>movie begins immediately after Endgame
>Sony/Columbia Pictures, then a quick montage of news clips covering Tony Stark's death and people returning from the snap
>People in New York City are confused and somewhat in a panic due to everyone suddenly coming back
>Peter is crying in his bedroom, Aunt May comes in and has a talk with him and manages to lift his spirits somewhat
>Peter puts on the Iron Spider suit and begins swinging around
>Stan Lee Marvel intro from Captain Marvel is back, Stan does not cameo in the film sadly
>We see Mysterio in a room, with several diagrams on his wall. He seems to be trying to figure out how to get back to his dimension, he decides to contact Nick Fury
>Spider-Man is thanked for being a hero, a restaurant is then attacked by generic burglars, Peter swings into action
>Cue action sequence in the trailer that ends with Spider-Man being asked if he's going to be the next Iron Man
>Peter has decided to go on a school field trip to try and relieve his PTSD
>Aunt May asks Peter to pack his suit, he nearly breaks down at the sight of his original suit, and decides he will not be Spider-Man on the trip
>Peter leaves for the airport, there he sees that May put the suit in his suitcase
>Peter and his friends go to Venice, everything is going well until Nick Fury shows up to recruit Peter

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Isn't it lucky all of Peter's friends from the first one got snapped too so they didn't age in those 5 years that passed?

what a pussy faggot. raimi spidey could handle this shit no problem like a man

why would he even have ptsd

this little faggot was all quips shits and giggles during endgame

would've punched thanos right in his fucking chin, too

Attached: chad.jpg (381x600, 78K)

That dude literally quit being Spider-Man over women issues

>Stan does not cameo in the film sadly
He is dead, dude

all of pete's friends, professors, aunt may, happy, nick fury and maria hill... how convenient that everyone important for this plot got snapped and are now continuining their life as normal

>Nick Fury introduces Peter to Mysterio, It's explained he's been in this dimension for 5 years since the initial Thanos snap
>Despite Nick and Maria Hill practically begging Peter to join them, he tells them to get fucked and leaves
>The next day, Peter is having fun with his friends until the first elemental monster, water shows up and attacks civilians, Peter swings into action without his suit. He gets his ass kicked, Mysterio shows up to save the day and take the monster out. Peter agrees to join him and Nick Fury.
>Happy Hogan travels to Venice to investigate what's happening with Peter and Nick Fury. After a discussion with Fury and Hill, Happy decides to help.
>He has a discussion with Peter on one of Stark's jets, Peter is upset about Tony again.
>Happy says that Tony wouldn't have made the ultimate sacrifice, if Peter wasn't there to carry on his legacy
>Peter uses the tech to build his own Spider-Man suit

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No shit Sherlock, but there was a chance he could have filmed a cameo before his death, like he did with Captain Marvel and Endgame.

>That dude literally quit being Spider-Man over women issues
get this webhead outta here

All except for one who didn't get snapped.

Attached: 20190506_-1189376681.png (750x1334, 2.11M)

She died in the looting that occurred during the snap riots.

>are you literally writing this shit as you go along? you are supposed to write it all before starting the thread, newfag.

Tom Holland and Harley Keener Ty Simpkins are so handsome.

Fake, the water elemental attack happens before Fury introduces Peter to Mysterio.

Why are his love interest ugly skinny jigaboos? The both of them look like trannies

You know (((why)))

I fucking hate the 21st Century. The purge cant come soon enough.

>>Stan Lee Marvel intro from Captain Marvel is back, Stan does not cameo in the film sadly
talk about opportunism

>Peter and his friends then travel to Prague
>Fury gives Peter the S.H.I.E.L.D. stealth suit
>That night, Prague is attacked by the second elemental, fire. Peter can't fight it and is nearly killed, Mysterio tries to take it down, but it runs away and wreaks havoc throughout the whole city

Attached: Spider-Man-Far-From-Home-IMAX-Poster_1200_1745_81_s.jpg (1200x1745, 398K)

>Peter cries all the time and has PTSD because his sugar daddy died like a bitch
oh for fucks sake

does spider woman jessica drew show up in the movie

The only interest I have in this movie is knowing if they pull a double twist and make Mysterio actually a good guy.

>Stan does not cameo in the film sadly
Knowing how problematic he was, this is a good thing.

hope to see cindy moon as silk

Just like how they made the Skrulls the good guys?

This sounds very boring. Can they do anything that doesn’t involve sucking iron man’s dick

He quips when he's scared.

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Maybe someone else will cameo.

idk what you're talking about

Amazing how Marvel fucked up Spider-Man so much

>You see man of spiders, we all have spider in our lives. Maybe I was spider in yours
What did Craven mean by this?


That's from Craven's Hunt though? The graphic novel is one of the best things Stan Lee ever wrote retard.

why italy though? do they have a new law that makes it easier to laundry money now?

>More Iron Boy bullshit
Why can't Spiderman be his own character?
Holy shit.

Attached: SpiderManPS4Feature.jpg (1280x720, 134K)

>The city is evacuated, Peter and his friends included.
>Next location is London. Everything goes smoothly for a day until the 3rd elemental, lava shows up and towers over the bridge Peter's friends are on. Mysterio tries to fight it, but is overpowered and knocked into the ocean. They manage to get off the bridge just before it's destroyed.
>An electrical storm begins and Peter files through it. He causes water to splash at the lava elemental and subdues it

Attached: poster__spider_man_far_from_home___2_by_4n4rkyx-dd6bjp0.jpg (727x1098, 284K)

In Captain Marvel they made it look like the Skrulls were the villains and the big plot twist is that the Skrulls are the good guys and the Kree are the real villains.

It's Kraven you massive retard

Find somebody better in the current year user

> fire AND lava elementals

Attached: ebin.gif (200x200, 831K)

wow that spidey looks shit. wouldn't wonder if it was a trace copy from some still.

Are you dumb? Craven is spelled with a C. Kraven is not a word, that's why you get a red line under it when you write it.
Fucking newfags are ruining this board.

>Mysterio tries to fight it, but is overpowered and knocked into the ocean.

Attached: screenshot-www.google.com-2019.06.19-00-36-53.png (983x625, 617K)

FURY: "We need your help, Peter."
PETER: "Weren't there a whole bunch of other Avengers guys at the funeral?"
FURY: "Yeah, but they all went on holiday."

Kraven is spelled with a K fuckhead


None of this makes any sense. Why not give him the iron spider suit? And how is spiderman with webs, punches, and kicks supposed to fight elemental monsters?

I want to know that one scene that will apparently piss everyone off according to Tom Holland

based cravenposter

>And how is spiderman with webs, punches, and kicks supposed to fight elemental monsters

We dont know retard. We'll find out in a month

>Venice, then Prague, then London
What a terribly planned class trip

It seems like Mysterio is doing most of the work while spider tries webbing them/ making sure they don’t cause too much destruction/ distracting them

So how does it end?

This OP sucks at using spoilers, I swear the text gets smaller with each update

tell us bout the post credit scene

who plays norman osborn

He's being slow because he's getting chased by Disney's enforcers as we speak

Raimi Spidey would be playing sax in the background at Tony's funeral

yeah this bothers me more than anything else really

RIP spoiler OP

it's been confirmed since his death Endgame would be his final cameo. Not a fucking chance, Watson.


They picked the wrong mulatto to be MJ

Fire isnt lava you mongoloid

Thanks for telling us you're gay user

Good lord, she's ugly

Spidey is out on a rooftop at night. Captain Marvel teleports behind Spidey. He quips "got something for me?" jokingly.
Carol grins, "as a matter of fact, I have..." and a Kree Strap-on materialises around her hips.
Peter nervously says "I'm not into that", but Carol laughs and says that "consent" is a meaningless word to her. Cut to black as Peter says "oooh god", to which Carol quips, "that's how you'll address me after this"

>Mysterio disappears, leaving Peter and Fury to try and eliminate the threat alone
>Peter, Fury, and Happy are sitting in Fury's office. Goose the Cat has a quick cameo.
>Aunt May is worried sick about Peter and has tried several times to contact him and has failed. Mysterio suddenly shows up in her apartment.
>The last elemental, sand attacks New York. Peter, Fury, Happy, and Peter's friends return. >Peter gets back in the Iron Spider suit (he had left it in New York) and successfuly takes down the sand elemental

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Shut up

the boy who lived

any ri ri williams iron heart hints

This feels like filler the movie more than anything. Looks like it's another Ant-Man 2 but with Iron Lad instead of real Spider-Man issues.



>thinking a solo adventure is "filler"
if you want nothing but teasing watch TASM 2

>muh iron man!
The movie

I win, bitch

Attached: spider-man-kravens-last-hunt-tpb003.jpg (647x1005, 191K)

>posting literal fanart

>using photoshop just to mislead people
Abhorrent behavior user.

This is bad bait

It's filler, dude. Spider-Man being Iron Lad lite was already tackled by the first film. Where's Jameson? Where's MJ? Where's the money problems? Where's the bad luck? If this was an animated series, This would be tackled in 2-3 episodes of season 6 because they were running out of ideas. Parker Industries as the goal sucks ass.

check and mate
I know you're being retarded on purpose but this is great I'm getting back into the comics because of this.

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So Mysterio is not a villain?

He went to may’s apartment in the last set, if OP would fucking deliver the rest of the spoilers we’d know but I’m leaning towards fraud which most people figured

Was it autism?

>getting back into
Whacha reading frend? For me it's the Mike Grell Green Arrow run.

Yeah I understand the core idea of [ the public is already sick by 2 previous trilogies dealing with MJ / Gwen Stacy and his photography job ] ... But at the end of the day, THAT is Spiderman.
You don't do batman stories wtihouth his billionaire side, nor you do Superman stories without him hiding his identity under some glasses and an office job... Actually there are stories about that, but the MCU fucked up.

MCU Spiderman is still on the highest tier of MCU characters, but done right he would absolutely overshadow the rest. Spiderman already showed us he can carry his own trilogies but they're giving us coffee without caffeine. Spiderman! But he's a kid with none of the usual troubles he faces in the comics later on in his life. Kinda like Smallville.

>dc cuck
Neck yourself

What the fuck are those proportions

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Yeah okay but whacha reading fren?


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This is mostly an issue because they had to write him in convincingly after they set up the MCU, if they had the rights when they started they could have started there, but they started with Tony and had to find a way for Peter to get involved.

Bump so gay OP can finish the leaks

>le mysterio is the bad guy the entire time
Shocking revelation disney.

>Peter gets a phone call from Mysterio. He is told to go to the top of the former Avengers tower (vacant for now). Mysterio is holding Aunt May hostage.
>Mysterio reveals that he created the elementals and that they are all alive
>Iron-Spider and Mysterio duke it out at the top of the tower, while the sand elemental reassembles itself

Attached: iron-spider-infinity-war.jpg (1200x600, 46K)

What is the scene they said most people would hate?

Why this sand elemental trash when we already had sandman?

>he was the villain the entire time! LE EBIN TWIST MARLEL FANS??

This fucking movie...

Attached: 5260055B-18D9-4212-BFC0-4CAC4F90CC54.jpg (1242x1559, 158K)

Watch people eat this shit up like all twist villains

I hope spoilers are fake because I assumed Disney assumed EVERYONE KNOWS MYSTERIO IS A BAD GUY so of course you don't do a traitor movie with him, that's the obvious thing to do.
I expect(ed) them to subvert everything and make him actually good. And if you want him to fight Spidey, create a compelling reason like him not being actually evil but getting possessed or something.
Of course, maybe he wants to go back to his dimension and he has to activate some shit that will destroy New York or the fabric of reality and he sees it as an acceptable sacrifice, but that's also pretty lame. No real person would kill an entire planet just to go back to his home, that's pure evil writers can't fool me into giving him sympathy.

Peter says he no longer wants to be the next Iron Man. He wants to be his own guy

>we go from Thomas Haden Church to some CGI nonsense
Sandman really had the worst downgrade in all this

>all of the other elementals enter New York. Fury, Happy, and the police are working hard to evacuate as much of the city as they can
>Fury decides it's a critical emergency and pages Carol Danvers (more on that later)
>Iron-Spider is getting his ass beaten by Mysterio, He feels that Thanos was right and released the elementals purposely to try and cause another apocalyptic disaster
>Doctor Strange enters and has a duel with Mysterio. Peter figures out that he has to take down the elementals by finding their weaknesses.

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Nigger what?

Make him Zemo 2.0 and when the snap happened, he disappeared in his car and cause his family to die and blamed the Avengers/super heroes for not stopping it. Plus extra hatred for the world celebrating people returned while he instead felt grief because of it.
Cue a mutual understanding at the very end as Peter also lost Tony right after the snap and felt grief for that but he does not blame the world for that shit and keeps living and fighting.


>another super hero has to do his job for him

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> spider man cucked to being an iron man clone
>Mysterio cucked to being a watered down Thanos in the most obvious double cross in capeshit

Yet again, this fucking movie...

It's funny because as I typed my post I thought
>Wait, if Mysterio messes with reality and dimensions... isn't it a certain character's job to do something about it?
So now I hope the spoilers are true, because it at least addresses continuity.

Oh fuck off, if Thanos revived and tried to kill Spiderman in this movie would you have a problem with him needing help? Sometimes the enemy is just too overpowered.
Also it's worse to ignore continuity, this is a shared universe. If some heroes in a different movie are fighting in New York, of course Spider will show up.
If in a Spiderman movie someone messes with timelines or cosmic shit, there's some other heroes who MUST show up or else they're not doing their part.

marvelsharts btfo

Looks fake but i dont really expect anything from tom holland

Spider-man is all about the struggle against insurmountable odds. You take that away from him then he’s incredibly boring. Kys mouseshill

rebooted X-Men when?

I don't care about not a single one of the remaining heroes...

Thanos isn’t the same thing as fucking Mysterio retard whose a B list props guy anyway. What’s the point of an underdog if he just has a help button at all times?

I guess it makes sense you’d be ok with this considering you prob have helicopter parents, zoomer

Jake, how much of this can you confirm?

I agree with the statement though it depends on how "impossible" said odds are, like my Thanos example. And if this guy is a Thanos wannabe he probably packs a punch, but we'll see in the movie if he REALLY couldn't have done it alone. Not even Maguire's Spiderman could beat both Sandman and Venom at the same time, and Garfield.. well he did beat Electro and then the Green Goblin in succession but it costed Gwen's life.

Not the same but in this movie he's not using illusions, it seems he actually created city destroying elemental monsters so who knows. The MCU is giving him a big buff.


Point being if he can’t defeat any of his rogues then forget if this is accurate to spider-man; is this even accurate to a capeshit film? He beat vulture with his homemade suit, then this film he can’t beat Mysterio so he lets daddy fury call in assistance? It’s ass backwards character.

My god this shit is so dumb. Capeshit. It's pathetic

he hits really, really hard, so hard he got btfo all the way to the ocean lmao

Then why do you keep coming to threads about it?

>Strange cameo
>literally so close to Madam Web

...Alright point taken, my powerlevels and continuity faggotry didn't let me see the implications.
True, he already had a "hero's journey" film in Homecoming and got good by the end of it, now he's supposed to realize being a hero is serious shit with Ironman's death, this film should be about him being a professional instead of struggling to beat his comic enemies.
If the MCU ever gets Venom, will he need to call War Machine for that? Yeah no this is not sustainable.

>While Strange and Mysterio are fighting, Iron-Spider grabs some unsused Stark grenades (that release mini seismic charges) and bombs the shit out of the sand and water elementals.
>He drops the remaining grenades in water to create a gigantic splash which takes down fire and lava
>Mysterio manages to knock out Strange and escape with Aunt May.
>Back at his underground home in upstate NY, Mysterio creates one giant elemental that combines all the abilities of the others
>Strange tells Iron-Spider to stay back, and goes to confront Mysterio by himself, the new elemental rises and attacks Strange, while Mysterio attempts to use his own quantum tunnel to open a dimensional portal. Iron-Spider goes against Strange's wishes and involves himself in the battle to rescue Aunt May.

Attached: strange-800x533.jpg (800x533, 40K)


Spider-man is THE team up hero. Try harder.

>Mysterio overpowering Doctor Strange
Ahahaha, yeah nah

why does it take so long to post you fat fuck. hurry up

Spider-man has always been a loner hence why he wasn’t on any super teams until the past decade or so. The only reason Marvel teamed him up with literal whos so often was to advertise them as people used to read anything with spider-man in it

Kinda had me interested up to this point.
Strange appearing out of nowhere makes zero sense. Not to mention bringing the fight from Europe all the way to new York for no reason.

It takes time for a guy to brainstorm a bullshit plot summary and this dumbfuck didn't plan it out ahead of time like every other LARPer

Attached: Marv_team_up_001.jpg (258x386, 40K)

This is almost a guaranteed larp unless this faggot is posting everything as he’s watching the movie.No spoiler threads take this long

I half expect this to end with a kick to the infinity stones

I'm going to see if you are getting this from r/marvelspoilers so I can post this faster and steal your thunder

>Fire and lava are different

>The only reason Marvel teamed him up with literal whos so often was to advertise them as people used to read anything with spider-man in it

Jesus Christ can this get any worse

Fire is just shit reacting to oxygen, lava is hot rock.

half of the population disappeared. as convenient as it is, all of peter’s loved ones going is prettt likely

Also this

Mysterio is a con man. He doesn't know how to do any of this shit. All he does are illusions.

>Strange is overpowered and knocked out
>The entire situation looks hopeless as the portal grows larger and it is revealed that Mysterio doesn't want to go home, he wants to make that universe his new home
>Spiderman is pinned underneath an entire house and everything looks hopeless
>Out of the portal pops out Venom. He jumps towards Mysterio and punches him in the face for disturbing his sleep
>He then looks at Iron-Spider and grins

Attached: venom1.0.jpg (1200x675, 80K)

Fuck you larper OP

The Spiderman movies are literally the worst movies of the MCU.

Dont even try and argue otherwise.

Let me know when Peter starts fucking his aunt, in costume. With a mask on
Then I'll know I'm in the right thread


Good God, that fucking CGI

>06/19/19(Wed)11:59:39 No.116848320
>80 KB JPG
>>Strange is overpowered

This is not OP, right guys? hahah Surely we didn't waste our time here and OP is still delivering the real spoilers.. right?
As a side note I was sperging out about that first line and it took me a few minutes to read the rest and have a laugh

>Venom looks at Iron-Spider and comments that he looks familiar to them
>As he approaches Iron-Spider, Professor Hulk jumps out of a quinjet and gets between them
>He says "If you want to get to the kid you'll have to get through me"
>Now starts an epic, CGI filled fight between Hulk and Venom with Venom actually edging out a win and throwing him into a nearby lake
>"I hate party crashers" he says as he moves towards Peter

Attached: Endgame644.jpg (644x399, 32K)

its probably an Earth elemental, lava is molten rock after all.

Parker hates it when we get the drop on him!

Attached: Venom.jpg (1024x578, 80K)


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Go on

This makes no sense.

What SJW did Hulk upset for him to get nerfed this hard?

What about sand

You lost me at Doctor Strange out of nowhere, but this just killed it completely. Fuck off OP.

None because this is a fake leak. Like Disney would put venom vs hulk in a movie with no marketing for it

>Venom grabs Iron-Spider and rips his helmet off
>He then backs off a little, shocked that it is a kid he is about to kill
>Out of nowhere he is tapped on the back, turns around and gets punched in the face
>"Please leave that child alone sir and return from where you came"
>It's Superman, but not Cavill Superman Brandan Routh
>It appears the rumors that Cavil is not playing Superman are true and they are use Routh's interpretation
>Superman helps Iron-Spider up and asks if Venom was a friend of his
>Peter replies "I thought he was with you"

Attached: superman.jpg (750x413, 40K)

Okay, now this just got interesting.

>Iron-Spider uses his last Stark grenades to bomb the elemental, he also saves Aunt May
>Strange goes after Mysterio, they have one last fight. Mysterio jumps into the dimensional portal and returns to his own dimension Strange then closes the portal.
>The fight has ended. While Mysterio has escaped. This dimension is now safe. Peter is determined to do whatever he can to carry on Tony Stark's legacy.
>The world is slowly but surely recovering from the Thanos effect. Peter has returned from a day out at school when he sees some trouble in paradise, he swings out in the Iron-Spider suit to fight crime
>Mid-credit scene is Adrian Toomes being pulled out of his jail cell by a mysterious man. The man asks him to be a part of his group called the Sinister six. The man reveals himself to be Norman Osborne. We also learn that the Avengers tower is becoming Oscorp tower.
>Post credit scene is Carol Danvers entering Fury's office and asking him, "What did I miss?"

Attached: 0cb.png (778x974, 931K)

Ok this is epic

>Mysterio just fucking off like that

What a waste of a character like that

Well all of this was just terrible. Thanks for ruining my life OP

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Is walking dead guy Osborn?

OP here, these were NOT me. Venom is not in the movie.

I just snorted at the post credits scene, I don't know how to feel about it

Jesus at least make something a little better, new suit is clear after Mysterio betrayal

not bad OP. I reckon most of what you made up are just cliche scenes that are way too easy to predict so you may just be right. Having Superman and Venom would be hillariously dumb. Really disappointed you didn't write Ned's death, but oh well.

It always was wishful thinking but they don't pull any shit like Spider-Men from other universes making an appearance or stuff like that, right?

Who's Osborne if it ain't a larp

Thanks, who did they cast as Osborn?

>>Happy says that Tony wouldn't have made the ultimate sacrifice, if Peter wasn't there to carry on his legacy
Tony "ayooo fuck my daughter, I only care about the spider twink" Stark

Who is playing Norman.

Idris Elba

One more funny scene to add that will piss people off
>When they are in Venice and their guide is explaining that Venice is sinking and will probably will be gone one day, Peter says "Why don't they just build walls around the city to control the water flow"
>MJ interrupts him and tells him "Walls don't work silly" as she looks at the camera and winks.
This is going to piss off a lot of people.

Attached: spider-manfarfromhome_lob_crd_02.jpg (382x566, 91K)

>>Stan Lee Marvel intro from Captain Marvel is back, Stan does not cameo in the film sadly

Are you sad they couldn't bring a man back from the dead just to cameo in a movie?
You are fucking sick, let him rest in piece.
Unironically have sex, incel.

op here, yes it is idris elba

Classic Carol move!

David Morrissey

What was the scene that would piss everyone off? Nothing really sticks out to me, besides this movie sounds boring as fuck

I wonder if they will move foward with Drew Goddar’s Sinister Six script, shit sounded like a mess but with some rewrites he maybe can pull a Daredevil season 1

Henry Cavill


Gas the liquids, matter state war now.

Learn to fucking read you braindead pile of shit. OP means that unfortunately he wasn't able to film a cameo before he died.

Well, at they got that much right

What's funny is he is right.

You don't know how statistics work.

A Raimi trilogy tribute, I see

It's going to work on most people unfamiliar with the comics. He's never been in any movie, and in very little videogames. The only reason I know him is he has a small cameo in a Spiderman II Nintendo DS game.

Have you ever seen the Raimi trilogy? Spider-Man wouldn't even be anywhere near that coon.

I expect tons of this now that we are in the next phase and they made it clear that social politics......Trumps everything else

>David Morrissey

Attached: tumblr_ompshyzVl71u9vcpoo1_1280.gif (600x312, 1.47M)

Hmm, good point. That does seem to be the trend. They are already making it part of their indoctrination process

Here's the collection of all of OP's posts. The Venom/Superman ones were a LARP

This will be out on bluray just in time for Trump's reelection.

Don't project your shit on to me twerp. You're in the closet. I get it. I would disown you but I get it

>Superman was a larp

Thank you user as a low IQ capeshit watcher I would have never realized that if you didn't tell me.

>Stan does not cameo in the film sadly

maybe you should learn to read user, hes right, OP is fucking disgusting

They were all a LARP

It's sadly because now we'll stop seeing that lovely boomer on the big screen ever again and never hear his voice cocksleeve sans some disgusting CGI chicanery

Okay but the real post-credits scene is Venom attacking Joker.

Attached: Clown vs Venom.jpg (988x1500, 1.26M)

Ok? OP was saying it's sad that he couldn't film a cameo before he died. What's the problem?

Stormin Norman time

He's DEAD. Let him be. Have sex.

Its selfish and disgusting
Sad that the man cannot be brought back to life just to do a single cameo??

How selfish are you fucks.
The man died before they started filming homecomeing, so either you are sad they cannot bring him back from heaven or sad that they didnt force an old man trying to enjoy the last throws of his life into some set to make some hipsters giggle.

Fucking disgusting

>no sneed larp cameo in Spider-Man
Why even live

>died before they started filming homecomeing
Then how did he appear in those films after it?

>died before filming homecoming
>dude died like 2 years after homecoming released

Nobody ever mentioned bringing him back to life. What the fuck are you smoking??

Pls someone continue the story, I got lost when Aquaman and Namor where figthing Black Panther and Tigra in the X-men mansion.


They should just start having Zach Snyder start cameoing in Marvel movies he has as much credibility creating marvel characters as Stan Lee did.

Based Ditkoposter.

I am still surprised that fucking SPIDERMAN Homecoming WITH RDJ made less than the fucking big guy venom.








Dig out his coffin
Pull it out
Open it
He probably still has some of his skin left, they can edit the rest with CGI
He owes us


why is this spoiler? it's literally everything you see in the trailer.


but it didn't.

Even Spider-man 3 made more than Homecoming

Oh crap I got it reversed lol

>He owes us


>This feels like filler the movie more than anything
So a repeat of Iron-Spider 1.

Either you're literally mentally retarded or this is some poor attempt at trolling. It doesn't take half a fucking brain to understand that, "Stan does not cameo in the film sadly", means that is simply unfortunate that he wasn't able to film a cameo. Nothing more

Why the fuck can't you just let the dead be? Were you hoping to piss on his ashes one last time before you left his comic book universe to rot?

Yes. That old fuck is supposed to be in every movie. This is bullshit when if he is "dead". Fuck off you retard.

Why can't you?

>STILL not understanding what OP meant

He isn't dead he is (((dead))) you dumb fuck.

>having a coin land on heads ten times in a row is "pretty likely"
Jesus. Don't high schools teach basic statistics?


I can't wait for Spider-Man VII featuring Zendaya. I always wanted to see Spider-Man as sidekick. Seems in Far From Homecoming will see Nick Fury and Mysterio battle it out to see who gets Iron Sidekick.

Attached: Diversity Spider-Man.jpg (3992x2659, 1.51M)

based Stormin Norman poster

> No MJ finding out Pete is Spidey
> No Happy saving the kids
> No Tony hologram

Man you suck at fake spoilers

The dead can still cameo. Like them star wars folks.

This is the new "thing" now. They aren't even trying to hide it anymore

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Does that make you a 21st Century Schizoid Man?

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Makes me super fucking TNT mother fucker

Shine on you crazy diamond.

>4 different costumes in a single movie
I hate Ironboy

>that is a critical emergency
>Chitauri attackn NY wasn't
>A nuke about to drop NY wasn't
>A 10k meteorite impacting Earth wasn't
>Dark elves attacking London wasn't
fuck internal logic I guess

Fake as fuck, they already said Strange wasn’t gonna be in it and he clearly makes that new suit towards the end and ends the movie with it.

I like how you included the specific detail of the Columbia Pictures logo to make it seem real but then proceeded to give pretty vague descriptions of plot points

Newfags dont' know that Peter has the worst luck.

What is wrong with you people? You never actually bother talking about the films, just endless effete moaning and pining over Tobey Maguire. Tom Holland triggers you to orgasm.

Imagine paying to watch this

The truth is that the Sam Raimi Spider-Man movies aren't very good. No, not even 2. The truth is that we just didn't have anything to really compete with them. Having seen the MCU, despite all its flaws, we can't go back to those old movies without realizing they are, in fact, bad, and because of this we do not watch them or discuss them.

>they didn’t have his love interest become noticeably older and taller than him
What’s the point of it?

Does Peter reply “Then why are we subsiding Israel’s, you dumb goblin?”

They’re good as far as superhero films go, but the constant griping as if they were gold standard is irritating. Nostalgiafags lose their minds and just shit out memes like iRoNbOy with the same ugly smugness fedora tippers have.

>believing what marvel and Kevin fiege tell you

They also said no stones were going to be in dr strange

Still seems like bullshit that strange would be in it

>Spiderman is such a pussy now that he needs his wizard friend to step in and save the day

LMAO! Batman never needed Superman's help in the movies. This is just embarrassing.

>Fire elemental
>Lava elemental
>Sand elemental

Ghost Rider did a better job than this.

Are you a dinosaur?

I am Iron Man.

Why are they tying spiderman in this hard with the main mcu storyline, he's one of the few characters where you could separate him from the entire mcu and give him his little corner in new york and his movies would thrive

Snap riots are real thing

>Why are his love interest ugly skinny jigaboos? The both of them look like trannies

You're a certified faggot. She's beautiful and has nudes!!!FACT!!!

Fake the suit is not built but repaired he combines the damaged Stark 1 spider suit the black stealth suit and tech off the robot elemental into one suit


Muh nonsensical “Stark Tech” ex machina


1: Set it in neon drenched Tokyo.

2: KINGPIN is the villain and played by a large Japanese man who was a former sumo wrestler who used his fame and money to build a criminal empire.

3: Kingpin hires multiple goons to go after Spider-man.

4: It's revealed that Aunt May had Uncle Ben killed to pay off her gambling debts with his insurance.

5: "MJ" is revealed to be a tranny and Peter is okay with that just to make the fanboys shit themselves.


Hmm yes but I prefer New York. I don’t like that obvious, cheesy thing they do of visiting the world just to get brown shekels. MJ should be a tranny and then die. Peter comes out as gay but likes sugar daddies only.

Sounds shit and a waste of Mysterio. Does he at least wear the fishbowl?

so misteryo is a good guy? then who's the villain? the sandman again?

The real villains were the white men all along.

Nick Fury should have died in Winter Soldier.

who's the more powerful magic user comicfags, dr. strange or mysterio?

Dr. Strange. Mysterio's powers are literally special effects, not magic.

>movie begins immediately after Endgame
I thought the movie took place before infinity war, did all of his classmates get snapped? wouldn't the unsnapped kids have graduated by now?

>Hmm yes but I prefer New York.

We already had six movies in New York. I'm glad FFH is set in Europe. TOKYO OR GTFO!!!FACT!!!

>Fury decides it's a critical emergency and pages Carol Danvers


>He has a discussion with Peter on one of Stark's jets, Peter is upset about Tony again.
>Happy says that Tony wouldn't have made the ultimate sacrifice, if Peter wasn't there to carry on his legacy


>a loner
literally the character with most team ups

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When did spiderman start fighting world ending threats? I thought his villians where just looking to control a road in New York or something


>When did spiderman start fighting world ending threats?
when he joined the avengers

>Literally nothing of consequence happens: The movie
What a shitshow

They had a response team during Chitauri attack
There was no time to call Carol during the nuke
Fury was busy with operating the helicarrier and making sure the civilians were okay
Dark Elves we're defeated within an hour by 2 scientists and Thor. Even the Avengers weren't needed for that one

They also said the name of the 4th Avengers movie had never been spoken before in a marvel movie but Endga.e had already been spoken twice. They also said the trailer footage was from the first act of the film but there were numerous shots from the last battle. They keep bullshitting people. Anthony Mackie wasn't on any of the Ant-Man posters or press tours and his name was added to the Ant-Man cast AFTER it was released

>Peter is crying in his bedroom

How did he and May get the same apartment back since they were both dusted for five years?

Attached: Akira21.jpg (155x201, 7K)

Why cant apiderman go to like baltimore or some nigger infested city and stop all the murders? Who cares about burglars when you got murders

Pepper Potts forced the previous residents to move out

Dinky Dong
Has no Schloong
Widdle Wang
No Man thang
With a dink doodle noodle
the ladies call him names
His empty pants are full of shame

That's Akira Toriyama, the creator of Dragon Ball Z. Show some fucking respect you dumb pleb

Making games is not an out when you wan to rape women with a Vienna Sausage

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will she remind the audience that Big Ben was built by slaves?

Anime and manga is on the same level as capeshit and Harry Potter. He does not deserve my respect. Fuck off.

op forgot the real spoiler

betty getting RICED

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you mean molested with little smokey summer sausage

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He had a whole storyline in the Spider-Man 2 game and he was the main villain in Shattered Dimensions

The Elemental are all creations of Myterio and although they are NOT members of Various version of Spider man's sinister six they are deigned to he homages to them

OK fine, but it’s just a cash grab for the international markets! I could live with the neon soaked scenery and not seeing a major city look like Nigeria though.

Excellent kino, but all the perps would magically turn white in the MCU

The actress is an NPC retard anyway, he’s too good for her

>they already said Strange wasn’t gonna be in
you dumb fuck
every Avengers Endgame leak mentions Strange vs CGI monster with his own filming crew on a remote location. this is it you retard, he was filming for this movie


I don't get how they think Sinister Six can carry P4 when they are 100x less threatening than Thanos

Angourie Rice waifuists completely BTFO

TASM2 at least was setting up for future films and the film itself had real consequences which affected the character.

I heard that there are alot of bonding moments before Peter and Mysterio.
It's true ? Did Peter really starts to see him as a father figure as the film progress ?

Attached: far-from-home-mysterio-earth-833-1175557-1280x0.jpg (1280x718, 98K)

This is such a fucking good storyline.

Anyone who expected any different is a fucking idiot and you only have yourself to blame for your disappointment. These arw the post-endgame movies, they will be the safest by the numbers movies that Disney can possibly make.

Yeah fuck Hollywood bikes, you think you can burn my fucking city with no reprecussions, huh?

>Fury pages Ms Marvel

Even if you are lying about everything else, this deus ex machina is hanging over every single Marvel movie from now on. It REALLY deflates the tension.

>Batman changed so the source of his technology is god nigger aka Morgan Freeman because god forbid the asskicking playboy billionaire detective phenom could also be an engineer

Shits been going on for years.

user Lucius Fox has been a character since 1979.


Jake just posted a video on his instagram, it seems true.