What did they mean by this?

What did they mean by this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


no homo

Was this gay? I've been thinking about it alot and I've come to the conclusion that it wasn't

This guy was literally paid to get /fit/, cosplay as Ryu and make out with Mantis.

one of them was gay

It was gay.
I would imagine that you realize that ERPing with your best friend, and having both of you beat off, is gay.
This is that, except they are actually not only masturbating, but essentially touching each other as well.

If you ERP with someone you think is a girl but it's really a guy is it gay? No.

Karl was gay as fuck
The other one was not gay...anyone who wouldn't fuck a virtual pom klementief would be a total faggot

It's not a stranger behind voice modification software, both parties know that they are each other's male friend

Sex was too graphic

If you jack off to straight porn online does it make you attracted to your computer? It doesn't matter what is behind it, its whats being represented which is straight sex.

It would be one thing if Karl just liked to "play as" a woman in general, but the episode goes out of its way to point out that he only wants his friend, and his friend seemingly craves it as well. Mega gay.

They other was gay as well, it’s implied he felt his marriage was stale and you notice he never asked his wife to replace Karl as Roxie.


This episode was as bad as the waldo moment. Only decent episode this season was Smithereens.

>It doesn't matter what is behind it
wrong for literally everyone who isn't an autist

Then why don't you explain your factual logic that proves otherwise?

>waldo moment

t. voted for a reality TV show host

according to ROMAN LAW, the only TRUE LAW, only the faggot taking the cock is gay

no homo

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Nice mental gymnastics

It's gay but so what?

>feelings are about logic
just stop user. we get it. you're autistic AND low-IQ. you don't need to keep repeating it.

You se this is where it goes in circles. He was getting off as a girl and with a dude that looks nothing like his friend. At best the friend is gay and only for that character with his friends mind behind it. Is it gay? Probably. Is it clear cut gay for eachother? Probably not but ultimately impossible to tell. Was it a good black mirror episode? Fuck no.

Personal attacks in stead of elaborating on your point, yeah that's what I figured, you're just a shit poster without any coherent argument. For the second time, why don't you back up your claims?

God why is this scenario so arousing to me?

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But he doesn't think it's a girl, he knows for a fact he's doing it with his male.best friend
If you ERP with a total stranger, you have plausible deniability that you thought it was a woman, even if it turned out to be a balding 45-year-old loser. If you do it with someone you know, then there's no room for argument, it's gay

Is VR Chat ERP gay?

>you will never RP with your buddy who is r mika

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Benis went in vagina, so not gay. It's that simple.

He was literally begging for his friend's cock to destroy his virtual pussy
This whole episode had me diamonds

Why did they program genitals

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Hidden feature from the devs

the guy that played as a woman was gay
the guy that played as the asian wasn't
it's not that hard

>it's not that hard
I bet it was fully hard

Yeah, but they laid there cuddling and kissing for hours after

This episode was so awful. Imagine people watching it and thinking it's some deep commentary about something.
Also, are all brazilians in São Paulo black like the episode depicted?

>Was this gay?
I don't know, is it gay say I LOVE YOU to your best friend?

No, blacks that dark at most make up 10% of the population.

In the capital, obviously. Where I live. Lots of mulattos though.

Also, I don't think they really wanted to place the actual story in São Paulo, it was more like a generic background. Even one of the traffic signs is in english.

Why would a fighting vidya be fully programmed for sex

Why would they go out of their way to depict famous spots of the city and even public transport, then? It's very easy to identify.

fgc players are some of the thirstiest weebs on the planet

That big nigga saying to Falcon: "Yeah, you want that Little tight pussy, c'mon man lets fuck"

Nigga you gay.

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Yes, and?

He Knows it was his Big Black friend there!

That's like saying you wouldn't fuck a woman if she "identified" as a man.
If it looks and feels like a woman, it's not gay to touch it.

It's not gay. If you play VR as a cowboy, act like a cowboy, feel what a cowboy feels. When you take off the VR headset are you a cowboy?

>Sex wasn't graphic enough


lassoing cattle is slightly different than embracing your best friend after sex and saying i love you to him.

How do I achieve this body natty?

>How do I achieve this body natty?
Karate, old school karate.

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If you want to get fucked in your virtual pussy by a dude, are you gay when you take your VR headset off? Yes.

>Was this gay? I've been thinking about it alot and I've come to the conclusion that it wasn't

Its basically a digital glory hole. You have no idea if there's a dude on the other side.


Do you honestly think anybody buys Dead or Alive because they believe it's a decent fighting game? If real life tech ever evolved to the levels of this episode you can be damn well certain they'd do the same.

I love the aesthetics of the VR world. I wish I could live in a neon drenched synth scored landscape!!!FACT!!! youtu.be/-nC5TBv3sfU

>Was this gay?
no, i would fuck my friends tight hole anyways

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>according to ROMAN LAW, the only TRUE LAW, only the faggot taking the cock is gay


>That's like saying you wouldn't fuck a woman if she "identified" as a man.If it looks and feels like a woman, it's not gay to touch it.


>How do I achieve this body natty?


god, netflix lighting is fucking hideous

shut the fuck up FACT poster

Damn Cyberpunk 2077 is just looking worse and worse these days

>shut the fuck up FACT poster


>god, netflix lighting is fucking hideous

I love the lighting. Rich saturated creamy colors. No homo!!!FACT!!!

based CreepyThinMan

Somebody ripped the assets of some Japanese game and the devs apparently programmed labias and depths of vaginas of their characters. Even though nobody sees anything in the game.

Imagine making a game and programming individual strands of pubes if your characters and giving them pube designs even though nobody sees it.

It's only gay if balls touch.

That episode was retarded as fuck.

Imagine getting paid to dryhump Pom

The guy playing the female was gay because he was being fucked by a man. The other nig was not because he was fucking a woman.

what is this body type called?


faggotry aside, why would anyone buy a dishwasher that has a mind of its own and bosses you around about how to put shit inside it?

>what is this body type called?
Ottermode. Ask for it on /fit/

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>The other nig was not because he was fucking a woman.
No its like fucking a trap. It only seems like you're fucking a woman, but the reality is you're fucking a man.
The penis is never feminine.

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>The penis is never feminine.

Depends on how pink it is!!!FACT!!!

But in the game he was fucking an actual woman, with a vagina, female reproductive system and a female voice. That's not even close to a trap.

fucking traps isn't gay, you fucking redditor

Wtf I thought you were based bro

>fucking an actual man
>not gay because he put on a dress
Lmfao fucking queer

And just like that, Adolf Hitler got elected.

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>Wtf I thought you were based bro

I am whatever I want to be!!!FACT!!!

Not an argument

>Society isn't the way I like it
>So let's kill a bunch of Jews

Nazi Germany would have by the 1970's been more degenerate than the US was. Don't even pretend otherwise.

>>Society isn't the way I like it
>>So let's kill a bunch of Jews

>Society has a problem
>Lets fix the problem

>It's the Jews fault for everything
>Even if there's no Jews around

>God why is this scenario so arousing to me?

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god I wish that was me

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you are a faggot if you say you wouldn't fuck her just because a guy was controlling her actions

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Thought no one here had a Netflix account?

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based comic

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did they jizz in their pants irl every time?
how did the falcon hide all of his jizzy underware from his wife?

I'm using one from a friend I haven't seen in two years.

it's a female in the game, your best buddy is just her soul.
the perfect woman

this. logical and non insane brain of a man + hot female body = perfect


they prolly started wearing condoms after the first time

>logical and non insane brain
if it was any other race I'd agree


Do you think they were just sitting with boners and a blank expression the whole time

>What did they mean by this?
Your wife will go out and fuck strangers galore while you're playing videogames and masturbating.

I'd far rather play the videogame if it was realistic enough tbqh. fuck having to talk to people

>Why yes, I loved "Black Mirror Presents: Gay Niggers In Cyberspace."

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It was genuinely a good episode. I got a bit emotional not gonna lie

Where's the edit where they rape and exploit the kid?

Truth hurts, user. One attains truth trough pain.

Why are buff asian dudes so hot?

because they look really good riding white dick

>God why is this scenario so arousing to me?
I think it's the VR thing. You go straight to the point, you fuck in a cool landscape, breaking the rules of the game, with an avatar that looks good af and without getting out of the house.

>not porn enough for me to fap
>not interesting enough for me to watch
the "online gf is a guy" trope is so old at this point that I think it's a good representation of what black mirror is now, early internet discussions reaching normies 20 years after

My mom has an account but she started sharing it with some teenage slut who I haven't seen since she was a little girl, I don't know her, I don't trust her and she probably gave our account to other people, so I stopped using netflix and I just torrent shit

You're president is cringe and shit.


>did they jizz in their pants irl every time?
At last, I was wondering the same.

I think they did. You can't have an orgasm without ejaculating some cum. You'd cum as well.

and you my friend are deranged

This shit really fucked with my head. Why the fuck would he act like a chick?


If you saw two young boys playing with action figures and one played as wonderman and the other played as batman, making them fuck each other, would you not just laugh at their antics? Boys will be boys, amirite? Whats the difference here? They're just role-playing with virtual figures.

Someone post that Karl is online image macros.

Jesus haven't seen the ep but watching these webms is the entire episode just them fucking?

Also does it not get any more graphic?

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if you fuck your horse as a cowboy and you take the VR headset off are you a cowboy? no. but are you into bestiality? yes.

The hour long ep is about 5min of sex. I know I counted

>The Waldo Moment is his go-to for a bad Black Mirror episode
It’s better than anything they’ve put out since White Christmas, you sputtering simp

Just imagine this tech was real for a second bros. You could be having crazy orgies everyday with all sorts of characters

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Disappointed that Pom didn't go nude.

I hate how you’re not even the original FACT! poster, you’re just stealing his stick. Get your own.

Incels finally get laid

god i wish that was me

Why would he prefer his friend tho? If it was me, I'd be more than fine with randoms. Was he that much of cyberslut that he burned out so hard that fucking his best friend's avatar was the only fetish left?

That people who larp as anime characters are a bunch of gay niggers.


>Thought no one here had a Netflix account?
It's on streams, retard. Use your search engine.

Did anyone ask? No. Does anyone fucking care? No.

Is this about 2black guys having sex in vr ? Why do you always keep posting about it


Your image is gay, fixed it

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>Is this about 2black guys having sex in vr ? Why do you always keep posting about it

In reality, black men engage in homosexual behavior far more than white men do. Its a dark secret among the black community because most blacks are religious (christian or muslim) so homosexuality is shunned. Its also why the HIV crisis is more prevalent among blacks than whites.

>Its also why the HIV crisis is more prevalent among blacks than whites.
No, HIV came from some dumb nigger in africa who decided to fuck a monkey and then fuck other people

Is this truly how Americans see the world?

Post webm

But seriously would you?

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bruh, HIV rates in the black community are huge compared to others. this is not debatable. it is literally because black guys can't come out of the closet and aren't taught anything about protection

Its origins did come from African, where "bush meat" was common place. Since Africans aren't very good at herding cows or mass producing food, they eat monkeys and baboons and even great apes, and the disease hopped species.

>hey bro is it cool if i cum in your ass this time?
gay af

more like roastie stock plummets and the world is saved

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A lot of guys here seem to enjoy the idea of getting assfucked by a big black negro.

Yeah, I didn’t understand why he acted so feminine in the virtual world. I had trouble believing that both actors were the same character.

left? yes. Right? yes.

This is the biggest question. No way that game stays on store shelves. It'd be regulated out of existence.

>This shit really fucked with my head. Why the fuck would he act like a chick?
He was submissive, but kept the facade of his uber-manly public face because it was part of his job to be that way. In private he probably was wearing dresses and shit.

the guy that played the guy that played the woman was straight
the guy that played the guy that played the asian was

it's not that hard

sex/romance should have been after a few matches, it all happened way too quick to feel believable

also it would have been better if this scenario happened where he found out after the fact it was a guy on the other end(I know, that would change the whole bromance plot)

and last, that was one of the gayest things I've ever seen but I can see a future where people do this without caring who's on the other end as long as it feels like a hetero romance with someone they're very much physically attracted to.

>This is the biggest question. No way that game stays on store shelves. It'd be regulated out of existence.

Feminists would be sure of that. Any threat to pussy dominance over men must be crushed.


>sex/romance should have been after a few matches, it all happened way too quick to feel believable

Well, notice even on the first match when they're rolling around, the mackie guy is already cupping the buttocks of his best black friend, so the tension was already there.


Gay niggers from cyberspace

What’s more gay? Fucking a man in a woman’s body or a woman in a man’s body?

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Niether, nothing is gay. There is no gay, only sex.

They were gay and gayer

never heard of it

Fucking a girl in a guy's body.

At the end of the day it's the image of a male or female that you get sexual attraction to. Not the understanding of what their true gender is.

Actual trannies themselves are completely disgusting and you're mentally ill if you find them attractive though.

Karl was the gay one, borderline trans

Right, and that was too soon. There was nothing about their in real life relationship that showed any signs or "tension". So is it the virtual girl alone or the mind of his friend too? I feel like they were inconsistent on which one it was.

Let's be fair here, if you fuck your best friend in a VR game and you know it's your best friend you are both gay
Now the episode could have been good if he didn't know who it was (then again, it would have been a man in all likelyhood since women don't play video games).

Fuck this episode so much. Now I’m addicted to Klementieff. I NEED MORE POM BUM!

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What do you think it would be like fucking petite hapa girl with the aggression of a black man.

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You guys will criticize the fuck out of 9s and 10s and then go crazy for a 6/7 on a good day. I'd have fun hitting on her if I was drunk but I'm probably ignoring her if I'm sober.

Here's an analogy for you. If you (presumably, a male) watch straight porn, masturbate with a dildo in your ass, and imagine yourself getting butt pummeled by a male, is it gay? The answer is and always will be unequivocally, yes.

That's literally not gay in the slightest though

This episode was honestly the gayest thing I've ever watched. All of you faggots saying otherwise deserve the rope.

Meant to respond to

I’m sorry if I can’t help my fetish for short half Russian-French/Korean green eyed blondes. It’s not that she extremely hot. I just find her uniques features mixed with her neoteny extremely attractive.

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Imagine playing as Roxette haha

Have sex

i was expecting this season to be horrible but somehow it was worse

Sure incel

real samefaggish forecast today

Geez you can tell he can't stand women. All he's thinking about is dick.

>What’s more gay? Fucking a man in a woman’s body or a woman in a man’s body?

If you even have to ask...you're gay.

>Right, and that was too soon.

Well the show was dropping hints that he was bored with his marriage.

But who was horse?

You tryna justify your own feelings slugger?