This man is responsible for the pussification of America

This man is responsible for the pussification of America.

Attached: AR-303279986.jpg (1200x1200, 121K)

I've saying this every since those faggot movies have been coming out deifying him

>edgelords whose parents did love them
>they'll never get decent jobs because they're too preoccupied with pretending to be hypermasculine on an anime website where people post anonymously because they're scared about IRL backlash
You're both little queers.

Yeah that's what prompted me to make this thread
Your local paramedic or fireman contributes more to the world everyday than this faggot did in his entire life, yet people worship him cuz "TV MAN NICE"

I noticed you write like a black kid who can only afford a phone to post from. Why are you too lazy to end sentences properly, Jamal? Being a man means you have to have integrity, kid.

youre wrong. while Fred Rogers wasn't a "man's man", and did not embody real masculinity, he did provide something that children need - someone to tell them that it's ok to feel different things: anger, joy, fear, excitement, curiosity, etc.

The only thing about him that contributed to the pussification of America is absentee (physical or emotional) fathers, and mothers who used Fred Rogers as a surrogate father by plopping their kids in front of PBS for hours at a time.

Where are the men? Where are the fathers? This is the #1 issue facing our country today

the fuck are you talking about faggot


Attached: mrrogers.jpg (480x360, 62K)

>a television show, an actor, or the entertainment industry is responsible for society's decline
While he may be partly to blame, the greatest blame rests on the parents who not only allowed but often encouraged their children to watch it, and on the children from not rising above it as they matured.

>reading comprehension problem
>ape scrawl
Thanks for the confirmation.

Unironically this

i thought Bob Ross was the Nam vet

Yeah man, boomers are so fucking cool. They're doing a great job running this country, all thanks to that no feelings attitude

Shut your dirty fucking mouth and get the fuck out of our neighborhood, friend.

>Killed 55 probably unarmed Viet children and women


that fag is creepy as hell, almost certainly raped children

Nice people aren't pussies. Forgot edgelords who played too many video games and are internet tough guys are pussies.

Have sex.

no, the jews exploited his kindness and had everyone else mistake it for weakness. typical scumbag shit.

This is a guy who doesn't make eye contact in public

Watch yourself OP.

Attached: mr rogers.jpg (1021x734, 105K)

>guy who dressed in sweaters for a kids show is responsible for America's decline
>not because of the dogshit political class that cares about itself
Yeah and I'm sure bozo the clown is too. Retard zoomer

he was proto-soi

teaching morals is bad now we should all be like the muslims and beat and torture people we don't like

>kindness is bad
The absolute state of conservatives

Conservatives love to be kind towards Israel though

Post bodies little bitches