What did Yea Forums think of this film?

What did Yea Forums think of this film?
It was not what I expected to say the least.

Attached: army dog.jpg (960x1440, 351K)

Pretty good, although I thought the scene where he was knotting a 12 year old vietnam guerilla fighter was a bit too much

The prequel is pretty gruesome

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The scene where Army Dog has to watch his squad get impaled on shit covered bamboo stakes honestly made me smile a bit, he was a complete monster and totally deserved it.

I hear people complain about this scene, and the scene where army dog pissed on the burnt buddhist husk. It is graphic but drives the poiny home that even a good boy can go bad.

>It Ain't Me starts playing

Attached: army dog Vietnam War.png (750x475, 672K)

>he deserved it

It wasn’t bad enough his buddies platoon got ripped to shreds by those punji traps he just wanted to settle the score. So what if he dropped some willy pete on the neighbouring civilian hamlet

>That scene where the orphans are burned alive with a flamethrower
Jesus christ, what were they thinking?

Well remember, he did kill himself by eating chocolate from the colonels candy jar on his desk later on after feeling incredible guilt about his actions

Attached: army dog Vietnam.png (750x533, 769K)

He didnt kill himself because of the cunny tho, he killed himself because he couldn't get anymore cunny after the war ended

Did anyone catch that cameo from young uncle Ben in the village burning scene?

Attached: Ben_Parker.png (720x540, 290K)

He knew he couldn't adapt to civilian life anymore, I think it was pretty honorable.

>Damn! New York could use a couple of pooches like you!
Raimi no!

That scene just goes to show, how easily man's best friend can become man's worst enemy.

Attached: army dog helicopter.jpg (480x360, 43K)

>the scene when army dog watches his best friend die from playing russian roulette in the pow camp
That explains why he mauled that vietnamise Woman who was pregnant to death. Also who the fuck tought it was a good idea to have mark whalberg singing in the credits?

I think Rex dying on the third day of deployment really did a number on Cooper, he never recovered from the shock

did army dog really had to kill those vietnamese people, they were just picking rice

you talking about the ones that had rifles hidden under the grass? slants had it coming

Agreed. When army dog called in an arclight sortie on that village I was so happy

those were hoes!

>Those were hoes
You're damn right they were

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>That scene where army dog broke into a Vietnamese restaurant and slaughtered an entire Vietnamese family
Jesus fucking Christ, what was the point this scene.

Attached: army dog kinopng.png (750x525, 706K)

He was the guy using the child as bayonet practice, right?

I thought that Hacksaw Ridge was over the top, until I finally got around to seeing Army Dog. I was surprised the SPCA allowed this film to happen.

He was also in that scene

Attached: it aint army dog.jpg (397x400, 48K)

Army Dog really didn't hold back showing the brutality of war.

Attached: army dog helicopter ride.jpg (736x630, 86K)

i thought that was alfred pennyworth, dude was rattling on about tangerines and orangutans the whole time

Alfred was also in Vietnam, it's a very strong possibility.
Also the ending of Army Dog made me want to vomit, made me hate the Gooks like Army Dog did.

Attached: army dog ending.jpg (750x479, 266K)

fucking cringey redditors

they whitewash everything

>that long, graphic, gratuitous lady-boy sex scene with Uncle Ben in the collapsed bamboo shack
How did this get approved in a children's movie? We will never know.