Please stop saying things were "filmed on a potato."

Please stop saying things were "filmed on a potato."

Attached: Screenshot_20190619-154231_Brave.jpg (1057x697, 265K)

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He's such a pretentious faggot.

Please stop filming like you have no hands. Seriously, even if you're filming vertically with a decade old phone you can get a decent video out

I shoved a potato up my butt

I hope you washed it first

was this typed on a hash brown?

He’s got a point though. This also applies to saying “I did a thing” and posting an image / video

No Derrick is, he literally thinks he’s the next Spielberg.

The foam video is pure kino though

He's right. I hate when people still use years old memes pretending they are still relevant. Pepe and Wojak posters are the worst offenders for this

>i can haz foam


but people are still making me Pepe edits, so it’s not really the same thing

No U, kek lel cuck desu puddi puddi puddi buzzword buzzword, do I fit in yet?

>blue checkmark
>whiney faggot
every time


Imagine being Mega64 and being in your late 30s and still making videos like you're in high school film class

Yeah, my pet peeve are those comments that NPCs rush to get out first
>anything related to ww2
>someone has to be the first to say "did nazi that coming anne frankly im disgusted"
>gets a hundred up thumbs
There's examples for everything, it's only cute or clever the first time the joke is made, the tens of thousands of times afterwards is like a circle jerk.

>not being annoyed by reddit/twitter-tier cliches
>is a fag
every time

This is a video

>not being nostalgic for early 2000s internet lingo like leetspeak and pwnd

Every thread on reddit is like this and it's just sad

It is sad, Alexa play Despacito.

you better watch out

Attached: 1560658700170.jpg (1536x2048, 506K)

>early 2000s
Youtube-tier comments aren't early 2000

did he post that from a potato?

It wouldn't be relevant if Android phones had better cameras.

Attached: Screen_Shot_2017-11-06_at_12.41.31_PM.png (911x585, 781K)

God I've never been able to make it past like 30 seconds in this shit. Legitimately get embarassed and turn it off everytime.

>another twitter screen cap thread from some LITERALLY who
Kill you are self

'I can haz' is

That's from 2005ish Yea Forums caturday threads.

>Is [x] replacing [x]?
>subverting expectations

RLM Youtube comments are the worse

Attached: 316-make-it-stop.jpg (375x500, 26K)

Reddit is the kid at school who would sit at your lunch table and try really hard to be funny every day, often repeating the punch line to make sure you heard it. All the Ethans of the world found eachother on reddit. And now, they're here.

i'm really starting to hate
>x: something unfunny

It's spot on, but seeing "you're the Bob Ross of mres!" On every fucking steve1989 video gets annoying.

>stop making fun of my overdone ironic 90s aesthetic!!! it’s supposed to look like shit!!!

Is 4channel the guy who thinks he's smart for being able to explain why Ethan is a faggot even tho everyone knows?


You'll never have friends like that, loser. Now go watch your daily blacked video.