Imprisoned.... For 10000 years

Imprisoned.... For 10000 years....

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literally me

Liam O'Brien is a great VA.

go back to your cell, incel

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was he an incel

No, he plowed Maiev every night for ten thousand years.

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>he plowed Maiev
other way around
even so, he only wanted Tyrande

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the virgin illidan vs the chad arthas

You can also say the virgin illidan vs the chad malfurion.The only scenario where he is a chad may be with kael'thas,but even then its debatable.

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>you are not a pear

>the chad malfurion
kek, what makes malf a chad?

And now at last we are FREE. TIME TO CONQUER EARTH!

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now i get why she was so obsessed

unironically yes

he's been consistently cucked by his own twin brother since the day they were born, sad!

>the virgin elfcel
>vs the Chad HUMAN BVLL

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>Live for ten thousand years
>Gets ass beat by some angsty human barely out of his teens


He is loved (in lore by most cunts),the greatest druid alive,saved the wold a few times,fucks the smoking hot priestess that his bro had a crush tyrande and is the only one that actual does smth post warcraft 3.Seriously Sylvanas is crazy,but she at least does smth worthwhile,Tyrande is now just the token chick in the alliances and she cant resolve jackshit so she goes running to Malf.

What happened to this nigga?

She was locked away for thousands of years with no access to big white cock how d you expect her to act

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Lor'themar?Got a new model and seems to be involved in another horde rebellion,i think he saves baine from the banshee queen.At this point i think he just uses the rebellions as excuses to avoid paperwork.

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Isnt implied in the canon(or one of the books)he raped her?

doubtful, if he got free enough to rape her he could've easily broken free.

sauce pls

No, the worst that happened to her was that a bunch of Broken Draenei pissed in her food while she was imprisoned.

cucked by malfurion for ten thousand years.


bottom right corner

canonically the only WC character that was raped daily was mommy alexstraza

the only reason she didnt like it was because they used her children for war, otherwise shed be cool with it.

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Cast him, the actors face will be used in his guldan form as well
Draenei women were also raped by orcs in Outland