Just be yourself bro

>just be yourself bro

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w2c jacket + peruvian slag

if you weren't such an asshole, it would be good advice

why did the goose allow this?

>Women will never look at you that way
What the hell is point of me spending at the gym lifting then?


>just be yourself bro

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this guy fuckssssssssssss

Bet you are more hideous in the inside than on the outside my friend

I actually have something worse than yall. I was a 10/10 slayer in college, women use to follow me around. forward 8 years of alcoholism and im gross. I have alot of depraved memories though. going to the gym again hoping to pray on women mel gibson style soon

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For most people that is the truth though.
No one wants to hear this. It hurts. That's when you know it's true.

Unless you're really fucking ugly (it happens), a low body fat %, decent clothing and a hobby with a job will get you a girlfriend, especially in your mid to late 20s.
If you work out a bit, doesn't even have to be much, just like 3 times a week, you can also get a nice physique and up your level from a 5 to 6 or 7 to 8. Totally feasible.

But women like assholes as long as you are good looking.

Christ, he's been chiseled out of marble.


>>just be yourself bro
Yeah, women want a guy with personality, not looks.

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>Scott is 5'11, aka 5'9

How smoll is that woman?

No this is a "nice guy" myth.

low bf% isn't even necessary if you lift (fat to obese doesn't count, i'm talking bit of a gut max). lots of cute girls love dudes with that lumberjack/blue-collar buff look especially nowadays where more and more guys are trying to look like twinks. really no excuse to be a kissless virgin

Sounds like you have neither. Hating things online is the absence of a personality.

So women like nice guys?

>Sounds like you have neither. Hating things online is the absence of a personality.

I have a big dick, so yes I don't need either of them. Trust me, when a woman finds a man with a huge dick, she suddenly becomes 100% loyal to him. They are that superficial.

Yeah. Duh. But not people who tell everyone theyre "such a nice guy" . Those guys are manipulative assholes

Yes, if you be yourself, people are more likely to like you. But if you are ugly or average looking, you won't be pulling 9/10s just by being yourself, but you could pull ugly and average looking women, so be yourself and stop being an incel.

got a double-chin unless I'm down to single-digits bf, it sucks bro

Women like guys who are charming and nice when it is time to be charming and nice. But they also like a man who can be dominant and violent when it is time to be dominant and violent. Nobody wants an all round wimp. You can be a nice guy, but also have the ability to be dominant and violent. Why can't incels understand something so simple?

Nobody tells anyone this, that’s a roastie/cuck myth

I do like violence against women

Yeah it's literally a meme dude. I can see why you're an incel

does being yourself really get you an ana gf

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Yeah, i was focused more on face aesthetics. Bodywise, sure, some girls dont care but low % gives your face a nice boost.

That's because your mommy touched your peepee when you were 5


incels are low-IQ, so they believe the media. on one hand, its their own fault for being idiots, one the other hand, they're being fed a lot of retarded advice

Cringe. Women like a sense of humor too, so you should work on yours.

The media is telling us that all women are whores though


That wasn’t a joke

Fuckin dana..


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Incels are too close to their mommies. Mommy can't let go of their sons, so they make them into incels or homos, or both really. Keeps them close to the nest.

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All women should be mommies, there’s literally no argument against this.

Chad will always attract THOTs. Its not like a THOT will care about his criminal record, they're used to dating guys who are on a 1st name basis with their local police departments.

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Men like hot chicks too and do dumb shit for them. That's not the normal interaction.

ITT foids and orbiters absolutely DESTROYED by incels

I fucking hate women

Highly spirited post

I am ALWAYS myself. Girls would rather ride the cock carousel and be agents of Soros though. FUCK WOMEN!!

Imagine the confidence

Then it's just a fedora-tipping edgelord statement.

Fedoras are liberals, idiot.

Facelets deserve the rope.

Only natural when nobody likes you in the first place.

Would you date Casey Anthony?

>I don't rape anymore its cool

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jesus christ we're all fucked aren't we. There is unironically no way to win

#1 secret to women: Be a good listener. Women are used to hunky dudes forgetting everything a woman tells them.
Pussies get wet when a woman knows you are listening and remembering what she says. They're obsessive communicators, which is why women love social media and cellphones.
Get up to their level, and they will never leave you.

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Why should anyone like you?

>Women are used to hunky dudes
So they’re whores?

True but that shit get's tiring as fuck as 90% of what comes out of their mouths is pure bullshit. I have never had a conversation with a women where I didn't just zone out after a short while. They can keep yapping about the most mundane shit you can imagine

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