

literally nobody:

not a single soul:

ugly Yea Forums virgins: i hate women because they won't have sex with me!!!

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fill your pokedex

racist incels btfo lmao

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bad meme, im revoking your permit

What should i have for breakfast today bros

I don’t get this facebook meme. How did it come about? What is it trying to say exactly?


>literally nobody:

>not a single soul:
back to social media, normie

ugly Yea Forums roasties: i hate misogynist virgins because they won't have sex with me!!!

>youtube comment section garbage in my 4channel
jesus fucking christ kill yourself

This thread gives me life.

Well maybe if they had sex with me I wouldn't hate them

What about attractive Yea Forums virgins?
Take another minute to think about it



Based op. Keep fighting that autism. You can do it!

We're slaves to our biology. Resenting a object of your suffering seems normal.

absolutely no one:
me: nigger

I feel personally attacked.


yikes that shit is disgusting

best meme

But what is the relevance of nobody and literally nobody supposed to be? Every time I see this it never makes sense to me. Again how did this meme even start? You could look up dozens of memes that originated from here and other social media and get a hackneyed jist of how they came about. Where did this one come from?

Okay NPC.

You are a nigger.

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and thats the tea sis!

Attached: 1546714213827.gif (160x90, 37K)

It's just saying that something is uncalled for. OP botched the meme, because he included the reason why "ugly Yea Forums virgins" "hate women".
The setup would work comedically if he had gone:
Literally nobody:
Not a single soul:
Ugly Yea Forums virgins: I hate women.
Here the "joke" is not that the motivation of "ugly Yea Forums virgins" for "hating women" is their inability to get sex, but rather that no one cares if you hate women.


literally nobody:

not a single soul:

ugly white virgin: i fucking hate niggers

Big yikes!
Get over it sweetie, Hitler lost.

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Have sex


Well then how about semen? That seems more your speed

Why do feminists constantly rant about rape culture and then yell that anyone who isn't constantly sexually active is a subhuman creature?


sneed nigger cuck cope

Why are you so homophobic dont you know its 2019?


It means somebody starts spazzing out about something (in this case ugly Yea Forums virgins about women) when nobody, literally nobody, not a single soul in the thread ever mentions it. This shouldn't need explained.

ugly Yea Forums virgin detected

Their devotion to feminism doesn't go very deep. When confronted they simply revert back to the social shaming tactics they learned growing up.

feminists want to be raped

One of the most creatively bankrupt normie memes in recent memory.

Women are walking holes and will never be men, no matter how they keep trying.

the meme is wrong in the first place because if nobody is saying nothing that means that somebody IS saying something. Retard zoomers