskis when I first heard the title.

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That's a narrative movie, not a doc. The doc is called Man on Wire.

based retarded american

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