Holy fuck!

Holy fuck!

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John "Jews Suck" Cusack

they're also proving the quote's point

I love how these peak boomer memes are suddenly "funny" just because of the anti-Jew aspect.


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>I disagree with a twitter poster, that means it's a bot and not a real person
What a fucking retard.

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it's like that time when marlon brando said jews run hollywood, so to combat this baseless antisemitic statement, the jews prevented him from working in hollywood

If you look through all of his Twitter posts from last night, I'm pretty sure he was drunk as fuck. Washed up actors probably don't have much else to do with their time than get drunk and play activist on the internet.

>the ironing

Attached: Hollyjews.jpg (600x1790, 871K)

Now post all the non jewish hollywood actors.

Wouldn't it just be faster and easier to list everyone who ISN'T Jewish?

>Sorry, I thought I was posting about oppressive jews instead of oppressive jews

Proving the post right

Voltaire didn’t say that

>all the news sites call it antisemitic but say nothing about how he's wrong in any way
is their whole gambit that their readers won't think for themselves and will take journalist's word that what he said is "antisemitic stereotype" and wrong?

"Jews cry out in pain as they strike you" is the most accurate quote ever.

He would have if he knew how things were.

>their readers won't think for themselves and will take journalist's word
That's literally the only reason they're not all out of business

shut this thread down

>A bot got me

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shut up honky

John Cucksack


Attached: Voltaire.jpg (1280x720, 66K)

Damn you Russian bots!!!!

what happened ?

a bot got him

dey tooker