What's wrong Yea Forums? Why aren't you laughing anymore?
What's wrong Yea Forums? Why aren't you laughing anymore?
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We already laugh enough at the clown world.
I'm worried I might offend someone with my laughter
Why would I pay money for a 'comedian' to potentially entertain me for a short time when I can go on the internet and hordes of autists do it for free?
those shitty Apatow movies took over and then when people got sick of those nothing replaced them
I'm sure we're gonna bounce back soon lads...
whats above the clown world? because laughing at the clown world isnt doing it for me anymore
the comedians are on youtube and social media now farming views and likes
Unintentional comedy has taken over.
I dare you to watch Black Panther and not laugh.
all my comedy comes from youtube.
longform comedy is hard
blame identity politics and the fact that any funny scene must now be a jab at something else
remember when american pie was just a bunch of horny teenagers trying to score some? and those weren't even great comedies
imagine the complete ocean of shit those kinds of 'comedies' would be if they were made today
Due to an increase attendance and concession costs and the continued poorness of millennials, viewing a a movie in a theatre is now expensive for many potential audience members. Because of this, movies that are considered spectacles are now the primary sellers for tickets. Comedies, which are mostly subdued movie experiences, are often pushed into "watch later on Netflix" status.
Middle america isnt interested in woke comedies that have finger wagging lectures and no jokes
Also stop being "wholesome" stop trying to be a wes anderson film. Be more like a will ferral film.
Also if anyone online gets offended the movie studio should stand by thier man instead of caving like a cuck
We don’t need comedians anymore, we’ve got memes!
Clown world was built to be an assault on comedy. If reality to too ridiculous to mock, those in power need not fear satire or mockery.
>people got sick of those
When do you think that happen?
>le clown world has me depressed bros :(
Laughing is offensive you godforsaken clown.
funny people maybe
*golf clap*
Looking good bro
I've seen multiple things where people claim good comedy punches up. Which is ludicrously stupid, good comedy always punches down.
Even if you are making fun of a rich person you make them have a speech impediment or something which is still punching down.
If you want people to clap at your comedy, punch up. If you want them to laugh, punch down.
but we have disney aka marvel comedy
Excellent decolonisation, my friend
Aren't Marvel movies basically action comedies?
Is that the viking from Tangled?
it's like people don't want to hear trump micdrops 24x7
No more slapstick kino, now it’s just Judd Apatow onions shit
Norm macdonld explained this better. There are two types of comedians. Applause comedians and laugh comedians. Guess which ones the liberals are
There are fewer comedy movies being released, mostly because studios are more risk averse and would rather fund capeshit or remakes than take a chance on an original script.
Only 10 years after Leslie Nielsen died and comedy profits have literally halved
Wow. Your ceiling light pendant looks like gnomes shat on it
Correct answers, especially the unintentional comedy one. Most of my laughs come from gullible or retarded people on here. All scripted comedy is fake and gay, a shitpost may not be.
>preface comedy on a game of shock value oneupmanship
>the internet happens
>the game of shock value oneupmanship is unceremoniously and instantly ended
>corporate attempts at comedy now have to rely on competent writing and wit
Thus, comedy ended.
>Drumpfff right? haha
>Also if anyone online gets offended the movie studio should stand by thier man instead of caving like a cuck
This is the biggest problem. Nobody's willing to risk offending anyone because people online might complain.
Comedy is just getting mad about Trump or something now
It's truly a dead art
>grr a joke is only funny once
You were the Chosen One!
i think comedy is more culturally specific and does poorly outside the US. Add to that headaches from twitter outrage mobs objecting to the ridicule of anybody but white christian heterosexual men and there is not much to work with.
people are paying for podcasts or networks they like online instead. cum town alone makes 600k a year to talk about chinese people with down syndrome.
>want to write a comedy with your bro who you've known for years
>some random woman you've never met is brought to your house and starts gabbling on about periods
Deriving the same response from the same stimulus repeated times is a sign of autism.
“””political satire””” overtook it, it was at least getting pushed more
Then it just became political statements with a punchline
Now we are here and if I was to ask it would be hard for anybody here to confidently name their top 3 ACTIVE stand up acts
its too political nowadays. movie makers are smart enough to know thats a no go, and more and more sitcoms make jokes about conservatives or liberals in front of an audience that is told to laugh, and there are more shows like the daily show than tosh.o.
also, ive seen around 10 stand up shows in he past 5 or so years. only one of the headliners didnt make a political joke (steve-o i suppose the only one with an interesting enough life to not need them as a crutch)
>What's wrong Yea Forums? Why aren't you laughing anymore?
Comedy doesn't translate well across cultures in a globalized market place.
>few millimetres of bone
Women write more comedies now, and they aren't funny.
It’s likely for a number of reasons but I’m going to assume political correctness is likely one of them
Comedy is supposed to be funny
jews aren't funny
political correctness isn't funny
sjw isn't funny
recycled shit isn't funny
>right wing archiving websites
what in Gods name
World Peace
using this fucking sjw terminology.
kill yourself and your extended family, and your circle of faggoted acquaintances, and the faggots from the cafes and bars you go to, and the apple store you visit once a week.
>a stand against racism, bigotry, and islamophobia
I don't understand why libshits chose probably the least tolerant religion to defend when 99% of muslims would be happy if all fags were killed
99% of planet earth would be happy if all fags were killed. Let's be honest here.
aids pharmaceutical companies wouldn't be happy.
Hey, it's hard to keep up. Today's chocolate ration is....
I heard it has gone up from 25 grammes to 20 grammes.
Every comedy is fag shit or sjw fag shit or seth rogen muh atheism fag shit
i'm not paying to watch that shit
Hollywood doesn’t want to make people laugh, they just want to brainwash us with their filth.
Every single one of those people is there from nepotism
Also what comedies? ITV has no fucking comedy.
*an ominous silence descends*
Hollywood has been shifting more towards giant budget blockbusters and away from $5-50 million budget movies. Those are the budgets where comedies thrive because why the fuck would you need any more money?
Does anyone even make comedy movies anymore? Seems like the only comedies that come out are comedians still trudging along from the 2000s, like Sandler or Will Ferrel, and they always suck and then get forgotten a week later. Even the big comedy stars of this decade were all subpar to start with but they all came and went within a year or two. Who gives a fuck about Kevin Hart, or Rebel Wilson or Melissa McCarthy now? Are there even any comedies coming out this year? .
Adam Sandler is hilarious in every film he's in. Genius.
>That fucking graph
here's your comedy movie bro
good to see they are taking mental illness seriously as a disability.
>every movie has to cater to the chinese demographic
>comedy doesn't translate well, specially for the yellow bugmen
>all good comedian got metoo'd or deplataformed
I wonder why
Give me two (2) reasons why I should see a feature length comedy in a movie theater instead of watching it at home.
I couldn't stop laughing.
from start to finish.
I know it's SJW-lite socially, but I genuinely thought Booksmart was pretty funny
Though the best joke in the movie the Wanted sign/drawing of the pizza driver was slightly ruined by them bringing it up a few minutes later
I would even find that funny if the left wasn't actively trying to make newspeak a thing.
It stopped being funny a while back.
This was Hollywood satirizing the direction of mainstream comedies in 08: youtu.be
Who would have thought comedies would become a female medium a decade later
*faint laughter in the background
outrage culture
>"we are in the middle of this great, and perhaps final, conflict between two worlds. Perhaps unintentionally, a half-Jew (Oskar Schmitz in Der Jude, 1926, special issue) discussed the conflict between German genius and the Jewish demon. He writes: "The evil demon of the Jews.l.. is Phariseeism. He is both the bearer of the hope for a Messiah, but also the guardian who ensures that no Messiah comes.... That is the specific, and very dangerous, form of Jewish negation of the world. The Pharisee actively deines the world, he words to be sure that nothing takes form, and is therefore driven by a daemonic force. This apparent denial is also a particularly forceful form of affirming the world, but with negative characteristics. The Buddhist would be happy if the world around him passed away, the Paraisee would be finished if nothing around him took on living form, for then his life-denying function would no longer exist. They (the deniers) are the spirit that always denies, concealed by an ecstatic affirmation of a utopian goal that can never be realized --- the coming of the Messiah. They would have to hang themselves like Judas if he really did come, since they are entirely incapable of affirmation."
honk world
There is a very specific brand of humor that modern comedy have, some mix of gross out and lol so random wackiness, and I hate it.
ISnt this just Superbad for women? It's like that cunt ghostbusters movie. And that scar jo hangover. All you have to do to be successful in comedy now is have no cock and just copy a preexisting actually funny movie and make it. Ot funny and just make everyone a cunt. That mindy indian cunt is doing it too. Just cut off your cock and steal shit and make it less funny and you are hilarious.
But I barely see those female comedies making rounds though?
I hate the >implied making fun on the bad joke you make to get a chuckle instead of making a good joke to get a laugh like we used to have.
>Right wing archiving websites
Come the fuck on now
I understand the perspective because almost all of these female-driven comedies are garbage, and yeah, this was just basically Superbad on estrogen, but it was
1. Frequently funny without being raunchy or improv-heavy
2. Felt like an actual filmmaker made it. Olivia Wilde has some genuine kino shots and a good sense for comic pacing for a first-time director
Give it a shot, user. It's available at any streaming/torrenting site
Truly, we do live in a society
How the fuck do you write something like this 100% seriously, completely unironically, with a straight face?
>Why aren't you laughing anymore?
in this age I don't even need show business to have solid comedy gold almost daily. I simply have to look at the news
this but not in an ironic fashion
>right wing archiving websites
Calm down newfag
Post one funny clip from it and if I laugh then l'll download the full movie.
Big bear is a fucking scream
Yucko the clown movie when?
the community for mainstrem comedy is filled with unfunny people willing to defend each other's jobs to the death
Some should do for comedy what Blumhouse did for horror. Give a bunch of people small budgets and total creative control and see what sticks.
To be honest I think this is because humor doesn't translate as well to other cultures and most of the box office nowadays is international (Chinese). Humor is very cultural and also linguistic so it's not going to work everywhere meaning Comedies are going to die out as they start to become a smaller and smaller market share and thus studios less likely to find (big budget) ones.
Meanwhile CGI specticles is liked by every uneducated person in the world, it's inoffensive, everyone understands big battles and explosions and it won't be banned because it doesn't contain any actual message that might be banned by dictatorships such as China.
I’m laughing right now OP
Do chinks make their own comedies? And I'm not talking about the respectable Chinese people like the ones from Hong Kong and Taiwan. I'm talking about the animals from the mainland. Do they even know what it's like to laugh?
Bugmen just like physical comedy and westerners haven’t had a great physical comedienne in over two decades, last one left is Jim Carey and he doesn’t do a lot of that physicality any more
Two words. Political correctness. Nobody is willing to make jokes that are actually funny anymore because they fear that a single woke twitter user who didn't like it will ruin their whole career by comparing their joke about transvestite hitler getting raped by a jew to the oppression at Auschwitz.
I believe their top grossing kino was a romcom, did not see it
hong kong cinema will be missed
This. Everything has been politicized and has to be a commentary nowadays, otherwise you won't earn "woke" points.
If Billy Madison was remade today, some Trump stooge would be the insert for the bad guy in the hotel industry, the black maid wouldn't exist because it's a racist caricature, and we'd be made to feel bad for ogling Veronica Vaughn's heiney.
You can take nearly any great comedy of its era and filter it through today's lens to make it painfully unfunny/alienate at least half of its potential audience.
The chinks don’t like comedies. Hollywood jews stopped making them.
>"The one genre that requires quality writing is dying out."
>Says the side of the political spectrum that is also heavily in favor of censorship, political correctness, and outrage culture.
Gee, I wonder how comedy has died?!?
Access to internet is raising the standards of humor, is my guess. Most written humor is awful and no one is going to waste money to watch garbage like Chips or Baywatch
Old comedy is still pretty funny.
As someone that has actually been to Mainland china for a couple of months Chinese "humor" on television seems to be slapstick/schadenfraude. Like people falling, dogs being kicked to death that kind of thing. Even children cartoons have humor where 1 of the kids falls or gets bullied. That is their humor.
>women gets swallowed by escalator
>laugh track
>her kid is trying to get her out
>gets swallowed up too
>audience pisses themselves with laughter
>3% of the population
>1/6 of the cast
CGI capeshit quip-fests with a giant budget appeared and raped to death everything that isn't capeshit. Remember some genres like epic, period piece, war film and YA book adaptation? Disappeared. It's almost impossible to find a film that isn't a reboot, prequel, sequel or based on another work of art.
If a comedian is good, he's on the internet; if he's bad, he's doing netflix specials.
It's sad that we'll never get another film like The Other Guys.
Aim for the bushes?
>guy gets run over by tank
Because streaming is a thing now.
There is no reason to watch a comedy in the theater. Watching it at home gives you the same experience.
Tha why I only pay to watch big blockbusters and everything else I pirate.
I don't believe that for a second. Most people don't care, and certainly don't obsess to the extent that /pol/ tards to.
are they implying no trannies? too soon still?
coffee cheetos chicken
This and Satan's Alley are the best.
me on the left
We used to laugh at the preposterous, now the preposterous is reality.
It's like the only clip on YouTube
Baywatch was actually a lot better than I expected. A solid 6 that I enjoyed. Not that I paid money for it though.
Is the entirety of China secretly a hidden camera show?
Only thing I know is that if aliens would land in China and base their opinion on humanity based off of that. They'd wipe us out for thinking we were a mindless hivemind without emotions
Can somebody explain this clown shit to me
The internet basically murdered any type of genre that doesn't require a massive budget. whats the point of filming a 10-30 million dollar movie and pay a bunch of actors when some kids on youtube end up getting 100x the views for free
Superhero movies crowding out other movies.
You showed him sister.
If this man fucks, then you literally have zero excuse, and he's right for calling you an incel.
Read Albert Camus Myth of Sisyphus
People who have recessed chins have never done sports or gym class.
Just because you are too big of a brainlet to understand what is going on in the world doesn't mean it's a "clown world"
Because comedy movie trailers the past 10 years or so have the funniest moments of the movie right there in the fucking trailer.
this, who the fuck needs televised propaganda when reality is way funnier
>owww my balls!
>the steepest plunge was the year after Ghostbusters
Gee, I wonder why comedy is dying...
No good looking women in movies anymore. No random boobage like in 80's comedy kino. I tapped multiple times to the mud wrestling scene in Stripes. It was totally gratuitous which made it all the better. Same with the Bunny show in Apocalypse Now. All the women are dyke cunts in movies now.
>I don't believe that for a second. Most people don't care, and certainly don't obsess to the extent that /pol/ tards to.
Good looking women and random boobage doesn't make me cry with laughter though.
Last time I genuinely cried from laughter was the first hangover movie. All comedies suck nowadays.
I've always been a bit difficult to amuse. I think many jokes just go over my head, and other jokes just are...lame. I dunno. Comedy movies usually have shitty plots, desu.
you think the arab, african and asian world like fags? lol retard
Leslie Nielson died.
The wit has left. It is just obnoxious slapstick.
Comedy movies were hit hard by the diversity meme and they were cast by POC women. You guessed it, they bombed at the box office and the jew execs blamed it on a "dying genre" instead of taking ownership to their shitty decisions.
Comedies aren't allowed to be funny anymore and they have to keep making sure not to be offensive. Once you start restricting comedy it becomes bland and boring with people trying to play it too safe.
The mid budget comedy is dead.
It’s not like there aren’t virgins whiteknighting milady right?
Diversity doesn't kill per se. I know funny ethnic women. It's that the kinds of people who push diversity, just happen to have shitty tastes and no experience in the fields they invade. So they don't know a funny woman from an unfunny woman. Yet, they're in charge of casting and/or writing.
Comedy isn't suppose to make you laugh BIGOT
I can't verify this tweet in particular, but they did indeed get pissed off. I'd like to say I helped contribute by chiding retards (shills) who don't use archive when postin.
Hollywood actually took the bait that Comedy shouldn't offend anyone. And also this notion that you can only Punch Up and never Punch Down.
>right wing archiving sites
tfw spaceballs2 is never gonna happen
This is proof comedy isn't dead yet.
>archiving is right wing!
It's because every fucking joke in these movies is shit like this
(Sorry for Twitter link)
Comedy just isn't fucking funny anymore. I laugh more at retards on the internet than I ever have at modern films.
Best comedy in a long time.
I need my nice, safe corporate comedy
Wow, earrape and shouting nigger. Peak comedy.
This would be a 2 star YTMND.
women aren't funny
What do you want to bet that if that was the actual episode Rick & Morty would be considered to be peak comedy by the entirety of Yea Forums?
so how is archive the badguys
fake and gay
all their articles are still archived on the wayback machine
Ok, you gotta admit this is pretty damn funny
Progressives with their "safe" comedy
This whole thing was completely bizarre and totally uncalled for.
because their personal lives are funnier than their jobs as comedians
I wouldn't be surprised. Yea Forums users are awful. They make Yea Forums look classy.
i just to laugh at movies...now i laugh at real life
what's there to laugh about?
america is slowly driven into corporate witchhunting madness
But all the clownworld posters I've spoken to, have revealed themselves to be racists. It only takes enough questions before they drop their "truth bombs".
I'm a non-racist who believes this is a clown world. But if you ask me a question that a racist would answer in a racist fashion, some random racist is going to jump on it.
Honk honk
Just because people understand it and choose not to be nihilistic about it doesnt make them a brainlet who doesnt understand
If you ask a question that has an answer which is considered racist because it's not PC, wouldn't that mean reality is racist?
Perhaps. It is easy for anons to jump in. So easy in fact, that how can I know you're the same user as the one I replied to?
Comedy is my favorite genre, most of the anime I watch are comedies. But hollywood ""comedies"" fucking suck, they're mostly "dude weed lmao" trash. I have seen a lot of them because my uncle likes them, and they all have the same boring and done plots.
marvel movies are what provides the quarterly laughs for normies these days
Politically correct comedy is the worst thing to happen to entertainment media
SJWs happened, you can't make fun of hilarious races, genders or mentally ill persons anymore
They either dont realize or dont care that the outrage of the week is literally the outrage of the week. If you weather a storm for 2 weeks and do absolutely nothing itll be forgotten. Then you can keep doing what you're doing. Our countrys attention span is 2 weeks
does anyone really think replies like this are fooling anyone? its obvious who invented and uses the clown meme
why do you think I ever pretended to be? why does it matter?
>What's wrong Yea Forums? Why aren't you laughing anymore?
>Grams are a social construct. The minister in charge of setting the size of a gram was found to be a racist. He was done away with and we recalculated grams. It turns out he was underselling you all in order to enrich himself by making grams smaller. The new gram is twice as large as the old gram and has the added benefit of being more inclusive and diversity driven. So your package may say 20 grams, by the old racist standard youre getting 40 grams
This is the reason for Comedians in Cars, Jerry is desperately trying to figure out what went wrong.
If you can't see it, you're an npc.
why do reactionaries like Orwell? do they not know he was a socialist?
CCTV is the only comedy we need
because he hated commies and at the end of his life became a conservative
the trope of a lefty realizing he was wrong all along is a fan favorite among right wingers
I can assure you that european nations each have their own comedians and american humour seems as watered down to them as mcdonalds seems to a good traditional restaurant.
The real world is so stupid you might as well laugh at the stupidity
>But all the clownworld posters I've spoken to, have revealed themselves to be racists
These were Yea Forums memes 13 years ago. Proof that Yea Forums is just ahead of general culture by a decade.
I would vote 3. Polend and 3500hz square wave would make it a 5
Most comedy films seem to rely on improv now, the jokes aren't thought out in a writers room, that's why TV comedy remains good
I have watched a few comedies in these last few years and too many of them are being adult(too many sex jokes nudity without reason) I like comedies like airplane or hot fuzz with puns or otherwise witty writing instead of DUDE VAGINA LMAO
Being a socialist like Orwell was isnt the same thing as being authoritarian like he was criticizing.
Do you REALLY think Orwell would be on the same side as the people trying to redefine words and attacking anyone who questions their beliefs?
Why can't you take 1984 for the work it's supposed to be rather than trying to pull "muh Orwell was a socialist" into it? Authoritarianism can breed out of socialism. It happened in orwells lifetime with national socialism
so in a decade everyone alive is going to be even more retarded somehow?
Laughing at quips from the latest marvel flick is how comedy is done today
So you're saying this woman is a conservative?
Hangover was one of the last kino comedies and prime milf Heather Graham dressed like a whore made for all the more mirth and merriment. She's one of the last attractive actresses to appear in film. This Is The End is also funny, but not at the level of Hangover. Notice that there were no hot women in the film.
i am so devoid of humor i laughed at this
Haha i don't know
i mean twice? thats a fucking farce man. no way twice. no way. AGAIN HE GETS RUN OVER. kek
I tried but couldn't
Someone show me something funny quick before I fucking end it
Becauae most comedians are shit now.
Jews are funny.
He is usually described as a Tory anarchist. He was an elitist snob, and not a social progressive in any modern sense, he hated all the socialists and communists like Wilhelm Reich who indulged in antinomianism and got into rejecting all manner of social or educational norms.
Because Muzzies are a minority in the West. The left don’t grasp the fact that there’s 1.6 billion of the cunts elsewhere
Why do radicals hate Orwell? Is it because he was onto their shit 80 fucking years ago?
Why do you like gays so much?
>real life is more interesting, and people are posting real life stories all the time on the internet
>the comedians that lurk sites like 4ch and others, and make actually funny posts don't get their own shows
>even if they do lurk and get their own shows the Jews eventually make them toe the line to keep money rolling in, so they become completely cucked
>this creates a market of unfunny literal who's that are completely out of the loop on current culture steered by the anonymous cabal
>even the Jews that were funny and original have gone the way of the Dodo due to being born to totally wealthy families and not having to listen to their crazy elders that were in the Holocaust, and never having to suffer themselves like an artist or comedian should, so there's no subtle surface-level anger like even Louis CK still carries with him
>Louis CK, the one funny Jew left gets shut down by the rest of the Jews in an act of crab mentality
I honestly just think, at it's core, our collective humor has evolved to a point that cannot be portrayed well in a Hollywood blockbuster. Back in the 90's you could get hoots and hollers by kicking fat guys in the balls, not so much these days unless you're Adam Sandler. There's a certain layer of irony, nihilistic absurdism almost, that precedes so much of our internet-centric culture. What few comedies do exist lean much more towards surrealism, anyhow.
Adam Sandler killed comedy movies. Prove me wrong.
Actually early 2000s kids might remember it as well.
Serious, wtf is up with her body type?
Internet humor killed more conventional forms of comedy for me.
It has to stop soon. Modern comedy is a direct reaction to the absurdity and fear surrounding politics and activism. The diversity hires and their sympathizers that took over entertainment are part of this absurdity, so they can't write effective comedy. When the youth grow up they'll have the power to reverse this trend.
MCU flicks are comedies though.
yep, that's me
This is why I'm an animator.
Fuck this shit.
(N)PC humor isn't funny. Bring back some edge.
Well, it's more like "Jew world" but who cares really?
>But all the clownworld posters I've spoken to, have revealed themselves to be racists.
That means literally nothing coming from a Leftist. You think literally everyone and everything is "racist".
One of them probably told you Jussie Smollet was lying and you got triggered.
We can't be funny anymore
Sneed's Feed and Seed
Bane's Plane and Brain
>tfw can remember 90-00s comedies era
Yeah that was good
Clownfags choose to look at the fucked state of the world in a humourous light rather than a depressing one. Instead of being sad that things are bad when they should be good, they find it funny that things are bad when they should be good.
Incorrect. Viewing comedy as an audience is more enjoyable. When other people laugh at a joke, it makes the joke funnier to us. That's why laugh tracks work.
>Can somebody explain this clown shit to me
We thought the world was a tragedy but realized it was a comedy!!!FACT!!!
Marvel movies don't count as comedies?
My wife has gay friends so I tolerate them around her but I don't like 'em.
I think there are a lot of guys like me out there who just say they don't mind fags when really they're just saying it to keep the wife happy. Women like queers.
>I'm a moron
Theater = larger audience
Larger audience = more laughter and energy
More laughter and energy = more successful comedy
Go back.
Criminally underrated
Now THIS is comedy
More and more women comedians are being given platforms. Simple as.
wtf lol
some russian bitch
I tried to add her on instagram(its private) awhile back but she denied it
You and people like you are the reason why this world is shit, clone faggot!!!FACT!!!
That’s pretty messed up, I mean I find chinks getting rekt funny too but that’s because I view them as subhuman
>the car driver doubling back to his car when he thought the people were coming to beat him up
>okay commie squad let's do this
It's honestly not even women, all comedy writers in Hollywood are hacks now. The last good comedy I saw was Death of Stalin, and before that Hail Caesar. Both funny, but not box office hits. Literally who was the last funny box office draw? Zach Galifanakus?? Will Ferral sucks and after him I can't think of any actual funny actors. Maybe Hemsworth, but he only does woke reboots.
This is like watching a nature documentary.
Imagine being an incel and thinking that the term 'clown world' is new and related to your meme faggotry.
And... when was the last good ITV comedy? Channel 4 and BBC make the best comedy shows, name a good british tv comedy and they probably funded it.
I don't watch a lot of comedies because the people being peddled as funny aren't.
Prime example is Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson in MiB International. These cunts are so unfunny that they couldn't land a single funny moment in their trailer.
And obviously the other elephant in the room is retard normies find capeshit fulfils any comedy craving they have.
jews write the best comedy. Stay mad
Yes it was.
All white males interestingly. I wonder if they cleverly dodged the diversity requirement by digging through history or if that was a happy accident.
This is seriously evil. It means they can literally delete whatever articles they want and not have verifiable evidence they ever published them, it also forces every reader to give them ad revenue too. I hate Vice, they are the Disney of news. On every network pushing progressive rubbish,
Sometimes I think God hates chinks
The evil thing about that, is that different races and cultures actually come together through humor. It has been shown time and time again that jokes can bridge divides. The SJWs are taking away a valuable coping and bonding mechanism. The blood from the next Civil War is already on their hands.
You can pinpoint the moment that comedy started going down the shitter in 1992 when Clinton got elected. Remember that during the oh-so-oppressive 80's when Reagan (who I didn't like) was president, Eddie Murphy was a superstar, Bill Cosby had TV's biggest show and Michael Jackson ruled the music industry. All black men despite SJW's revisionist history that blacks are/were always underrepresented.
Murphy's humor was just as offensive as Andrew Dice Clay's but people were tougher then. I personally didn't like Dice's stand-up (although I adore The Adventures of Ford Fairlane) but he was made a target of the left. From 1988-1990 movies were violent and offensive with swearing, tits, ass, pussy, blood and gore galore. But from 1990 -1992 things started getting watered down. Think of all the great genre flicks and franchises of the 80's (Friday the 13th, Nightmare On Elm Street, Lethal Weapon, Die Hard, Terminator, Alien [yes, I know Alien was in 79 but its sequel was in 86] etc....) and how most of them crashed and burned.
It was Hillary Clinton, Tipper Gore and Joe Liberman who brought in Political Correctness. Republicans/Conservatives LOVE violence but are closet fags who don't like sex/nudity. But Democrats/Liberals hate everything that offends their delicate sensibilities.
The SJW's are the illogical extreme end result of the PC movement. To them if you're a straight white male you're the devil incarnate and evil to the core of your being while they do nothing but prop up women, niggers and fags.
It's no coincidence that most of these people are white women and their numale closet faggot cuckold lapdogs. Blacks are just along for the ride and gibs.
You can't make fun of anyone or anything because SOMEONE is going to cry in order to manufacture outrage in order to draw attention to themselves and try to profit ala Anita Sarkeesian.
Pop culture has been ruined by SJW's and Feminazi's!!!FACT!!! youtu.be
I genuinely don't believe Chinese mainlanders have advanced enough socially and culturally to be using automobiles
Dumb fucks you never leave your car on a freeway
You're still a numale closet faggot who sucks black dicks and takes dyke strap-on's up your ass like every other "man" in your family you dilating cum dumpster AIDS monkey tranny nigger faggot!!!FACT!!!
This is pretty funny desu I hope it’s fake but knowing China...
>Channel 4
Channel 4 was GOAT 20 years ago with Jam, Spaced, Vids, Bits, Big Train etc....!!!FACT!!!
>jews write the best comedy. Stay mad
The holocaust was pretty funny!!!FACT!!!
I did. The problem with a recessed chin is it caused by clogged up nose which is also fucks up your endurance. That's why people with that shit rarely play something. They just can't be on the same level of performance as a healthy one. In midschool I was one of the fastest long distance runners of my age. In highschool I was among the worst. Years later I learned from a doctor it's because of my sinusitis which can cause up to 20% of performance loss if untreated.
Yes. Darkplace too.
I hope China is fake.
Why isn't a recessed chin classified as a disability?
>and their numale closet faggot cuckold lapdogs
It’s a big country with a billion cctvs and they freely share the footage because the CCP is so censorious
Been there a couple months. It’s real, sorry :|
comedy requires something to mock or make fun of
we've almost finished destroying everything beautiful or dignified
so there is no more comic opportunity, nothing left to sneer at
>Eddie Murphy's career mysteriously dies after Norbit despite him being a big box office draw
>Bill Cosby, a black millionaire looking make television more wholesome is suddenly outed as a rapist
>Michael Jackson's contract with his label is about to expire and he's looking to form his own label with his vast wealth which could really change things in the industry. Suddenly is murdered by his doctor and has his legacy ruined by (((TV producers)))
Black men are being held back by the very industry that pretends to hold them up. Donald Glover already had one of his shows cancelled, don't be surprised if his name gets tarnished once he starts throwing more money around.
Why do people even risk driving in China.
>and they freely share the footage because the CCP is so censorious
I'm late to the party, but I'm guessing the gist of the thread is everything started sucking after muh childhood something something sjw's jews roasties niggers leftards trannies
women being BLACKED is pretty funny
*blocks your path*
It is actually. There's a medical term for that. 95% it also comes with the undeveloped lower jaw as well. Which leads to many problems from bad teeth and food indigestions to constant pain. I have relatively manageble pain in my right cheek so I hope I get a bogpill one day.
wow good job you got it!
nothing left to sneed at
Nice. Do you get the parking space and public transportation chair? Neetbux?
Nah instead it's about China not understanding humor and thus comedy doesn't sell anymore.
Imagine if this kind of stuff was on tv. Too bad.
No you don't but you can get a free surgery If you meet certain conditions. And live in a country with an actual healthcare system.
based and honk pilled
You are a worthless.