Anton Yelchin died 3 years ago today

Anton Yelchin died 3 years ago today
say something nice about him

Attached: chekovd.png (479x403, 415K)

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Average male actor #52250

Brb gotta check the mail

Attached: 1559061984768.jpg (1280x720, 65K)

He did a really good Michael beihn impersonation in his terminator movie, which is really impressive if you think about it

I don't know why his death affected my so much
Maybe because he died in such a pathetic way and right when his career was taking off

Yea Forums officially copying Reddit.

>in the end the car kept going forward because he couldn't find reverse

oh no non nonnonononno

That’s what you get for buying Chrysler

He didn’t drive so good

He was an actor in movies. Many of those movies I saw. I think he was the kid in Alpha Dog and that was a good movie.

what's some running yourself over with your own car kino

So when Paul Walker ran over Anton Yelchin, was that like "The Day the Music Die" for zoomers?

you would know

Thread theme

user nooooo

The matrix

he was talented, I still love Alpha Dog. he would’ve had a good career had he lived.

I bet you weren’t expecting people to actually say nice things about him.

did they not have parking brakes in russia?

go back faggot


family guy did a joke about him which I found pretty surprising
>Yahoo Answers: Is Anton Yelchin's jeep for sale?

He was an American immigrant you actual retard

he had cystic fibrosis, which means he would've died before the age of 40

This piece of fiction is known as one of the movies that drove Elliot Rodger closer to the edge and towards the massacre in Isla Vista. He saw this nerd with a beautiful blond and his head exploded

*russian immigrant

So a Russian immigrant in America lives in Russia, got it

Green Room is one of my favorite movies of the last decade. He would have brought us some amazing kino if he were still around.

only his parents
he was born here

>named Chekov
>can’t pronounce the letter “V”

No. I'm saying he should have learned how parking brakes work before he came to America.

>boldly going forward, still cant find reverse!

He was born in America

PSA: Always engage the parking break when you get out of a Jeep.

You have the internet at your fingertips, look it up.

Holy shit I don’t think I’ve heard that in 20 years.

He was naturally a magician

we come in peace shoot to kill :^)

>mfw his character was going to fuck Anya's character in the original script of Thoroughbreds.

We would have got an ayy sex scene if he hadn't have died lads.

Attached: 1554611427569.webm (800x800, 3M)

He died the way he lived.

Anton was born in 1989 in Leningrad, USSR


>Anton "Live wrong and perish" Yelchin
>Anton "Put to sleep by a big black Jeep" Yelchin
>Anton "Captain! my guts are 98% crushed" Yelchin
>Anton "Engaging override to the other side" Yelchin
>Anton "Spock in a frock I've ticked my last tock" Yelchin

i liked him in 5 to 7 and the Trek reboot films.

too bad because there's a 1 in a million chance we all could have car'd ourselves but because he actually did it and died he will be known as the guy that was jeep'd..

Odd Thomas sounded fucking horrible on paper but strong performances from Yelchin and the rest of the cast made it entirely watchable somehow. RIP

It's a shame he didn't have a dashcam.