Cast him

Cast him

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idris elba

The almost Captain America, Scott Eastwood

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game was good

Bruce Willis

I can see it

obviously clooney

>le discount solid snake man

too young

Tom hardy is already attached. Has been for a while I think

Johnny Messner

Michael Ironside

Josh Holloway

Some shitty zoomer actor since you posted a pic of the shit games that came after Chaos Theory

Sam Rockewell

Tom Cruise

Barry Pepper

I would love to see old-ass chubby Michael Ironside in Sam Fisher's outfit. Would be kino.


they're friends

>not chaos theory
one job faggot

Kurt Russell

Peter Dinklage

paul walker could have pulled it off

Meth Damon

Billy Zane

Tom Berenger if he got back into shape

Gonna be great

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>could have
did he hit the wall or something

Too old. During his Sniper movie days he'd be perfect.

he's out

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Leslie Jones

Quite possibly the best fit now that he got old.

Charlton Heston circa 1960

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Aidan Gillen

Zac Efron since he's now "daddy" age to american youth

>liddle splinter