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Living Single >>F.R.I.E.N.D.S

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I haven't seen either.

I hate denim

niggers had their own Friends show? no wonder nobody knows about it

>After all these years, finally, we have become Friends™

bald guy on the right looks like a Chad

But black shows are generally more honest and redpilled than ther subversive jewish counterparts

Then why have I never heard of it?

Living Single was a pretty comfy show but it wasn't as good as friends. I miss single friends living in the city kino.

>these hollywood kike financed programs are better cause the blacks are totally more woke!

>FRIENDS has no black people
>don't even have to watch Living Single to know it has no white people

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FRIENDS is the worst sitcom of all time, so that's not an achievement.

where did queen latifah come from?
why did she become famous?
why is she still famous today?
who gives her money and makes sure she gets work?
what talent does she have?
why has she been in the media for the past 30 years?

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never heard of this before, but then again i don't get animal planet anymore

I didn't watch either.

Why is black twitter trying to push this show so hard now? Are they jealous that everyone liked Friends? There were far better “black” shows at that time anyway like Family Matters, My Brother and Me, or Smart Guy. Also, I watched all of these as a kid without every thinking about how I couldn’t relate since the cast was black. I don’t even remember ever thinking about it. Why are blacks today so upset over watching film with white cast?

I saw more episodes of living single then I ever did friends....

And I HATE niggers too

And if you don't think so you're racist

Considering the abortion that is Friends I'd believe it.

>Living Single
>They are all in relationships by the end


It’s not called Living Incel

Now that's a show I can ...get behind

>Negro Bias.
>Not surprising still a thing.