Toy Story 4's character "Sporky" was stolen from a barely known of YouTube short

Any thoughts?

Attached: sporky conrOVersy.jpg (246x138, 8K)

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wow I can't believe an original and clever character Sporky was actually stolen from youtube video nobody watched. Better get your crack legal team ready OP

I dont like Sporky because it implies that sentience of the toys is given to anything by a childs imagination

seething disney moms

The story of American capitalism is about stealing someone else's idea and making a better version of it. Just look at Facebook or Edison

>The story of American capitalism is about stealing someone else's idea and making a better version of it.

Fucking lel.
If that's the case then the story of Communism is "stealing someone else's idea and making a worse version of it".

Attached: Chinese Bootleg iPhones.jpg (600x419, 98K)

It's impossible that in the history of modern fiction and entertainment more than one cartoon has featured a character that is a spork with eyes on it.

The odds are just too astronomical.

good luck trying to sue the people that invented copyright laws.

Even if there is a connection I'd sooner believe someone involved in making that video went on to work for Pixar and brought the idea with them. Less than 600 views on that thing cmon

Not the first time Disney stole something from YouTube.

And that shit was stolen from this.

America stealing french ideas again, huh?

Attached: [email protected] (620x346, 82K)

>"Two people can't have the same idea independently of each other"

this aint it, chief


It's like this new and better series called "Happy", written by Grant Morrison

>oh yea? well, "communism" is wrose
So insecure, user
Defending capitalism when someone points out its flaws is cringey af

it's a belief i actually hold. not toy story level sentience but this:

you have a car, you get attached, it develops personality, you can feel it, in a way it's alive. It may actually be measurable too, in those cars or machines/computers/phones that become part of your family lasting longer and breaking down less without maintenance. I haven't seen a study on that but i'd like to see one.

So basically my belief is we give things consciousness in a way, by splitting ours. part of us. The reason humans are naturally pre-disposed to believing in a god (this one i have seen studies on) is that we are feeling that somebody also gave us consciousness.

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actually 2003

Never in my life have I considered to make a fork out of a spoon, and I have never considered glueing eyes to it

name for this belief system?

Not him but probably Tsukumogami

Nonsense. Conciousness occurs when a sufficiently advanced being evolves the need to make decisions

Literally the same shit as that story about the snowman from Frozen. Some hack made a short with a talking snowman and a moose and because someone from Disney saw it got all legal. It's not like taking something that can't talk and making it talk takes some creative mastermind. Talking snowmen isn't even a creative concept because goddamn Frosty exists.

Attached: Oh, I hate this.jpg (302x225, 9K)

Disgusting. Fuck Disney.

Its a spork retard

Attached: FrpzE4f.jpg (480x600, 23K)

evidence please

Attached: 1514157721322.jpg (988x1059, 115K)

The spork is supposed to be a toy made by th child. It's not just a random spork.


Becausethe act of conciousmess is internal debate. When we are conscious, we are considering one thing against another in a way that tempts a change of mind. The ability to take or create an idea, and impress it on yourself in a way that directs change. Anything less is simply a nature

How the hell did you think it worked? That God gave them a soul at the toy factory?

lmao as opposed to what? Magical pixie dust in a chinese sweat shop?

A subset of Animism?

Why on earth would brains be able to create consciousness in other things with telepathic communication? What is this ppssibly based on? Doesnt seem connected to anything. Yes you can grow an affinity for a subject and internalize it as a character, knowing it within your own consciousness, but no there is no meaningful reason why a brain paying attention to an object would spark sentience in it


>What is this ppssibly based on?
Religious/superstitious ideas about the power of belief, desperate to survive in an era where we can no longer claim that saying "wolf" will summon a wolf and therefore needs new similar occult outlets.

WHO FUCKING CARES? I hate Yea Forums sometimes.

I think we can respect our ability to characterize a non-sapient object without claiming to forge a new soul in it

>Never in my life have I considered to make a fork out of a spoon
A spork is an actual implement, dummy.

I know ypure new here Taylor but youre not actually supposed to put your real name in the name field

Dont take drugs kids