

Attached: 1470237745-stephen-colbert-monologue.png (1072x500, 727K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>donald flumpf

Trump is an easy target, can't blame late night show hosts for making fun of him.


Attached: stephen-colbert-president-trump-resign-monologue.jpg (620x420, 307K)

cant wait for him to tear alex jones a new one for sending child porn to the sandy hook parents

Donald Trump (Formerly Drumpf)


Did he get dare I say get TRUMPED.COM?

Attached: th (28).jpg (474x338, 29K)

do you think he regrets taking his career to this direction? this is his thing now, he can't do anything else

what happens if a democrat wins the next election?

>when shareblue raid Yea Forums with support from the mods spamming their buzzwords like nazi, alt-right and being very pro democrat like theyre talking on reddit and twitter and thinking nobody would notice

Attached: ORTHOPAEDIC.png (884x874, 714K)

It just switches over to the top republican in Congress. There’s always some meme dude in charge like Paul Ryan

>white man bad
>brown man good

>can't blame late night show hosts for making the exact same easy jokes every night for years
Why not?

>what happens if a democrat wins the next election?

He and the rest will just protect the president against any criticism. Same thing that happened during Obama's tenure.

I doubt it.

Attached: SmartSelect_20190618-171652_Chrome.jpg (1356x1358, 587K)

because they're still on the air and therefore making money

>what happens if a democrat wins the next election?
Then we get another few years like when Obama was in office, where they have him on to play basketball and read silly tweets (during the height of the Syrian bombing campaigns)

His show was cratering before drumpf, he will likely be off the air if a dem wins.

>because they're still on the air and therefore making money
Yeah, those ratings just keep going up and up and up.

does anyone actually watch theses shows anymore?
late night shows seem just flatly inferior to youtube.

I can't believe he's going to milk this for another 5 years. Untalented hack!

see meanwhile conservative talk show hosts are practically non-existent

>55 million for DRUMPF jokes

Attached: 1560804174043.jpg (640x635, 51K)

>does anyone actually watch theses shows anymore?
Yeah, but it's probably about half of the audience as your average youtube fail video.

>do you think he regrets taking his career to this direction? this is his thing now, he can't do anything else
>what happens if a democrat wins the next election?
I doubt he's going to look back on his Drumpf years with much nostalgia. He's an obvious Democratic shill.

The worst part he wouldn't have the balls to criticize Hillary Clinton

Obama was made fun of constantly when he was in office. What world are you living in?

If a Dem wins, comedians will revert to doing more light-hearted jokes, like under Obama, without as much vitriol.

It's not even funny to make fun of Trump anymore. It's just tiresome.

>Obama was made fun of constantly when he was in office.
HAHAHAHAHA! Hilarious. You should get your own show.

It'll be refreshing when a democrat takes office and then all you alt-righters will see they dont just make fun of republicans, they go equally hard on leftie fags too! youll see! look up during the obama, all the late night guys were just as mercilessly making fun of him!

How come democrats can't come to terms with Obama continuing and stepping up the neocon's foreign policy?

weak bait

If he's an easy target, then why do they feel the need to make up conspiracies about Russian hookers and peepee tapes?

They went from
>Bring our troops home. No war for oil.
>Bring our troops home? No, war for oil!

hey man... u ok?

>Obama was made fun of constantly when he was in office.

what you rePUKElickercans dont seem to realize is the reason they dont make fun of Obama is because hes a perfect human being with absolutely no flaws! unless like your cheeto skinned nazi god drumpf! go back to fucking your sister you backwoods deplorable!

like, ya dude... r u?

People now love George W. Bush now. Over a decade ago, he was Hitler.

remember the pee tape? that is a real thing that exists and is 100% real

does this mean 10 years from now when a new EVIL WHITE CISMALE conservative is president theyll look back and be like "ahh looking back that drumpf didnt seem like such a bad guy! i miss him"

ya seethe, trumpcuck?



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Well, if you, a completely anonymous guy on a tibetan spear fishing forum says so, that's good enough for me.
t. intelligence community member

>what happens if a democrat wins the next election?
Won't happen. The democrats have about 20 choices, each with their own VERY vocal and divisive identity politics behind them. Most of the field, minus Biden follow the same sort of formula
>be a minority of some sort, with a vocal fanbase
>have some shady anti-leftist shit (like anti-women, anti-minority, anti-lgbt)
>shill the same overall talking points (that 20 man debate is going to be a complete clusterfuck)
>have some sort of cringe video where they "act normal", but it comes off as entirely fake

The problem comes when you start eliminating nominees. Because of how divisive the left is, once you start knocking down nominees, you knock out a good chunk of that minority as well. You know, I know, we all know that Biden is getting the nominee. Riding off Obama nostalgia only gets you so far, especially when you have blatant China pandering and the Creepy Joe shit with kids.

Moreover, Obama nostalgia doesn't cover the fact that Biden is a FUCKING WHITE MALE. The left is not the party for white men anymore, which is a problem since a white man is the only viable candidate they have. Who else can they run? Kamala Harris? Andrew Yang? Warren?

You're going to see record low voter turnouts for democrats, and more whining about "how democracy has failed we need socialism NOW!"

You're mentally ill



does this guy have a free will?

I wouldn't be surprised. Many liberals are now saying that about George W. Bush that he wasn't that bad compared to Trump.

No. Nobody does.

>So, I've come to the realization that asian women are superior to white women in every way

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its kinda hilarious. a literal war criminal VS ehhh hes an orange meanie and i dont like his brash uncouth attitude and the lack of respect he shows and he says mean things about mexicans

Kamala Harris should choose Jessie Smollett as her running mate.

There is literally no way a Democrat wins the next election without outright rigging


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Not wrong really

>nazi bad eventho they been dead since 1945
>democrats are proudly trying to go full communism which is good

america is fucked and theyre trying to take japan down with them.

Eh, I'm skeptical of that. What you're missing is that whites will probably, to a significant enough degree, vote for Biden. Objectively, Trump has more or less disregarded his white voter base that won him his office in favor of "Record Latino Unemployment!!" and promising the moon, and giving us a very, very happy Israel instead. 2020 will probably have abysmal turnouts on both sides, and it'll just come down to whoever's turnout is somewhat less pathetic.

Reminder that the intelligence community got caught posting on faggotchan

I can tell a Thai tranny prostitute when I see one. And I see five on pic related.

Hey, did you guys know that Drumpf sometimes eats a greasy fried chicken thigh with a knife and fork instead of eating it with his bare hands? I bet the fucking asshole uses a napkin too instead of wiping his mouth on his shirt.

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The mass hysteria of the general election gets worse and worse each election.

we're watching 2016 all over again here. Biden having no message apart from "fuck that drumf guy" and being an establishment bootlicker candidate that nobody fucking asked for. dolan will outmeme him as hard as he outmeme'd hillary, and we'll have 4 more years exactly where we're at.

breaking news

They don't need to rig anything. Illegal immigration has gotten so fucking bad that central Africans can get through the southern border without being questioned. Texas is a purple state, and with dreamer amnesty, it might as well lean blue. Same with Florida, they just gave felons the right to vote, and who the hell do you think felons are going to vote for? They don't need to rig elections because they got exactly what they wanted while Trump blundered his way through one halfhearted attempt after another at fending off an investigation that he could've stopped off the rip by firing Rosenstein and Mueller. 2020 is shit no matter who wins.

Thanks baby boomers.

>What you're missing is that whites will probably, to a significant enough degree, vote for Biden
You have to go back.


I don't support that fucking cretin, but the dems know if they run a white candidate that doesn't present as a bloodthirsty, warmongering lunatic like Hillary, they can pull a good number of white votes. It's not a good thing, but I wouldn't say it's not within the realm of possibility.


because they keep getting blacklisted from youtube for being exposed as racist idiots and the one time a conservatard was given a show he just stuffed it with anti jewish propaganda.

>Trump doesn't want to get KFC grease on his Billionaire fingers.
It sounds strange but the fact that made it to tv is so fucking laughable.

>but I wouldn't say it's not within the realm of possibility
You have to go back.

It's always funny when these media people try to relate to the average joe and fall flat on their faces.

Of all the late night fags, john stewart got approval from me. Before him, jay leno [it was a different time and I thought he was charming and at least had fresh material unlike some fucking people I can name right now]
But as fucking painful as Stephen is, Oliver is so much fucking worse.

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I liked Colbert Report. Mostly the non-political stuff. Although the Congressman interview series was funny. His show now is horrendous. I never though John Oliver was funny. He just comes off as a douchebag.


leftists are an easier target

Attached: anti drumpfers.jpg (1080x1080, 337K)

I think r/td might be more your speed fucknuts

>Obama was made fun of constantly when he was in office
post 10 times Obama was attacked by leftists on late night


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And ratings will drop spectacularly

You have no right to complain about comedy like this, if you can't even answer pic related.

People like him exist because idiots do so as well.

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Attached: colbert - peepee tape (1).webm (1280x720, 824K)

Targeting politicians is late night comedy 101 - they did it with Clinton, they did it with Bush, they even did it with Obama. The only difference now is that Trump is providing them with a 24/7 stream of material because he's always on twitter. With the previous Presidents, you had to wait for them to stuff up on TV or in public first

>they even did it with Obama

Attached: colbert.png (879x768, 117K)

it's 2 gg ez

>they even did it with Obama.

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how did he go to moderately humorous middle road kind of guy to a virtual signaling libtard faggot in .3 seconds?

>Colbert: Trump fired Comey today
>Audience: yaaaaaaaay!
>Audience: Boooo! Orange man very BAD

I find it ironic that he became the caricature he was mocking on the colbert show. fucking pottery

You can like Obama all you want, I just thought he was ok. But I can't believe anyone really thinks that late night was as hard on him as they were Bush, Trump, or even Clinton.

Haha. That was classic. After weeks and weeks of him saying that Comey should be fired and demonizing the guy, all of a sudden "NO! STOP CLAPPING!"
It seems mean. Like hitting a pavlovian dog with a rolled up newspaper for drooling after it hears a bell.

>this is news in freedom land

His job is so easy under this presidency. Sometimes he doesn't even make a joke, he just plays the tape of the latest stupid thing Trump has said, people laugh, he laughs, its so easy.

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At least they demonstrated what it looks like to eat chicken with a knife and fork so the audience didn't get too confused.

This. He’s the worst most inept president we’ve ever had

Jon Stewart maybe? Can't think of any others.

Lmao get a grip dipshit. They soft balled Barry for 8 years.

It was kind of surreal. My middle class cracker ass always ate fried chicken this way.

Then they do a 180 and chimp out when Trump serves fast food at a White House banquet.

Attached: trump_feast.jpg (1200x800, 157K)

Didn't Jon Stewart literally have an occasional correspondence with the white house during Obama's time where they told him what he can and can't make fun of?

Reminder the media intentionally suppressed this photo of Obama so it wouldn't hurt his election chances. Compare that to how they spend every waking minute looking for dirt on Trump and spend an hour bitching about him for every 30 seconds they spend covering anything positive about Trump.

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he is the literally best president israel ever had.

Does he always talk about trump though?

Is he literally the Zack Snyder of late night TV? Do people pretend to like his shit jokes because he hates Trump so much?

Attached: Zack-Snyder-Sucker-Punch.jpg (628x392, 69K)

story about picture

>*Boomer noise*

Attached: 1482954521772.jpg (688x800, 189K)

That's Obama with Louis Farrakhan. He is the leader of the Nation of Islam and he has a history of saying anti-white, anti-American things. If you know the kind of negative campaigning used against Obama you understand why that picture would have hurt him, but fortunately for Obama his media buddies made sure it didn't see the light of day until after the election. Keep in mind these same people always brag about how Obama never had any scandals, which is easy to say when the media covers for and ignores them all.

The condescending snark of leftists got Trump elected. Now they think condescending snark will take him down.

Too bad their influence is losing its foothold as conservatives slowly build their own propaganda equivalents. Which I don't blame them for, at this point.

by who? anons shitposting on fourchan don't count

look at his definitely not a stealth /pol/ thread!

remember when he said he wasnt going to focus on politics before he got late night?

Fake and gay. FBI already stated those pics were sent to him by leftists without him knowing.

>Obama was made fun of constantly

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why is stephen so high? does he refer to himself in the third person a lot?

Get trolled on newbitch.


I assumed you actually believed it because Yea Forums is full of unironic neoliberal NPCs from Reddit.

>explain to the folks at home what eating chicken with a knife and fork looks like

Honestly, how do you NOT make fun of Trump?
How do you do it?
Have you SEEN Trump? It's obvious not even Trump takes Trump seriously, so why should I?

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Skrumpft spelled hamburgers wrong in one of his tweets. He spelled it like "hamburders". Impeach.

What's wrong with his ear?

>does he refer to himself in the third person a lot?


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That tranny are million times better than ugly abomination westerner tranny

The difference is, there's nothing scandalous about taking a picture with somebody.

There IS something scandalous about denying involvement in fedral crimes, and then saying "Oh yeah, I probably would do that, there's nothing wrong with it" in a televised interview.

our foreign policy is determined by kikes and that will not change no matter who the president is

Zack is actually a visionary and a genius of the highest order. Colbert is just famous for making some notice.

Fuck you for even comparing Zack to Colbert

>There IS something scandalous about denying involvement in fedral crimes
Why is that a scandal? He wasn't involved in any federal crimes according to your two year long investigation.

>Siding with foreign dictators
>Implying Kim has any fucking idea what's happening in our elections
>"Chairman Kim will keep his promise to me" after breaking promises with Trump three previous times
>Calling people names like he's in fucking middle-school
>Straight up making stuff up

How do you possibly take this man seriously?

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The greatest tweet ever

The investigation specifically said they COULDN'T rule out involvement.

The photographer who took that picture disagrees with you, seeing as how he deliberately withheld the picture since he thought it would hurt Obama. I'm sure the media and Democrats would start screaming about impeachment if a picture of Trump hanging out with David Duke surfaced.

Who cares
Youre getting mad at surface level shit like a fucking normie NPC. If this is the kind of thing that distracts you then you arent as smart as you think you are

just stop it

I don't take Trump seruously because he's a kike puppet who let (((Jared Kushner))) advise him and fired Bannon.

That said, I will support him over blatantly anti-white Democrats and other leftists. Also, I support him trying to end the rivalry with North Korea. North Korea is actually based and doesn't have a Jewed central bank.

>hurr you're a traitor to America

So is 80% of the left, neoliberals just pretend to give a shit about expanding American imperialism and fighting communism/Islam because it would be bad optics to boomer voters if they didn't.

sad that liberals actually think like this

Attached: copefefe.jpg (640x1079, 105K)

What are things that never happened for 200 Alex.

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>they couldn't prove a negative so that means Drumpf is guilty!
The more salient point is Mueller didn't suggest charges for Russian collusion, which every libshit spent the last 2.5 years swearing would happen. Now all you have to cling to are charges against people who aren't Trump for things that aren't even in the same ballpark as Russian collusion.

Attached: intelligence.png (800x322, 481K)

Even high-IQ leftists like Michael Tracey and actual communists realize the Russia probe was just an attempt to further legitimize the military industrial complex and proxy wars.

Literal NPCs who take MSNBC at face value, usually menopausal catladies or dumb niggers, are the ones who actually believe the Russia shit.

Attached: muh Russian meme Jews.jpg (768x1024, 173K)

>The more salient point is Mueller didn't suggest charges for Russian collusion
Of course he didn't. That's not what the report was about. It was about potential obstruction of justice, something he couldn't find sufficient evidence to rebuke, and something he states in the report he doesn't have the proper purview to definitively prove.
He was basically screaming for impeachment.

The whole thing slowed down because Trump started following the script and bombed Syria and refused to remove the troops there. Now he's being dragged into Iran.

You NPCs were literally tricked by the CIA into getting mad that Trump wasn't more like Bush.

>they did it with Obama

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>That's not what the report was about
Really? Because for years the media and every single Democrat in the country swore the Mueller probe was about Russian collusion. And I don't just mean regular people, you had Democrat Congressmen like Adam Schiff telling people he had solid evidence of Drumpf's collusion. Interesting how it only became about obstruction once the Russian collusion narrative was BTFO'd. It's fucking mind blowing how lefties can totally wipe their memory and hop onto a new angle when the previous one is wrong.


I wouldn't say all lefties, because actual high-IQ communists realized it was more CIA faggotry. I'm a literal Nazi and I have more respect for commies than I do NPC liberals.

So is michael bay but they both suck elephantiasis nuts

Me too. I can see eating a drumstick or a wing with your hands, but a thigh or breast? Only a slob would do that.

go back incel

>they even did it with Obama

C'mon now.

guys this isn't what neoliberal means

It's a little more complicated than that.
It's about Russian involvement into the US general elections, and Trump's *possible* involvement.

The report states definitively that Russian involvement *DID*, beyond a shadow of a doubt, take place, and that Trump's election campaign DID collude with the Russians, but couldn't prove that Trump himself was aware or participated in said collusion.
The only real way to prove difinitively that Trump himself was involved, is to prove that his actions early on as President were motivated by a desire to hide the truth of his involvement, which would involve
A) Proving that what the president did legally qualifies as "Obstruction of Justice", and
B) proving that he did it specifically to hide his involvement
in that order.
Both being things that fall outside the scope of *his* investigation, and would have to be carried out by a Congressional investigation.
The only way to trigger a congressional investigation is by making a motion to impeach.

Muller's job was to see if any collusion was happening, on any level. He did, and it did.
It *might* involve Trump, but to definitively prove it, they would need to directly investigate Trump's potential for obstruction of justice, which can only be done if impeachment happens.

>It's fucking mind blowing how lefties can totally wipe their memory and hop onto a new angle when the previous one is wrong.
My favourite version of that was how they jumped from their anti-iraq-war "NO WAR FOR OIL!" stance to their pro-syrian-war "WAR FOR OIL PIPELINES!" stance.

how is this the first time i've heard "repukelickercans" before. That one is amazing

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*sniff sniff*
Does anyone else smell horse shit?

I mean how do you not make fun of this shit?

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It's all right here. You can read it for yourself.


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They can be high-IQ, but just misguided, or their values and goals just don't align with ours. Some of the Chinese communist (Dengist) party leaders may support things that are ultimately against my interests as a white American, but I wouldn't say those Chinese leaders are low-IQ.

There's a lot of overlap between neoliberals and socdems, etc., but Orthodox Marxists still don't consider them real leftists. Democrats are neoliberals because they ultimately support capitalism, but are just a flavor of capitalism that is gay and anti-white. Sorry if my knowledge level is higher than yours, you plebeian NPC.

Already read it, sweaty. That's how I know you're spewing horse shit out of your cum-sucker.


when this is the average opposition, the fat man doesn't look so bad

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>“Remember, you cannot be both young and wise. Young people who pretend to be wise to the ways of the world are mostly just cynics. Cynicism masquerades as wisdom, but it is the farthest thing from it. Because cynics don’t learn anything. Because cynicism is a self-imposed blindness, a rejection of the world because we are afraid it will hurt us or disappoint us. Cynics always say no. But saying “yes” begins things. Saying “yes” is how things grow. Saying “yes” leads to knowledge. “Yes” is for young people. So for as long as you have the strength to, say “yes'.”
Was he right?

Attached: fuckhead.jpg (200x266, 17K)

>becomes a cynic

>stan? ya
Hahaha. These people can't do anything right.

but also
>There's a lot of overlap between neoliberals and socdems, etc., but Orthodox Marxists still don't consider them real leftists.

>Both being things that fall outside the scope of *his* investigation
Nothing fell outside the scope of Mueller's investigation. He had free reign to investigate whatever he wanted. He even investigated Trump's campaign managers' tax records and had Manafort prosecuted for dodging taxes in 2002. Don't give me that bullshit.

If he was it wasnt this 24/7 firing squad from all sides of the political spectrum that Trump had going on. It's like every other news report is about Trump and every late night talk show uses him as their material. At this point I wonder how their material is gonna be IF Trump doesn't win 2020...they might actually have to get their writers to put forth some effort.

Where you attempting to make an argument?

Probably his living room.

He *can't* because to investigate the sitting president for a crime is potentially to indict that president for a crime, and that's something only congress can do.

Yeah cuz the following week he would be found dead from suicide with 2 bullet holes in the back of his head.

Jesus Fucking Christ.

Seems like he doesn't follow his own advice, or is just disingenuous for the sake of shekels.

>He *can't* because to investigate the sitting president for a crime is potentially to indict that president for a crime
...I think you might be retarded.

I can guarantee you that Stanya has found easier love & acceptance than your typical basement-dwelling /pol/ incel.

because conservatives aren't funny


If they made fun of Obama it was done in a "ha ha we are having a good time cuz we are bros" kind of way. With Trump they are literally digging through his garbage and analyzing every second of his life to fill air time.

>the typical american diet

yes but he's definitely meaning this in a pro-democrat voting way, only because it's him is my proof
It does sound completely true, but maybe under Colbert's glasses he sees the right as people who say NO, whether it be stubborn or too traditional. That view also ignores the other way to describe the right is pragmatic, wanting things to be proven true that something will work which goes against democrat plans because essentially theyre big government, so the government exists to prove it's worth so they try new and potentially great/terrible ideas
Democrats are really hopeful mindsets, optimistic about the promises that sound good, and as a negative adjective they're naive. This completely fucks with conservatives with their overt caution. So disillusioned or have-had-enough people get cynical which traps you into the dichotomy when you shouldnt have

But steve didnt mean it like that

You obviously haven't listened to TDS.

Attached: TRS The Right Stuff Daily Shoah logo.png (1600x931, 1.52M)

Science has proven that trannies are unlovable freaks.

Attached: infographic_transgender_exclusion_from_dating.2400x2400.jpg (639x1598, 131K)


You want me to quote the report? Because I can do that.

>Our investigation found multiple acts by the President that were capable of exerting undue influence over law enforcement investigations, including the Russian-interference and obstruction investigations,” Mueller wrote. “The incidents were often carried out through one-on-one meetings in which the President sought to use his official power outside of usual channels. These actions ranged from efforts to remove the Special Counsel and to reverse the effect of the Attorney General’s recusal; to the attempted use of official power to limit the scope of the investigation; to direct and indirect contacts with witnesses with the potential to influence their testimony.

>the indictment or criminal prosecution of a sitting President would impermissibly undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions in violation of the constitutional separation of powers.

Haha. Even gay guys won't fuck a tranny.

>the one time a conservatard was given a show he just stuffed it with anti jewish propaganda.


The only conservative comedy show on national cable was that one hosted by Rush Limbaugh on Fox News, and it was kosher and pro-Jew like everything else on major news channels.

Thanks for admitting that Jews control the media though.

Attached: Jews in media.jpg (1001x1024, 400K)

Holy shit, send this to Michael Tracey on twitter so he can laugh at you.

you obviously haven't either if you think it's funny

I bet I will live longer than Stanya.

Attached: 40percent.jpg (1108x579, 592K)

>let me further display my misunderstanding of the law by quoting the source of the thing confusing me

>digging through his garbage
It's not hard to do when he just shoves it up on screen voluntarily.

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>Democrats are neoliberals because they ultimately support capitalism, but are just a flavor of capitalism that is gay and anti-white.
>everything i don't like is anti-white
imagine being this fucking pathetic


Umm, I've listen to it twice per week for like 3 years now. It's the pro-white version of Chap Cuck House.

You're the one who has no concept of anything outside the NPC neoliberal hugbox.

>It's hard not to do when...
you spend 18 hours a day being a twitter justice warrior?

>"s-stop making fun of trump!!!!"

That's not an argument, kiddo. Also, several vocal Democrat politicians literally promote things that are against white interests.

Attached: affirmative action.jpg (676x1024, 118K)

>I said Muller can't definitively prove if Trump obstructed Justice, because that's beyond his scope

>MULLER says he can't definitively prove if Trump obstructed Justice, because that's beyond his scope

Go on then, explain where I'm confused.

>wow, just wow, you can't say that because it triggers me!

Attached: soyboy crying.jpg (785x731, 101K)

if you've ever held a job outside of fast food, you would know the work force is still overwhelmingly white

Such as?

Attached: 1533864088534.jpg (917x599, 57K)

>"he *can't* because to investigate the sitting president for a crime is potentially to indict that president for a crime"
>b-b-b-b-b-but all I said was that he couldn't definitively prove if FUCKING DRUMPF obstructed blah blah blah
Looks like you're even dumber than I first thought.

obama told a russian bureaucrat that he is acting tough on Putin in order to win re-election and will negotiate after he wins


More like
>delete your twitter account so your brain will stop turning to pudding

The diversity meme actually gets worse in "real" jobs. In shit jobs everyone is a useless retard regardless of race or gender. You enter the corporate world and they had to create an entire department (HR) to stock useless diversity/female hires in an area where they will do the least damage, then every department usually has a couple of token diversity hires who are only there to avoid discrimination lawsuits.

>Doesn't know how separation of powers work
Hur dur hur.

affirmative action = literally decreases the ability for whites to get into college and get jobs

open borders = literally decreases the political power of whites, and decreases the value of labor for white workers

giving more power/authority to the UN = literally decreases the political power of white Americans

They also organize with the private sector to exclude whites from job opportunities, and deny them voices in media, and sometimes actively censor and platform them.

Commies always harp about "looking out for your own interests", so how is ethno-nationalism not a factor in that? Literally every other race has open ethnocentric groups that are accepted by the current zeitgeist. Even the US Congress has a "Black Caucus" and a "Hispanic Caucus".

Attached: Zimbabwe goes anti-white then collapses compilation.jpg (3866x2930, 2.52M)

Why are you quoting your inner monologue?