/bb/ Big Brother 21

Ika interviews are up

Pic is from TV Guide talking about the first comp and the theme of the season

Previously on /bb/:

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Other urls found in this thread:


First for Cliff

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i don't think these threads will survive until the day of the episode.

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ika not showing her tiddies today

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that's fine desu. I just hope a few more people come in to discuss the ika interviews when we get through them

Good afternoon ladies

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it's so hard to tell what people are going to be like before feeds switch on. nobody thought Winston would immediately be the ringleader and a whirlwind of paranoia and shit stirring.

I watch these interviews and just can't tell who's gonna be the feeds gold.

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Good afternoon, Whistlenut!

thanks captain

adding 1 to the IP count

np subscribe to my blog

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Damn that drawing is cool

OP why did you jerk off onto your tv guide

I'm not 70 so it's not mine, some weird guy that still gets tv guide posted it on twitter

Ika's question about winning with no respect or losing as a legend is inifinitely better than the lose and be loved question, which just makes me sad when people answer it a certain way

Ika is a fucking goddess

did anyone give the non-cliche answer and say they'll win at any cost?

how long until things stabilize and the nbombs shake to the bottom

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On 3rd interview. Jack said he would take the money and run (good answer).

Nick said hed rather be a legend and not win "for sure" (I don't like this guy atm, Twitter is creaming for him)

Preseason rankings are cancer. It's fun to discuss but not to actually poll and rank in a visual format

any new info since yesterday other than that pic in op?

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My wifeish

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I think Nick just meant that he didn't want to win thanks to a bitter jury or a twist fucking someone over, but be remembered for how well he did in the game. As long as their reasoning is more than "i just want more instragram followers" i'm usually fine with it.

just more promo pics

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will she even fit throught the door? no onder tthey need 2 hours for premiere

Thats fair yeah.
Maybe I'm just bitter for Rachel lol but you're right

Cliff likes Ian a lot.
Cliff chose winning, wants the bragging rights, doesn't care about how

god damn
watch her be a total bitch though.

smart. fat chick won't have to share a bed

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imagine 'having to' share a bed with analice.

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>too fat to properly pose for the shoot's theme
A polaroid of a fat arm. Ah, love that memory.

Yea Ovi's voice is going to be an issue

looks like lispposting is back on the menu, boys

and he's straight so it isnt even homophobic

Isabella is going to be a total borefest. She will be alone most of the game (I predict) but vote with the popular side of the house, so she will fall off the top of joker's ratings fast. Any guy that gets into a showmance will also be on the bottom along with the rude niggers.

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it'll be better than last year's awful voices of jc, rockstar, bayleaf, and aura. I think just the fatty and ovi have bad voices this year

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oh I forgot about the annoying fag voice. maybe it won't be better

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Dan Gheesling is a tacky person.

sit yourself

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Tommy sounds like fucking Ray Liotta in Goodfellas

I remember right after Season 14 ended, it was my first year after college and I was at my first job afterwords, it was a shitty desk job but I would go on this "turntable" site where you could basically host a chat room and play music, and Dan had a room, and I would visit it every day and basically chat with him

Those were comfy times. Then he discovered twitch and I haven't really paid attention to him since

His voice/accent is probably closer to mine than any other bb hg's

More cast photos

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fuck, kill, bro, marry,
kill, bro, fuck, who cares,
fuck, fuck, bro, bro,
marry, kill, who cares, bro

Have a problem with what I said, Devin?

>he who cares Sam Smith

Sam is the coolest dude in the cast outside of Jackson and Cliff

>Demetres will marry Ika
Lucky bastard
Hopefully he dumps her kids though

>Ika is 29
>Dem is 23
It's ok when it's the other way around!

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Based unity.

his voice was very annoying to me in the interview. for now i'm not impressed. i don't dislike him, tho
it's ok either way. who the fuck cares

Is she trans?

lucky stinking greek

Yeah,there is nothing wrong Dem has to take care of Ika's fatherless boys

>and jackson
I hate you

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this fag

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I wish! She would've been perfect then. She's only a bimbo, but that's ok!
They are not fatherless anymore.

post bimbo and holly. also holly and blackgirl and lesbian with polaroids

Gay men dressed in 80s fashion makes me think of HIV. If I were in the house with him I would hold my breath when in his proximity and try to do my best to never accidentally make skin-to-skin contact.

no you wouldn't


it makes me think they're pedos dressed up in kids clothes

I also wouldn't eat any meal prepared by him. I would just pick at it and then throw it in the trash when no one is looking. I also would be very uncomfortable sharing the same silverware as him. I'd have to personally wash each fork, spoon, and knife thoroughly to make sure the GRID is properly cleansed from it.

dat calf

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this one might be gay. I like that they went as far away from hoodrat as they could after faggy d

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i like her more and more every time i see her. such a shame she doesn't have some huge plastic boobies
no chance. his voice was too manly

she's got a fat face she's gonna gain a bunch of weight this summer

i don't believe that. she will be besties with analice and holly and they will keep her in shape. i bet she even gets more fit in there. they started to cast too many healthy people lately. they won't eat too much, like last year (except for the fatcow)

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isabella wang is brian hart

He's just a polite suburban black man. Just because he isn't going around advertising his masculinity and saying "MUH DIKK" doesn't mean he is gay.

>lispy says he's been playing big brother his entire life
>lispy says he's experienced more as a 22 year old than a 44 year old

>lispy already playing the race card

He's gonna be in a showmance with the nerdy white chick from Long Island

Calling it right fucking now

mate, she's going home week 1. she's too autistic

everyone sucks ika's dick on these interviews but when she does the I'm gonna say 2 words you tell me which one you are everyone just says the same answers for them

>He forgot Cliff was in the cast

squareboy is winning the first hoh. he won't put him up


fatty pig fatty is going home week 1

on a subconsicous level people really hate fat people. She's not gonna win anything physical, is gonna eat all the good food, and will be a fucking pain in the ass when she's a have not

she's an easy first boot, minimal blood on the first HOH's hands

homeslice the reason everyone sucks ika's dick is because of bb canada season 5. Fucking iconic ROBBED goddess letter shredding queen

I'm just glad she dropped the whole "What is a backdoor?" question which did not play well at all with recruits who had no clue what she was talking about.

Ew lol

>fatty pig fatty is going home week 1
i don't think so, because they know she won't win shit. they will all presume stupid shit like L6 that physical ability is required for any HOH in the beginning and they will want to keep her on for some time. it will take a few weeks for her to drive people mad with her voice and whining about kids.

>mfw i check to see if another /bb/ thread is up and it is
gona watch the ika interviews now. is boss hogg still /ourguy/

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Playing interactive mode

Which HG should I control and win the game as?

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Asian aka Wang
Noodles? Pasta?

pre-game /ourguy/ predictions are always wrong

the only time we got it right was /ourgirl/ shelby

Is Christie actually a lesbian?

Also so far based on barely anything:
Anal/Cliff/Jack/Jackson/Sam > David/Kathryn/Kemi/Ovi > Holly/Isabella/Tommy > Christie/Jessica/Nick/Nicole

I was correct with Angela last year.


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Playing as Christie. Three alliances:

>Blacked.com: me, David, Kathryn, Kemi
>Strong Island: me, Jack, Nicole, Tommy
>then me & nicole f2

week 1 David won HOH, Ovi vs. Sam, Ovi went home

Week 2 I called out Analyse and the house voted her out

I'm gonna lay low, protect my various alliances after blowing up on Analyse like that. Fucking pretty ass bitch taking attention away from me

she didnt do anything for me pre-game but she won me over rather quickly.

fuck you. i hope you go home next

Wow, Anal sounds really REALLY young

I can't put my finger on it but she sounds like some kind of cartoon character. Kind of like Phil and Lil or something...

My homegirl nicole went home week 3, 5-4 vote against Cliff, tried to save her but oh well

Wrong side of the numbers week 4, Jackson went home but I voted for Nick

Now my two alliances are warring with each other and Jack hates Kemi. Another 5-4 vote Kemi vs. Jessica and Kemi goes home

I'm fucking Faysal being on the wrong side of the numbers and losing alliance members left and right. Someone else is controlling this game


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It's actually really starting to annoy me...

God. Girl sounds like a cartoon.

thats her "i can get anything i want from a man" voice




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>ywn spend a comfy summer at Camp Bee Bee
it hurts gals

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bbo stop making me read your posts here and then on twitter 30 seconds later

I like Big Brother

>anal lice in second
how are the catladies so based sometimes?

haha that would be awful imagine if she gave you a Dutch oven haha so stupid

will make steps to improve

I have depression and anxiety and think about killing myself every day. BB feeds and online discussion is pretty much the only time I can focus on something else. Outside of /bb/ and /r/bigbrother I never talk to anyone. What I'm trying to say is that I'm happy the threads are back. Thanks guys for being here.

Scott Dennis is my alltime favourite player

ott really changed them

hohoho, i knew it was him


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have fap
she's not white, she get's brownie points at the beginning. she will stay there, but chads and stacies will go to top soon after the start too

Patrician taste

I just like having ppl to discuss it with. The mods are fags tho

Oh man epic F5 HOH win, stupid fucking Sam wins POV and takes himself off, they tie up the vote and I gotta take out Aquaman

Sam wins f4 HOH and goes after me, but I win the clutch veto and burn my blonde sister over Tommy

F3 HOH comes down to me and Sam, he wins part 3 and votes me out

I poison the jury against him so my based gay person I knew before the show wins the half million

All in all your girl Christie is certainly getting asked back for all stars

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>he's not a shoulder man

Ika laughs too much and her laugh is annoying

I would fuck with you so hard if I knew you felt this way in the house.
like sexually assault you constantly (I would carry a knife too in case you tried to get cute) and watch you in the shower and be loud about pretending you were my “secret” boyfriend.

Never watched Big Brother, should I?

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i'm straight but there are 4 dudes in this cast who i would fuck before nicole
no one would give a shit if the genders were reversed. a 6 year difference doesnt mean shit as long as theyre both of age

i see space for at least 2 returnees and possibly 3

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Kemi got a set of chocolate milkers on her

considering how average all the people are this year, i'm getting bb19 vibes.

FTs for sure. Kumi also looks like she could twerk. Hope she will.

If the twist is pairs, what are the odds of early boots that get replaced by Brett and Rockstar? Someone said they have been inactive on social media.

>fatty pig fatty is going home week 1
highly problematic in the current year.
re-educate you'reself body shaming bigot

ana #1 on jokers

good call, angela was totally /ourguy/

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you are now aware that since bb14 there have only been 5 returnees

and here i hoped you died during winter.

bitch sound like tommy pickles?

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official male footwear power rankings

1. Tommy - solid sneaker, really stands out among the cowboy boots and fancy shoes

2. Jack - another nice looking piece of footwear

3. Sam - looks to be a work boot of some type

--massive gap---

4. Cliff - too black

5. Jackson - horrible choice

6. Ovi - return that garbage to payless immediately

7. David - The wicked witch is gonna be mad you stole her sisters shoes there Dorothy

8. Nick - just an unmitigated disaster, better off going barefoot

I don't feel very compelled to watch this season. Robyn Kass should feel shame. Even with very good vet choices, this looks like an ugly snoozefest.

I thought bb19 was really strong in the preshow stuff, but maybe i'm only remembering the big characters

I unironically credit last season for stopping my drug use.

with your hatred, I only grew stronger.

I thought the same thing last year

whoa anal lices eyebrows are bothering me in this interview

better luck next time, i guess

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I’m sure we’ll get there some day.
I’m sorry I memed your waifu as a man, she was very attractive and it was rude of me.

oh she talked about it later

>Tommy walks into the room

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based bimbo is going to be this seasons tyler.
she will totally hook up with this seasons angela = analice
i'm here for it

Scott Salton vs. The World

Follow Follow @ScottiexxSalton
Y'all obviously Jack is the best looking hg on bb in years. But I don't stan based on looks. #bb21

Scottie gay?

Scottie is so ugly and hateable. Who cares what he is? He makes me fucking sick.

obviously. that's why he was so heartbroken by tyler and was into mole.
wouldn't be surprised if he was a furry too

im liking david even more after this ika interview

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Didn't he have a crush on Haleigh?

he's virtue signaling and being le superhero nerd

Proof gays are half-retarded psychos.

i hate tommy now.
his voice is so annoying and his favourite player is day.
this is going to be so bad

I think he's my least favorite so far

I’m not even gay, I just think it would be a funny thing to do to you. I would grab your dick in front of women and figure out gay ways to embarrass you on the live shows.

proof incels are unfuckable AND unfunny

But I'm not actually a homophobe. I don't hate gay men for their same-sex attraction, I hate them for their high frequency of casual sexual encounters, myopic high risk life choices, and anal sex practices. Male libido should never be combined with another male libido, it can only lead to depraved shit. The only reason straight men are gross sex freaks is because the male and female libido are disproportionate. The woman tames the beast, and with male homosexuality the beast is uncaged. I don't have a problem with gay women (I am one).

Ya see, I'm not a homophobe, I'm a misandrist.

u fuckin homo

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holy shit these interviews are forever

once again, daily reminder that based Tommy is the player to beat and there's literally nothing anallice fags, cliff fags or anyone else can do about it

I actually agree with you about the promiscuity thing. I’m the kind of weirdo who thinks committed relationships are a good thing though, which is a big no-no these days.
see we can actually be friends!

although I’m definitely a misogynist so it might be a contentious friendship.

>nose ring girl says she is a bleeding wound

based big Jeff dabbing on the homos

ok bbo

>tfw Hogg and Sam will mistake the fatcow for a real cow and catch her and eat her
more like beat up
that nose ring makes her look HOT

with her fat face she just looks like a pig

look i dont give a shit if you hate the guy. he might be an obnoxious faggot and he might be the biggest obnoxious faggot to ever make it onto big brother and that's no small feat. but he's A) the smartest player in the house B) the most charismatic player in the house and most importantly C) a true student of the game

why is ika so much better at interviewing than jeff?

yes, a true student of the game whose favourite player was day....
most charismatic is probably ovi, for bagging that cutie and the smartest i don't know yet, but deffinitely not the guy whoes favourite is day

she gets to interview them twice as long

I can't pay full attention, just throw em on in the background

Lol nope

Lol, stop... smartest player my ass, the dude is a talented performer though!

you've watched too much big brother to think he's telling the truth about who his favorite player is.

If people out there don't watch BB Canada and have no idea why Ika is such a legend, please take the time to watch the following video:


Fuck the HOH and POV comps, start it at 4:30 when Jackie wins veto and don't skip a second after that

This is pretty much The Funeral of BB Canada

tell me who you think is the smartest player go ahead i'll wait


>she was a monster girl
as if she couldn't get any better

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Um, how would I know that? The season hasn't begun and we don't know anything about how these people act under pressure or in context of the game.

so you know for a fact i'm wrong but can't think of a single player smarter than based tommy? haha ok dude sure

i like her more than holly now

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Just heard Anal Lice’s voice
Killed it for me

I didn't mean you were "wrong", just that you can't say that yet.

analyse is easily the hottest girl in bb21 and its not even close

look i picked kc day 2 last season i'm never wrong

alright don't like nicole's voice

you were safe for like an hour!


holy fuck i thought that was hue on the left

i bet a top dollar than my bimbo queen is smarter than that moron

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you sure know how to pick em pal!


Sam saying he didn't like Swaggy C because he was cocky. Dude is based

Oh damn and the dude he mentioned as really liking is mother fuckin Zach Attack

And he chose the win over the respect. Hard question but good. Play to win, always.

Yea I'm thinking Sam is /ourguy/


I really think she's gonna be the token girl that's too pretty so most of the other girls hate her

yummyers. i think im going with bimbo. but i honestly gota wait till feeds to commit

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but analice is even prettier and holly is not that far off. THEY HAVE TO BE PALS, PLSPLSPLSPLSPSL

>blonde friends with non blonde
i'm 99% positive this has never happened in the history of the world

who are this year's token gays?

analice is exotic pretty, not cornfed american pretty.

The big boobs, dick sucking lips, 1999 jessica simpson looking bitch doesn't have a shot

nick, sam, tommy, ovi

Tommy's gay but has a thick staten island accent that makes him sound more Deniro then gay

Ovi has a really bad lisp but apparently has a hot girlfriend in real life

Christie might be a lesbian

Isabella vaguley mentioned something about climbing a mountain with "a partner" so she might be bi also

stop trying to force that his shitty gay accent doesn't just make him sound like gayson

i'm pretty sure she has natural boobies, because they are too small and she would go much much bigger.
they are both extremely hot, what does it matter in what way?

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he sounds like a fucking kid in a mafia movie

Like one of the big mob bosses pulls a 20 out of his pocket and tells a neighborhood 11-year-old playing stickball to go run to the store and buy some ice cream.

And the kid goes "thanks Mister D!" and him and his friends run off to get ice cream. So when the mobster is later killing his rivals and such, you'll remember he's nice to the neighborhood kids

Tommy sounds like that child character 100%

this is gonna be a long week

you're a faggot

you're a homophobe watching big brother that's so much worse than being a faggot

it's not fair. why dont we ever get hot gays? why couldnt they cast a gay jack instead??

everyone hates the voice of faggots

mexican lauren a cute

>a straight watching bb

175 bongs and 20 bings

Noodles...I slipped...

are you implying he's going to rape nick?

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In a mishandled act of love, and yes

bb demographic

straight female: 60
gay male: 30
gay female: 10
straight male: 0

its funny cause i did jerk off to CD porn last night

reminder that if you're here and claim to be a straight male, you need to stop lying to yourself you closet faggot

we're obviously all straight females + pandafag & bbo (both mtfs)

More like:
65% women ages 45-58
20% gay men
14% women age 16-25
1% virgin Yea Forums NEET who needs a friend simulator

so not one of them said they watch the feeds but cliff listens to taran morning updates

Friendly reminder straight men are not welcome in /bb/ so if you haven't gargled cum kindly head back to r/bigbrother

tommy confirmed to be a racist

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black twitter is going to be so confused

not only that but a racist with shit taste

lesbian declares she is going to use her sexuality to manipulate the men

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>Big Brother

you forgot to remind us that it's all scripted and fake and so is survivor

survivor is

Nick seemed derpy at first but going from the Ika interview I think he could go far.

wow this is awful. if I was shown this and told it's big brother I would never watch big brother

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>This is pretty much The Funeral of BB Canada
if only

Is it me or do all of these people look like bland 20 year olds besides the cowboy dude? Fuck i shouldve applied this year.

it always feels like that

they already got a gay guy

Fuck didn’t know this was a rekt thread

Nick is so /ourguy/ and its a shame you guys don't see it. Hes a total Paulie and Paul archetype.

I’m the other guy lol


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Weird thing about gays is that their buttholes are so beat up that you can smell their swamp even through their clothing and cologne. Wonder if the other houseguest will notice.

no he isn't.
he is the rockwall of this season

you forgot 2.5 straight transgender


dicklets btfo

yeah she is definitely the cutest. hopefully she is the least annoying

you watch your mouth cocksucka

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Jackson sux and will most certainly be a pre-juror.

Night 1 competition = night 1 eviction?

paid audience. they move in tomorrow morning

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film 2 episodes tomorrow

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Either splitting the showfag houseguest reveal into two groups, or there will be a twist cliffhanger for the first episode (day 1 eviction or vets).

if night 1 eviction good fucking bye cliff

the first one is for moving in and the second one is for the competition. like always.

are spitters welcome?


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hello everyone and goooood morning welcome to our livefeed update

ayyyy gabbagool mama mia

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terrifying. I'd say tranny but after the last BB tranny disaster idk when they will try that shit again.

>being terified of a woman
get out, these are not the threads for you incel types

hamster says this also means it's a 99 day season I guess we know the finale date

your reaction to someone that has cut and stuffed their face into a monster should be horror.

it's probably not that bad she probably just injected her face with a toxic bacteria

LOL aggro went all aggro calling me a show-fag last night for questioning if they had entered the house and why there was nothing like this mentioning it

B T F O out

your posting type is gay

post ika interview standings not that anyone cares





gay type thing

you don't hate nick you just hate that other people like him

not my list, but i agree with the pasta guy. i hated him since the beginning of the jeff interview

i duno, that could be. all of it can change come next week once they are under the microscope. but thats kind of where i'm at with the cast right now

i hate him because he's a virtue signaling smug piece of shit with a superiority complex and a shit haircut.
but for the same reason, i think there's potential for a fun villain with him.

haha but it is you who are wrong, for I indeed do hate nick! haha!

While I've already shared my like and dislikes of the cast earlier, my mind can be changed for anyone of them except for Bimbo and Analice, later in the game. Those two are untouchable. I can't fathom anything that would make me not like them.

maybe he will post less itt now

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I don't know what to watch for the next 7 days

>David near the bottom on both days

What the fuck? Swaggy N was ranked way higher, Even the twitter normies don't like David that much. Why do people hate respectable black players but praise N-bombs?

I'm actually wondering how much like a tranny he sounds.

based bbo

>respectable black players
even white trash beats out respectable black user

Sports, obviously. Don't you know where you are?
Normal people do not rate that early.

one of these days people will realize that the ika interviews are just as bad as the jeff interviews except she talks in a better interview voice

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>watching more than your teams boreball games
ok that's 2.5 hours a day still need way more

double feature

based jwagzz

ika is a hot n-bomb

imagine taking more than 2 seconds to answer a question that asks whether you would rather lose or win bb


>Potential for greatness
Bogged Bimbo

>Floater/Forgettable tier
Milk model
Normal Bimbo

>Unbearable tier
Aura 2.0
Token gay
Sassy black twitter self-insert

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it's the only one all of them struggle with

imma call the izzy and ana

>Normal people
Don't you know where you are?

There are two more days of women volleyball tournaments. That's a lot of quality entertainment.

damn I take it back the Ika-Tommy interview makes him look very naive

>paul has his twitter/ig on private
yeah, im thinking hes back

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Paul had an iq of 115 which is ideal for winning bb

Yes, Yea Forums. I am a normal person, BTW, but I wasn't talking about myself, Dumbo.

bayleigh was only a couple points away from a 100% on the iq test and she didnt even come close to winning

bayleigh iq = 108

He commented some white power shit on CBS insta yesterday.

dudes a pedo i think

100, not 100%
She also chimped, because she ate her baby. She would have been very lady like if not for that. For sure.

Yeah thats a big yikes on those /ourguys/ picks. Nick is the only certified /ourguy/

he's lying because he wants to replies by pretending to like paul. does it every few hours

cool wine aunt's face is gonna be a disaster on the early morning feeds

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its a disaster right there

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Anyone have any Johnny Mac memes? I lost all of mine and I miss the Rockstar Dentist

I'm literally gonna k*** you

Why do you say that? She will probably just sleep till 12 and then sunbathe.

That you, Bridgebro? I thought you bled out through your fronthole after the operation?

jfc. at this point we should just all be shameless tripfags.

I just realized why they're tanning and they're gonna do is talk about their dogs it's gonna suck

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pls do so i can filter you

ok but you first

ovi is winning just based on seeing his gf pics

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natalie nudes?

great scott!

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when's the episode airing?

its bailleyigh!

yeah girl suck in that gut!

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>tfw no black gf

always resist that urge. we can be anonymous if other anons don’t insist on calling people out. but it’s an attention whoring cycle that goes round and round and it will probably never end.

look in the thread last night
Spoilered at the end

Thanks man

first season?

Both are a million miles ahead of the ross interviews, thought i was living in a parallel universe when i heard people say those were fine

kathyrn and anallice are the only hot girls on the show tbqh

i am the first bb21 trip

worship me

She sounds so fucking dull. Would nut, tho.

>all the boys will come after me because im a lesbian!

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that was my point. i just miss when there wasnt this faggot drama in every thread.

ha ha she is so ugly. what a shitty face.

post boipucci

I can already see the Aura delusion setting in. She will be addicted to somebody's mist.

i kek'ld when she said that. she gona be a pre-jury boot for sure

fuck off

Reminds me of that girl from 3rd planet from the sun or whatever was that name. Also, '30+'on that necklace
This is not true. Most of the girls this season are hot. Those two are just miles ahead of girls from other seasons.


trust me, if anyone is tired of it, it’s me

thanks for ruining the threads