>accidentally make new thread instead of post
>quickly close out my browser, clear my history, reset my router, and refuse to go back on Yea Forums for 6 hours in fear the thread will still be up and people will be making fun of me
Accidentally make new thread instead of post
Other urls found in this thread:
>accidentally click on Yea Forums instead of Reddit
>see something racist and mean that hurts my feelings
>post about it in r/feels
>make a snarky comeback
>think it's very clever
>reread it after posting
>see I made spelling and grammatical errors
>throw my computer out of my two story window
>can't sleep at night
>make a thread
>gets no replies
>turn off wi-fi on my phone and bump it
>make a snarky comeback
>think it's very clever
>reread it after posting
>I replied to the wrong post
>desperately try to delete it
>multiple people already (you)'d me
>throw my computer out of my two story window
>can't sleep at night
>make post
>turn off wi-fi on my phone and reply with "based" to myself
>make a snarky comeback
>reread it
>realize I still can’t articulate and it reads like shit
>close post window
>turn off all breakers to my house and sit in the dark for the rest of the night
not that guy but
>make a thread
>its dying
>turn off wifi on phone and reply
Who the fuck has done this? I want names.
I live in the Denver area and can’t post at work unless I’m connected to WiFi because of a range ban. Fucking frogposters.
>enter thread with good discussion
>start making flagrant and angry /pol/ and /leftypol/ posts
>thread devolves into retarded bickering
>make a long, thought out post
>check it twice to see if its articulate and spelled correctly
>spend 5 minutes searching for the right image
>solve captcha
>click post
>"this specific thread doesn't exist"
>shitpost an user
>untrack the thread and leave forever for user to seethe eternally
This. I literally do not give a shit about politics. I copy paste from the archive and mass reply, it almost always derails the thread
>Engage in an argument with another user
>it gets heated
>make a typo
>close thread and never look back
holy shit you can track threads
>be american
>reply with "do americans really do this?"
I do this all the time
I thought that was the joke.
>open random thread
>call OP a reddit newfag
>call another user /pol/cel
>close thread
>call someone a fag
>have creampied my own mouth
>insult Americans all the time
>muh healthcare, muh university
>literally the best place to live
>make post
>laugh at it
>no-one replies
>someone links a imgur "dump"
>my post is in it
>find out a lot of my posts are screen capped on r/Yea Forums and they think my made up story's are true
you fucking ruined that *stomp* *stomp* *clap* thread earlier didnt you
>thread has nothing whatsoever to do with cute feet
>find some way to reference cute feet
poop pants
we know you do Satan
>make post
>no one replies
>turn off wifi and reply to my own post with “underrated”
>go into thread
>anons having nice discussion
>bring up the jews and sjw's
>many (You's)
>leave thread
>forgetting to greentext
>and pooping pants
>Search girl's name i had a crush on in high school on facebook
>typed in post field instead
>didn't realise until an hour later i thought it glitched
I once accidentally posted my cv pic on Yea Forums in 2014 true story
the worst I felt in my life until I was able to delete the thread and both my parents are dead
What the fuck are those threads even about? Some dork makes it every day and I’ve never bothered to click on it.
just delete the thread you pleb
>This thread
Did you fuck their corpses?
I piss and shit myself
I’m in Florida and it happens al over the place randomly. If you’re near a high school you are fucked.
Did you want to do it at least?
I'd probably kill myself if I did this
>be a dirty smelly phoneposter in my campus library
>try to make a thread
>IP permabanned from someone posting cheese pizza
>tell the janitor someone really needs o double his pay
>he deletes thread after realising double 0 is 0
Okay, now this is epic.
I used to mass-download hentai at the library since I didn't have Internet at home and one day a girl saw what I was doing in her webcam while she was in a video chat with a friend. I immediately left and went to the second floor, where I continued downloading hentai.
Phoenix and Chicago- RANGE BAN
>Make lame post because I don't even fit in around misfits
>Thread dies
>post schlopdog
>doesn't get nuked
>hits bump limit
>still in archive months later
Feels good, man.
my gf before we went out would download hentai games for me because I still had dial up and her area had broadband
Every time you do that I win the argument against you
>literally any thread of any topic
>just post tay
>Go to a club with my sister and her friends that are 10 years younger than me
>Keep feeding the hottest one drinks
>She gets too drunk too fuck
>I still fuck her in the male bathroom of the club
>I cum inside
>Next day, she doesn't remember a single thing and even thanks me for being so supportive, kind and helpful
>I don't even respond and tell my sister to tell her i don't like girls who drink too much
>My sister told me she cried
>Hate on things I like
>Argue with people over things i actually hate
>call everyone a faggot
>Never wrong about anything
This post reeks of eurotrash
>t. roastie
Cv pic?
he based
That’s really not too bad, unless you had the contact on the first page, as well as address
>admitting to being a rapist
do americans really do this?
>make a thread
>it dies with barely any replies
>see a thread on the same topic the next day
>it reaches bump limit
change pants
This but at least three times.
Absolutely based
>he doesn't have a humiliation fetish
Always had a fear of doing this
That's a nightmare scenario.
I thought Americans were the majority of people who post that. I do it ironically all the time.
No, I got this
Kek, it's real!
The replys are soo good:
>reply to wrong post
>delete and reply to correct post
>have anxiety hoping nobody noticed
>someone noticed
BAHAHAHA BASED everyone point and laugh
I have your mistake capped and saved in my "Retarded user folder" made just for you
>banned for breaking THAT global rule
>it wasn't me
>hiro just wants more people buying Yea Forums passes to line his pockets before this site gets nuked
>tfw got a ban for avatarfagging because i replied to one of these threads with a frog picture
>If you’re near a high school you are fucked
Well that explains why I haven't been able to post on mobile in literal months.
do americans really do this?
Anons what would you do if Yea Forums got nuked?
I unironically think i would become a terrorist