Endgame: Incel Edition

>So it gives me enormous relief to inform you that someone has fixed Avengers: Endgame for good. An anonymous internet user has re-edited Endgame and posted it to torrent sites under the new – and, if anything, catchier – title Avengers Endgame De-Feminized Edit AKA Anti-Cheese-Cut.

>The Last Jedi: what would the $200m fan-funded remake look like? The new film itself is quite hard to come by, but luckily the user detailed most of the major changes in a note. The headline takeaway is that it’s “Endgame, but shorter, no feminism, no gay shit, less boring filler, less sniffing its own farts, no constant quips and other small changes”.

>Digging in a little, the user goes on to state that the edit contains “absolutely no Brie Larson” and “less kitchen psychology”. The scene of Hawkeye training his daughter has been removed, because “young women should learn skills to become good wives and mothers”. Tony Stark no longer asks “his wife’s permission to save the universe”. There are much fewer women in the final battle, since “they should be at home taking care of their kids”. And, most importantly, the Ancient One – Sorcerer Supreme, leader of the Masters of the Mystic Arts, centuries-long unconquerable protector of Earth – now just hands the time stone over because she “gets scared of Hulk” and the fact that she didn’t immediately do this in the original was “a giant plothole”. Oh, and Black Panther isn’t in it as much for some reason. Not sure why, really.


Are you guys aware of how fucking hilarious you are?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>there are men who think Tony Stark "asked permission to save the world" to his wife
>there are men who are this insecure
>there are men who don't see the difference between caring for your wife and children and being pussy-whipped
>there are men who actually don't understand how relationships work... because they never had them
>there are

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Avengers: Endgame Set To Return To Theaters With New Footage

this is not ok

I missed the homosexuals in Endgame. Where were they?

>Are you guys aware of how fucking hilarious you are?
Wasn't this proven to be from Disney themselves to get ahead of actual fan edits?

When cap is at the support group. Self insert Director fag is talking about how he went on a date with a guy

Feelings were the best part of Endgame. It's what made the entire movie stand out from everything else before; it's quite frankly the only thing I gave a fuck for.

All these emotional scenes in the past made the movie worthwhile, far more than Infinity Wars, which I thought sucked massively.

Based. War is no place for women.

Disney made this shit themselves to manufacture outrage and renew interest in Endgame before the theatre re-release. Why are these people always the first to find out about these edits and why are they always the only ones who care?

No. Conspiracy theories about Disney need a reality check, and fast.

>"Disney bought 100 million dollars' worth of ticket to hide the failure of Captain Marvel!"
>Disney won't buy 50 million dollars' worth of ticket to beat Avatar
Which is it, you cognitively dissonant incels?

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This is the most retarded fake bait the mouse came up with yet.

>there are men here who wouldn’t encourage their daughters to learn how to fight/defend themselves
this is the worst part. you can hate all women as long as you love your daughter.

>criticising poorly written and mostly badly cast female characters is misogyny
Feminists are the most retarded people on Earth
And OP, you’re using The Guardian to inform you how to think, what’s your IQ, Somalia tier?

Man, I don't even remember that. I don't see why that's a problem, either. If anyone needs a support group, it's homosexuals. Incels don't manage to be coherent in their argument.

Just because I masturbated yesterday doesn't mean I will today also. Checkmate femcel

I downloaded endgame and avatar instead of spending shekels and there's nothing mousedrones and avaturds can do about it

That's why you aren't on any battlefield, champ.

>that cognitive dissonance
>that special pleading

Someone only made this to troll people and it’s amazing how little aware these people are.

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Black Panther was barely in the movie. Also the Ancient One could BTFO Banner, it makes no sense for her to just hand over the Time Stone cause she'd be scared. Like don't get me wrong. I think our culture has been hurt by the way we tell young women that being a wife and mother is unfulfilling. But this shit is just too much

I know this is bait but like could they have at least made it more believable? Like I want more high quality stuff

I'm white so I'm worth more to society on country soil from an economic perspective.

you must have replied to the wrong guy, cuz there’s no way you’d say that shit to me

Where can I get this version? Sounds like kino
The weakest part of the movie wasn't the badly written acted and made female scenes btwthat was the fucking script

>Are you guys aware of how fucking hilarious Marvel is?
This is a falseflag.

>editing a camrip

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Where is it?
I watched the star wars one and it was way better

You may suffer from paranoid disorder. Check it out. Your vision of reality is askew.

>this is the worst part. you can hate all women as long as you love your daughter.
Almost correct. Every woman is a man's daughter, respect that. Nonsensical use of logic: "Respect my daughter, but not those of other men, just because."

>Feminists are the most retarded people on Earth
Incels manage to beat them at that. It's the only thing they're superior at.

>And OP, you’re using The Guardian to inform you how to think
The fact that you assume such a dumb things tells us a whole lot more about your IQ than my own. My IQ is 138.

Respect is earned. Dilate / Procreate.

If you think this makes sense, you are wrong. If Disney can dish out millions to inflate numbers, they would have done it to beat Avatar; if they didn't, it means they can't. (And they can't, and wouldn't do it, either.)

>fewer feelings
Because I watch capeshit for emotional drama, yeah.

I'd like to believe you, but I'm afraid you underestimate incels. Are you seriously telling me you think no incel would actually do this? Look at this thread alone: you'll find plenty of incels who would enjoy such an edit wholeheartedly.

You underestimate incels' level of butthurt and triggering abilities. You also think logic and sense is something they care about. They don't. They're very emotional beings whose feelings are their only compass in life, as evidenced by their utter lack of logic whenever they argue with anyone capable.

Turns out, incels are the ones that needed safespaces. LOLOLOL

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It's not bait. I saw the defeminised edit. It's hilarious and jarring as fuck. It's truly shit, but it's like reading a mentally ill person's diary and their take on reality.

>I'm white so I'm worth more to society on country soil from an economic perspective.
I respectfully doubt it. What's your occupation and how much are you paid per month?

Grown men who can't capitalise are not worthy of serious consideration. You have been treated like the bitch you are.

>jarring as fuck
That's how you know it's a false flag. Someone with enough autism to do it unironically would actually make it flow.

Holy shit that articles intro hahahahahaha
S e e t h i n g

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I meant every word of it. You fuckers made the word "incel" a real word with basis in reality. It's fucking insane. What a shame for men. Imagine being so asshurted that you spend hours re-editing a movie based on comic books for kids? Just what the fuck, just at what point do you become self-aware?

This is like school retards who do absolutely dumb shit and everybody laughs at them for their moronity, and they don't know what's happening.

Not with you, it's not. You know damn well nobody can earn your respect because you have an essentialised version of what people are: there's nothing they can do to "change", or earn your respect.

Men who can't handle their responsibilities should stop speaking for other men.

My lord, you are so mad hahahahaha

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It's honestly the only good stuff in capeshit, when they manage to pull it off, which they did in Endgame. Of course, that requires maturity that the typical capeshit watcher may not have. But if you're a grown ass person, that's the part you will feel the most.

>character gets a chance to spend some time with a lost one
Of course, if you haven't lost anyone, this won't mean much to you, but if you have, the feels will be made of legends.

Unreal samefagging

Yep. Typical projection: they accuse others of what they are themselves because seeing it in others triggers them.

Isn't it funny that Yea Forums autists are literal projectionists?


>Of course, that requires maturity that the typical capeshit watcher may not have. But if you're a grown ass person, that's the part you will feel the most.

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>anti-cheese, get it?
Oh Jesus Is Lord... I'm embarrassed for whoever wrote this. It made no sense in the article, because, thankfully, the press doesn't yet know about your retarded memes on Brie's glued on fake nails which you STILL think is "foot fungus", proving you have never bothered to google what foot fungus even looks like.

The mental illness is strong.

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>That's how you know it's a false flag. Someone with enough autism to do it unironically would actually make it flow.
You can't make it flow. The type of people who think Brie is ugly, has foot fungus, hasn't worked out, and that Disney does 3 conspiraces per day aren't the type of people who would notice the lack of coherence in a narrative. Their entire point of view lacks coherence and logic.

Incels are emotional beings whose entire behaviour in life is guided by hurt feelings.

Point out where he is mad, or I will have to believe OP when he says you incels project non-stop, because I don't see an ounce of "mad" in that post...

that shitshow was far too long and needed to have at least 45 minutes of crap trimmed out of the final cut

>OP posts in his own thread!
Good luck with your life, it's going to be hard if you're that dumb. Moreover, you're wrong.

>t. seething tranny

That paragraph but unironically

Nobody gives a shit, loser, lol

Removing women in a movie sounds like the gayest fucking thing to me. Are incels closet homosexuals?

I don't get this meme: are you bicurious and unsure of your sexual identity? Tell me what upset you.

It was a marketing gimmick. Literally created by a disney pr firm the week the movie was released.

Old news.

Same angry samefag hahahahahaha

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As a sexually satisfied male, I will now watch your movie.

You have no comeback. As expected.

Feels like high school! Thanks for the chuckle, champ.

basaed. also fuck OP desu if im being honest, liberals and women have no place on Yea Forums or in war

Your typing style is insanely noticeable, you fat fucking whore

We already know Marvel makes re-edits and publishes as falseflags, you filthy tourist

>respecting a woman just because some other guy squirted her out of his balls
Hard nope.

Any evidence for this or do you just trust anything that sounds like a conspiracy?

If Disney isn't competent enough to make good Star Wars movies, I doubt they would be in impersonating online incels. Nobody has any reason to think they made it up. There would be no point, as nobody gives a shit. You seem to miss the point that the article ISN'T about Marvel movies, it's about INCELS. What fucked up minds you guys work with... All these emotions, not a shred of common sense.

And all this butthurt.

This is getting embarrassing, nigger faggot

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You are speaking from the perspective of someone who's experiencing their first day on Yea Forums. You have no idea what a dedicated autist is capable of. But keep believing the narrative you want to. I honestly don't give a fuck.

>making a fan edit of a camrip
was it autism?

Reminder that this whole thing it's bullshit marketing. Some social media manager redacted the cringey description, some intern edited the thing, and leak it to the press when literally nobody knew/cared about it
And Yea Forums fell for it, like the chumps you are

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I wish you newfags would leave. /pol/ was a mistake. All these loser boards were a mistake.

I'm an athletic man... You're just trying to get me to show you my dick with timestamp, you predictable gaylord.

you really whine about this every day lmao

>being THIS mad people dislike an unclean man jawed cunt that looks not a day under 36

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the journalist is absolutely seething

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Like you chimps care about evidence.

It was way too try hard. But I guess if you can't make a competent movie, you're not going to be able to make a competent fake either. The entire thing reads like the parody image that braind dead lefties have in their heads about people who don't like what they like. No basis in reality.

Present your evidence, then. Let's see what's up.

>inb4 quipping instead of delivering

>I am such an oldfag and also a man but I’m actually an athletic man
Embarrassing. Post your tits fatty and maybe I’ll let you suck my dick

This. I don't buy for a second that the type of person who would make something like this wouldn't wait for a webrip before making the edit.

>linking directly to the guardian
Good goy

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>Are you guys aware of how fucking hilarious you are?
The real joke is how mad it makes you ;)

Don't be surprised women don't respect you back, then, incel.

For you.

Too bad I've been here for over ten years. You can troll and bait all you want: we both know what the deal is, newfag. I miss the days of this site being fun and lulz; you guys are all about whining and being "political", trying to turn your mental health issues into militant bullshit, exactly as the SJW do. You're all the same with the same mental issues; you just have different sources of asshurt.

If this had happened 10 years earlier, I feel like the Guardian would recognize an obvious troll and have the mental capacity to realize that parading his work for the world to see is the exact thing he wants

Waiting for ANY evidence of this. If you have none, you are thinking emotionally, not rationally.

Cute. You think everyone who disagrees with you is one person. It's my first thread on this board in a month, but hey, shape reality to what you prefer: it won't bite you in the ass as long as you remain in mom's basement.


>I miss when this site was about lulz
>that’s why I can’t contain my rage over this retarded edit
Mhmm, yep. Believable

Projecting your anger, buddy? You wanna talk about it with someone?

>Like you chimps care about evidence.

"I will see your evidence and consider it."
"I... Uh... You don't care about evidence!"
"I do."
"N-no, you don't!"

i remember last week I made people SEETHE by pretending I hated Frodo's Goodbye because the men were crying in it, where's my Guardian/NPR report

It's obvious to anyone who understands what those "nazis" you hate actually support. The entire thing reads like a parody.

No one on the right would have a problem with Hawkeye training his daughter. People on the right want their daughters to be able to protect themselves from the hordes of rapists you like importing.

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No embarrassment felt. You retard forgot nobody can know I'm a dog here.

Seriously, lurk moar.

I was wondering how long it'd take before the Jewish conspiracists would show up! Now explain why you think subhumans somehow managed to overpower everyone else on earth, including the master race. I'll be wait.

When someone makes an edit that has thanos being as good of a villain as he was in Infinity War then I'll give a shit.

>wahhh don’t mock my fav
Lol, retard.

Sure thing buddy. That's why there are always at least three threads about gun control concurrently running on /pol/. That's why there are never threads with lefty retards parotting big oil propaganda about nuclear power. You really care about that evidence.

Someone should make a list of all the posts where incels accuse others of being mad when nothing suggests they are. This level of projection is glorious.

There's no reason to think it's a troll. Present any if you have. Do you really not think incels are capable of doing this?

Replying to exactly two posts every time makes it really obvious, you stupid retard

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>projecting lefty accuses people of projecting

This is some inception level shit.

Again, where do you see any rage? This accusation has been made several times now and still nobody can show where OP is mad...

Are you this self-unaware? All I see is OP making fun of you, and you seething.

Respect is biological. I don't care about anyone elses family sorry mr globohomo

>seething tranny projects seething on everyone else

>It's obvious to anyone who understands what those "nazis" you hate actually support.
Literally no idea what you're talking about here.

I also imagine incels don't get irony very well, so you may want to consider that.

>There's no reason to think it's a troll. Present any if you have. Do you really not think incels are capable of doing this?
do you unironically think the average board user looks at the Hawkeye scene and goes "man he shouldn't be giving his daughter shooting lessons" like we're literal medieval troglodytes? It's a very obvious troll

more like the Based Edition

>s-show me my rage! Now!!!! Show me where I’m madddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you unaware?! Show me!!!!!!!!!!!!

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>there are women and beta males who take the "incel cut" seriously and write arguments against it
Fucking kill yourself faggot pussy

>Lol, retard.
Low quality effort. Why even post...

>triggered ego

If you have evidence, post it. If you don't, don't post.

You shouldn't feign ignorance then use your tired tranny meme in the next line. Way too obvious.

They enjoy it for the trolling aspect. No one actually thinks it makes the movie better

You seem to think I'm trying to be all sneaky... You are more retarded than I thought.

Unlike you: I don't give a shit what anyone on this board thinks. Why do you care so much? Are you insecure? Ah... Yes. Incels are insecure. Kek.

Fuck off faggot, it's either done to troll or by Disney employees. you must be the disney shill.

It was debunked literally the week the movie came out.

How absolutely desperate are you to drag it up again three months later?

I'm none of those guys but you've been at this for at least half an hour so it's safe to assume you're mad. Hell, this entire thread was made because someone was mad that someone else made a fan edit. Ironically enough they did that because they were mad that there were so many girl power moments in the move. It gets even worse when you realize those scenes were added when someone got mad that no once cares about chick superheroes.

In reality, you're hypermad by proxy.

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If you work for Disney you don’t deserve to be alive

Kill yourselves, and your co-worker shills.

>Respect is biological.
Pseudo-science at its best. Ignorance is bliss.

No, but I do believe the average board user doesn't master irony well enough to recognise it when it pokes them in the face. Pretty sure the torrent's description doesn't have it and it was just the journalist making fun of incels. But hey, that's just my guess.

>incels did this incels did that

It's all so tiresome.

They aren’t wrong, if you are the type of shill to force this narrative, you’re an incel for sure

posting = raging

OK. How's that selective bias going?

Reminder calling someone an incel makes you a bigot. So much for the tolerant left. You people are cruel.

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You need to calm down before your heart gives out

It's the new 'nazi' word, have you noticed that? The go-to insult lost its teeth so now there's a new one.

I'm so fucking tired of outsiders trying to police our boards.

Brie is a type of cheese, you mouth-breather.

There are incels who take it seriously enough to create it, and others who will watch it and say they enjoy it better.

Facts are stubborn things.

I know autists aren't good at considering other people's points of view, but this takes the cake.

Why don’t you just kill yourself already?

She's quoting the document that was provided by the editor accompanying the edit, so it is them

Yeah what is pair bonding amirite

And this is how this website turned to shit. You really think incels are "trolling"? They're not. Oldfags were trolling, but they attracted a whole bunch of anons who aren't trolling at all. If you think the antisemitism on /pol/ and everywhere else is trolling, you are more naive than you realise.

lotta fuckin reddit itt

Holy shit is it even possible to write something more passive aggressive and appear fucking livid?

Fuck woman, the niggers of modern society.

If reality doesn't match what you prefer, you change it. Got it.

Present your evidence, my body is ready.

>I'm none of those guys but you've been at this for at least half an hour so it's safe to assume you're mad.
With that logic, I understand. Thanks for clarifying.

>Hell, this entire thread was made because someone was mad that someone else made a fan edit.
Yeah, it's not like pissing people off is ever a motive for a thread. Newfags are kyoot.

You really think I work for Disney? Do you realise how fucking delusional you are? You think this place is so influential? Fucking absolute lols.

Sup, incel handicapped person.

Unironically sounds like something I'd watch sooner than the original.

Look, you tried too hard and created something that has no basis in the reality of what people who disagree with you politically believe. Accept the fact that you failed and move on.

I told you what to do. Kill them, then kill yourself.

Efforts can be seen but that shit ain't funny.

Incel describes a reality very well. Evidenced by how mad incels get when you call them incels.

You're the outsider, Redditor. Newfags should go back.


You really are fucking terrible at this.

First day on the job?

If I'm dead, how I enjoy your butthurt?

Are you clinically retarded my friend? There's his name and photo on the fucking article. Your incelism is showing, work on it.

Yes, ask incels.

Fun part is how every incel here assumes the article was written by a woman. Fucking lol.

I do fuck women, friend. You don't. Think about it.

I know, that's why I bring this to your attention. It's not ONLY to laugh at you.

I did exactly what I wanted and you are in error in your assumptions. I'll be enjoying the asspain from the side. Don't stop.


Have sex.

I'm talking about the NPR article it links to

>Endgame, but shorter, no feminism, no gay shit, less boring filler, less sniffing its own farts, no constant quips and other small changes
Sounds awesome.

LOL I don't even support the edit, but the fact that these people consider all of those things to be ''entertainment'' in of itself makes me want to download it. Who the hell considers ''hugging'' entertainment?

>Incel describes a reality very well.
A few months ago you types were saying that about nazis
>Evidenced by how mad incels get when you call them incels.
I mean yeah, you did just insult them.

Your supervisor is going to have a long talk with you at the end of your shift.

Are you autistic?

>A few months ago you types were saying that about nazis
No idea what you're on about.

>I mean yeah, you did just insult them.
Apparently calling incels "incels" is the greatest insult you can do to them. They're right.

I'm my own boss, fuckwit. Go back to Raddit. You need a hugbox, this isn't the place for that.

what the actual fuck is going on in this thread? Im getting worn out just reading this constant shit flinging contest.

Fucking lol. I'll explain to you exactly what is happening in this thread: some oldfag is showing incels, autists, and radditors and other newfags how it's done.

And it's glorious. Haven't laughed this hard in months.

I think this board needs a yellow revolution too. We need to fight against incels, autists, and other retards who don't actually enjoy cinema and merely use it to vent their anger and express their mental issues.

Join the fight.

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One of the discord trannies is on the loose again.

The audience

You are really bad at this. An actual person could get this down in an hour. They are really scraping the bottom of the barrel at this point.

It's funny because incels are males with bitchy female brains, yet they're obsessed with feminization.

>respect is earned
>is also an incel

Incels are incredibly insecure and also easily influenced by media.

This is autistic

Based oldfag. I'm an '07er. "Yea Forums was never good." We had no idea how much worse the site would get. A decade ago looks like a golden age, in retrospect.

t. discord tranny, dilating

t. virgin

Incels are very clearly males with male brains. Don't let the autistic confirmation bias fuck with you.

This. I joined in '08. And honestly, this entire site was so much better back then, I'm not surprised newfags don't believe it.

Yea Forums is unrecognisable and the yellow war is the only worthy thing to do there nowadays. It used to be a creative board and it was fun. Now it's just teenagers and radditors and SJW posing as cuck-enthusiasts to piss off poltards that have already left.

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Have sex

Holy fucking projection.

I started browsing in '04. This place has always been trash. Yea Forums was never anything special.

ITT: people who get so mad they feel obligated to come and post. And then accuse others of being butthurt.

>the lack of self-awareness of incels is beautiful

But seriously, this is why Rodditors come here for: they bait your naive asses and you bite so fucking hard. They have literal subraddits about incels being morons and easily played like little bitches.

Why are you doing this to yourselves? The more you bite, the more radditors will come. Don't you understand? If you fuckers discussed cinema for real, you'd not have that problem and we (anons who like cinema and aren't autistic nor incelicious) could actually have fun.

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>Holy fucking projection.
You need to check yourself, mate: you're posting this comment in a thread that proves exactly this: incels are insecure and easily butthurt by media. Are you blind? How can anyone say something so ridiculously stupid and not see it? I'm honestly astonished and I think you need professional help at this point. This isn't anywhere near normal levels of cognitive dissonance.

Nobody believes you. People who were there know very well what I'm saying. Besides, if you knew anything about this place, you'd know '04 is quite far away and Yea Forums didn't even exist. Keep larping, faggot.

any version of this garbage is incel edition

To be fair, it has very good emotional moments. Kudos for that.

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It was your viral marketing firm Disney. We already know.

because when the civil war starts, it'll make it that much more satisfying to them to crush leftist skulls

It's when 40somethings on the Left like TYT starting calling people names like "incel" that I truly realized the Left are a bunch of fucking children, no matter what age they might be.

Imagine having such a shitty life you go on a nostalgia trip about Yea Forums

Thanks user, still probably won't watch it, because it's capeshit, but options are always nice.

this tinfoil hat is like "sony actively making their consoles piratable" debate back in 2000

This is excellent trolling. Seriously, It is competent.

I give up too man, it's obvious that reddit floods this place now because I guess they feel they can say swear words here or whatever.

>using a term to discuss men who can't develop intimacy (and are thus children) is childish

>failure to find a sexual partner is now a disability
Does this mean I can quit my job and instead claim disability benefits for not getting laid? If so, goodbye women, neckbeard life here I come!

Attached: neckbeard04.png (800x1200, 43K)

I would disagree, I tear up quite easily and none of the avengers movies made me do that

A nostalgia "trip"? It's barely 3 lines of text... You have some serious short attention span, my nigga. Eat a kilo of Ritalin, right now!


Have sex, retard


>he'd rather be unemployed and never be with women than work and be with women
I don't actually get you.

I assume you haven't lost someone important in your life.

And that's a good thing (Heres's Why).


>implying some fag would care if his butt buddy got snapped
They go through a different "boyfriend" every week, he'd have forgotten his name and what he looked like a month later let alone 5 years.

Butthurt faggot, you have no comeback and no counter argument. Don't even think you can talk to me, trash!

>They go through a different "boyfriend" every week,
But that's untrue.

I don't think you understand how much I hate having to work. I've thought of cutting off a limb or two before, just so I'd be unable to work.

Why? Surely you can find an activity you enjoy, no?

They have more sexual partners than anyone, they go through them like potato chips. Just walk in the gay bar, come home with some guy, buttfuck for a few days, he "cheats" on you, you throw a hissy fit, go back to the gay bar, sniff some poppers, cycle repeats again over and over.

>They have more sexual partners than anyone
You mean you, and that's not hard. Hardly an argument. It's exactly what men do if they want to, also, so even less of an argument.

You just sound jealous at this point.

>write an article about someone making a fan cut
how pathetic

Try again in English. I am fucking gay and repressing because I hate being gay because gay culture is garbage and all gay men act like this, so yeah I know what I'm talking about. Being gay is a sad existence if you are not a degenerate.

Why do incels hate women so much? From my experience, women are much more friendlier, sweeter, and make better friends than men. A lot of my best friendships were with girls while a lot of my guy friendships either fizzled out quickly or grew toxic

hitfilm or adobe for fan cut?

>writes a post about a thread about an article about a fan cut
Are you retarded?

No wonder no man wants you, you passive aggressive bitch. It's not that homos are degenerate, it's that you're not quality and nobody wants you.

Admit it and you'll be one step closer to success. I know plenty of homos who are in long-term relationships and everything is going fine.

>I watched the star wars one and it was way better
sauce plz?

>Why do incels hate women so much?
Women, being what incels want and need the most, make them scared and powerfless. Weak men can't handle this weakness, while strong men face it and accept it. Strong men accept how they feel about women and don't try to bring women down for the power they have on men. You just accept it and don't blame women for how you feel.

Poetic justice is that men who fear women and can't handle it give off that creepy insecure vibe that makes women run away, while men who can handle their shit get to be attractive.

Are you really arguing that homosexuals aren't more promiscuous than heterosexuals?

roasties SEETHING

I was giving you the benefit of a doubt and assuming you were being paid to be this retarded. Now I'm starting to think you're just mentally ill.

Why do you think I am this way you moron?

Of course he doesn't understand. He's never worked a day in his life.

I have a gf since highschool and have been dating for 11 years. But if we didn't get married or broke up I definitely would never talk to a woman again. 90% of all the female friendships I had were all bullshit to begin with, because I used the friendship as an entrypoint to fuck them. Women and men cannot be friends unless you are a fag, then you are used as their plaything essentially, a way to emasculate you on a daily basis under the guise of "friendship".

Women are not worth speaking too, I ignore them every chance I get honestly. I'd rather listen to a homeless guy tell me about their life then a college educated female. If you aren't fucking them ,you are wasting your time.

Letting pussy control you is pathetic.

Kill yourself.

You're never going to be a woman.

Yes. Many homosexuals don't even have sex. What are you gonna do about it, faggot?

Imagine getting this upset someone did an edit of a movie barely anyone will see and then making an article about it so more people will check it out. Is the author retarded? Or just blindingly mad?

You are merely returning what I said to you. Try actually responding to my post. Maybe that will make you open your fucking eyes.

What's to discuss? You're a literal crazy person. You should be locked in a rubber room.

>90% of all the female friendships I had were all bullshit to begin with, because I used the friendship as an entrypoint to fuck them.
And somehow they are to blame for it... Incel logic.

>Women and men cannot be friends unless you are a fag,
You just have to not be retarded and be honest. I'm not attracted to every woman I know, and those I have zero romantic interest in can be my friends. Not sure why that is so hard for you.

>Women are not worth speaking too,
That's because you can't get the interest of intelligent women. That requires you being smart as well, which you're obviously not.

You're a sad man.

Feminists are not only incel themselves, they literally vote to have open borders with the shittiest cultures on Earth... and then side with the rapists and clit manglers when they do what everyone else warned about. See Europe and America for more detail.
You’re a Guardian reader and you agree with their bleating about misogyny, so you told me exactly how you operate. As I said, Somalia tier. I’m British, the G has fucked up liberal culture more than Stalinist propaganda, it’s made you bend so far left you look extremely mentally stunted.

I guess that's why they all either have AIDS (formerly GRID) or are taking medications to prevent AIDS from anal sex.

People who have sex are by definition not incels you fucking brainlet.

Have sex.

And you're never going to fuck one.

>Imagine getting this upset someone did an edit of a movie barely anyone will see and then making an article about it so more people will check it out. Is the author retarded? Or just blindingly mad?
Can you be any LESS self-aware? You amazing faggot, do you not realise you're doing exactly that which you criticise???

Holy fucking shit, lol.

My girlfriend is the smartest woman I know, there's no need for me to actually talk to other females, I'm in a med school program for fuck sakes and most girls nowadays are borderline illiterate in my class. They couldn't form a coherent opinion on anything to save their life.

There's a reason that any advancement in society has been accomplished by an overwhelmingly majority by men. Women aren't intelligent on average, their test is material gain. They aren't worth speaking too especially in this political climate.

This is hopeless. Good luck, incel.

>You’re a Guardian reader
Will you morons cut it out with the endless essentialising? Don't you know that's what children (and retards) do? Grow the fuck up, dude. If you think you can extrapolate all that much from where OP found an article to piss you off with, then you are sorely lacking in brain power. Do you even know where you are? Go take your meds and calm the fuck down.

Did you mutilate your sex organs because of this unhealthy obsession you have with people having sex or did you develop the obsession after mutilating yourself?

Oh so you're a gay incel seething about the fact that no one wants to fuck your fat hairy ass. Gotcha.

>I guess that's why they all either have AIDS (formerly GRID) or are taking medications to prevent AIDS from anal sex.
>dat generalisation
Don't you get tired of your own bullshit?

>People who have sex are by definition not incels you fucking brainlet.
Do read what he wrote. He didn't fuck any of them, but he tried.

>calls others brainlet
>can't read normal sentences

no it is very much a female/beta male trait to overly concern yourself with what your neighbor is doing. men act, women talk

Brie is ugly and the photos prove foot fungus. Why does dislike of a mediocre man faced imbecile trigger you? She’s one of the worst things about the MCU, along with Valkyrie, MJ... oh look, all poorly written women cast by actresses nobody ever asked for.

So you're also illiterate. Fantastic.

Way to live the stereotype.

Tfw you've just frazzledripped

>removing women
>removing terrible female characters and obvious political vagina waving
Huge difference

If nothing else this is pretty amusing unless you're fucking stupid and just enjoy getting angry at things.

>My girlfriend is the smartest woman I know,
Yes, that's not saying much. Actually smart women have the sense to avoid you and even more NOT to be with you, idiot.

>I'm in a med school program for fuck sakes
It doesn't take intelligence to be a doctor. Doctors are just mechanics for bodies. Knowing about how we digest and shit doesn't make you superior to anybody. Anything you know and learn is readily available anywhere. It shows how dumb you are to think studying medicine makes you smart. Fucking lol. Come back when you can tackle years of studying something more complex than fucking human anatomy.

>most girls nowadays are borderline illiterate in my class.
They're classic med students.

>There's a reason that any advancement in society has been accomplished by an overwhelmingly majority by men.
Lol, and here's how we know you don't study history or anything other than bowel movements.

>, their test is material gain.
And now you're quoting Chapelle in a serious argument. You don't even understand when jokes are just jokes. You probably think Chap meant it literally and that he was right. You are a pathetic joke.

Good luck with your studies.

>commenting on a thread about someone being upset enough to make an article advertising a random cut of a movie they didn't like is the same!

Don’t blame /pol/ because people dare have opinions about an overrated franchise fucked up with crappy characters. I’m just here trying to clean up my country, and I enjoy a spot of film & TV as well. What does that even mean? You have to vote for the blue pedo ring to enjoy comic book characters?

just like any conspiracy theory, it's not the concept that is hard to swallow, but the idea that it could actually be kept a secret if it happened. some of the most clandestine military operations in history have still been leaked/found out at some point or another. what makes people think there's some supersecrat cabal that can magically cover up anything they want without fear of being found out?

besides, what Disney actually does is much more insidious and degenerative to our culture. they spend countless millions on marketing and brainwashing people into this cult like following of Disney crap

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too bad you have zero evidence of your claim

Some of you incels don't even make sense.

>men act, women talk
Says the faggot who posts all day like a faggot. Again, the level at which you guys are not self-aware is astounding. You're literally doing NOTHING but "talking", here, fag. How do you not notice this? Are you braindead?

Bro I'm already going to be in residency next year lmao. If you think med school is easy then you are seriously mistaken. My point is that even if women can regurgitate information for a test, they can't actually critically think. They aren't wired that way, you can't have interesting conversations with women because they can't think beyond the basic surface level.

Women are retarded.


Lol piss off and die triggered homo.

You failed. Good luck next time. Don't forget to dilate.

Insecure, paranoid. Idiotic.

>unless you're fucking stupid and just enjoy getting angry at things.
Like you're doing? Lel.

you cant answer a single question.

It is.

>I’m just here trying to clean up my
If you think posting helps clean up your country, you are retarded.

>what makes people think there's some supersecrat cabal that can magically cover up anything they want without fear of being found out?
A natural reflex in humans to seek out the negative for survival. Even if the odds are low, humans will consider the negative over the positive every time. Even if there's only 1% chance that something is a conspiracy, some humans will choose this simply because it's a conspiracy. That's why.

Then you have mentally ill people on Yea Forums, and they are tons. Same principle but way worse.

Let me spell it out for you. The edit was a laugh, just something one artist/Disney depending on the source put out. Everyone had fun with it. But the Guardian and all similar grievance industry profiteers had to turn it into some navel gazing shit piece about muhsoggyknee, and guess which take on the edit attracted you...

>tranny telling someone to dilate

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>Bro I'm already going to be in residency next year lmao. If you think med school is easy then you are seriously mistaken.
I graduated. Later, I studied other fields and I can tell you med school is easy in comparison. If you can memorise, you're good to go.

>they can't actually critically think.
Which is not required of doctors, which they never do when they prescribe antidepressants for nearly everything because they were told to. Don't make me laugh.

>They aren't wired that way, you can't have interesting conversations with women because they can't think beyond the basic surface level.
You're wrong. The fact that you never found a woman who could do this is telling. I have interesting conversations with female engineers, lawyers, university teachers (who teach Arabic, ancient Greek, and other languages like that), and I'm having the fun of my life.

You are retarded.

>if you think posting helps clean up your country you’re retarded
A. That’s the least of my activity, brainlet. And B. I use /pol/ for laughs and to find out stuff about my particular shithole. That doesn’t mean I come here just to ruin your fun, I just have particular tastes in film and I found Endgame very weak. Is that OK, Stalin?

Post evidence or say nothing.

>I have interesting conversations with female engineers and I'm having the fun of my life.

imagine seething this much

>interesting conversations

That you could have with their male counterparts that would actually be more stimulating.


graduated from what exactly? You're not going to lie and say your a physician right? Or do you just have a couple bachelors lol?

Also I'm going to residency for surgery, if you think that surgery doesn't require you to think then you might be fucking retarded, which makes sense because you like talking to women lol. Oh wait a sec....seems over 95% of surgeons are men, whodathunkit?


>A. That’s the least of my activity, brainlet.
Lol, what the fuck else do you do?

Do you find that hard to believe? You should have considered that before larping as a med student... You stupid liar.

It's obvious to anyone who doesn't live in your hugbox. No one on the right believes the things the person who created the edit would have you believe. The stereotype who created the edit doesn't exist outside of your deluded mind.

Did you miss the bants here, on Instagram and FB? Not my problem. Is The Guardian piece all you saw about it, well that kind of proves the type of media you consume and what makes you tick.

>interesting conversations
>with engineers
Yep. I'm calling bullshit.

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Roasties mad again, nothing new

It is a pretty funny edit, isn't it?

i think youre larping,
>lol "x" person is an engineer/scientist therefore she has an interesting personality

you sound like a kid

>That you could have with their male counterparts that would actually be more stimulating.
Nope, since their male counterparts are borderline autists who have like 3 facial expressions and use them sparingly.

>graduated from what exactly? You're not going to lie and say your a physician right? Or do you just have a couple bachelors lol?
Basic reading comprehension should have been enough. Don't try to make me believe you studied medicine if you can't read a Yea Forums post.

>Also I'm going to residency for surgery, if you think that surgery doesn't require you to think then you might be fucking retarded,
You're a glorified mechanic. I'm not impressed.

>which makes sense because you like talking to women lol.
I do. Heterosexual men generally like talking to women. Didn't think of that, heh, doc?

>Oh wait a sec....seems over 95% of surgeons are men, whodathunkit?
So are mechanics.

>everything you say needs to be backed up with hard evidence and a short essay
ok ben shapiro

In other words, no evidence.


I actually have 2 engineers as close friends. Engineering isn't the only thing they're interested in in life.

>article written by a man
>incels don't even read as far as the first page with the author's photo and name

Try reading the whole sentence next time.

Anyone wearing a costume. Fucking Pride parade writ large.

you start with a false premise, incels are not real,

Any advancement in any field is overwhelmingly and that's being generous done by men. Women are useless in male dominated fields because their brains don't allow for introspection. It's why women suck shit at chess and strategy, because they can't think that far ahead.

Also, if you "graduated" from a medical school and "studied" other fields then you are probably lying or failed your STEP 1 and 2 to get a license. Which means you are an absolute brainlet and fag (because you like talking to women).


10/10 bait. this shit is old as fuck, obviously a joke, but it's hilarious retards like you still take it seriously.

i can't tell whos baiting who

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Calm down there

Is there anything incels won't lose their shit over?

>reddit spacing

If you wanted people to take your edit seriously, you should have put more effort into making it believable. Retarded stereotypes that leftists believe is played out.

>what else do you do?
Do you want a blog post? I help my brother run a local charity for men affected by suicide, depression, ptsd etc (because our best friend’s dad killed himself.) I campaign against developers for local greenbelt. I helped GCHQ with a trafficked girl which led to me joining a group who lobby the government on things like trafficking, grooming gangs and related issues. In my country the right wing are the decent ones while leftists just talk shit about us and enable the people we’re trying to get convicted/deported.

Don't know what's happening ITT, and don't care to read through it.
Just came to say Have Sex.

>assuming gender
Get a load of this shitlord.

I never said I wasn't a beta faggot, but I'm just saying let's be real, were all beta faggots and pretending like we aren't is even gayer

The one watching the movie

That’s all you’ve been doing with this bollocks about “incels” and /pol/ though.

>Any advancement in any field is overwhelmingly and that's being generous done by men.
I'd argue but I doubt you'd have any sources for this and I also imagine you don't take into account historical factors such as women not allowed in universities and such.

You're mentally ill. Anyone who knows women know them better than this.

Top chess players who are women would crush you 500 times in a row at chess. Even your local chess female champion would.

>because they can't think that far ahead.
And this lets me you know you're even worse at chess than I thought. You clearly don't play chess at any serious level if you think that's how it works.

Your larping is over. It's obvious you're no med student at all, and even more obvious you never talked to a woman.

Good luck, incel.

>If you wanted people to take your edit seriously,
>your edit

>take perfectly fine superhero stories
>add women
>add homosexuality
>add feelings
>add more women
actually 100% accurately describes why comics have been going down the shitter lately

>sniff some poppers
would poppers help with constipation? (seriously)
asking for a friend

>That’s all you’ve been doing with this bollocks about “incels” and /pol/ though.
Try telling me that any of my "assumptions" are wrong. Try.

I started posting on this website when I was 10 and it's become a tough habit to break, people like you make it easier tho.

Attached: calm_down_incel.jpg (626x1024, 68K)

Yeah, adding things autists can't into. You can still read the comics, manchild.

>chess doesn't require planning ahead and strategy


the best female tennis player in the world lost to the the 250th ranked or even lower.

Here's some studies


here's an article


heres another study


Notice how each of these studies/articles tries to rationalize why women are retarded.

Literally cannot

It obviously wasn't created by the people you are trying to pin it on since it isn't based on any of their actual beliefs. So either it's yours or one of your fellow travelers.

Low effort.


No one reads the comics.

No one. Sales are measured in the hundreds.

>the best female tennis player
I don't see the connection with chess, but aye.

I don't think you're smart enough to even understand the sources you posted. Truly, you are a silly man.

In case you haven't noticed, your main issue here is you think extremes are automatically relevant of the norm. You are wrong, but too dumb to understand that.

Besides you're still wrong if you think women never contributed to any advancement, but yeah, also too dumb to know that and too uncultured and arrogant to think maybe you aren't right.

Yeah... Go post blogs as evidence in some other thread.

They’re wrong. I already told “what else I did” when you asked, I’m not sure incels exist. Why is it wrong and “incel” to object to badly written female characters played by shitty actresses?

Tick tock Avatarfags.

Once Endgame: "Enhanched Edition" Edition, you're all fucking done!

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NCBI is a blog post? Kek

My point is that anything a women is "good at" a male will be better than while that male is at best average in his own field. Women aren't critical thinkers, philosphers, scientists, businessmen. All the people who made our society and continue to develop it are men. We don't see women inventors or them contributing anything to society other than being diversity hires to fill quotas.

Also I never said no woman has ever contributed, I'm just saying that the majority like 95% of all scientific advancements are done by men, and women largely have no real effect on the process other than to slow it down.

Pro-Tip, user: If you’re trying to White Knight for women, never bring up or acknowledge chess
Kind of makes them look incredibly inferior, given that there’s all of 1 woman and 199 men in the entire Top 200
Since chess is an incredibly accessible, purely mental, wholly meritocratic game, it provides a hands on example of exactly why women are deservedly underrepresented at the highest levels of nearly any given field: they simply cannot compete


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kek. Bingo

>WATCHING a camrip

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imagine if i told you 4 years ago that you would have to be debating feminists on Yea Forums

Yassss!!! Women contributed soooo much - did you know they invented alphabet blocks and, um, an ironing board?? Also a rolling pin!

Male feminists, no less.


It's unbelievable how some of you are so deep into incel hate that you can't tell this is obviously a troll. What causes someone to look at this shit and not laugh, and instead foam at the mouth over incels?

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>s o i b o i writer doesn’t think bloodsport has a plot

Only minorities are in the battlefield...that is their job

most of our volunteer army is white

i'm just amazed people still have the energy for the constant bickering of what amounts to nothing