Suggest 2 comic book movies that aren’t complete shit and I would like

Suggest 2 comic book movies that aren’t complete shit and I would like

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you must be the strongest anglo in all of anglia

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fuck off skelly

Wtf is wrong with you're arm

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Theatrical
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition

The original punisher
And darkman

Where you been dude, flip your trip off a while?

based smug baseball player poster

Heavy Metal

Comic book movies should only be animated.

Fuck I am almost this skinny. How the fuck do I gain weight without it just going to my stomach and face

If that's your natural fat distribution you're fucked unless you lift weights while also eating at a surplus.

Men In Black
Men In Black 3

Also Dr. Weaver is best Marvelfu and also she's CLAIMED.

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A History of Violence

Flash Gordon
Tank Girl

Danger Diabolik
A History of Violence

well shit i was afraid you'd say that. i eat a shit ton as it is but my legs and arms are almost that skinny. if i ever gain weight it's usually just on the stomach. do i have some sort of disorder? lol

no that's where your body stores its excess fat

you're going to have to eat healthy(no more soda etc) and work on whatever muscles you want to build

no I've been busy posting on reddit, I love that website, you see

thanks user. i'll look more into it

I suggest squats

>Why yes I am a reddit poster, how could you tell?

oh it shows