She actually said this on the record? It’s going to bite her

She actually said this on the record? It’s going to bite her.

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She’s right, you know.

The bulk of the industry have jobs like Editors, key grips

Best Emma.

Doesn't she understand she's also old and white?

And that's a good thing. Here's why...

they're going to replaced by young white men though.

It's Bong humor, nobody will take it as a threat.

>old white men

Did you never learn to read or were you just actually born retarded


white women think acting like a minority will save them from the rope


They’re fucking Jews. What the fuck world are we living in. They’re fucking JEWS

>old jewish men

This. Whenever they say white, they're talking about Jews.

So they were a coin flip away from being old white men. Gotcha. What point are you trying to make?

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They somehow don't think that their brown pets are doing to turn against them eventually for being white as long as they don't support Blumpf

they are white when it fits the narrative
now imagine if she had said "old jewish men"

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The most avid hater of white men is white women because white men are the only people above white women on the totem pole. As soon as they can get rid of the white man, they think, they'll be at the top

>be white
>create something
>someone starts bitching there is white people doing a thing
>demand that thing

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What's her major malfunction?

They have all the privilege they want while being able to play the victim when they need to. The ultimate social creature

So what's the problem? Them being men?


but jews aren't white

down syndrome and eco propaganda

>eco propaganda
Ameriburgers still don't believe in climate change, or is it just the retards that are attracted to places like this?

i don't get it. is she saying racial bias is an inevitability? lol almost sounds like she's making an argument for why non-whites should fuck off

when she goes to india and china to spawn her nostradamus shit and they stop poluting call me

She's saying it's a homogeneous group in age, ethnicity and gender

>there will be no more glaciers by 1998!
Oops. I don't see the problem with higher oceans and being able to grow fruit 100 miles further north myself.

she's gonna turn into a tranny confirmed

>it's only okay when I'm sexist
Everytime with these people.

In America, there are more white women than there are white men. How can they call themselves a minority?

She's not, because there's women on the oscar selectives too. She's lying to drum up basic bitch controversy.

Like you would do anything even then

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Whites are Jewish bruh. No /pol/ shit can refute that.
If you wanna talk shit about them, lemme just remind you that the Internet basically exists because of a Jewish man.

but when 1 billion migrants come knocking on your door?

The day American whites start to understand what Jews have been doing is going to be absolutely glorious